by Shelt Garner
Just like the Reagan Revolution shifted the political center of the United States Right, so, too, has the MAGA Revolution. The United States is far more conservative than it used to be and it probably will only grow more so going forward — probably to a scary degree.

There are a lot of unknowns, however.
The key one being is how successful Trump is going to be in his efforts to consolidate power. My only worry is he is so stupid and lazy that he will try to push the country into autocratic fascism so quickly that people finally — finally — get woke and there is some sort of General Strike or something.
I have my doubts that anything like that is possible.
Americans are just — for better or worse — too complacent. Things would have to get REALLY BAD before the average person would summon up the courage to take the streets or not go into work or whatever. People in the States are just too blasé, which has really helped keep the country stable over the years.

There is a chance, however, that things could get kind of bumpy in 2025 if Trump makes good on some of his more radical policy proposals. And, yet, it could be, lulz, absolutely nothing happens and we slouch into fascism with our eyes wide open.
But let me be clear — I think for marginalized people like the Trans, things are going to get really bad really quick. It doesn’t take too much imagination to see a scenario whereby somehow the Trans get stuck in all these huge camps that Trump is proposing to stick undocumented immigrants into.
I still believe that because of the disruptive nature of Trump’s fascist regime that he will ultimately be responsible for more deaths than the Nazis in WW2 — if you factor in all the simmering hot spots that might go nuclear because he decides to turn away from the outside world.
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