by Shelt Garner
The last few days, I think much of America — at least the fact based part of it — has been feeling a sense of dread. A sense that something bad is about to happen. We’ve been feeling the Undertoad.
The Powers That Be have a vested interest in keeping the sheeple at peace. Not that that is all that bad — I mean, I don’t really want panic to set in. And, yet, I feel as though because we have a deranged version of Being There’s Chauncey Gardner as POTUS we, as a nation, haven’t really been focused on what a huge fucking disaster we’re about to be pushed into.
I only say this because of what’s going on in other countries. Within about a week of their first cases being reported, places like Italy and Iran saw a huge surge in cases — and deaths. It doesn’t take too much to do a back-of-the envelope comparison and say this weekend might be the tipping point when we realize the criminal incompetence of the Trump Administration has finally caught up with us.

The key thing we have to keep in mind is we’re going to have to write off the Pacific Northwest in the next few days. The contagion blackhole now consuming it is going to turn supermassive. The whole region — if Italy is any guide — is going to lock up on a societal level and its economy collapse. And that will be only the beginning. The same thing is going to happen in all the major American cities in days. By the end of next week, I suspect the entire American economy will have locked up and collapsed.
It will, of course, bounce back, but it will take a few days — or weeks — for people to adjust to the new normal of social distancing and a daily rising death toll for a preventable and unnecessary disaster. Of course, House Trump will likely play dirty with people lives and think of every way they can stoke fear and racism in an effort to deflect any form accountability. And, really, it could very well work except for, well, Trump. A fish rots from its head and, uh, it’s at least possible Trump could either explode or implode mentally. I’m not “rooting for the virus” and I’m not “rooting” for POTUS to go bonkers. But we have to take that possibility seriously.
The actual experts keep talking about how COVID19 isn’t “The Big One.” Well, this is something of a worst case scenario and Trump being criminally incompetent might make what otherwise might be “The Little One” into THE BIG ONE.
It seems logical to assume that by about March 15, the States could be looking at something of a real life horror movie. The worst domestic crisis since the Civil War. Not even Lincoln got away with suspending the writ of habeas corpus without some consequences — it’s seen as a major legal issue for his legacy. Trump, being a moron, would likely do this in a rather ham-handed, dumb way that would piss everyone off should he have to lock the country down as the contagion consumed huge swaths of the country.
Anyway, the point is — this weekend may be rather lit. I do keep getting the exact chronoligy of our future history wrong, so take everything I write with a grain of salt. If it’s not this weekend, however, it definitely will be at some point between now and March 15.
If it isn’t, then, well, Trump really has gone all-in on the Nero thing and is going to Tweet as thousands — if not millions — die for no damn reason other than he wants to keep the stock market doing well.
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