My Hot Take On Twitter Post-Musk Discourse

by Shelt Garner

There is a growing body of work written by people a lot smarter and better educated than me about different ways Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk might mishandle his acquisition and “kill” it.

Here’s my addition to all that.

It’s going to take a lot to dislodge the core 10% of Twitter users who produce most of its content. You’re going to need a better mousetrap, if you will, for them to leave the service. So, in that respect, Musk definitely has some breathing room. But at the same time, that breathing room is limited, if the perception hardens that Twitter is nothing more than a more popular version of Gab, or Truth Social, then there may come a tipping point where the service collapses and becomes just another MySpace or Friendster.

It would be at that point, obviously, where someone — probably someone center-Left — would come up with a Twitter clone that would be a “safe space” for people who just want a public form to talk about their food or rant about what a collection of deplorables MAGA is.

A lot is going to depend on the issue of what Musk actually does with the service as opposed to what his fan boys want him to do. If he pretty much just runs it the way it always has been while adding a few features, then the very forces that have made it an accidental success will continue. But if decides to let the malignant dingus Trump back on the platform, then, well, that, unto itself, could be the tipping point that leads to Twitter’s demise.

As I keep saying — all this uncertainty around Twitter’s future has opened up a very narrow window of opportunity for a similar service, maybe one based on an updated version of Usenet’s UX. That’s my idea, at least. I think that would be pretty cool.

But for the time being, I think Twitter is going to muddle through. Musk has a proven track record of success, so I think he’s probably going to pull this one off, too.

Twitter Liberals Are Looking At Unfrozen Caveman Governor DeSantis All De Wrong

by Shelt Garner

Sometimes, I grow very frustrated with Twitter liberals. They went to Harvard and shit and yet relative to what I, a mere hayseed rube Internet crank rando believe, they are completely clueless. A prime example of this is what’s going on with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Ron DeSantis

All his thuggish behavior that is putting the lives of his own electorate in danger is exactly what not just the MAGA New Right base in Florida wants, but the NATIONAL MAGA New Right base wants in the abstract. The more thuggish he is, the better in their eyes.

They want autocracy. They want to “own the libs” no matter what the consequences are. And the more DeSantis’ political fortunes improve because of him being a demonstrable autocratic cocksucker, the more every elected Republican official who sees the next president when they look at themselves in the mirror in the morning will feel obliged to one up him.

Autocratic thuggery is now the sweet spot of modern Republican politics. Negative polarization is so absolute, so extreme now within Republican ranks that even the most overheated MAGA New Right fascist rhetoric could very well become policy once a Republican inevitable becomes president again. Then all my “doom shit” won’t look so hysterical.

Anyway, DeSantis knows what he’s doing. At this point, the only issue is if Trump co-ops him or the two of them have a political deathmatch to see who gets to be the first American autocrat.

Of course, 2025 is a long ways away. There are about a dozen other would-be autocrats who are going to fight like hell to get the chance to come to power in 2025 and….just never leave office for any reason. As such, DeSantis doesn’t have a complete lock on being our first true American Autocrat, but he’s definitely at the moment the chief contender.

We are so fucked. So very, very fucked.

I have no ready answers for you. I have no VOX Tik-Tok video spoken in formal Twitter liberal received English. I just have my two eyes and ears and simply “doom shit” logic to use.

We’re going to have to have some sort of United Front or hope we can get the type of radical moderate behavior that happened around the time Lincoln decided to free the slaves. Something gotta give. Something big has to happen, otherwise, DeSantis will become an American Augustus and establish a American Empire.

Ugh. Now I’ll Never Be Accepted By Twitter Liberals

by Shelt Garner

So, here I am in all my glory. This is evidence of why people like Maggie Haberman, Ryan Lizza and various other MSM people think I’m an Internet kook, a crank. I don’t even think I’m all that bad in real terms, but if you want to date me or hire me and don’t know the context in which this interview took place, well, by that metric I will get neither laid or hired.

All I can say is in person I’m not nearly as acerbic as maybe I seem in this video. I was dealing with a well meaning troll and so in an effort to not fall into any of his troll traps, I made it clear I wasn’t going to put up with any shit. If that means I came off as an asshole, well, don’t know what to tell you.

In fact, the only reason why this interview even bothers me is I worry I won’t be able to get a literary agent because of it — and shit like it — I’ve produced online over the years. But who knows. Maybe not? Maybe if I produce a really good novel, my kookiness won’t matter that much?

Twitter Liberals & The Conundrum of My Novel’s Female Romantic Lead

by Shelt Garner

Things are moving really fast now with the novel. After two years of development hell, I now know how to write a novel that won’t embarrass me. One thing I continue to think about deeply is the nature of the female romantic lead.

I want her to be a Twitter liberal, the kind that currently thinks I’m nothing more than a Internet crank. I want to, as a form of “punishment,”[Before you get too worked out about the use of the term “punishment here, future Twitter, I’m not Ben Shapiro. I really like most female Twitter liberals and I’m being self-deprecating. I’m only using the vague idea of a “Twitter liberal” being my female romantic lead because it bothers me that instead of seeing me for who I am, they want to put me on blast and make fun of me. This character is a chance to show them that if they gave me a chance, they might actually like me — or at least the me of 2006-2007 Seoul.] get such a person to fall in love with a my hero isn’t me, but someone I know (or maybe used to be in Seoul.)

So, I find myself thinking about what I know about Twitter liberals and what makes them tick. The problem, of course, is I really have to hold back on being, well, angry at Twitter liberals. Why will anyone root for my hero and female romantic lead to hook up if I obviously am angry at my female romantic lead?

As such, I’m going to really go out of my way to give her SOME, maybe A LOT, of redeeming qualities. Even though, of course, I secretly hold people like her in contempt for being so quick to judge me for my social media output.

Regardless, I gotta work faster.

State Of Pre-Coup Play

by Shelt Garner

Here’s the state of play before we have a potential coup. On one hand, Biden forces believe they’ve won. The race has been called by the media and Biden is quite literally measuring the drapes in the Oval Office.

Meanwhile, the shock is beginning to wear off for House Trump and they’re slowly beginning to form a plan for a coup. Or, an extra-political act that only about 50% of the population will think is a coup.

Really, it seems as though they’re using the spaghetti gambit right now — throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. But one thing is clear — the more difficult is for Trump to stay in power, the more radical, brazen and craven TrumpBarr’s anti-democratic tactics will become.

If it’s not denying Biden the certification of votes in state legislatures, then it will be directly threatening the lives of Electors. Twitter liberals REALLY need to get woke to what may be about to happen. As it stands, they’re completely oblivious to how dangerous things are now and how dark and dire they may be about to become.

It seems we’re in for something of a suckerpunch. The first strike will be something like the refusal to certify votes. Something, anything, to throw things up in the air so they go to SCOTUS where Republicans know, absolutely know, they will win.

All they need is a thin veer of legality so the MAGA base can “own the libs” on Twitter again. That’s all they need and all they want. And, what’s more when the 50% of the population that sees this for what it is — a coup — freaks the fuck out, then Trump can invoke the Insurrection Act. Game over.

So it definitely seems as though I was right all along — we’re in the twilight day of the American First Republic. The question is, of course, do we have it in us to found the Second Republic?

I have no idea what the endgame is. Maybe I’m wrong about all of this. I can’t predict the future. But I do generally know Trump’s nature and he DID say he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote. Replace a person with a Republic and, well, here we are.

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Vox Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

by Shelt Garner

Vox, that pillar of Twitter Liberal conventional wisdom, never ceases to get on my fucking nerves. Since I don’t write for Vox, this is not going to be a blog post that meets the metrics of a successful “thought leader” in Manhattan. I’m just going to ramble off the top of my head from my general impression of the site.

First, one thing that is amusing is the “received English” of the people who do their videos. No normal English speaker uses the very specific diction combined with a deep speaking voice of these Vox people. Add to it a somewhat sing-songy lilt to it all and it grows very grating on my nerves. There’s something smug and organically condescending about this received English. It makes me think to myself, “This is why we got Trump.” I’m extremely empathetic to Vox and they still manage to make me want to scream at the top of my lungs that nothing’s right or wrong, but thinking makes it so.

Then there are the Vox Website posts. Their authors seem determined to drain any sort of humanity out of whatever it is they’re covering. It’s all about the metrics of identity politics, or “slaying the patriarchy” telling me that there is some sort of neo-liberal received truth that I have to believe. I’m still smarting from their post about tropes used in fiction. In my imagination, the writer of the post was a 26-year-old graduate of Bard College who got the gig because her parents knew someone. Ugh. So frustrating.

The hits keep coming.

Just recently, I heard from Vox’s media critic that pretty much all comedy in the Trump Era is shit and there’s only one Twitter comic that we we’re allowed to think is funny. It’s all very strange to me. Vox goes to extreme lengths to shit on any type of mainstream fun. I guess that’s their thing, but it still annoys me to no end.

It’s sites like Vox that make me want to start my own Website like Gawker. But, sadly, I think the days organic growth for a Website are long, long over. Twitter now serves the function that Gawker once did. The Web is a mature medium now.

Countdown To American Fascism: Twitter Liberals Are Delusional

by Shelt Garner

If we have to fight this hard to beat a man who is demonstrably a moronic, incompetence tyrant, then that pretty much answers the macro political question of the era. In other words, American democracy is dead and we’re living in a new era of an autocratic “managed democracy.”

On a macro level, at least, the bad guys have won for the foreseeable future. Some pretty existential problems exist in the American body politic and there won’t be any demographic solutions for 20 to 40 years. Darkness has fallen.

I have no idea what the practical answer to any of this is. But I do know that the vast majority of Twitter liberals are living in a delusional lala land. They still think we’re living in a liberal democracy when we obviously definitely are not. The only thing I can think of is we need to stop scoring points on Twitter and start thinking about practical ways we can save what we can of civil society.

But, like I said, there are no easy answers. We’re going to have to start acting like we’re in a fascist state because, lulz, we are. Even if somehow Trump manages to self-own at just the right moment in the fall, there are at least a half-dozen younger, more focused fascists who have learn all they need to from Trump to make his vision of America a reality.

Again, the point is — a very passionate, organized 38% of the electorate has seen the last 3 1/2 years and said to themselves, “Man, I want some more of THAT.” As such, the thing that Twitter liberals are so oblivious about is the very thing that they see as a nightmare, a decent sized portion of the electorate sees as something to look forward to.

We’re just going to have to get used to living in a fascist state. We’re going to have to start preparing for when the media is purged and people are either snatched off the street or pushed out of windows. It’s going to happen, all we don’t know is the details at this point.

People are going to have to start risking things in real life in part because they’re not going to have any choice.

Twitter Liberals Are So Oblivious: Putin, Pandemic & Trumplandia #COVID19

The Dear Leader
Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelt Garner

The thing that so many Twitter Liberals are completely oblivious about is Trump shares the view of another autocrat, Russia’s Putin, when it comes to his relationship to power: as long as he’s still in power when the sun sets, it’s a win. If your only metric is still being in power, then you can, as a Twitter Liberal, nash your teeth all you want to — Trump’s never leaving office for any reason.

And, yet, there’s something of an “act of God” bouncing around the world at an alarming rate right now — the COVID19 pandemic. Even then, I am reluctant to assume that Trump will, in traditional terms, face any type of political consequences. He’s escaped conviction by the Senate, and he will do whatever necessary to stay in power as long as he likes — even call a Constitutional Convention, if need be — so lulz. Even if the COVID19 pandemic caused a sharp, brief global recession and many died in the States directly because of his bungled response, it would still be 2021 – 2022 before we got around to attempting to get rid of him again. So, for the time being, Trump’s a tyrant with absolute power in the United States. Lulz?

It does, however, make you wonder how bad things would have to get before people like Hugh Hewitt might change their tune on Trump. They might have a momentary pause — in private — about their support if we entered horror-movie territory. But more likely, they would become rather giddy at the prospect of Trump consolidating his power even more as notable center-Left figures got sick and maybe even died. Or, put another way, even the gates of hell opening and Satan telling us that Trump REALLY WAS the anti-Christ wouldn’t be enough to make people like Matt Schlapp stop sucking Trump’s political cock. I guess, maybe, if 20 million old people died because of Trump’s poor leadership they might think about it for no other reason than their base of angry old men would be dramatically reduced in size.

So, I guess what I’m saying is, slow your roll Twitter liberals. Trump’s not going anywhere for any reason unless his enablers feel they have, at last, gotten every fucking thing they could possibly get from him. Then Mike Pence — or Don Jr, or The Kooch or Steve King or Kris Kobach — will swoop in and finish the job of turning America into the Fourth Reich.
