Hysterical Doom Shit: Did I Just Have The Last Peaceful Thanksgiving (For a Few Years?)

by Shelt Garner

I’m a bit worried. A year from now, the country COULD be tearing itself apart as we lurch towards either a MAGA-themed autocracy or something akin to a civil war. I live in a really deep-Red area of Virginia and one of the signs that Something Bad is about to happen is if I don’t feel safe anymore.

If I have to flee my bum fuck Egypt home for a Blue part of Virginia…oh boy. Things would be careening towards a dark place. But to even speculate on such things really is hysterical doom shit.

It could be that Thanksgiving 2024 will be just…Thanksgiving. Nothing will change and I will do it like I always do. But, I dunno, bruh. It definitely seems as though the moment Election Day 2024 arrives things will be…bumpy.

By Thanksgiving 2024, either incoming POTUS Tyrant Trump will have made it clear who he’s going to arrest…or Biden’s re-election will cause a Secession Crisis and we’ll all being worried about Texas leaving the Union before January. But I just don’t know. It could go either way. It really could.

It might be that nothing of note happens by Thanksgiving 2024. But if Trump gets re-elected we are in DEEP TROUBLE.

Building Out An American SA For Tyrant Trump In Early 2025 Would Take Time & Not Happen In A Vacuum

by Ender

As it stands, Tyrant Trump seems to think that all his problems with a restless populace will be fixed by simply invoking the Insurrection Act. In that respect, MAGA “thoughtleaders” are making some pretty silly and child-like assumptions. They made similar assumptions about SCOTUS in the lead up to the January 6th Insurrection.

The problem is — after having read about the consolidation of Nazi power in early 1933, I realize that both Project 2025 and Agenda47 have a huge, gaping hole in their conspiracy: no SA.

And, it gets even more complicated. The US of 2025 is far larger in both population and geographic size than Germany in 1933. And the US is far more decentralized. And diverse. And has a far more potent tradition of democracy than the Weimer Republic.

It seems as though MAGA believes that simply by corrupting the administration of justice and the executive they can walk all over the American population. MAGA believes Americans will allow Tyrant Trump to throttle American democracy in broad daylight. I assume they think this because Trump has gotten away with a lot already, so, lulz, of course he can go full tyrant without any consequences.

But if Trump goes full tyrant and corrupts the administration of justice to the point that he is literally snatching people off the street and throwing them in jail, then….uhhh…there is going to be a reaction on the part of the American population.

The key thing is that the Nazis had an SA to browbeat the 48% of the Germany population that didn’t support them. Even if Trump decided to organize some sort of national paramilitary group at some point in early 2025 when it becomes clear that invoking the Insurrection Act isn’t going to cut it, there would be a lag time.

Trump would need a least maybe 300,000 or more MAGA SA members to scare the shit out of people in Blue States. But doing that would, unto itself, cause a reaction on the part of the American population. And remember, all of this would happen in the context of Trump being a lazy idiot who would just thrash around in anger rather than doing any sort of Great Man shit.

I suppose Trump could weaponize the existing ICE infrastructure and turn the organization into some sort of Gestapo. But doing that would ALSO really piss a lot of Blue State people off. And also alienate a lot of Traditionalists who just want to put kids in cages, not have their Blue family members roughed up and tortured in a camp.

I still believe that some sort of General Strike combined with the use of the 14th Amendment might lure the U.S. Military into supporting some sort of toppling of Tyrant Trump. But THAT would also cause a huge problem — probably in the guise of a Secession crisis.

The whole point is — unless we magically punt our problems down the road by peacefully re-electing Biden in 2024….we’re fucked.

The Vision Thing: How To Topple Tyrant Trump’s MAGA Nazi Regime

by Ender
Absolutely no one listens to me, so this is just me having some fun using my native tendency to run scenarios. As I keep saying, at the moment it seems as though the MAGA Nazi plot against America being concocted by Agenda47 and Project 2025 has a crucial flaw: no paramilitary group.

Tyrant Trump, because he is a lazy doofus, simply assumes that if he invokes the Insurrection Act that that, unto itself, will be enough to pacify a restless nation mad at him for going full MAGA Nazi tyrant.

The crux of the issue is, well, Trump.

Any other Republican — ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN — could peacefully shepherd us into an autocratic managed democracy without any problems. American democracy is on its last legs.

But this is ding-dong Trump. So he’s going to come into power in 2025 and frantically do all sorts of things that will really, really piss people off — many of them Traditionalists — and, as such, prime the country for something we’ve never seen before: a military coup.

Now, remember, even if Trump has some sort of secret underground mass of paramilitary people waiting to pop out in late January 2025, he can’t use them to do what the Nazis used the SA to do — browbeat people into submission. The country is too big, too decentralized and has too strong a democratic tradition.

So, if the MAGA Nazis “win” it will be because Radical Moderates let them win. As such, as I’ve written before, what I would do is organize some sort of massive strike. Women, because they really, really hate Trump, would be the perfect group to lean into with any sort of national strike. At least at first.

But for either a Women’s Strike are a General Strike to work, things would have to be really, really, REALLY bad. Americans, in general, are pretty laid back. We just don’t even think in terms of a General Strike. We think if we vote, thing gradually we get what we want. So for a General Strike to happen, Trump would have to have corrupted the administration of justice in such a conspicuous, dramatic way that millions of Americans would freak the fuck out.

I think if things did get that bad, then you have a Women’s Strike, then a General Strike and then you appeal to the U.S. Military to remove Tyrant Trump because of the 14th Amendment. I know a court in Colorado spit the difference on that issue just today, but if the U.S. Military is involved, that, unto itself, would be enough pressure to get the courts to say, “Yeah, Trump can’t even be in office. Have at it.”

The last goal of any General Strike would be the calling up of a Constitutional Convention. But it would have to be done in such a way that the fucking MAGA Nazis couldn’t cram through MAGA Nazi Enabling Acts.

One last thing — none of this would happen in a vacuum. It would not be fun. It would be scary as hell because there is a pretty good chance that if we did manage to topple Tyrant Trump, that there would be a Secession Crisis because of it as Red States left the Union in protest.

So, I don’t want any of this to really happen. I just like to run scenarios. I like to make my abstract fears concrete. Keep the faith.

The Curious Case Of MAGA & The Jews

by Shelt Garner

One of the more fucked up situations in modern politics is the situation with the fucking MAGA Nazis and Jewish people. What the fuck is up with that? MAGA is clearly careening towards some sort of American Nazism but because of a quirk of Trump’s personal life that trend is hampered.

And that doesn’t even begin to address how fucked it is that Stephen Miller is Jewish and yet he clearly wants to be MAGA’s Joseph Goebbels — he even looks like him! So, in a sense Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller are the canaries in coalmine.

Most likely what will happen is Trump gets re-elected, goes full tyrant and it’s not until his demise at some point in the future that the more Nazi elements of MAGA finally begin to bubble up to the surface.

But that doesn’t address other issues. Once we become an antisemitic autocratic MAGA Nazi state, how will that influence our relationship to Israel? It’s all very curious and difficult to game out. Yet I do believe that it is inevitable that once we’re a MAGA Nazi state that because form follows function that while the camps will at first be opened for undocumented people, soon enough, Jews — and freaky weirdos like me — will end up there, too.

The Absence of A MAGA SA Is Curious

by Shelt Garner

I kind of have this on the brain because I’m reading about the first 100 days of Nazi rule, but it’s very, very curious that for all their hateful plotting that both Agenda47 and Project 2025 have pretty big hole in their autocratic designs — no SA.

See, it was the Nazi paramilitary group the SA that was crucial to browbeating the 48% of the German population that didn’t support the Nazis. And, yet, as far as I can tell, there is no one central paramilitary arm of MAGA that Tyrant Trump can turn to in early 2025.

It seems as though Tyrant Trump believes that what the Nazis used the SA for he can use the regular old U.S. Military to do. And…I have my doubts on that front. If things get REALLY FUCKING BAD, I could totally see the U.S. Military either slow walking things are turning around and deposing Tyrant Trump outright. (Maybe under the guise of the 14the Amendment?)

It is the lack of an organized national American SA that gives me…hope? If MAGA just assumes that they can rely on the U.S. Military to be their goons, then, well, I think the Good Guys have a fighting chance.

What Is To Be Done: Tyrant Trump’s Plot Against America

To My Fellow New Lincolnites,

It is a little known fact that the right of revolution is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. I’m a man of peace and of ideas. I hate violence of any sort. And yet these are times that try men’s souls, as Thomas Paine would tell us. It is clear that concentrations camps will be to Trump’s vengeful second term what “the wall” was to his first.

This is of personal interest to me because the same infrastructure used to put “millions” of undocumented people in concentration camps could be used against “vermin” like…me. The thing that gives me a growing sense of frustration is how oblivious the usual suspect nattering nabobs of negativism are to the fact that maybe there are *no* institutions that will step up to save us.

We will have to save ourselves.

The problem we face is there is a certain political momentum to the MAGA Nazi movement that is difficult to defeat using traditional methods. It’s like we’ve all just collectively given up, much like the Roman Empire did in its last few decades. Or, to put a more modern spin on things — freedom loving people are going to appease themselves into a corner.

“What is to be done,” was the question Lenin asked in the years leading up to the Russian Revolution. And I ask that question now, “What is to be done?” I just don’t have a ready answer for you because it seems — as of late 2023 — that it is a historical inevitability that Trump will win a second term and we’re just going to have to sort things out after that.

My fear is that Trump will attempt to use the legal magic pixie dust of the Insurrection Act to knock heads and the U.S. Military will balk at playing the part of some sort of later day SA. There is some sort of “Glorious Revolution” that deposes malignant ding-dong Trump, which, in turn provokes a Secession Crisis as Red States — who want a MAGA Nazi state — get upset and demand a National Divorce.

Before you know it, not only are WMD being used by both sides on U.S. soil, but fucking WW3 has broken out and about 1 billion people die as a number of nuclear-tipped regional conflicts turn hot. If we’re lucky, after a lot of tragic, needless death and destruction “the Good Guys” — people who believe in liberal democracy — win and we have some sort of Second Reconstruction in the context of a complete realignment of the global order — a New World Order, if you will.

But all of that is extremely speculative.

Remember, major historical events are value free while you’re living through them. There is no narrative. I mean, in 1942, your average American had no idea how WW2 was going to end. And, really, all things considered, WW2 ended in a very clean cut way — for the most part — such that The Good Guys won and the Bad Guys lost.

So, predicting what will happen starting in late 2024, early 2025 is impossible. We could very well just punt our problems down the road another four years and all my “hysterical doom shit” will be just that — hysterical doom shit. But I do think we need to think seriously about what the fuck we’re going to do when Trump makes good on his pledge to mass deport people.

And that doesn’t even begin to address what we’re going to do if Trump goes full tyrant and attempts to establish an actual military dictatorship. AND, Trump is fucking old, so it might not even be him who ultimately transitions us from an anocracy into a full Russian-style autocracy.

I dunno. I just dunno.

Keep the faith.

Yours in freedom,


I’m Growing Worried About Trump’s Potential Second Term

by Shelt Garner

The thing I’m beginning to worry about is what are we going to do if Trump goes full tyrant? Anything? If Trump opens concentration camps for “illegal immigrants” it’s easy to imagine him flipping a switch and deciding to put people like ME in a camp.

Once you have that infrastructure built out, you can do anything with it.

Slouching Towards Trump Tyranny

by Shelt Garner

It is still possible that Trump will lose in 2024 and simply slip into the darkness. But at the moment he has a 50 / 50 chance of winning. As such, we have to take the possibility that Trump will get a second term and be given the opportunity to go full tyrant.

And it’s happening in broad daylight. Trump is telegraphing to all of us exactly what he plans to do once he has the opportunity. What will be interesting to see is what the reaction will be on the part of not just the general population, but the U.S. Military.

In fact, both Agenda47 and Project 2025 both rely on the assumption that people will meekly accept Tyrant Trump corrupting the administration of law and justice in his second term. But what if the populace reacts dramatically to Tyrant Trump at the same time the U.S. Military balks at being Tyrant Trump’s goons?

The key element that Trump and his ilk miss is they don’t have an SA. They don’t have a paramilitary group to knock heads. They think they can use the U.S. Military to serve that purpose by using the Insurrection Act. I have my doubts, however.

So it’s possible that Tyrant Trump might be deposed by the U.S. Military, probably under the guise that he’s not supposed to be POTUS in the first place because of the 14th Amendment.

And, yet, I suppose because form follows function, either ICE is weaponized into some sort of SS or Tyrant Trump very soon — within his first 100 days — organizes some sort of national SA-like organization that would knock heads as he consolidates power.

I’m very worried because I know that it will be people like me who will find myself having my head bashed in by ICE or some sort of MAGA-nationalized Patriot Front.


It Is Inevitable That MAGA Will Come After The Jews

by Shelt Garner

I’m not Jewish, but I feel I have a vested interest in their status in society as we careen towards a fucking MAGA Nazi fascist state because what happens to them will inevitably happen *to me*. I’m an odd ball, a freaky weirdo who has no idea what the “right” thing to do is relative to people who want a white Christian ethnostate. And as an American drunk loudmouth crank, I’ve had the luxury of living in a liberal democracy up to this point.

But if reading about the first 100 days of Nazi rule in 1933 has taught me anything, it’s that MAGA, once Project 2025 kicks in, will inevitably put me in a camp and do go only knows what to me. And because political form follows political function, it’s also inevitable that for all their desire to cling as tightly as possible to the Jews because they think Israel existing means Jesus will come back….MAGA is going to turn on the Jews.

And when they do, they’re going to come after freaky weirdo non-Jews like me. The Nazis hated not only Jews, but pretty much anyone who was a weirdo — LIKE ME. And I’m a loudmouth crank who refuses to shut the fuck up, so I’m bound to find myself on the wrong side of Project 2025. Fuck those guys. Fucking fascist pigs.

To me, the question of MAGA turning on the Jews is only a matter of time. It is the natural progression of the MAGA Nazi movement whenever the Dear Leader Tyrant Trump is no more. There are already signs that MAGA is going to do that now, with the rising incidents of anti-Jewish violence across the country. Which, I must note, Americans continue to be pretty chill with, which is very alarming to me.

Anyway. No one listens to me. And when they do listen to me, they often get mad. So, lulz. Maybe I should learn Ham Radio.

Form Follows Function: Project 2025 & The Inevitable Creation of ‘The MAGA Youth’

by Shelt Garner

Given that the Project 2025 conspiracy wants to corrupt the administration of justice and levers of power like the fucking Nazis in 1933, it makes you wonder if we should expect the MAGA Youth being organized.

The MAGA Youth would be a national youth organization meant to indoctrinate young impressionable children into the principles of America First. The only question I have is how soon will Tyrant Trump being the process of organizing the MAGA Youth.

There are some obstacles. America is a huge, diverse and decentralized nation — especially in regards to education — so some sort of state sponsored Hitler Youth-like organization would be a bit difficult to implement. But not impossible, especially, if, lulz, Tyrant Trump goes full tyrant and does whatever the fuck he wants to do because Project 2025 has so corrupted the levers of power that he can be a tyrannical dictator.

But as I’ve written before, Project 2025 will not happen in a political vacuum. It is a fucking testament to how fucking dumb Trump is that EVERYONE KNOWS that if he gets a second term, he’s going to strangle what’s left of American Democracy and turn us into a white Christian ethnostate. His second term will be based on just on revenge, but on making America a nation of blood and soil.

So, if Trump tries to create Trump Tykes or whatever, the 60% of the population that hates MAGA — like me — are going to flip the fuck out. And, as I keep saying, the real wild card is the U.S. Military. I just can’t see them being willing to be MAGA goons, no matter how much Project 2025 believes Tyrant Trump can fix all his problems by simply waving his hand and using the magic pixie dust of the Insurrection Act.

Things just aren’t that simple.

Anyway. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Keep the faith.