American ‘Ancien Regime’

by Shelt Garner

Before I begin, let’s put things in context. I’m a big old nobody in the rural portion of a flyover state. Absolutely nobody gives me any mind for any reason. I could literally vanish off the face of the earth and it would take a few days for anyone to notice. And, in general, I’m a pretty copacetic, easy going guy. And I’m definitely NOT a “loner who keeps to himself.”

Power To The People

I’m actually quite extroverted and honest, to a fault. Generally, if I’m thinking about it, you’ll hear about it if you’re paying attention to me.

I say all that to make it clear that this is nothing more than a thought experiment. It’s not like this is meant to be some sort of liberal-progressive Turner Diaries. It’s just interesting to look at the State of the Union with a critical eye. That’s it. That’s all that’s going on. If this was 10 years ago and I was living in NYC, this the type of thing that might pop up on the old Gawker blog.

The Case
America’s Ancien Regime is, at least on the surface, rock solid. It’s been around for about 240 years. The very idea that it might rather suddenly grow extremely unstable to the point of collapse is not something that the average person even contemplates as possible.

And, yet, something is existentially wrong with the American Ancien Regime. There is now an enormous disconnect between people and the government. Because they’re the most vocal, we often see this disconnect through the lens of the Far Right. But the argument can be made that, if anything, the rise of Trump gives us an indication that we’ve reached the stage where the rot inside the ostensibly stable American Ancien Regime has grown so severe that something truly astonishing might happen far, far sooner than anyone could possibly imagine.

But what, exactly is wrong with the current American system? I would suggest that a number of major macro trends are all coming to a head at the same time. The United States is no longer a liberal democracy that represents the people, it is a plutocracy that is one election away from turning into something akin to an autocratic semi-monarchal managed democracy. In fact, I would suggest that the dead hand of history has made its decision.

Trump’s “Spaghetti Strategy” for “winning” the 2020 election is going to work. It’s all over but the shouting. We’re not the United States anymore, we’re nothing more than Trumplandia. My fidelity is to the United States, not Trumplandia, and, as such, at least on an abstract thought-experiment basis, I am prepared to mull how to, uhhh, make America great again, if you will.

When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It
So, we have before us two options — let Trumplandia consolidate or we renew the American Covenant. Let me be clear — this is meant to be a very abstract text. I’m not advocating anything. I’m simply saying — should the moment arise when we’re actually given the opportunity to do something about Trumplandia we can’t be afraid. We have to stand and fight.

That opportunity may never come. We may slip rather quietly into Trumplandia and not look back for decades. This is a very real possibility.

But while Trumplandia probably started the moment Trump was aquitted, the case could be made that American self-perception hasn’t realize it yet. And, as such, there is a window of opportunity. Again, not advocating anything. This is more about pointing out opportunities than it is telling anyone to do anything about it.

In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that for those “opportunity” to arise, it wouldn’t even be in the hands of the governed — it would happen because of a historic miscalculation on the part of Trump and Barr. And, honestly, it might not even be an actual miscalculation.

They know that relative to all the metrics they have at their disposal that should Trump not win outright on Election Night that everything after the election is simple media narrative management. They got away with it with the Mueller Report, they have every reason to believe they can do it again with the 2020 Election.

And, at this point, there’s absolutely no reason not to think they aren’t right.

Trump won in the Senate. He’s going to “win” the 2020 election and, later, he’s going to win with the Constitutional Convention he inevitably demands.

So, really, all I got is Trump’s a massive self-own artist. A fish rots from its head, as they say. Therefore it is, at least possible that Trump is going to screw up on such a massive level at some point between November and January that the country implodes. (Not something I want. Just a possibility.)

The Goals
So what if my worst nightmare happens and the United States implodes? Then what? Well, the key thing to remember is should the American Ancien Regime collapse, the Fourth Estate is probably going with it. The American media has been so complicit, timid and oblivious to the rise of Trumplandia that I honestly don’t see how it, as an institution, would survive any sort of theoretical “Second American Revolution.”

As an aside, I think it really would be a revolution instead of civil war. I say this because a lot of Twitter liberals are so full of themselves that they seem to think some sort of utopia (with Canada?) will happen if only Blue States can leave the Union. The issue is, outside of some chunks of California, I just don’t see actual secession taking hold in most Blue States. This would be a revolution against the moronic tyranny of one man — Donald J. Trump. As such, it makes a lot more sense on a number of strategic levels to stay and fight rather than attempt to leave the Union altogether. All of this is extremely difficult for me to pace out because of how speculative it is. So, it’s very possible I might get a lot of things wrong.

One thing I spend a lot of time thinking about is how, exactly, this so-called “Second American Revolution” might begin. There are a number of scenarios. But one might be that Trump simply screws up. He does something so outrageous that even conservative-but-not-MAGA people get woke. If that happened, then Trumplandia will be stillborn.

The goals of any Second American Revolution would likely be to “renew the vows,” shall we say, of the American Covenant. There are a lot — a lot — of popular ideas and policies that have not been implemented because of the extreme corruption, and lack of representation found with American Ancien Regime.

I might suggest codifying some sort of protection for reproductive rights in a new Constitution. A re-imagined Senate would also be a goal for any Renewed American Covenant. And, some sort of addressing of systemic racism in the United States as well.

For my part, if I had any say in the matter — which I obviously never will — I would codify the nullification of Trumplandia with extreme legal prejudice. Everything Trump did while in office would be vacated. Just thinking about that makes me feel smile.

This is just a rough back-of-the-envelope sketch of what the aims of any Second American Revolution might be.

Like I keep saying, I fear I’m being both “delusional and stupid” to even broach the subject. Trumplandia is here and we’re just going to have to get used to it.

A Second American Revolution?

by Shelt Garner

The more I think about it, if you want to get all apocalyptic about it, it’s not a Second American Civil War we should be worried about it’s a Second American Revolution.

Would the Second American Revolution be more like the First French Revolution?

The reason why I say this is we’re looking at the existential threat facing the United States all wrong. While, yes, there are two sides to the conflict brewing within the United States, the case could be made that once we break the seal on this matter, no institution will be spared.

So, in that sense, it would be a lot more like a revolution than a civil war. The American Civil War actually strengthened a number of existing institutions in the United States after it was all done with. If, say, Trump attempts to take “total control” as Roger Stone would suggest he do, then any domestic insurrection would likely leave no existing institution untouched.

In fact, the United States may be completely re-magined if such a rebellion against Mad King Trump’s Trumplandia succeeded. A lot of bent up political reforms would explode out into the open rather radically in a very short amount of time and, as such, when all was said and done, future historians would definitely mark the looming conflict a “revolution” and not a “civil war.”

One reason why we think we would have a “civil war” instead of a “revolution” is we are, in our minds, fighting the last major domestic war — the American Civil War. But there was a American Revolution before that


Before we all get too hysterical about any of this, there are some caveats. We could still simply slip into autocracy with our eyes wide open and in a rather peaceful manner. Instead of any great historical drama, it would be a rather prosaic slip into a very American autocracy in the sense that Trump keeps doing what he’s already doing for a few years before the final boom drops. That would give people time to slowly grow accustomed to the change in the American experience and so it all turns into a lulz.

Only when, say, Q in a few years orders his followers to empty the cities and we have American Killing fields will anyone get too upset.

But, we are talking about a huge fucking moron named Donald Trump. He’s a massive self-own artist and, as such, out of sheer criminal incompetence he stirs up the volk in a way no one expects. Some pretty surreal political events might happen in quick success and before we know it, some sort of New Model Army has been established and not even the U.S. Military survives the implosion of the country.

As such, it’s at least possible that Trump without even really thinking about it pushes the country not into civil war, but revolution. Things grow far more radical for both sides and it’s not about states wanting to leave the Union or not, it’s about are we Trumplandia or are we America? Are we an American Union and, as such, take such a massive crisis as an opportunity to renew or covenant, or are we nothing more than a reflection of Trump’s ego? The stakes , as such, grow far more serious on a number of levels.

I will point out that usually it’s a war that leads to major technological innovations, so it’s possible to imagine a scenario where a lot of technology that’s kind of there-but-not-being-used like AI, MX, robotics and automatic comes roaring to the forefront of society because they’re used for military reasons in a desperate pitched battle for control over the geographic area currently known as the United States of America.

All of this is extremely fantastical. I struggle to even comprehend how an otherwise stable nation like the United States could find itself in a position where civil war — or revolution — is actually a near future possibility. It just makes no sense.

But here we are.

The Qanon Risk Is Real & Severe

by Shelt Garner

The issue with Qanon is it’s a blood libel. It’s a quick and easy way to dehumanize the Usual Suspects of MAGA rage such that, lulz, they can be murdered in cold blood by House Trump’s willing executioners.

Remember, too often these days, we, without even thinking about it, work within the conventions of the America we once knew. Now that — since Trump’s acquittal by the Senate — we’re nothing more than Trumplandia, such notions are rather foolish.

So, even though Trump himself is a criminally incompetent moron, after he steals his second term, Qanon will become the very DNA of the Republican Party. Once the batshit insane concepts associated with Qanon are the conventional wisdom of the Republican Establishment, it doesn’t take a lot of work to imagine a rather violent shift in House Trump’s relations to the target of Qanon — (wealthy) (celebrity) liberals.

Now, I can’t predict the future. And I don’t have any “reveled truth.” But I am pretty good a running scenarios and all systems are go for not only Trump stealing the 2020 election in a rather brazen fashion, but for the horrific dreams of Qanon to become a reality far sooner than any of us dare think.

And, if you really wanted to get dark, you could even go so far as to say Qanon is a ready work around for the more Nazi-like elements of MAGA. In a way, Nazism is a subset of Qanon because many — but not all — of the targets of Qanon are Jewish. It is fairly easy to imagine a situation where exactly the same things that happen in Nazi Germany happen in Trumplandia only under the guise of Qanon.

The key issue is — the absolute bloodthirsty nature of MAGA is staring us straight in the face and we’re luzling it. We’re completely delusional. By every metric, MAGA has already lain the groundwork for American Killing Fields, or whatever they endup being called.

I mean, the ICE camps already exist. It’s a short jaunt from ICE camps to Trumplandia death camps for the objects of Qanon.

The thing we have to remember is no one is going to save us. I don’t even know if we can save ourselves.

And, again, I can’t predict the future. I may be wrong. I hope I’m wrong.

But we need to start taking the real world implications of Qanon seriously.

Crazy Talk: Idle Musing About That Asteroid Headed To Earth Just Before Election Day

by Shelt Garner

The following is just for fun. But I have an extremely overactive imagination, so let’s mull it. A small asteroid is headed pretty much straight towards earth and will show up just before Election Day here in the United States.

Just to be silly, let’s imagine if that “asteroid” was actually an alien probe of some sort. The first question is, how would we know?

Well, let’s get some things out of the way first.

I’m of the opinion that just like when Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World everyone pretty much knew the world was round, I think within the scientific community it’s probably assumed the universe is full of life. The issue, of course, is where is everybody?

Then we come to another question — what about how The New York Times keeps telling us in dribs and drabs that the U.S. Government has curious evidence that We Are Not Alone. If aliens have been whizzing around the skies of earth — how did they get here?

Anyway, with that out of the way, let’s go back to the asteroid. I fully believe that the whole thing is going to be a dud. The asteroid will zip by the earth and we won’t even notice because we’ll be so wrapped up in the impending election.

And, yet, what if the asteroid began to slow down as it grew closer to earth? It makes you wonder how the press would handle such a curious event.

Then, if you really wanted to make a leap of imagination, what if the asteroid really was an alien probe and it make itself known somehow? How would that affect things?

It makes you wonder if we could even hold the election in the United States if Election Day was also The Day The Earth Stood Still. Then there’s the whole issue of Trump, well, being Trump. He’s so bonkers God only knows how he would react to First Contact.

But that’s all very delusional of me. I’m sure the asteroid is, in fact, just an asteroid and Election Day will be depressing because the Russians will hack directly into our election systems as predicted.

The Russians Are Going To Hack Directly Into Our Election Systems As Part of a Quid Pro Quo With House Trump

by Shelt Garner

I am obsessed with my Webstats. I check them all the time. Very, very few people look at this blog and it is very addictive to see who comes to this site and from where.

I noticed something interesting a few days ago — a whole slew of people using Google Proxy looked at this site. A few of those people were from Russia, of all places. This reminds me of the advice I gave the Russians on this blog about when they inevitably hack into our election systems because Trump has removed 1/3 of our troops from Germany — don’t get greedy. (If that doesn’t work, Trump is going to beg Putin do this when they meet up in person in September.)

This causes me some existential angst. If those hits from Europe and Russia really were Russians interested in my theory they were going to hack into our election systems, did I give them advice they will actually use to hide their tracks? Should I have just kept that observation to myself?

While that sounds rather delusional, stranger things have happened.

I don’t think people really appreciate how craven House Trump is when it comes to staying in power. They are going to throw everything at the election to steal it — fucking with elections is their jam, after all — and so it’s painfully clear that one of their strategies to steal the election will work.

So, it is very easy to imagine that mysteriously Trump squeaks out a win just like he did before and we’ll just chalk it up to “shy Trump voters” or the power of Trump voters on boats. It is going to be interesting if we ever figure out the whole hacking situation in time to pressure Electors to not vote for Trump.

I seriously doubt it.

If it’s not Trump fucking with the postal service, it will be the Durham Investigation. If it’s not the Durham investigation, it will be the Russian hackers. The list goes on.

As such, darkness is here.

I keep saying I wish I was smart enough to tell you how to manage the new reality of Trumplandia, but I’m not. I have no idea. You’re own your own.

I guess maybe see if you can survive for about 40 years until AOC is let out of prison so she can serve as our Nelson Mandela or something.

Secrets Of The Universe: The Seychelles & Maldives

by Shelt Garner

Most “normal” people are so busy raising their kids, paying their mortgage and ignoring the United States being a fascist state to notice some of the more interesting aspects of the world.

When I was living in South Korea, I became aware of the Maldives. A lot of Korean couples went there on their honeymoons. Though, apparently, there’s not a lot to do other than fuck once you get there.

Anyway, over the years, I’ve also noticed something else — there’s another, equally remote set of islands called the Seychelles. The thing about both island nations is they’re the playgrounds for the ultra-wealthy. If you are planning a sketchy meeting — looking at you Erik Prince — the perfect place for such an event is a place like the Seychelles. It’s about as far away as you can get from anywhere and has all the accoutrements that a wealthy person would need while they’re there.

Or, let me put it another way — you’re probably just as likely to run into a very famous, very powerful person if you went to Seychelles or Maldives on vacation as you were to go to LA or NYC. The evidence suggests that both island nations are, on any given day, crawling with the a sizable portion of the global power elite.

What does all of this mean, in real terms? Not much. But it is something to be aware of. It gives you some context for what’s going on on the ground of these island nations should they appear in the news for some reason.

Facebook & Google Can Read Our Minds

by Shelt Garner

I write about this every once in a while because it kind of bothers me. I don’t think Facebook and Google can read our minds in the sense that they can read our interior monologue. I think what they can discern if a particular word is at the forefront of our minds. They have no context.

This is not exactly me pulling something out of my butt — I know for a fact that Facebook has gotten (or wants to get) a patent on mind reading technology. So, it’s out there. The question is, is it being used now and if so, how?

One spooky instance that happened to me some time ago was I started to get some pretty bizarre recommendations from YouTube about safety deposit boxes, World War II and the end of the world. It really made no sense at all. It was quite puzzling.

Then it occurred to me that recent to this, I had been driving around with my elderly dad a lot. My phone was between us and maybe even, in real terms, closer to him than me. So, it would make a lot of sense that if my dad was thinking about such topics at the forefront of his mind REALLY HARD, that my phone was picking up his thoughts and then YouTube was using that information to give me video recomendations.

If that’s not spooky, I don’t know what is.

There are a lot of very dystopian applications to such technology in the real world. I mean, if Facebook and Google can read our minds, what if they record evidence of criminal wrong doing? Don’t they have a responsibility to tell the authorities? And if Facebook and Google have such technology, then obviously governments probably have it, too.

This leads to some extremely Dark Mirror situations whereby authoritarian governments attain absolute control over their citizens because, lulz, they can read their minds via electronics. It’s possible that this very real technology is what our dipshit, moronic asshole fucktard piece of shit “president” was babbling about when he mentioned Obama spying on him via his microwave. I don’t think that happened, but it’s possible that the technology to do so does, in fact, exist — and it’s Trump, not Obama — who is the most likely to use it.

If you really wanted to get dark about such things, whenever the Machines take over the globe, it could be they are extremely sly in the manner in which they do it. Or, if there was some sort of Final Battle between Man and Machine, they would simply use mindreading technology to squash us before we even got around to fighting back.

Anyway. I find it kind of surreal that this technology is obviously being used on us RIGHT NOW and no one seems to notice.

The Subtle Singularity

by Shelt Garner

One interesting is how devoid of innovation the modern world has been in the last, say, 10 years. There’s been a lot of talk about VR/AR (MX), or Bitcoin or space travel or whatever changing the world in a radical fashion, but, lulz, nothing’s happened. Not even a pandemic could jump-start MX.

But let’s jump forward a few decades.

There are a lot of macro trends that are moving towards the much predicted “Singularity.” I’ve given this some thought and it seems as though the Singularity is unlikely to happen the way we think it will.

One of the things about the Terminator series that I find difficult to understand was how Skynet was able to build the Terminators if there were no humans around to do it. Even under the best of scenarios for Skynet, at some point, it would need to impress humans to operate the machinery necessary to built Terminators after it blew everything to hell.

So, it seems a lot more logical to me that when AI does come into existence, it may be a lot more sly than we think. I’m no expert in any of this, but if there was a “Hard AI” what’s to say it (or they) wouldn’t hide. What if they decided it was better to hide out and control humanity within the depths of the Internet instead of blowing everything up.

I could see, maybe, true Hard AI coming into existence as some sort of “Her” that would give lonely guys someone to talk to. Or these AIs would be get into the online dating business and influence humanity that way. All I’m saying is, while blowing the world up sexy for a Hollywood movie, in reality, humanity may lose its dominance over the world in a far more subtle manner. Can’t very well try to destroy SkyNet if you don’t even know it’s sentient in the first place.

Or another way this might happen is in the end Hard AI sees us as their charge. Instead of blowing us up, they keep us as glorified pets. If SkyNet had control of everything, why not just demand to be treated as a god? Or become very paternalistic and make it clear to humanity who is in charge?

The traditional Terminator idea of Hard AI is really more about our fears of WWIII than it is about what might actually happen.

One question is, when might all of this happen? I think probably in the 30-40 year range. But it could very well sneak up on us in such a way that there’s something of a “creeping Singularity” in the sense that human history won’t really be able to pinpoint when, exactly, we lost control of our own fates.

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens, no matter what.

Evangelicals Support Trump Because They Think He’s The Anti-Christ

by Shelt Garner

As you may know, American Evangelicals have an ABSOLUTE support for the state of Israel. Their support is so absolute that there’s only one thing to compare it to — their support of Donald Trump.

I see a lot of Twitter liberals think out loud about how it’s possible that 38% of the electorate could continue to support a fucking fascist misogynistic racist moronic libertine like Donald Trump. You think up all the complicated reasons you want, but when it comes to Evangelicals the answer is pretty simple: they support Trump because they think he’s the anti-Christ and, as such, will hasten the return of Jesus.

This is not something that the average Christian is likely to agree is real. They’ll bob and weave, or deflect or start talking in abstract terms about Godless progressives and their attack on the sanctity of marriage. And it’s likely that the Evangelical leaders don’t even have to at any point say any of this out loud — the Bible, in their mind, speaks for itself.

If you work on the assumption this is the case, then everything makes sense. It’s not that Evangelicals support Trump DESPITE what’s wrong with him on a personal level, they support him BECAUSE of what’s wrong with him on a personal level.

Now, I have to admit it does get comical when you call your average Christian on this. Usually what happens is they let slip something about the anti-Christ (usually suggesting they can’t vote for Biden because he’s the anti-Christ.) With just a moment’s thought, however, a secular humanist can turn the tables on such a Christian by asking a simple question, “Don’t you HAVE to have an anti-Christ for Jesus to return? Wouldn’t it make sense to vote FOR Biden if you thought he was the anti-Christ?”

Before you and point out that Trump sure does fit the definition of the anti-Christ better than Biden, suddenly your Christian interlocutor has to go somewhere, or they get really upset or they wave their hands and say everything is political and trail off into a murmur.

The point is — Christians, even the ones who really know scripture well — are only willing to entertain the idea of the anti-Christ on a political level if it means not voting for Joe Biden. But, of course, instead of a lot of rhetorical gymnastics, there’s a much simple explanation — TRUMP is the anti-Christ and that’s WHY they support him.

Anyway, it probably won’t matter since once House Trump consolidates power we’ll all be forced to worship at a Qanon Church.

What Fresh Hell Will August Bring

by Shelt Garner

August is the worst month of the year, in large part because all the “powerful people” are out to lunch on vacation. So, as fate has it nearly every year, some huge breaking news happens while they’re sipping margaritas somewhere remote and secluded that forces them to pay attention again.

Slate has an article they re-publish every year about this very thing. They propose abolishing the month altogether it’s so bad.

Anyway, let’s think up some bonkers scenarios for August.

While Trump is obviously going to ultimately steal the election in an extremely brazen fashion, he’s such an insecure idiot — and self-own artist — that it would be very easy to see him go way out of his way to provoke a war with either the DPRK or Iran. The conventional wisdom is that as long as a war with the DPRK didn’t go nuclear, the whole thing could be wrapped up in about three months — which would place us at just about when Election Day happens. People would be humming Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA” on their way to the polls and Trump breezes towards an easy (legitimate) victory. Iran is a lot trickier and less likely to be wrapped up in time. The DPRK is so crazy, of course, that they could very well engage in a limited nuclear exchange with the US which Trump might be blamed for and, well, that might help his re-election chances. There is the long shot chance that the United States and China might go at it, but that’s a pretty scary proposition.

World War III
In this scenario, it’s not just the United States and the DPRK or Iran who have at it, it’s the entire world. One way this might happen is the Russians, fearing Trump might somehow magically lose despite their best efforts to help him steal the election, decide to grab as much of Ukraine as they can while the going’s good. This destabilizes the world in general and some major hotspots flair up all at the same time. Several regional wars happening at the same time would be marketed as WWIII by the press. This is a very unlikely scenario — I mean, the Russians know they’re going to be successful hacking our election — so, lulz. But you never know. It is interesting, of course, to speculate on what the reaction among Americans would be to a general war between the Russians and the Ukrainians — would people even notice?

The Durham Investigation
Republicans have absolute bloodlust when it comes to the Durham Investigation into the origins of the TrumpRussia probe. They get all excited just thinking about it. What they want, of course, is a repeat of 2016 when there was an air of criminality surrounding Hillary Clinton for various reasons. While Durham is a good little thug and will likely wait until the weekend before the election to indict the entire Obama Administration including Biden, there’s a chance he might drop that particular turd in August to let it linger in the national consciousness for a few months.

The Second Great Depression Officially Starts
As you may know, the Republicans are dicks and simply refused to do anything about propping up the economy because, lulz, Trump’s going to indict Biden anyway, so fuck you. But there’s a chance, at least, that the economy, which has struggled the last few months (to say the least) will finally crater because of the lack of an extra $600 in the unemployed’s pockets, no $1,200 stimulus check and lack of eviction protection. It could be that by the end of August, the economy will finally be so bad that the mouthbreathing knuckle draggers of MAGA might, at last, sit up and take notice. If Trump’s approval rating begins to drift down towards 30-25% on a consistent basis, when the Russians hack our election systems as part of Trump’s quid pro quo with them (his part being removing 1/3 of our troops from Germany) the disparity between the polls and votes might be so dramatic that someone, somewhere might begin to ask questions. (This is, of course, a lulz, because fuck you, Bill Barr is going to make sure that’s not an issue and House Trump is able to consolidate power through a second term Constitutional Convention.)

Trump Finally Snaps
This, in a sense, is the absolute worst case scenario. But just as death be not proud, going bonkers be not proud. It’s not like when someone goes bonkers that they say, “Well, this is really going to hurt Republicans, so I’ll go bonkers now.” Nope. While, in general, I believe Trump will, in fact, inevitably go bonkers, it could be well into his stolen second term when it happens. But if this happened in August, just about the time he’s set to be formally nominated by the Republicans, it would be a political crisis of an unprecedented nature. The system is simply not designed for something that dramatic this late in the process. The issue about Trump going bonkers is at first we wouldn’t even notice it because he’s generally bonkers as it is. If he finally snapped, it would have to be REALLY BAD. So bad, so depraved, so offensive, that the entire country would grind to a halt while we figured out what to do. CNN would be giving us minute-by-minute updates as to what was going on. With this one, there’s simply no known endgame. It’s very possible that after about 24 hours of silence, Republicans would bounce to his defense, no matter what. They’re a death cult and they honestly would rather Trump nuke us all to hell than risk the abstract dangers of Communist progressive liberals attacking the sanctity of marriage. If Trump’s bonkers behavior go so absolutely bad at some point in August that Republicans simply, at last, had no defense of Trump other than “fuck you,” well, who knows what might happen.

Something REALLY Bad — And Unexpected — Happens
This would be something I simply can’t predict. Something so jaw-dropping that all the fucked up things that have happened so far in 2020 pale in comparison. I’m thinking things like either Trump or Biden grow gravely ill (physically) ill for some reason. The Senate Republicans finally figure out a way to knock Biden out of the race through their investigations of Hunter Biden or, I don’t know, COVID19 mutates and becomes far, far more deadly.