About 38% Of The American Electorate Wants A Fascist White Christian Ethnostate

by Shelt Garner

Boy, are we fucked — specifically because of the Electoral College. Even though only about 38% of the electorate wants a fascist state, that’s enough, because of the Electoral College, to take over the country.

Now, this is where things get….uhhhh….dark.

There is a big difference between the abstract of Blues living under the yoke of MAGA Project 2025 tyranny and actually living under it. And this is the point where I have to absolutely stress that I DO NOT WANT ANY VIOLENCE.

I’m just making my personal abstract fears concrete. I hate the idea of just having this general feeling of dread. I like to have some idea of WHAT I’m afraid of.

So, I’m telling both you and myself in all these posts I do on the subject.

But the case could be made that should Trump be elected and go full tyrant in a very ham-handed bonkers way, that there will be a collected effort on the part of Blues to depose him — probably starting with some sort of General Strike. And it could be just women, specifically, who really fucking hate Trump as a group, who just throw up their hands in Blue states and say, “Fuck that, I’m not going to work until that motherfucker isn’t president anymore.”

Or something like that.

All of this is extremely speculative on my part. It could be that Trump goes full tyrant and rather than any effort to depose him, about 1 million smug Twitter liberals flee the country instead.

Who knows. I can’t predict the future. But I AM very uneasy about the future.

‘General Strike’

by Shelt Garner

All I got when it comes to “deposing” Tyrant Trump, should it come to that, is a Blue General Strike. If the general American economy cratered because Blues — and specifically women — just didn’t show up to work for a few days, maybe the U.S. Military might be…persuaded…to get SCOTUS to review its 14th Amendment ruling about Trump?


Anything that happened would have to have a thin veneer of legality to it. But, of course, even if Trump just quit, him being forced out would cause a civil war because Reds would leave the Union — even if they were ok with the new MAGA veep turned POTUS.

(Talk about surreal.)

Though, I suspect if Trump were deposed that….arrangements….would be made so a non-MAGA POTUS would become president soon afterwards. I don’t want any of this to happen because….uhhh…the whole thing would be a total catastrophe.

What Is To Be Done: How Bad Will Things Have To Get Under Tyrant Trump In 2025 For The American Populace To Get ‘Woke?’

by Ender

Editor’s Note: I’m not advocating anything. I’m just frustrated and sometimes I write provocative things generated from that frustration.

If Tyrant Trump freaks out we all may be antifa in 2025.
Something that has really been weighing on my mind of late is — how bad, exactly, will things have to get before some direct action concepts that would otherwise NEVER HAPPEN suddenly become viable? Remember, none of the fascist dreams that Tyrant Trump will happen in a vacuum. If Trump and his goons literally begin to snatch people off the street — or drive them out of the country — there is going to be some sort of reaction on the part of the population.

Or will there? Is it possible that as long as the economy is going well and 1 million smug Twitter liberals with their circle jerk podcasts leave the country that….lulz? Even if we literally descend into tyranny of autocratic rule that…no one will care? There might be some riots or protests here or there, but if Tyrant Trump has scared the shit out of the broadcasts networks…no one will know about it?

Of course, Tyrant Trump thinks that all of his problems will be solved by invoking the Insurrection Act. This is very dumb and naive. That’s just not how this works, it’s not how any of this works.

I’ve read up on how the Nazis consolidated power in early 1933 and the crucial thing they had that Tyrant Trump won’t have is a paramilitary group. The U.S. Military is simply NOT the Nazi SA. On an institutional basis, the U.S. Military simply isn’t interested in being a tyrant’s bitch. It may slow walk any knocking of heads if Trump causes mass riots across the country, or, if there was a Women’s Strike or General Strike, they might even just stand down and wait for things to play out.

Who knows. Given the absence of a SA-like paramilitary group, things get really murky in early 2025 really quick. Even if Trump does everything in his power to corrupt the adminstration of civilian rule over the U.S. Military if Tyrant Trump does all the batshit insane things he wants to do…yikes. Things could get rather bonkers rather quick.

My fear is that a second Trump term would cause first a Glorious American Revolution….then a Secession Crisis as Reds balk at all the structural political reforms that Blues will want to push through.

The whole thing would be a clusterfuck. I don’t want it to happen, but I am gravely concerned that we’re just not prepared for what may happen in the United States starting in late 2024, early 2025.

Shut It Down: The Women’s General Strike

by Shelt Garner

I’m a CIS white male, so please, if you’re a woman reading this please aggressively ignore me. But generally no one listens to me anyway, so here goes.

We need a Women’s General Strike.

French Revolution: March of the Women on Versailles, from Paris, 5th October 1789. Engraving. Paris musee Carnavalet (Photo by Leemage/Corbis via Getty Images)

The issue is — when women are wiling to risk real things in the real world history is made. It happened during the French Revolution, it happened during the Suffragette Era and it happened during the Women’s Movement of the late 1970s.

So, I grow very very frustrated as I watch on Twitter all these Blue Check liberals grow overwrought about the end of Roe. There comes a point when you have to put up or shut up.

Either Blue State women “bend a knee” and accept the end of Roe and we careen into a very dark Handmaid’s Tale future or we don’t. As of right now, it definitely seem a forgone conclusion that when it comes down to the whole house divided upon itself problem that we’re going to take the autocratic white Christian ethnostate route.

It’s going to happen if women simply accept it and just get mad on Twitter when any form of birth control is made illegal in all 50 states. And, if you want to get all intersectional feminist about it — if you can’t get wealthy white liberal women in Blue States to care about poor POC women in Red States, well, man are we fucked.

Fight the power.

Desperate times call for desperate measures — we need a Women’s General Strike. And for it to be success, it would need to be national and and it would need to be intersectional. Everyone from a white stock broker in NYC to a African American house cleaner in Mississippi.

I would propose we use the existing organization infrastructure associated with the Women’s March to do it. And you would really need the entire liberal infrastructure in the media to educate people as to the risks associated with doing such a thing.

A lot of women could lose their jobs — especially in “Right To Work” states in the South. But that’s the whole point. If women are willing to risk their lives and sacred honor in the real fucking world to make a point about their right to reproductive control, then, there you go. Problem solved.