As I grow more and more and concerned about the implications of the MAGA Nazi plot Project 2025, I find myself alarmed at how our Jewish friends are not freaking out in a more conspicuous and public manner. I continue to read about the first 100 days of the Nazis’ consolidation of power in early 1933 and I’m quite spooked.
One of the lessons of that time is the fucking Nazis were able to use their paramilitary arm the SA to browbeat the 48% of the population that didn’t support them into at least being pliant.
The thing is — I know that whatever happens to Jewish people under Tyrant Trump is going to inevitably happen to *me* too. I’m not Jewish but I am a loudmouth drunk crank who is not above calling Tyrant Trump a small-dicked cocksucker.
There are two curious things about MAGA that separates it from the Nazis.
One is, MAGA is a symptom of a declining empire that wants to turn inward. I think this will lead to a total reordering of the global system established after WW2. The United States will pull out of NATO and South Korea and, lulz, maybe even align itself with Russia, Hungary and Turkey.
Also, at least for the time being, MAGA isn’t as virulent in its antisemitism. The issue of MAGA becoming antisemites seems to be a forgone conclusion because form follows function. And, remember, Tyrant Trump is old as fuck and it could be that President Carlson or President MTG starts to go after the Jewish community, even if the Late President Forever had Jewish people in his direct family.
As such, I wish Jewish people of all stripes would be a bit more public in their freak out about the aims of Project 2025. It is clear that Project 2025 is nothing less than an attempt to transition the United States into a fascist state like that found in Nazi Germany. The only thing they don’t have — at the moment — is an official paramilitary arm like the SA.
Maybe a weaponized ICE will fill that role as Project 2025 begins to corrupt the administration of justice? Whatever fills that role, it probably will be done under the cover of some sort of faux legal bullshit.
The point is — rather than flee the country starting in late 2024, early 2025 using their second passports, Americans of all stripes need well-heeled Jewish people to stay and fight. Never again means never again.
Oh boy. It definitely seems as though we’re marching towards Something Big starting in late 2024, early 2025. And at the center of this potential clusterfuck is the issue of abortion. The thing about abortion is once you get past the moralization over the topic by the Right, it’s actually an economic issue because the real target is not abortion but legal birth control.
Legal abortion has always served as a legal firebreak for keeping birth control legal in the United States. Now that that firebreak is no more, the momentum on the right is to outlaw all contraception — even for married people. That’s the ultimate endgame.
So, the stage is set for Trump as part of the larger Project 2025 conspiracy, outlawing abortion on a national basis in 2025. This seems inevitable at this point, if Congress is controlled by MAGA in 2025. If there is a national abortion band just as Project 2024 is pissing everyone off through the corruption of the levers of power, then, oh boy….there could be a Resistance Revolution, which will in turn, provoke a National Divorce started by Reds.
In the middle, of course, will be the U.S. Military. In the end, what the U.S. Military decides to do will be the issue that ultimately decide the fate of the United States. Remember, at the moment, even with Project 2025, the fucking MAGA Nazis don’t have a paramilitary under their direct guidance like the Nazis did with the SA.
I suppose that will change, of course. And that doesn’t even begin to address the issue of the ICE infrastructure being weaponized.
But the issue remains — could a national abortion ban be the thing that finally brings America to his knees? At the moment, I just don’t know. I am, however, very worried.
What this means is while the people behind Project 2025 have a vision as to how they’re going to corrupt the levers of power, it’s unlikely that the American populace is just going to lulz it. That’s why, of course, Project 2025 wants to have the U.S. Military bash people’s heads in using the Insurrection Act.
But there’s a problem.
The U.S. Military isn’t the Nazi SA. There is a pretty good chance that the U.S. Military may balk at being told to crush any resistance in the streets to Tyrant Trump’s efforts to transition the United States into a full-blown autocracy. This makes one wonder a few things.
One is, is it possible that the Project 2025 people will be forced to create some sort of SA group. Also, will they decide to weaponize the existing ICE infrastructure as a way to supplement the Insurrection Act. Turning ICE into a secret police-like organization would give fix a lot of problems for them.
Also, what happens between the time that Project 2025 starts to transition the United States into a tyrannical state under cover of corrupted justice and when they get things sorted out on the paramilitary and secret police fronts?
The interesting thing about Project 2025 is is makes some basic assumptions that may not be true. One is that America’s are so placid that any uprising could be crushed by a reluctant U.S. Military. Another is that in a nation as huge, decentralized and diverse as the United State that they could end American freedom and not provoke not just riots in the streets but something akin to a revolution.
And this is where things get even worse.
If Project 2025 isn’t able to browbeat the 60% of the population that fucking hates MAGA Nazis into submission and they rebel, then there might be a counter-revolution — or secession — on the part of the 40% of the American population that loves the fucking MAGA Nazis and *wants* a MAGA Nazi autocracy.
Of course, it’s possible that none of this will happen. Not only will Biden win re-election, but Trump won’t, unto himself, be able to cause a secession crisis by demanding a National Divorce.
The point is — late 2024, early 2025 is potentially really, really dark and turbulent.
Ding-dong Trump spins off so much bullshit that you never can quite tell if he means anything he says. But he apparently has mentioned recent that he’s open to naming Tucker Carlson –of all people — to be his second term veep. The only reason why I find this curious (beyond the obvious) is Trump would be bucking the macro political trend in American politics of naming a woman as veep.
Anyway. Given how fucking fat and old ding-dong would-be Tyrant Trump is, if Carlson was Trump’s Veep would have to think seriously about what type of president he would make. Given his youth and focus, I do think he could be the guy who transitioned the United States into a Russian-style managed democracy.
We will wake up 20 years from now — or sooner — and wonder why the United States is invading Canada in a quest to “cure the woke mind virus” found there. I’m not joking. That would be a real possibility.
And I think given that he has absolutely zero government experience, the first few years of Carlson’s presidency would be very, very rocky. But he would use the Project 2025 framework far more effectively and, lulz, there you go. We slide peacefully into autocracy and drunk cranks like me get an ICE bullet to the head.
Given the legalistic nature of the autocracy that MAGA Nazis envision once Tyrant Trump is in power again, it seem clear that the existing ICE infrastructure is ripe for weaponization. If that happened, then I think ICE would become equivalent to the Nazi gestapo — or maybe even the SS if things got dark enough.
So, what might happen is, Trump becomes president. He has a MAGA controlled Congress. When MAGA isn’t passing legislation outlawing abortion and non fault divorce, I could see some sort of legislation dramatically re-defining the purpose and goals of ICE.
It would happen with a lot of smoke and mirrors, but the point would be to give Tyrant Trump a secret police he could use to bash heads. As I understand it, there is a “extended boarder area” that extends far past the actual border that ICE might use to “check the papers” of people randomly. If it turned out they wrote on their blog what a fucking small dicked cocksucker Tyrant Trump is, they get scooped up and thrown into an already-existent ICE camp.
As an aside, I am curious as to when the MAGA Youth and MAGA SA will come into existence. I’m sure it will be within the first 100 days of Tyrant Trump’s return to office, but those are 100 days that could give us anti-MAGA Poors time to realize what’s up and organize some sort of national collective action.
Or not. Most of the people who would organize such a thing will have already fled the country for Europe and beyond by that point. Lulz.
I suspect the lesson that MAGA Nazis will learn from their rebuke last night at the polls when it comes to abortion rights will not be to moderate to win elections, but to hasten the end of American democracy. In other words, they are so consumed with their moral objection to women having medical agency, that they will simply bide their time until they can abolish the Senate filibuster and pass a national fetal personhood bill.
And that’s probably the the best case scenario, all things considered. The worst case scenario would be MAGA Nazis involved in Project 2025 figure out some way to use extralegal methods to outlaw abortion, even if its still legal. But for that to happen, they the ranks of The Patriot Front would have to swell significantly.
I continue to think about how there is a gaping hole in the MAGA Nazi Project 2025 plan. They really think that brazenly corruption of both the law and the administration of the executive will be enough to browbeat the 60% of the American Population that still believes in the Second Republic.
Project 2025 people seem to have a childlike belief that whatever reaction they get from the populace from their tyranny they can fix using the Insurrection Act. Those hateful ding-dongs don’t have what the Nazis had in 1933: the SA. If anything gives me hope that maybe we can fight back against the MAGA Nazis is that lack of a big MAGA Nazi paramilitary arm.
I suppose that particular flaw in Project 2025 could be fixed — they still have a year, after all. And I suppose their may be some secret element of Project 2025 involving making a direct link between MAGA Nazi tyranny and the use of The Patriot Front to knock heads.
But even if they were going to do that in early 2025, there would be some lag time between when people began to riot in the streets of Blue States, the U.S. Military balking at crushing them and the establishment of a direct link between Tyrant Trump’s regime and The Patriot Front.
The Nazi’s SA paramilitary group was instrumental in the fascist’s consolidation of power in the early days of their rule. It is clear that the MAGA Nazi Project 2025 believes that they will do via the corruption of the law and administration of government what the Nazis used the SA to do in the streets. Their thinking is that Americans will adhere to the law, even if its been corrupted by a bunch of fucking MAGA Nazi hacks.
It seems as though Project 2025 organizers think they can use the cover of the Insurrection Act to get the U.S. Military to bash heads in like the SA did in 1933. This is a curious assumption — on an institutional basis, the U.S. Military will not be thrilled to be an operational arm of the MAGA Nazis in the streets when freedom loving Americans begin to protest.
There are a number of would-be SA groups floating around in the United States at the moment. The Proud Boys. The Oath Keepers. And, of course The Patriot Front. Of all these groups, it seems as though The Patriot Front has the organization and focus to be the American SA. (I’m sure they would see this as a compliment.)
But as best I can tell, The Patriot Front is kind of small compared to the SA in early 1933 Germany. What’s more, the link between MAGA and The Patriot Front is not nearly as direct. In other words, Republicans don’t have an official paramilitary arm — at least not yet. It seems the thinking of the MAGA Nazis is they can simply browbeat everyday Americans into accepting MAGA tyranny through a combination of the corruption of the law and administration of government while using the Insurrection Act to knock the heads of anyone with the temerity to object.
And, yet, if things grow as severe as all of us worry they will, it’s possible that the lack of a MAGA SA will be the thing that pushes America past the point of no return. MAGA Nazis simply relying upon the U.S. Military to supply a “value added” element to their hateful tyranny seems a recipe for disaster.
What happens if the U.S. Military balks at murdering peaceful protesters in the streets and turns on the tyrannical Trump Administration? Then what? Even if they successfully deposed Tyrant Trump, 38% of the electorate would, in turn, freak out and probably we would have a Secession Crisis on our hands.
I suppose it’s possible that it’s possible that Trump won’t win re-election and we’ll punt our severe structural problems down the road four years — again. That’s what I *HOPE* happens. But we have to begin to think now about what freedom loving people, citizens who honor Abraham Lincoln, are going to do should Tyrant Trump get a second chance to throttle the Second Republic that Lincoln founded upon his death.
It is clear from what I’m learning about the Nazis’ first 100 days how important the role of SA was in their consolidation of power. The German Army pretty much watched as the Nazis throttled the Weimar Republic. Flash forward and, as best I can tell, the plot against America that is the MAGA Nazi Project 2025 makes some basic assumptions about their first 100 days that may not be based in reality.
The key assumption of Project 2025 — from what I can tell — is rather than relying upon a paramilitary group like the SA to consolidate power, MAGA Nazis are going to simply corrupt the legal system to get what they want. With the use of the Insurrection Act in their back pocket if necessary.
There are a lot of problems with this.
In essence, the theory of the case for MAGA Nazis is they can so sucker punch the American population that by the time Barbra Streisand has the wherewithal to send out an angry tweet, it will be too late. But America 2025 will not be Germany 1933.
America is not only a huge, multicultural nation with a huge population, it also is very decentralized and has a very strong tradition of democracy. To the point that democracy in America is part of our identity. What’s more, the U.S. Military for all its non-partisan ethos, is unlikely to want to be reduced to knocking the heads of a restive populace just because Trump hides behind the gratuitous invocation of the Insurrection Act.
So, the issue is — will the U.S. Military lulz things and smash heads in, serving the propose the SA did for the Nazis in 1933 or will it balk and help the populace overthrow our new MAGA Nazis oppressors?
By Ender I’m reading a book about the Nazi’s first 100 days and the more I read it, the more compelling it becomes. I say this because of what I’m learning about the Nazi MAGA’s Project 2025 which lays out what the fucking MAGA Nazis plan to do once they have power again.
Essentially, as I understand it, Project 2025 is essentially a plot against America that would provide Tyrant Trump with the legal and administrative shock troops of the MAGA Nazi (counter) revolution. Reading about the Nazis’ first 100 days is very illuminative as to what we should expect should Tyrant Trump win re-election in 2024.
If Trump literally begins to lock up his critics, all American will, at last, face a moment of truth. It seems clear that Tyrant Trump wants to sucker punch us in the first few days of his second administration by arresting people he doesn’t like and invoking the Insurrection Act.
My hunch is that all the fucking earnest, smug Twitter liberals who have loved Mueller, She Wrote so much since the advent of Trump will pretty much just slink out of the country using the second passport. Rather than using their power and influence to organize mass direct action like a General Strike, they will be swilling wine and recording their circle jerk, smug podcasts somewhere in the south of France.
As such, I think the moment it’s clear Trump has won a second term, there will be a massive outflux of wealthy, educated liberals from the country. That will be the first indication that the MAGA Nazi counter revolution has begun. A number of notable Trump critics will be among them, as well. When people like Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart bounce in late 2024, then, lulz, we know we’re going to the show.
Of course, it could be even worse. Rather than leaving the country, Colbert may simply vanish off the airwaves soon after Trump comes back into office. When dystopian, tyrannical shit like that starts to happen, it makes me wonder what my Traditionalist relatives — whom I love — will react.
Because I have made it clear to anyone who will listen that I’m not fucking shutting up about how I think MAGA is fucking American Nazism and Trump is a fucking small dicked cocksucker. Come at me, bruh, as they say. I’ve repeatedly tried to make the rise of MAGA Nazism personal to my conservative relatives, with little reaction.
It’s shit like that that makes me think that much like the Nazis during their first 100 days in 1933, MAGA Nazis, too, will ride political momentum into a situation where they turn the nation I love into a fucking American Nazi state. The existing ICE infrastructure will be weaponized and people like me will be rounded up as “enemies of the state.”
I wish I was kidding. It definitely seems as though that’s my fate at the moment. I’m never fucking shutting up. I would rather die on my feet a free man than live on my knees a slave.
What’s interesting to me is the conditions of the Nazis’ first 100 days and those of the MAGA Nazis’ 100 days are not one-to-one. Among the differences is modern America is far bigger and far more diverse than German 1933. And, what’s more, not only is the American state far more decentralized than the Weimar Republic, being a free country is part of the American self-identity and birthright.
As such, the moment the fruits of Project 2025 begin to be seen, there is very likely going to be a pretty severe reaction. When the fucking Project 2025 SA members begin to use the levers of state while they corrupt the law, we will enter a political crisis not seen since the end of the civil war.
One thing I can’t game out is what the U.S. Military will do should the MAGA Nazis use the Insurrection Act to go after American citizens. The thing about the Nazis is during their first 100 days, they had paramilitary groups like the SA to knock heads and cause the end of the Weimar Republic.
While there are a number of paramilitary groups affiliated with the MAGA Nazi movement, but none of them are as powerful or widespread as the Nazi SA was in early 1933 Germany.
As such, the MAGA Nazis have to invoke the Insurrection Act to get the U.S. Military to do their dirty work for them. This raises the question of if the U.S. Military is prepared to be a goons who club the American public “just cause.” That is an open question in my mind.
It seems to me at least possible that the U.S. Military, rather than knocking heads, may turn on Herr Trump and his MAGA Nazis thugs. I’ve already proposed that the 14th Amendment’s Insurrection Clause would be an ideal legal over to depose Tyrant Trump. A lot would depend, of course, on who was Speaker of the House in 2025.
The most extreme version of this scenario would involve something unpreceded a military junta that would keep the country together until, say, a Constitutional Convention could be held that would push through some very needed Constitutional reforms.
I only suggest such a thing because, lulz, even if we did manage to depose Tyrant Trump, there would still be about 38% of the population that really, really wanted the vision that malignant ding-dong proposed. Only the U.S. Military would have the means to hold the country together long enough to sort out an ongoing clusterfuck in a way that gave us a political off ramp.
If that didn’t work, then well, buckle up — we’re going to the show. Any attempt to depose Tyrant Trump would cause a Secession Crisis which, would, in turn, probably cause WW3 to happen.
I have long be accused by snooty, well respected Twitter liberals — looking at you Mueller, She wrote — of promoting “hysterical doom shit” in regards to Trump and MAGA.
And, yet, shit like the below is not exactly a secret at this point:
It makes you wonder what the practical response on the part of low information voters — the ones who most likely to vote for Trump — should Trump literally go full tyrant. Would anyone care? Or would Trump cram through an American Nazi counter-revolution on the American body politic with little no no resistance?
That specific issue is one I just can’t game out. Not only is the United States a huge population at 335 million people, but Trump still has a lot of slack in the system before he finally, at last, bumps up against American First Principles to the point that things like a General Strike seem viable.
I have my doubts. And, really, the only reason why I think something like a General Strike might happen at some point during Trump’s second term is he is so dumb and so erratic that he is the only person I can think of that might be so political disruptive and destructive that there might be a popular uprising.
But, of course, such an uprising would inevitably prompt a counter-uprising on the part of MAGA.
So, let’s just hope that my hysterical doom shit stays something that resides only in my fevered imagination.
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