In The End, The New Right Is Boring

by Shelt Garner

I recently kind of got worked up over the New Right. Now, after processes what it is, I find it very boring. The New Right is simply MAGA that is willing to unapologetically embrace the absolute worst, most fascist aspects of Trumpism. That’s it. That’s their brand.

As such, it’s very, very boring.

It’s boring because it’s a one trick pony. While they accuse me of being “Orange Man Bad,” they are “Fascism Good.” As such, thinking about them or attempting to engage them is very, very boring. They’re always going to embrace the most extreme position in opposition to yours the moment they realize you’re anti-MAGA. It’s like trying to debate a Nazi. Literally.

Attempting to debate a Nazi leaves you bored out of your skull because you realize the only way anything will change is a war. So, either the New Right gets its way and they establish an American autocracy, or there’s a civil war.

The New Right is so far off the reservation that they become a snake eating itself. Everything they believe is based on the implicit — and not so implicit — belief that fascism is America’s future.

So, again. Boring.

This is boring because once you accept that this is what they believe then, lulz, what’s the point? Better to figure out if you’re willing to stand your ground when ICE starts pushing people out of windows or if you’re going to try to leave the country.

Debating a New Right person is a waste of time.

Also: fuck the New Right.