I Spoke Too Soon

by Shelt Garner

Traffic on this site — that I can see, at least — has gone to near zero just as fast as it spiked. I don’t mind, too much. This site has always been more about writing longer things out of habit than anything else.

Yeah, I get it.

So, lulz, I don’t mind if no one reads this blog at all.

Though, as I’ve said before, I have a feeling a lot goes on with this blog that I can’t see for some reason. So, it could be that there continues to be a lot of people reading this blog and I just don’t know about it.

Whatever. I really need to stop moping so much and start to get back to working on my novel. I’ve really felt out of sorts the last few months and I just can’t be in neutral forever.

I have to do something, anything creative. I have a sold novel or two in me, I just know it.

A Trickle Of An Increase In Traffic

by Shelt Garner

Absolutely no one reads this blog other than a few haters, stalkers and the odd person I have no idea why they look at it. And, yet, I will admit, since the election of fucking fascist Trump there has been a very small increase in traffic. Most of it comes in the form of a mysterious person pinging from Bungarribee, Australia.

I have no idea what they’re looking at, however. But they sure are looking at a lot of the site.

I don’t know if I should be flattered or paranoid. I half fear it could be someone from, I don’t know “5 Eyes” poking around the site to see what the USA will look like once fascist Trump takes over the country again in a few months.

Or it could be…the list goes on. I don’t know. I care, but I don’t know.

Anyway…welcome? I would prefer if you weren’t fucking MAGA cocksuckers, but there’s no such thing as bad publicity, I suppose. Unless the country you live in is transitioning into a fascist state, huh?

Well, Someone In Australia Is Really Interested In Me

by Shelt Garner

I have no idea what the person in Australia is looking at on this blog, but they’re REALLY INTEREST IN ME. They’ve look at about 70 posts so far. Given that they’re in a different country, I’m assuming they’re interested in all my anti-Trump, anti-MAGA ranting.

But, who knows.

It could be anything for any reason.

I don’t know what to make of it. It’s flattering that — anyone — who isn’t presumably a stalker or hater is interested in me.

It’s when I start seeing American government domain names in my Webstats that I realize that I got a serious problem. But I’ve vowed to myself to ride this particular pony to the bottom.

If it means I die in a camp or get pushed out a window, so be it. At least I died a free man because of something I believed in, rather than living on my knees a slave.

Mysteries Of The Universe

by Shelt Garner

Either absolutely no one is reading this blog, or a lot is going on that I just can’t see with my Webstat software. I suspect it’s the latter because, well, lulz, how else do you explain randomly, out of the blue, people will look at a specific link deep inside the Website.

I think even talking about this says more about my obsession with my Webstats than anything else. I really, really need to cool it. But given how I live in oblivion, there is something very addictive to the idea of seeing that someone, like, fucking cares about what I have to say.

Anyway. I have a growing number of novels to write. I also need to watch TV shows and movies and read some books, but that is a bit more difficult.

Well, The Summer Webstat Kookiness Is Out In Force

by Shelt Garner

Corrie Yee

So far, about three weird things have happened in my Webstats this summer. One was when someone from Harrisburg, PA popped up just a few minutes after the Graze.

The Graze

Then, someone was interested in my writing about how Corrie Yee has the “phenotype” of the heroine of one of the novels I’m writing. Now, today, someone is interested in my writing about “hot lesbian” Shannon Beveridge.

Fletcher and Shannon Beveridge

That last one makes me just shrug and say, “Meh.” I don’t care about hot lesbian. So what. I like to joke around. You do you, ladies. I only even mentioned she was a hot lesbian because I would probably foolishly fall in love with her AND on a macro basis it’s interesting that so many hot chicks are obviously and definitely not interested in men whatsoever.

Anyway. I just hope I don’t somehow get “canceled” for any of this. Leave me alone.


We’re almost at the nadir of the year when weird things happen. I think, for me, this year it’s going to be something weird happening in my Webstats. Maybe someone with some weird government URL? (I hope not, but still.)

Or something like that.

Some URL that gives me pause for thought.

The Web Aether Acts In Mysterious Ways

by Shelt Garner

A lot must be going on with this Website that I can’t see with the Webstat software that I use. I mean, out of nowhere, all these people started to look very specifically at one particular link as if they wanted to know what the novel is about.

My heroine has the vibe of a younger, more freaky Morena Baccarin. But Baccarin’s general vibe and appearance is my heroine in my mind as I write her.

But there was no hint that this might happen.

It’s all very curious.

And the link they went to the one where I mull conspicuously about the “woke cancel culture mob” not liking my novel because I’m a smelly CIS white male writing about a part-time stripper obsessed with owning a community newspaper.

What the what? What is going on there?

If you wanted to be positive about it, you would say, well, obviously people from the infotainment-industrial complex are intrigued by your novel and are seeing what happens next. If you want to be paranoid about it, you say they’re about to write a screenplay off of what I’ve reveled about the novel and I’ll wake up to find out that while I’m querying, an A24 movie with my exact premise is in production.

My heroine sports a sleeve tattoo similar to the one that Megan Fox now has. Even though I thought the idea up first!

It really could go either way, I suppose. I just don’t know. It’s not like anyone is going to tell me. Ugh.

As I wrote, I continue to worry about the reaction on the part of a sizable portion of the audience about my heroine being a part-time stripper. I *try* to be as empathetic to the female experience as possible — I often write from the female POV — but there are going to be some young women who just can’t handle me doing it, periot, as they say.

But if I could make the novel really fun and accessible, then maybe I might have a breakout hit novel on my hands and people won’t care or notice about my status as a smelly CIS white male. Though, if you’re all that curious about me at my worse — read this:

So, I just have to keep writing, racing into the future not knowing my fate. This does, however, make me want to start to work on a back up “second track” novel — a scifi novel specifically — just to have something to piviot to in case my worse case fears become a reality.

Some Of You Need To Touch Grass

by Shelt Garner

This is a totally value free observation — I mean, it doesn’t mean anything, in real terms — but a few of you read this tiny, obscure blog WAAAAYYYY too much. While the person in Queens has calmed down some, something really fucking weird is going on in China.

I can’t tell if someone is masking where they’re really from somehow so I THINK they’re in China, or if someone in China is really, really fucking obsessed with me for some reason. I suppose it’s flattering, in its one way, but when all you see in your Webstats is the same domain in China over and over and over and over and over again, it’s a bit alarming.

I can tell it’s a person, but their motives are a mystery. Sometimes, they even want to comment, but they think better of it because I have that feature of the site on virtual lock down. I honestly don’t care. They can look at the site all the want to.

My hope is that either they’re a big shot Hollywood producer who is REALLY interested in my novel, or there some kid I taught English to in South Korea who in a very Korean way is obsessed with keeping up to date with “Shelton Teacha.”

Anyway. I had to get that out of my system. Live long and prosper.

It’s Not A Big Deal, But…

by Shelt Garner

This isn’t really a “problem” so much as an indication of how obsessed I am with this very, very low-trafficked Website’s Webstats. I think my obsessive reader is still here, only using some sort of proxy service inside China. Or something.

The person who was in California, then Queens has vanished and has been replaced by someone just about as obsessive who is allegedly in China somewhere. I really don’t care. Whatever. It’s just I have a really hyperactive imagination and all sorts of dark scenarios as to why this person might be so interested in me roll around in my mind.

Anyway, whatever. Leave me a lone. I’m a nobody.

Yet More Mulling The Mysteries Of This Website’s Webstats

by Shelt Garner

I’m a nobody at the moment. Sometimes, I feel like I could walk off the edge of the world and it would take a while — if ever — for anyone to notice. So, ANY attention I get is of note to me. But I’m not going to complain about how I have one stalker(?) who obsessively checks this site.

No, I’m interested in those curious instances where someone looks at this Website, but clearly doesn’t want me to know where they’re really coming from. It’s no big deal — whatever — but it is curious that anyone would care enough to hide their domain name.

There was a moment in time, when such things really got me excited. But, now, not so much. I just don’t care. It’s no big deal. The idea that someone of note would be interested in me and would go out of their way to hide their URL is intriguing.

I will note that I find it really interesting when it comes to celebrity’s relationship to social media. I think there is a spectrum, with one end a celebrity being too busy doing dope shit to worry about social media and on the other end you have very insecure celebrities with a lot — A LOT — of burner accounts.

One of the most curious situations is people who not only come out of nowhere, but they find some random link deep in the site. It’s very curious. I sometimes think there is a lot going on in my Webstats that I’m not seeing. I think some of it comes from my Webstat software mistaking some people looking at this site as robots and, as such, I don’t see what they’re looking at.

Or something. Something like that. But, in the end, it’s all value free. It is going to be very interesting to see on the backend once I start querying. Of course I’m going to see a deluge of normal people with real careers and real money look through all the drunken ranting I’ve done on this site.

But I know this novel is getting really, really good. And that’s all that matters.