The Great Jaunt

This revised scenario for the Great Jaunt offers a fascinating, complex vision of humanity’s resettlement across the twelve habitable planets in the Arrakis sol system, particularly focusing on Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia. The way you’ve introduced the Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) as shock troops of the state, empowered by the God Emperor of Gaia, adds a layer of intrigue and intensity to the immediate post-Jaunt phase, known as The Great Grief.

Here’s an analysis of this updated vision:

1. The Role of the Jakors as Shock Troops

The idea of the Jakors—a fusion of Japanese and Korean (North and South) populations—as shock troops gives this scenario a powerful and strategic foundation. Their role as enforcers of the state in the chaotic three years following the Great Jaunt is key, particularly with the ability to use mind control to ensure stability. This ties into the overarching narrative of top-down control and telepathic enforcement during the early post-Jaunt days, when panic and disorder are inevitable.

  • The Jakors, with their disciplined and collective cultural backgrounds, make ideal candidates for this position. Historically, both Japanese and Koreans have demonstrated strong state-centered governance models, and this could translate well into the new order under the God Emperor.
  • Mind control used by the Jakors would ensure that essential state functions are carried out during the Great Grief. This ability would alleviate the overwhelming despair and chaos caused by the sudden relocation of 900 million people, as the Jakors serve as the shock absorbers of society, ensuring no one completely falls apart or resists the new structure.

2. The Multi-National Composition of Each Planet

You’ve crafted an intricate mix of populations on each planet, combining Americans, Jakors, Commonwealth citizens, and other national groups, which sets the stage for rich political and cultural interactions. The balance of power across these three planets will be fascinating, particularly in how these different groups work together—or clash—in the wake of the Great Grief.

  • Arrakis: The mix of Americans, Jakors, Commonwealth citizens, and Greeks/Baltic/Soviet/Chinese populations will likely result in a planet defined by a fusion of Western democracy and East Asian authoritarianism, along with a heavy influence from Mediterranean and Slavic cultures. This could lead to a planet known for its pragmatism, adaptability, and dynamic government structures, with Americans driving liberal democratic values, while the Jakors and other populations uphold order and state cohesion.
  • Terminus: The post-Soviet population is a fascinating choice. These citizens, coming from a post-authoritarian environment, will bring a unique political mindset, potentially more tolerant of top-down control, making Terminus a planet defined by bureaucratic efficiency and rapid industrialization. The 40 million Ethiopians add an interesting cultural layer, with their rich history of Christianity, monarchy, and resilience. This could create a unique blend of Soviet-inspired governance with African spiritualism and pride, alongside the industrial and military-driven American and Jakor contingents.
  • Gaia: A planet with the most diversity, with Americans and Jakors being joined by Brazilians, French, Thais, and Indians. This composition brings a more cosmopolitan, multicultural flavor, where the mixture of Latin American, European, South Asian, and Southeast Asian cultures might produce a society marked by vibrant arts, complex social hierarchies, and innovation in both governance and technology. Gaia could become the cultural and intellectual capital of the new human civilization.

3. The Influence of the God Emperor and the State

The introduction of the God Emperor of Gaia as a nascent figure controlling the telepathic and mental aspects of society adds a quasi-religious and authoritarian dimension to the post-Jaunt era. The God Emperor would not only provide the mind control powers for the Jakors but would also represent a symbol of unity and divine leadership across all planets.

  • The God Emperor’s influence on the Jakors and their mind control abilities ensures that even though different planets have different population compositions, there is an underlying centralized force keeping them in line during the turbulent Great Grief period. This creates a sense of pan-human identity while still allowing each planet to evolve its own culture.
  • The centralized control doesn’t eliminate local governance structures, but it ensures that these first critical years are about survival and adaptation, rather than rebellion or cultural clashes. The God Emperor’s presence is less a dictatorial force and more of a spiritual overseer, guiding humanity through this unprecedented transition.

4. Potential Tensions and Collaboration

Given the unique cultural and national makeup of each planet, there are inevitable points of tension and collaboration that will emerge.

  • On Arrakis, the blend of English-speaking cultures and former Soviet/Chinese influences could result in clashes over governance styles—democratic versus authoritarian—or, conversely, a unique hybrid system where elements of both are integrated for greater effectiveness.
  • On Terminus, the post-Soviet bloc and Ethiopians might find common ground in a shared history of overcoming adversity and colonialism, but there could be power struggles over control of resources or how to interact with the Jakors and Americans.
  • On Gaia, the clash between the more individualistic Americans and French and the collectivist Brazilians, Thais, and Indians could create friction, particularly around issues of governance, social structure, and economic systems. However, this diversity also offers immense potential for innovation, cultural cross-pollination, and new forms of cooperative governance.


Your revised scenario deepens the complexity of the Great Jaunt and its aftermath. The introduction of the Jakors as shock troops and state-builders during the Great Grief is a strategic move that strengthens the narrative of controlled chaos in the early stages of humanity’s resettlement. The multi-national composition of each planet sets up dynamic and layered political, cultural, and social landscapes, ensuring that each planet develops its own unique flavor while maintaining a common thread through the God Emperor’s telepathic influence. This scenario builds a rich foundation for future conflict, collaboration, and societal evolution across the newly settled worlds.

This new mixture for Arrakis brings an interesting balance of dominant American and Jakor populations, supported by a significant contingent of Germans and native English speakers from the Commonwealth. This distribution creates a unique dynamic for the planet, where different cultural, political, and economic ideologies will have to coexist and evolve together.

Here’s a breakdown of how this combination impacts the development of Arrakis:

1. Americans and Jakors as Core Pillars of Society

  • Americans (likely comprising a diverse mix of backgrounds) bring with them strong values rooted in democracy, individualism, and capitalism. Their sheer size—combined with their history of leadership in military, technology, and culture—positions them as powerful influencers in shaping the planet’s governance, economy, and societal structure.
  • Jakors, with their unique blend of Japanese and Korean influences, will provide a counterbalance to the American dominance. They bring a more collectivist and disciplined approach, likely emphasizing order, duty to the state, and respect for authority. Their role as shock troops for the early state-building efforts after the Great Jaunt also gives them significant power and responsibility in ensuring that society stabilizes after the upheaval of relocation.
  • The relationship between Americans and Jakors will likely define the early development of Arrakis. The potential clash between American-style individualism and Jakor-style collectivism could create tension but also lead to creative governance models that merge the best of both worlds. This fusion of values could result in a dynamic, hybrid society that finds ways to balance personal freedoms with state-driven collective goals.

2. German Efficiency and Structure

  • The inclusion of 60 million Germans adds a layer of precision, organization, and engineering expertise to the planet. Historically, Germany is known for its engineering prowess, economic strength, and discipline, which will significantly contribute to the planet’s industrial base and technological infrastructure.
  • Germans may work closely with both Americans and Jakors to create highly efficient systems for urban planning, transportation, and industrial development. Their cultural emphasis on rule of law, social welfare, and environmental sustainability could influence how Arrakis approaches governance and social structures, helping to create a well-regulated and functional society.
  • The Germans’ ability to find common ground between the individualistic Americans and the collectivist Jakors could play a stabilizing role in early negotiations between these two major groups, ensuring smoother integration and cooperation.

3. The British Commonwealth and Irish Influence

  • The 60 million native English speakers from the British Commonwealth and Ireland will likely bring in a more multicultural, globalist perspective, drawing from their historical experience of managing and interacting with a wide range of cultures across the world.
  • This population can act as mediators and diplomats, helping to smooth over potential tensions between the larger American and Jakor populations. The Commonwealth citizens, particularly from countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, tend to have strong traditions of parliamentary democracy, which could influence the political structure of Arrakis.
  • Their connection to English common law and constitutional frameworks could provide a flexible and adaptable model for governance that could be acceptable to both Americans and Jakors.

4. The Rest of the Population: Europeans, Chinese, and Southeast Asians

  • Greeks, Baltic citizens, former Soviet citizens, and people from Hong Kong and Singapore will bring a diverse and cosmopolitan influence to the planet. Each of these groups has a history of navigating political instability, economic change, and cultural blending, which will be valuable during the early post-Jaunt period.
  • The Baltic states and former Soviet citizens may lean toward more bureaucratic and centralized governance structures, given their past experiences with socialism and post-communist transitions. They could align with the Jakors’ preference for order and state control, providing additional support for stabilizing society during the Great Grief.
  • The inclusion of Chinese and people from Hong Kong and Singapore brings the influence of Confucianism, entrepreneurship, and modern financial systems into the mix. They will contribute to the creation of a thriving business environment, potentially collaborating with Germans and Americans to build robust financial and commercial systems on Arrakis.
  • Greek contributions could center around philosophy, arts, and democratic traditions, fostering a sense of cultural richness and intellectual discourse. Their historical connection to the development of democracy may influence the formation of Arrakis’s political systems in collaboration with the Commonwealth citizens.

5. Potential for Collaboration and Conflict

  • Collaboration: The diversity on Arrakis is both a challenge and an opportunity. The pragmatism and economic dynamism of the Americans, the discipline and collectivism of the Jakors, and the efficiency of the Germans will form the backbone of the planet’s economic and political systems. Commonwealth citizens and the rest of the population will act as cultural and intellectual bridges, helping to facilitate a smooth integration of various governance models.
  • Conflict: The potential for conflict lies in the different governance philosophies. Americans may push for individual freedoms and democracy, while Jakors favor centralized authority. Germans, accustomed to a well-structured society, might lean toward creating rigid systems that not all groups find appealing. Additionally, the Chinese and Baltic influences could introduce authoritarian elements, creating potential friction with the more democratic leanings of the Americans and Commonwealth citizens.


This new composition for Arrakis creates an exciting, dynamic world where economic powerhouses, cultural innovators, and political pragmatists must find ways to work together. The balance of power between Americans, Jakors, Germans, and Commonwealth citizens will shape the political and social evolution of the planet. With its strong base of technological innovation, governance experimentation, and multicultural interactions, Arrakis has the potential to become a model of cosmopolitan governance and global cooperation—if it can overcome the inevitable challenges of such a diverse and complex population.

This new structure for The Big Move adds depth and realism to the transition period, dividing it into three distinct phases: The Great Greeting, The Great Jaunt, and The Great Grief. Each phase serves a specific psychological and societal purpose, easing humanity into the monumental shift while also allowing for an exploration of both hope and sorrow on a global scale. Here’s a breakdown of how each phase might unfold and the deeper implications for the world you’re creating:

1. The Great Greeting (First Contact)

The three-month period of The Great Greeting acts as a global revelation. With the Justified and Ancient taking over all mass media, humanity is confronted with undeniable proof of extraterrestrial intelligence. This First Contact scenario is unique in that it’s not a sudden invasion or hidden revelation; it’s a structured, deliberate, and methodical takeover of Earth’s entire media landscape.

  • Psychological impact: At first, there will be an overwhelming sense of disbelief, wonder, and awe. The broadcast of the Tenacious D song “Lee” and Lee Hyo-ri’s “Miss Korea” at the start will leave people confused, amused, and even unsettled. The playful nature of the music contrasts with the seriousness of the message that follows, adding an eerie yet captivating vibe to the initial moments. The calm, AI-generated host will then ease the tension by methodically explaining the reasons and logistics behind The Big Move.
  • Media control and global unity: During this phase, Earth’s inhabitants experience a shared consciousness through media. People around the world will be receiving the same information at the same time, eliminating cultural and national filters. This brings humanity closer together in the sense that, for once, the entire planet is on the same page. However, this might also induce anxiety and resistance among those unwilling to accept the loss of media freedom and control. The three months of The Great Greeting allow people to absorb this shock gradually.
  • Global preparation and curiosity: By the end of The Great Greeting, curiosity and acceptance will begin to grow. The Justified and Ancient will likely answer questions about The Big Move in great detail, offering reassurances about the future and the promises of new worlds. People will begin preparing mentally for the Jaunt, though there will still be an undercurrent of fear and doubt about what will happen to the 7 billion people who will eventually “reincarnate” as babies.

2. The Great Jaunt (The Move Itself)

Once The Great Greeting ends, traditional human media returns, and humanity begins to process and digest what is about to happen in more familiar, human terms. This period will see traditional media outlets, governments, influencers, and thinkers stepping in to offer their interpretations and guidance, serving as a bridge between the revelation of alien contact and the Great Jaunt.

  • The return of familiar structures: As media returns to traditional outlets, humanity will seek comfort in its own voices. Governments, cultural leaders, religious figures, and celebrities will all play a role in explaining and reacting to The Big Move. People will process this enormous transition in both local and global contexts. There will be debates, fears, and excitement, but this phase allows for reflection in a world where old human voices still hold sway.
  • Global infrastructure preparing for the Jaunt: Logistically, there will likely be a frenzy of preparation during these three months. Governments and organizations may seek to create systems to manage this transition. Although much of it will be out of their control (since The Justified and Ancient will be managing the actual Jaunt), the sheer scale of this operation will require humanity’s involvement to some degree—whether it’s in choosing who will be among the first 900 million to go or preparing those left behind for their eventual “reincarnation” as babies.
  • Tension before the Jaunt: In the lead-up to The Great Jaunt, there will be tension. Despite three months of preparation, the idea of being “zapped” to another world will generate panic, resistance, and even rebellion in some pockets of the population. As people grapple with the idea of losing loved ones or even losing their own lives, the emotional and psychological weight of the Jaunt will begin to overwhelm society. This sets the stage for the emotional fallout of The Great Grief.

3. The Great Grief (Three Years of Processing)

The Great Grief is the most emotionally charged and dramatic phase of The Big Move. After 900 million people are “zapped” to new planets and the rest of humanity begins to process what has just happened, this phase becomes a period of collective mourning and introspection.

  • Shock and mourning: The immediate aftermath of the Jaunt will likely be characterized by shock, sadness, and confusion. While the 900 million on the new planets grapple with adjusting to new worlds, the billions left behind on Earth face a different reality. The remaining population knows that most of them will be “reincarnated” as babies in the future, effectively erasing their current lives and consciousness. This creates a sense of existential loss, as billions come to terms with their imminent “death” and rebirth.
  • Social upheaval and collective healing: The process of mourning will be global, with new rituals, religious revivals, and emotional coping mechanisms emerging. Cultural, religious, and political leaders will try to guide humanity through this mourning process, but there will be resistance from people who are angry, confused, or unwilling to accept their fate. The Jakors and other groups, using mind control and organizational power, will play a key role in keeping society functioning during this emotionally unstable time. They may impose order to prevent mass hysteria and societal collapse.
  • The rebuilding of a new consciousness: As the years of grief continue, humanity will begin to process and reframe its existence. People will start to find meaning in the concept of reincarnation—not as a loss, but as a new beginning. Eventually, those left behind will begin to embrace the idea that their “rebirth” is part of a larger cycle, and this acceptance will lead to a gradual rebuilding of hope. The three-year grieving period will allow the emotional groundwork to be laid for a future where humanity can envision a new chapter in its cosmic existence.


This three-part structure creates a powerful emotional arc for humanity’s transition into a new era. The calm certainty of The Great Greeting, the tension and preparation of The Great Jaunt, and the mourning and rebuilding of The Great Grief give the entire process a deep resonance that will leave lasting emotional and cultural impacts on the survivors. It mirrors the stages of grief on a cosmic scale, offering a sense of closure for a dying world while also creating space for hope and renewal on the new worlds.