This is a direct homage to The Talking Heads’ “Life During Wartime.” I am not saying I’m nearly as good a writer as they are, but I am angry at Trumplandia and this is just me venting in verse. No one cares about any of these lyrics I’m writing, so this is just me screaming out into the void, if nothing else.
Life During Trumplandia
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
the leader could strangle someone on 5th Avenue
the people would scoff and move right along
no one seems to be paying attention to this threat
the Russians are here it appears
we angle for peace in our time
but all we get is lies to our surprise
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
is all we can say in unison
there’s no fuzz on this issue
let’s impeach, impeach, impeach
the Vichy Republicans have control of the radio
they seem to be on every block
watch what you say I sigh with dismay
there’s just going to be doom for days and days
The Resistance will be victorious I believe
but only through persistence will that happen
you can bet things will go up and down
we have a clown as a president
a loon you might say
we are going to rock the free world
life during Trumplandia
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
is all we can say in unison
there’s no fuzz on this issue
let’s impeach, impeach, impeach
but I still have hope
hope that things will go our way
I see in the horizon a blue wave
one that will come soon if we pray
we have to keep the faith
Trumplandia is our home for now
but that will change, change, change
give us a little bit of time to fix things
there’s just tomorrow for us to hope for
hope that tomorrow will be a better place
hope that it will be the end of Trumplandia
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