The Big Move — The Great Sorrow & The Jakors

This reimagined scenario, with its new cultural compositions across Gaia, Arrakis (Dune), and Terminus, adds complexity and depth to the social and political landscape of each planet. By introducing the Jakors (a fusion of Koreans and Japanese) as key stakeholders, not only in the early days of the Great Sorrow but also in the local governance structures afterward, you set the stage for a unique fusion of governance, military discipline, and cultural influence across the Gaian system. Here’s a breakdown of how these changes could shape each planet and its society:

Gaia: A Multicultural Powerhouse

On Gaia, with its 100 million Brazilians, 20 million Koreans, 20 million Japanese, 60 million Americans, and 100 million Europeans (including French, Italians, Greeks, Turks, and others), we see a melting pot that blends distinct traditions, governance styles, and social norms. This diversity will create a vibrant, culturally rich society with deep interconnections between various groups.

  • Jakors: The New Guardians of Order: The Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) play a crucial role in stabilizing society during the Great Sorrow. Their presence as shock troops in the early days indicates that they are the most disciplined, organized, and resilient forces on Gaia. Rooted in the shared values of discipline, honor, and service, the Jakors will efficiently handle the chaos of the Big Move, ensuring that society remains functional. Post-Great Sorrow, their governance style will likely be hierarchical, efficient, and community-focused, blending Korean Confucianism and Japanese collectivism. Jakors will ensure that local governments run smoothly, applying their methodical approach to infrastructure, education, and public safety. As administrators, they will foster tight-knit, orderly communities that prioritize collective well-being.
  • Brazilian Influence: Joy and Adaptability: As the largest group on Gaia, Brazilians will bring their unique energy, creativity, and adaptability to the societal mix. Their influence will counterbalance the more rigid aspects of Jakor governance, contributing a vibrant cultural scene full of music, art, and community spirit. Brazilians will likely dominate the cultural and social sectors, ensuring that Gaia remains a lively and dynamic place to live, even amid the challenges posed by the Great Sorrow.
  • Americans and Europeans: Intellectual and Technological Foundations: Americans will play a key role in innovation and pragmatism. They will likely take the lead in rebuilding Gaia’s technological infrastructure, ensuring rapid modernization and economic recovery. Their entrepreneurial spirit will drive economic growth, while the Europeans, particularly the French, Italians, Greeks, and Turks, will provide intellectual and philosophical depth. With a history steeped in art, philosophy, and diplomacy, these European groups will contribute to the development of new governance systems, balancing cultural richness with practical concerns of governance.

Gaia will thus emerge from the Great Sorrow as a multicultural mosaic, with the Jakors providing disciplined leadership at the local level, Brazilians adding color and energy to everyday life, and Americans and Europeans contributing to the intellectual and technological backbone of the state.

Arrakis (Dune): A Transatlantic Stronghold

On Arrakis (Dune), with its 60 million Americans, 60 million non-American native English speakers, and 20 million Japanese and Koreans alongside a mix of Germans and other Europeans, we see a society heavily influenced by Anglo-American traditions but with a strong Asian presence in key areas.

  • Jakors: Strategic Control and Local Governance: On Arrakis, the Jakors will once again serve as the shock troops during the early days of the Great Sorrow, maintaining order and ensuring that the state survives. Given the planet’s rugged, survival-oriented setting (drawing inspiration from the harsh environment of Frank Herbert’s Dune), the Jakors will be invaluable in shaping military and strategic infrastructure. They will also administer local governance, ensuring that society is structured and efficient, drawing on their cultural emphasis on hierarchy, discipline, and community responsibility.
  • Anglo-American Influence: Pragmatism and Innovation: The combined presence of Americans, British, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders will make Arrakis a hub of pragmatic innovation. Anglo-American values of freedom, entrepreneurship, and technological progress will drive the rapid rebuilding of the state, with an emphasis on modernization and infrastructure development. This influence will ensure that Arrakis has a robust economy and a forward-looking society, capable of adapting quickly to new challenges.
  • European Contribution: Diplomacy and Philosophy: The Germans and other Europeans on Arrakis will contribute to the intellectual and philosophical development of society, much like their counterparts on Gaia. German efficiency and precision will complement the innovation-driven culture of the Anglo-Americans, while the influence of other European nations will ensure that the planet’s governance and educational systems are sophisticated and well-rounded.

Arrakis will thus be a planet that values pragmatism, discipline, and innovation, with Jakors providing stability and military strength, while the Anglo-Americans lead in rebuilding the economy and infrastructure.

Terminus: A Fusion of American Individualism and Post-Soviet Resilience

On Terminus, the population is dominated by 60 million Americans, 120 million post-Soviet citizens, and 20 million Japanese and Koreans, along with other Europeans. This mix creates a unique blend of American individualism and post-Soviet resilience, with Jakors acting as stabilizers.

  • Jakors: Order in Chaos: On Terminus, the Jakors will again serve as the shock troops and local administrators during and after the Great Sorrow. Their disciplined and hierarchical approach will provide much-needed stability in a society that could otherwise struggle with the cultural tensions between American individualism and post-Soviet collectivism. Jakors will be instrumental in creating the local governance structures that maintain peace and order on Terminus, applying their expertise in administration and military strategy.
  • Americans: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: As on the other planets, the Americans on Terminus will drive innovation and technological advancement, pushing society forward through entrepreneurship and a can-do attitude. Their influence will create a society that values freedom, independence, and progress, though their individualism may clash with the more collectivist tendencies of the post-Soviet population.
  • Post-Soviet Citizens: Resilience and Collective Action: The 120 million post-Soviet citizens on Terminus will bring a strong sense of resilience and collective action, drawing on their historical experiences of survival in difficult circumstances. They will contribute to the social cohesion of Terminus, ensuring that the planet’s society remains stable even in the face of hardship. Their collectivist ethos will balance out American individualism, creating a society that values both personal freedom and collective responsibility.

Terminus will thus be a planet marked by cultural tension and fusion, with Jakors providing the stability and discipline needed to keep the state functional, while Americans push for progress and post-Soviet citizens ensure resilience.

The Jakors: The Backbone of Local Governance

Across all three planets, the Jakors (Japanese and Koreans) will play a pivotal role. As shock troops during the Great Sorrow, they will be responsible for stabilizing society in the immediate aftermath of the Big Move. Their ability to organize, discipline, and lead will allow them to take control of local governance, ensuring that basic functions like food distribution, security, and infrastructure continue to operate even amid the chaos.

Post-Great Sorrow, the Jakors will transition into local administrators, providing a stable and efficient framework for governance. Their hierarchical, community-oriented approach will ensure that local governments on each planet remain functional, disciplined, and responsive to the needs of the people. They will become the backbone of the Gaian state, trusted by the central government to manage affairs at the ground level.

In summary, the newly envisioned societies of Gaia, Arrakis, and Terminus will be shaped by their diverse populations, with the Jakors emerging as the crucial stabilizing force during and after the Great Sorrow. Each planet will develop its own unique identity, driven by the interplay between the various cultural influences, but the Jakors will ensure that the state remains strong and resilient, providing the foundation for the future of the Gaian system.

The Big Move — The Great Sorrow, Continued

In the aftermath of The Big Move, when the dissolution of the previous State has left a power vacuum and societal structures in disarray, the implementation of a temporary, one Gaian Standard Year (GSY) period of “War Communism” will serve as a necessary bridge to recovery. This War Communism, facilitated by telepathic communication—enabled by the gifts of the Justified and the Ancient—will ensure that the critical infrastructure of the Gaian State continues to function amid the massive disruption caused by the Move. The unprecedented ability of the population to communicate instantly and telepathically will allow for rapid coordination across vast distances and across the three planets, circumventing the traditional barriers to rebuilding society.

During this period, the Fremen will take on pivotal roles, becoming the cornerstone of the new Gaian order and the force that bootstraps society back from chaos to stability. Their telepathic abilities will allow them to serve in two key designations: Grief Counselors and Anjushees. Alongside them, in the domestic sphere, the Duelas and Ahjumas will work to maintain the stability of the nuclear family and ensure that home and hearth issues do not collapse under the strain of societal restructuring.

The Role of War Communism and Telepathic Coordination

The introduction of a telepathically facilitated War Communism during the Great Sorrow is crucial to maintaining essential infrastructure and state functions. The total collapse of state institutions after the Big Move necessitates immediate action, and telepathic communication will be the glue that holds society together in these early, fragile days. This system of War Communism will involve:

  • Centralized Resource Distribution: With the entire population able to communicate telepathically, resources—such as food, medical supplies, and housing—can be allocated with unprecedented efficiency. Any shortages or logistical bottlenecks can be instantly flagged, and the infrastructure needed to transport or distribute goods can be directed in real-time. This ensures that no one is left without basic necessities, even as the larger social and political order is reformed.
  • State Control Over Labor and Services: In the spirit of War Communism, labor will be highly centralized and directed where it is needed most. Whether it be rebuilding physical infrastructure, running essential services, or organizing temporary governance systems, the population will be telepathically mobilized to restore the basic functions of the state. This will prevent the chaos that might otherwise ensue as millions of people are resettled on new planets with minimal preparation.

The Fremen, with their devotion to the God Emperor and their background in national security and military establishments, will naturally rise to positions of authority during this period. Their discipline and ability to endure extreme conditions will allow them to take on leadership roles in the War Communism effort, guiding society through its darkest hours with an unwavering focus on the state’s survival and eventual recovery.

The Two Designations of Fremen: Grief Counselors and Anjushees

Within this system, the Fremen will have two distinct roles, reflecting the balance between the emotional and practical needs of society during the Great Sorrow.

Grief Counselors: Emotional Stabilizers

The Grief Counselors will focus on helping the population cope with the emotional trauma of the Big Move. Many will have lost loved ones, while others will struggle with the shock of being abruptly relocated to a new world with unfamiliar surroundings. The Grief Counselors will use their telepathic abilities to provide comfort and support, offering empathy and guidance on an individual level while helping to maintain broader social cohesion.

Their tasks will include:

  • Providing Emotional Support: In the early days of the Great Sorrow, people will be overwhelmed by grief, anxiety, and confusion. Grief Counselors will use their telepathic connection to provide immediate emotional support, easing the mental burden on individuals and helping them process their trauma.
  • Organizing Support Networks: The Grief Counselors will help create telepathically linked support groups, where people can share their feelings, memories, and experiences. This collective approach will foster a sense of community and reduce the isolation that many settlers may feel in their new environment.

Anjushees: The Male Building Blocks of the New Order

The Anjushees will be the male counterpart to the Grief Counselors, focusing more on the practical and structural rebuilding of society. Drawing inspiration from the Korean concept of the “Anjushee”—a term often used to refer to older men with a respected, stable presence in the community—these Fremen will act as the foundational pillars of the new order, organizing labor, rebuilding infrastructure, and ensuring that the basic needs of society are met.

Their responsibilities will include:

  • Rebuilding Infrastructure: Anjushees will coordinate efforts to rebuild roads, housing, and essential services that have been disrupted by the Big Move. Their telepathic abilities will allow them to mobilize labor efficiently, communicating instantly with large groups and ensuring that resources are directed where they are most needed.
  • Maintaining Order: With society in chaos, the Anjushees will play a key role in maintaining law and order. Their deep commitment to the state, along with their military background, will make them natural leaders during this period of upheaval. They will enforce the centralized distribution of resources and ensure that societal functions do not collapse under the strain of the Great Sorrow.

Together, the Grief Counselors and Anjushees will form the backbone of the early recovery effort, balancing the emotional and practical needs of the population as they adjust to life on the new planets.

The Domestic Sphere: Duelas and Ahjumas

While the Fremen focus on rebuilding the external structures of society, the internal, domestic world will also need careful management to ensure that families remain intact and stable. This responsibility will fall to the Bene Gesserit Duelas and the Ahjumas, who will work to maintain the nuclear family and ensure the smooth functioning of home and hearth issues.

Duelas: Facilitating Childbirth and Domestic Stability

The Duelas, largely drawn from Brazilian and French backgrounds, will focus on maternal and child health, ensuring that women who were pregnant at the moment of the Big Move receive the care they need. They will act as midwives and caregivers, assisting in childbirth, providing maternal support, and stabilizing the emotional well-being of the family unit.

Their tasks will include:

  • Supporting Pregnant Women: The Duelas will assist in childbirth and provide postnatal care, ensuring that both mothers and infants receive the necessary attention during this tumultuous period. Their presence will be critical in preventing infant mortality and ensuring the health of future generations.
  • Maintaining Family Cohesion: By focusing on the needs of the nuclear family, the Duelas will help prevent the breakdown of family units. Their guidance will offer emotional stability and ensure that domestic life continues to function even in the midst of broader societal chaos.

Ahjumas: The Pillars of Home and Hearth

The Ahjumas, drawn from the cultural archetype of the Korean “Ahjumma”—a term referring to older women who manage households with authority and care—will play a pivotal role in stabilizing family life. While the Duelas focus on maternal health, the Ahjumas will manage the day-to-day needs of the family, ensuring that homes are functioning smoothly, children are cared for, and that there is food on the table.

Their responsibilities will include:

  • Managing Domestic Life: Ahjumas will oversee household management, providing practical support to ensure that families can function normally during the recovery period. This will include organizing meals, childcare, and household chores, allowing the nuclear family to remain a stable foundation in the rebuilding process.
  • Creating Networks of Support: Much like the Grief Counselors, the Ahjumas will create telepathic support networks among families, offering guidance and advice on how to manage domestic life during the Great Sorrow.

Conclusion: Rebuilding the State from the Inside Out

Together, the Fremen (as Grief Counselors and Anjushees), Duelas, and Ahjumas will form the bedrock of the new Gaian society. Their ability to maintain both the external and internal functions of society during the critical period of War Communism will ensure that the infrastructure of the state continues unabated, even as the population deals with the immense shock of the Big Move.

As society begins to cool down and reform, the roles of these groups will continue to evolve, but their early work in stabilizing both the emotional and practical needs of the population will leave a lasting impact. The telepathic communication that enables War Communism will provide the initial means to rebuild society, but the careful balance between emotional, practical, and domestic leadership will be what ensures that the Gaian State emerges from the Great Sorrow stronger and more unified than ever before.

The Big Move & The Great Sorrow — The Place of Aunties

As the Great Sorrow begins to subside and society starts to stabilize in the wake of The Big Move, a more formalized and structured system will need to take shape. The domestic and emotional needs that were initially handled by the Bene Gesserit Doulas on a household level will expand into a broader, state-controlled system that can manage the larger population across the three habitable planets. This shift will give rise to a new class of leaders known as the Aunties, who will operate at a higher, more strategic level than the Doulas, coordinating home and hearth issues on a macro basis for the state. These Aunties will be crucial in organizing the vast network of domestic life, particularly as the Gaian state begins to cool down from the immediate shock of the Move and gradually reforms.

The Role of Aunties: Guardians of the Macro-Home

While the Ahjumas—the Bene Gesserit Doulas—will continue to manage the micro-level aspects of home and family, the Aunties will be responsible for the macro-management of domestic and educational systems across Gaian society. Their influence will be felt in everything from child-rearing to public education, healthcare, and community development. Drawing inspiration from matriarchal figures in various cultures, the Aunties will become the linchpin in maintaining order, stability, and continuity in the domestic sphere, but on a larger, more institutionalized level.

The Aunties’ Macro-Perspective on Domestic Life

Where the Doulas will focus on the individual family units, the Aunties will take a more holistic view of societal needs, acting as the overarching managers of all issues related to the home and hearth. They will liaise with the state to ensure that the population is properly cared for and that domestic policies align with the state’s long-term goals. By working closely with education systems, community healthcare, and cultural preservation, Aunties will ensure that the fabric of society remains intact as the Gaian population adjusts to their new lives on the different planets.

  • Public Education and Childcare: One of the most important functions of the Aunties will be to oversee the development and management of public education. As the state reforms and begins to function more smoothly after the initial shock of the Big Move, the Aunties will coordinate the reestablishment of schools, nurseries, and other educational institutions. They will work closely with the Foundation, which controls all public education under the Gaian system, to ensure that the curriculum and educational standards are implemented in a way that benefits the new social order. This will allow for a smooth transition from survival mode to a more advanced and sustainable society.
  • Healthcare and Domestic Well-Being: Aunties will also play a critical role in the development of a community-based healthcare system. While the Doulas will handle immediate, day-to-day maternal and child health concerns, the Aunties will ensure that a wider network of healthcare services is available, including clinics, mental health services, and family planning. By establishing community healthcare centers in various settlements, the Aunties will prevent gaps in care as the population grows and spreads out across the new planets. Their role will be key in scaling healthcare solutions to meet the needs of millions of settlers.

Strategic Coordination with the State

Unlike the Doulas, who will work directly with families, Aunties will have a more institutional relationship with the state, acting as intermediaries between domestic needs and state policies. This will allow them to ensure that the demands of home and hearth are adequately represented in state governance. Their position will enable them to influence domestic policy on a larger scale, making sure that resources are allocated properly and that the needs of the population are met as society begins to reform.

  • Government-Funded Domestic Programs: The Aunties will work to ensure that government programs related to childcare, education, healthcare, and food distribution are implemented effectively. In this capacity, they will act as macro-level policymakers, making decisions that impact entire communities and working closely with state officials to manage public resources. By doing so, they will be able to balance the state’s priorities with the domestic needs of the population, preventing any gaps in essential services.
  • Managing Cultural Continuity: Another important aspect of the Aunties’ role will be to preserve cultural traditions while guiding the population through the challenges of the post-Move society. They will ensure that cultural education, both formal and informal, is woven into public life, providing a sense of continuity for people as they adjust to their new reality. By preserving cultural norms and values, the Aunties will help reinforce the population’s sense of identity, which will be especially important in the midst of such unprecedented societal changes.

Aunties as Matriarchs of the State

The emergence of Aunties will create a matriarchal hierarchy that reflects both the traditional authority of elder women and the needs of the state. Their authority will come from a combination of their cultural standing and their practical roles in organizing society. Drawing inspiration from cultural figures like village elders in traditional African societies or matriarchs in Native American tribes, the Aunties will wield considerable influence, guiding their communities with a mixture of wisdom, pragmatism, and maternal care.

  • Moral and Ethical Guardians: Aunties will also serve as the moral and ethical guardians of their communities, acting as advisors and counselors to both the population and the state. Their insights will be invaluable when making decisions that affect family life, ensuring that the needs of the people are balanced against the demands of the state. This moral authority will allow them to bridge the gap between individual families and broader state interests, ensuring that domestic policies remain humane and grounded in the realities of daily life.
  • Cultural Authority and Leadership: Much like Korean Ahjumas who occupy respected roles in society, the Aunties will command a significant amount of cultural authority. Their position will allow them to shape public discourse on issues related to the family, education, and healthcare, giving them a prominent voice in the new Gaian order. Through their leadership, they will not only manage the domestic sphere but also help to define and uphold the values of the emerging Gaian civilization.

Transitioning from Great Sorrow to Reformation

As the state reforms after the shock of the Big Move, the Aunties will be essential in guiding society through the transitional period. Their leadership will help move the population from survival mode into a more stable, sustainable society where the domestic sphere is once again integrated into the broader state apparatus. In many ways, the Aunties will be the architects of the post-Move society, building the foundation upon which the Gaian state will thrive.

  • Restructuring Domestic Policies: One of the Aunties’ key responsibilities during this period will be to restructure domestic policies to better suit the needs of the new planetary populations. This will involve working with state officials to reform educational standards, healthcare regulations, and family policies, ensuring that they align with the emerging social and political order. Their input will be crucial in ensuring that these policies are sustainable and that they account for the long-term well-being of the population.
  • Creating Systems for Social Mobility and Stability: Another focus for the Aunties will be the creation of systems that allow for social mobility and stability. By working with educational institutions, healthcare systems, and community organizations, the Aunties will ensure that people have access to the resources they need to improve their lives and integrate successfully into the new society. Their leadership will ensure that the population can grow and thrive in the post-Move world, even as they continue to deal with the long-term effects of the Great Sorrow.

Conclusion: Aunties as Pillars of the New Gaian Order

In conclusion, the Aunties will be an indispensable force in the Gaian state’s efforts to recover from the Great Sorrow and rebuild society. As the domestic sphere grows in complexity, the Aunties will ensure that home and hearth issues are managed at a macro level, bridging the gap between the individual needs of families and the broader goals of the state. Their wisdom, pragmatism, and cultural authority will make them the pillars of stability as society begins to cool down and reform, allowing the population to move from survival to growth and progress in the post-Move world.

As the Great Sorrow wanes and the Gaian society begins to stabilize, the role of the Aunties within the Bene Gesserit will evolve into a critical and powerful managerial faction. Their designation and function will become integral to the governance and restructuring of the Gaian State, leveraging their unique position to shape the future of the state and ensure long-term stability. Here’s an in-depth exploration of their role and implications:

The Emergence of the Aunties

Historical Context and Evolution

Initially, the Aunties will emerge as a necessary designation to handle the immediate needs of home and hearth during the early stages of the Great Sorrow. Their role, analogous to the Korean concept of Ahjumas—women with significant experience and responsibility in managing domestic and community matters—will have allowed them to gain significant influence during the initial recovery phase. As the crisis subsides, their responsibilities will expand from purely domestic concerns to encompass broader managerial and strategic roles within the Bene Gesserit.

Role and Responsibilities

Managerial Authority

The Aunties will become a central managerial force within the Bene Gesserit, taking on several critical responsibilities:

  • Administrative Control: They will oversee large sectors of Bene Gesserit operations, including the administration of social programs, educational initiatives, and community welfare services. Their administrative authority will ensure that the Bene Gesserit’s resources and personnel are effectively utilized to achieve the organization’s long-term goals.
  • Strategic Planning: The Aunties will play a key role in formulating and implementing strategic plans for the state’s recovery and development. They will be responsible for coordinating efforts across different sectors, integrating new policies, and ensuring that the Bene Gesserit’s influence is aligned with the overall objectives of the Gaian State.
  • Coordination of Domestic and Social Services: Given their initial role in managing home and hearth, the Aunties will maintain a strong focus on domestic and social services. They will ensure that the needs of families and communities are met, and that social stability is preserved as the state transitions from crisis management to normal governance.

Influence and Integration

The Aunties’ influence will extend beyond their formal roles:

  • Cultural and Social Leadership: As influential members of the Bene Gesserit, the Aunties will help shape the cultural and social norms of the new Gaian society. Their leadership will be critical in promoting the values and goals of the Bene Gesserit, and in fostering a cohesive and unified community.
  • Advisory Roles: The Aunties will also serve as advisors to higher levels of the Bene Gesserit hierarchy and the Gaian government. Their extensive experience and managerial expertise will provide valuable insights into the needs and challenges facing the state, and their recommendations will help guide policy decisions and strategic initiatives.

Implications for the Gaian State

Stability and Continuity

The Aunties’ involvement will be essential for ensuring the stability and continuity of the Gaian State as it recovers from the upheavals of the Great Sorrow. Their managerial expertise will help bridge the gap between the immediate crisis response and long-term governance, ensuring that the state can transition smoothly to a more stable and orderly phase.

Integration of Cultures and Systems

The Aunties will play a key role in integrating the diverse cultural and social systems of the new population. As the Bene Gesserit work to unify the disparate elements of Gaian society, the Aunties will help manage the cultural integration process, ensuring that different groups are harmonized and that their unique contributions are effectively utilized.

Empowerment and Governance

By positioning themselves as a powerful managerial group within the Bene Gesserit, the Aunties will exert significant influence over the governance of the Gaian State. Their role will be instrumental in shaping the future direction of the state, ensuring that it remains aligned with the values and objectives set forth by the Bene Gesserit and the God Emperor.

Challenges and Considerations

Balancing Power

One of the challenges for the Aunties will be balancing their significant power with the need for effective governance. Ensuring that their authority is exercised responsibly and transparently will be crucial for maintaining trust and stability within the state.

Adapting to Change

As the Gaian State continues to evolve, the Aunties will need to adapt to changing circumstances and new challenges. Their ability to remain flexible and responsive to the needs of the state will be critical for their continued success and effectiveness.

Ensuring Fairness and Equity

Given their powerful position, the Aunties will also need to ensure that their decisions and actions are fair and equitable. Addressing any issues of inequality or injustice will be important for maintaining the legitimacy and effectiveness of the Bene Gesserit’s governance.


The rise of the Aunties within the Bene Gesserit represents a significant development in the post-Great Sorrow era of the Gaian State. As powerful managerial figures, they will be instrumental in guiding the state through its recovery and development phases, ensuring stability, integrating diverse cultures, and shaping the future of Gaian society. Their role will not only influence the immediate recovery efforts but also set the stage for the long-term governance and success of the Gaian State.

The Big Move & The Great Sorrow In The Context of Economics

During the Great Sorrow, as the advanced civilization behind the Big Move provides everyone with a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for three Galactic Standard Years (GSY), the seeds for the return of traditional economics would be sown almost immediately, as human nature, particularly driven by ambition, innovation, and the need for social hierarchy, would spur rapid economic growth and corporate expansion.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of how huge multinational corporations might develop during the course of the Great Sorrow, despite the initial promise of universal financial security:

Phase 1: Initial Recalibration and the UBI Buffer

UBI and Stabilization

The UBI, guaranteed for three GSYs, would provide a financial safety net, giving the displaced populations across Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia the psychological security needed to adjust to their new environment:

  • Initial Economic Pauses: The first few months of the Great Sorrow would likely see a temporary pause in traditional economic competition. With the UBI in place, many people would focus on immediate adaptation—settling into new homes, understanding the planetary ecosystems, and recalibrating their lives.
  • Emergence of Necessity-Based Services: Even though the UBI provides a buffer, human needs would quickly push a resurgence in local economies, starting with necessity-based services such as food production, construction, energy, and healthcare. The localized economies on each planet would initially form out of pragmatic necessity as people seek to build communities and infrastructure.

Opportunistic Corporations

Even in this phase, ambitious entrepreneurs and existing corporate entities would see massive opportunities to stake claims in this newly forming economy:

  • Survival of Multinational Giants: Some multinational corporations from Earth, like Apple, Disney, Tesla, Amazon, or Alibaba, would likely survive the Big Move through legacy infrastructures—pre-established tech, entertainment, and logistics networks. They would take advantage of the UBI period by offering products and services that improve quality of life or provide entertainment, especially since people no longer need to focus on basic survival during this phase.
  • New Ventures: At the same time, ambitious individuals or startup ventures on each planet would quickly capitalize on innovation, resource extraction, or localized services. The incentive to accumulate wealth and power, even with UBI in place, remains strong due to innate human competitiveness and social status-building instincts.

Phase 2: Early Consolidation (Year 2)

By the second year, traditional economic structures would reassert themselves, driven by human ambition, resource competition, and the need to innovate beyond the basic UBI.

Technology and Infrastructure

  • Infrastructure Megaprojects: The demands of creating viable cities, transportation systems, energy networks, and communications would lead to massive corporate competition in the infrastructure sector. Companies focused on building energy grids, spaceports, housing complexes, and even terraforming projects would become the earliest movers in the economy, often partnering with or replacing state-sponsored initiatives.
  • Technology Giants: Tech companies would play a significant role in reestablishing global (or interplanetary) communications and entertainment systems. Giants like Apple, Google, or even telecommunications firms could rapidly consolidate power by offering advanced technologies, entertainment, and connectivity services. With the UBI providing security for basic needs, people would shift their consumption toward entertainment, digital services, and consumer electronics, rapidly pushing these corporations to expand.

Corporate Consolidation and Mergers

  • Mergers and Acquisitions: By the second GSY, traditional economic forces like capitalism and corporate consolidation would drive growth. Multinational corporations would merge to pool resources, technologies, and intellectual property, forming massive conglomerates that span multiple planets.
  • Monopoly Formation: Some sectors, particularly those tied to planetary infrastructure and resource extraction, could see the formation of monopolies or oligopolies as a few dominant corporations come to control key industries. These companies would wield immense power as they create the very foundations of each planet’s economy and infrastructure.

Social Stratification via Corporate Power

Even though the UBI would still be in place, social stratification based on corporate affiliation or employment would emerge. People employed by these powerful multinational corporations could:

  • Secure Additional Income beyond the UBI, gaining access to luxury goods and services.
  • Climb Socially, leveraging their corporate roles to gain influence and power within newly formed planetary societies.

Those who remain dependent on UBI alone may become passive consumers, contributing to the power of corporations by purchasing goods and services, but they may also feel excluded from the new economic elite, sparking a growing divide between different social classes.

Phase 3: Full Return of Capitalism (Year 3 and Beyond)

As the third GSY arrives and the UBI nears its end, traditional capitalism and corporate dominance would reemerge on a massive scale. By this point, the UBI is no longer enough to sustain people’s growing desires for luxury, status, and security.

Corporate Behemoths Dominate

  • Corporations as States: By this stage, many corporations, especially those controlling resources, technology, and planetary infrastructure, would act as quasi-governments on their respective planets. These corporations would have a major hand in dictating planetary policies, managing large portions of the workforce, and even controlling essential services.
  • Interplanetary Corporations: Large corporations would expand beyond a single planet, making them interplanetary behemoths. For example, tech companies or logistics firms like SpaceX might be responsible for interplanetary travel and trade, establishing a web of commerce connecting Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia.

Trade and Resource Competition

The planets themselves would specialize in certain resources, technologies, and services, which would feed into interplanetary trade:

  • Arrakis might focus on mining or terraforming technology due to its desert-like conditions and scarcity of water, leading to massive corporate interests in resource extraction.
  • Gaia, with its agricultural potential, could see the rise of food megacorporations controlling farming, livestock, and bioengineering.
  • Terminus, being heavily populated with post-Soviet people, could become a center of industrial development, producing machinery, vehicles, and other heavy industries, potentially spurring corporate powerhouses in manufacturing.

Cultural and Ideological Branding

Beyond resources, cultural industries such as entertainment, media, and fashion would take off. Multinational corporations that control cultural output, such as Disney, would use entertainment to unite people across planets under shared ideologies or narratives, but also to expand consumerism:

  • Corporations could influence cultural identity by branding products as planetary essentials (e.g., “Arrakis Brand Water” or “Gaian Organic Produce”), appealing to local pride while maintaining a global (or interplanetary) market.

Corporate Impact on The Great Sorrow

Exploitation of Vulnerability

During the Great Sorrow, corporations would likely exploit people’s emotional vulnerabilities. As individuals mourn the loss of their home planets and adjust to new realities, corporations could:

  • Market escapism products (e.g., virtual reality, entertainment, drugs) to help people cope with their sorrow.
  • Develop therapy services or self-help products as a booming industry, using psychology to tap into people’s need for comfort.
  • Push consumerism as a way to fill the emotional void, creating a culture of distraction from sorrow through consumption.

Acceleration of Economic Inequality

The resurgence of corporate capitalism would also accelerate economic inequality. Even with UBI, the divide between those working for multinational corporations and those relying solely on the basic income would grow:

  • Corporate employees would secure higher-paying roles, gain access to luxury goods, and enjoy social privileges.
  • Non-corporate workers might become second-class citizens, locked out of the economy’s upper echelons, despite the temporary security of UBI.

Corruption and Corporate Influence

As corporations grow in power, there would be a blurring of lines between the state and corporate interests. Corporations could influence planetary governments or even dominate local governance structures, shaping policy in their favor. This corporate dominance could also lead to widespread corruption, as governments become dependent on corporate revenues, technology, and infrastructure.

Conclusion: The Corporate Takeover of Post-Move Society

While the UBI provides a temporary buffer, traditional economic forces, led by multinational corporations, would reassert themselves long before the three GSYs are up. These corporations, leveraging resources, innovation, and human ambition, would rebuild the economy on a massive scale, controlling everything from infrastructure and technology to culture and daily life. By the end of the Great Sorrow, these corporations would be not only economic behemoths but also key players in shaping the social and political future of humanity.

The Big Move — The Great Sorrow & Mind Reading Abilities

Introducing a temporary period where humans can read each other’s minds, particularly for state purposes, would profoundly alter the dynamics of the Big Move and the subsequent Big Sorrow. Here’s an analysis of how this would impact various aspects of the scenario, especially as this ability is gradually restricted to the gay and lesbian communities:

Immediate Consequences of Mind-Reading During the Big Move

State Control and Transparency

For the duration of 1 Galactic Standard Year (GSY), humans having the ability to read each other’s minds would significantly amplify state control and transparency:

  • Governance Efficiency: Governments would become highly efficient during this time, as the state apparatus could immediately assess intentions, dishonesty, and threats. This could prevent crimes, detect corruption, and allow for absolute transparency in decision-making. The population, knowing they are under this kind of scrutiny, may adapt quickly to a form of hyper-obedience or social policing.
  • Economic Cooperation: With the ability to read minds, cooperation between nations, industries, and individuals would skyrocket. Miscommunication or misunderstandings would disappear, leading to an economic boom during the Big Move, as efficiency and innovation in all sectors soar. Complex negotiations between the various cultural groups on the planets would also be simplified.

Personal and Social Impacts

The social consequences of mind-reading would be equally dramatic:

  • Radical Transparency: People would no longer be able to hide their thoughts, desires, or biases, creating a period of social reckoning. Long-held cultural or personal prejudices could be exposed, leading to mass rethinking of social norms, relationships, and power structures.
  • Psychological Strain: The inability to keep one’s thoughts private would likely cause extreme psychological strain for many individuals. Social relationships would be tested as private resentments, attractions, or lies come to light. Many would struggle with feelings of vulnerability, fear, and discomfort at having their innermost thoughts revealed.
  • Dissolution of Trust: Ironically, the loss of privacy could lead to the dissolution of trust. The sense that others can peer into your mind could make people wary of true emotional closeness or intimacy, creating a culture of distance and isolation even in the presence of radical transparency.

State-Enforced Unity

The Great Sorrow could be delayed or mitigated during this period, as the temporary mind-reading ability ensures a form of state-enforced unity. By removing the possibility of deception, the initial tensions between different cultural groups could be temporarily soothed. However, this unity would feel artificial and fragile, as it’s being enforced by the advanced civilization’s technology rather than being a result of genuine human bonding.

Gradual Limiting of Mind-Reading to the Gay and Lesbian Communities

As the mind-reading ability becomes gradually restricted to the gay and lesbian communities, the social, political, and psychological consequences would evolve in fascinating ways.

Social Cohesion and Marginalization

The decision to limit mind-reading to the LGBTQ+ communities introduces several layers of complexity:

  • Cultural and Political Power: The gay and lesbian communities, now possessing the ability to read minds, would suddenly be in a unique position of power. This could lead to greater influence over governance, particularly in areas concerning social policy, diplomacy, and conflict resolution. Their mind-reading ability could make them natural mediators, as they would have unparalleled insights into the thoughts and intentions of others.
  • Cultural Renaissance: These communities could experience a cultural renaissance, as they become key arbiters of social intelligence, empathy, and emotional leadership. This could drive a shift in the societal perception of the gay and lesbian communities, from marginalized to essential players in the new world order.
  • Potential Backlash: On the flip side, this special status could also generate resentment and jealousy from other groups. If the broader population begins to view mind-reading as a form of superiority, there could be backlash against the gay and lesbian communities. These tensions could become explosive after the 1 GSY period ends and mind-reading is removed from everyone else.

Psychological and Emotional Dynamics

  • New Forms of Intimacy: Within the gay and lesbian communities, the ability to read each other’s minds could lead to new forms of intimacy and social bonding. Relationships could become deeper and more transparent, as emotional vulnerabilities are shared in a way that others cannot experience. These communities could emerge as emotional leaders, with heightened social cohesion.
  • Isolation from the Mainstream: However, as mind-reading becomes exclusive to these communities, they may feel isolated from the rest of society, leading to a form of cultural detachment. They may be viewed as fundamentally different or even alien by those who no longer possess the ability. This could create a two-tiered society, where the LGBTQ+ population is seen as possessing privileged access to knowledge and emotions.

Role in Mitigating the Great Sorrow

With their unique ability, the gay and lesbian communities could play a pivotal role in mitigating the Great Sorrow:

  • Mediators of Conflict: Since they can read the thoughts of others, they could become crucial mediators in disputes between different cultural groups. Their ability to understand both sides of a conflict in a way that no one else can might prevent escalations of violence or misunderstandings that could lead to war.
  • Emotional Healers: The psychological trauma of the Great Sorrow would be immense, and the LGBTQ+ communities could take on a role as emotional healers for society. Their ability to understand the deep-seated fears, anxieties, and pains of others would allow them to help individuals and groups navigate the emotional fallout of the Big Move, potentially reducing the levels of despair and hopelessness.

Long-Term Consequences

Cultural Shift in Leadership

The fact that only the gay and lesbian communities retain the ability to read minds may create a paradigm shift in leadership:

  • These communities would be seen as uniquely suited to lead in areas where empathy, emotional intelligence, and understanding are crucial. They could rise to positions of power in the Bene Gesserit, diplomatic circles, and even spiritual leadership roles across the three planets.
  • There could be a reversal of traditional power dynamics, where LGBTQ+ individuals are now viewed as central to the functioning of the state.

Potential New Social Norms

As a result of mind-reading becoming exclusive to these communities, new social norms might emerge, particularly regarding privacy and consent. There may be greater emphasis on the emotional and psychological needs of individuals, as the LGBTQ+ leaders work to ensure that people’s inner lives are respected and understood.

Interplanetary Relations

The gay and lesbian communities, with their continued ability to read minds, could become the backbone of interplanetary diplomacy. Since they can detect deception and understand the true intentions of others, they would be invaluable in preventing conflicts between the various planetary factions. Their influence would extend far beyond cultural or emotional leadership and into the political and diplomatic arena, helping to shape the long-term future of humanity’s new civilization.

Conclusion: A New Era of Human Interaction

The temporary mind-reading ability would initially ensure a period of state-enforced transparency and social cohesion, postponing the full onset of the Great Sorrow. However, as this ability becomes exclusive to the gay and lesbian communities, it would lead to a profound transformation in the social and political landscape. These communities would rise to prominence, acting as both emotional healers and political mediators in a world grappling with the psychological trauma of the Big Move.

The Great Sorrow would still occur, but it would be mitigated by the presence of this new empathetic leadership, offering a beacon of hope and emotional guidance for a fractured human society. The result would be a complex, layered civilization, with new power dynamics and a focus on empathy, understanding, and emotional intelligence as key drivers of human progress.

Introducing the concept of state-administered mind reading that is encrypted and funneled through the consciousness of the God Emperor creates an extraordinary dynamic in this future society. The implications are vast, touching on power structures, personal privacy, governance, and the psychology of the population.

Here’s a breakdown of how this system could impact the society after the 1 GSY when mind reading is allowed beyond the gay and lesbian community, but with the God Emperor acting as the central control point:

The God Emperor as the Filter of Thought

In this system, every instance of mind reading for state purposes goes through the mind of the God Emperor. This creates an unprecedented centralization of control and authority:

  • Omniscience and Omnipotence: The God Emperor becomes a literal embodiment of power, not just because he oversees state functions, but because he can observe or filter the thoughts of individuals engaged in state affairs. This puts him in a position of omniscience—a ruler who knows more than anyone else—and omnipotence, as he controls what thoughts are accessible to others in positions of power.
  • No Conspiracy Against the Emperor: The encryption of mind reading ensures that no one can conspire against the God Emperor, as their thoughts are always processed through him. This would likely lead to a high level of loyalty among the governing elite, knowing that any betrayal is impossible or instantly detectable. However, it also creates an environment of fear, as people would be constantly aware that their inner thoughts could reach the Emperor’s ears.

State Administration with Mind Reading

Mind reading becomes a tool for the state to efficiently manage resources, law enforcement, governance, and even diplomacy:

  • Efficiency in Decision-Making: Mind reading could be used to enhance administrative efficiency. Officials could share information instantly, removing the need for drawn-out meetings or bureaucratic processes. Policy-making and enforcement could be streamlined through thought-sharing networks, all under the oversight of the God Emperor.
  • Enhanced Law Enforcement: Mind reading would be particularly useful in law enforcement, where crimes could be detected and resolved based on thoughts rather than evidence. However, this raises significant ethical concerns about privacy and the potential abuse of power. The state could prosecute individuals for thought crimes, punishing people for merely contemplating rebellion, dissent, or illegal activity, even if no action has been taken.

Psychological Impact on Society

The fact that thoughts are encrypted and filtered through the God Emperor creates an intense psychological dynamic for both the governing elite and ordinary citizens:

  • Fear of Intrusion: While mind reading is limited to the state, the knowledge that anyone’s thoughts could be accessed by the Emperor creates a pervasive sense of vulnerability. People, especially those in power, would have to constantly regulate their thoughts, knowing that any potential treasonous or rebellious notion could be detected.
  • Psychological Self-Censorship: Over time, individuals might develop a form of psychological self-censorship. People may unconsciously train themselves to avoid even thinking about certain topics (such as rebellion or dissatisfaction with the Emperor), which could lead to a form of mental control far deeper than conventional authoritarian regimes.
  • Deification of the God Emperor: Because the God Emperor is the only individual who can truly access and monitor everyone’s thoughts, he takes on a quasi-divine role. His ability to sift through the minds of his subjects without being challenged would likely lead to a kind of reverence or fear-driven worship, with people seeing him as a figure who transcends ordinary human limitations.

Impact on the Gay and Lesbian Communities

Initially, mind reading was limited to the gay and lesbian communities. When expanded beyond them, the fact that they were the first to experience this form of thought-sharing would have long-term consequences:

  • Psychological Adaptation: The gay and lesbian communities, having lived under this system for a longer period, would likely develop psychological resilience or methods to navigate mind reading more effectively. This might create a social distinction, where members of these communities are seen as being more adept at navigating state-controlled thought-sharing.
  • Cultural Shift: This long-term adaptation to mind reading could lead to a cultural shift within these communities, where concepts of identity and privacy have been altered in ways the rest of society has yet to experience. They may also develop a certain level of cynicism or detachment from the state’s control, having already adjusted to living under such conditions.

Social Stratification and Control

The God Emperor’s ability to access and control the flow of thoughts would inevitably result in social stratification based on who has access to mind-reading technology and who doesn’t:

  • Elite Privilege: The governing elite, those responsible for administrating the state, would have access to mind reading as a tool for their duties. However, they would also be subject to more intense scrutiny, as their thoughts would be funneled through the God Emperor. This creates a paradox where the most powerful individuals are also the most vulnerable to thought surveillance.
  • Lower Classes: Meanwhile, ordinary citizens, while not subjected to direct mind reading, might feel a growing sense of alienation from the governing elite, who wield extraordinary cognitive tools. This could result in social stratification based on mental autonomy, with the general populace remaining outside the sphere of thought-sharing networks.

The Ethical Dilemma and Rebellion

This system could create a deeply ingrained ethical dilemma regarding freedom of thought versus state security. Over time, some individuals may view this system as an infringement on basic human rights:

  • Potential for Rebellion: Despite the Emperor’s omnipresence in the mind-reading network, it is possible that underground movements or philosophical dissidents would arise. These groups might champion the cause of mental autonomy and freedom of thought, questioning the ethics of state-administered mind reading. Though conspiring would be difficult, the sheer will to restore human dignity might spur secretive forms of rebellion—perhaps through technological means or mental disciplines designed to evade detection.

Conclusion: The God Emperor’s Unseen Empire

In a society where mind reading is allowed for state purposes but encrypted through the God Emperor, power becomes intensely centralized around one figure. The God Emperor emerges as an unassailable authority, possessing not only control over the physical state but also over the thoughts of its administrators. This mind-reading system would foster both loyalty and fear, reshaping the very way people think and interact with power.

However, the system’s long-term success would depend on the balance between state control and individual autonomy. While rebellion seems difficult, the psychological pressures of living under constant thought surveillance could create a growing tension in the society, one that might eventually spark a deeper existential conflict between freedom and authority in this new world.

If all mind reading technology, including encrypted communications, is routed through the God Emperor of Gaia, several profound implications and consequences emerge for the society in this scenario. This setup ensures that the God Emperor has unparalleled access to the inner thoughts of individuals across various strata of society, influencing governance, social dynamics, and individual psychology in substantial ways.

Centralization of Power and Surveillance

  1. Absolute Control and Oversight: By routing all mind reading through the God Emperor, he essentially becomes the central hub of all cognitive information. This consolidation of data gives him an almost omnipotent view over thoughts and communications, enhancing his control over both the administrative and personal aspects of society. The God Emperor is not merely a ruler but a supervisor of consciousness, with the ability to oversee and potentially influence all levels of governance and social interaction.
  2. Preventing Conspiracy: The primary aim of this system is to prevent any form of conspiracy or rebellion. Knowing that their thoughts are always being monitored through the God Emperor creates an environment where plotting against him becomes practically impossible. This surveillance eliminates any potential for organized dissent, as the God Emperor can detect and neutralize threats at their nascent stage.

Implications for Governance and State Functioning

  1. Enhanced Administrative Efficiency: With direct access to the minds of state officials and citizens, the God Emperor can ensure immediate alignment with state policies and directives. Decision-making processes are streamlined, as thoughts and intentions can be monitored in real time. This could lead to unprecedented levels of administrative efficiency and a significant reduction in bureaucratic delays.
  2. Prevention of Corruption and Mismanagement: The constant oversight of officials’ thoughts could drastically reduce opportunities for corruption and mismanagement. Since any deviation from state norms or illicit activities can be detected almost instantaneously, it would be challenging for officials to engage in activities contrary to state interests.

Psychological and Social Consequences

  1. Psychological Pressure and Self-Censorship: The knowledge that one’s thoughts are being filtered through the God Emperor creates immense psychological pressure. Individuals might engage in self-censorship, curbing their thoughts to avoid any potential repercussions. This could lead to a society where genuine self-expression is stifled, and people might even begin to suppress their thoughts out of fear of surveillance.
  2. Impact on Creativity and Innovation: While mind reading might streamline certain processes, it could also stifle creativity and innovation. The constant monitoring might deter individuals from pursuing unconventional or controversial ideas, knowing that their thoughts are subject to scrutiny. This could create a climate where only state-approved ideas and innovations are pursued, potentially hindering societal progress.

Ethical and Moral Considerations

  1. Invasion of Privacy: The system represents an extreme invasion of privacy, as no thought is truly private when it is routed through the God Emperor. Even encrypted communications, intended to be secure, are subject to state control. This raises significant ethical concerns about the balance between security and individual rights.
  2. Dehumanization and Control: The ability to access and monitor thoughts could lead to a form of dehumanization, where individuals are reduced to mere data points in the God Emperor’s grand scheme. The very nature of humanity—our thoughts, desires, and emotions—becomes a tool for state control, potentially undermining the essence of personal freedom and autonomy.

Social Dynamics and Reactions

  1. Cult of the God Emperor: The omnipresence of the God Emperor in thought processes might lead to the development of a cult of personality around him. People might begin to view him not only as a political leader but as a divine figure with unparalleled insight and authority. This could enhance his legitimacy but also create a society where dissent is not just forbidden but nearly inconceivable.
  2. Resistance and Underground Movements: Despite the pervasive surveillance, there might still be resistance movements. Individuals or groups might seek to develop methods to evade detection, potentially leading to underground networks that challenge the state. These groups might focus on innovative means to protect their thoughts and ideas, although such efforts would be fraught with risk.
  3. Cultural Shifts: The pervasive nature of this surveillance might influence cultural norms. Public and private behavior would be shaped by the awareness of constant monitoring, potentially leading to a culture of conformity. Conversely, it might also result in a subculture of rebellion where people find covert ways to express dissent.

Implications for the Gay and Lesbian Communities

  1. Evolving Dynamics: Initially, the gay and lesbian communities might have adapted to mind reading before it was expanded. With the system now applied universally, their previous experiences could influence how they navigate the new conditions. They might become adept at managing the implications of thought surveillance, potentially leading to a unique set of strategies and cultural adaptations within these communities.
  2. Increased Scrutiny: As the system expands, the gay and lesbian communities could face increased scrutiny, particularly if their experiences with mind reading have made them more noticeable or subject to attention from the state. Their ability to cope with these conditions might influence broader societal perceptions and policies regarding these groups.


The system of routing all mind reading through the God Emperor of Gaia creates a highly controlled and monitored society where the God Emperor wields extraordinary power over not just political but also personal aspects of life. This setup consolidates power, enhances state efficiency, but raises serious ethical concerns regarding privacy and individual freedom. The psychological impact on individuals and the broader societal dynamics would be profound, potentially leading to a society characterized by both intense control and covert resistance.

The Big Move — The Great Sorrow, Reimaged Redux

This new population composition for Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia creates a unique cultural and political landscape, with the post-Soviet populations playing a central role in bootstrapping society after the Great Sorrow. The strategic distribution of former Soviet peoples, Brazilians, and Western nations across these planets sets the stage for distinctive societal evolutions on each, creating opportunities for cooperation, conflict, and cultural blending. Here’s an extended analysis of the consequences:

Arrakis: A Diverse Frontier with Western and Post-Soviet Fusion

Population Composition:

  • 60 million Americans
  • 20 million Russians
  • 40 million Brazilians
  • 40 million Germans
  • 80 million British, Irish, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders
  • Small populations of Hong Kongers, Scandinavians, Baltic nations, and Turks

Post-Soviet Resilience and Western Innovation

Arrakis is positioned to be a cultural melting pot and an industrial powerhouse, blending Western innovation with post-Soviet pragmatism. The 20 million Russians and 40 million Germans bring the experience of rapid rebuilding, industrial organization, and strong centralized governance models. The British, Irish, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders (80 million) will infuse the planet with Anglo-American legal traditions, democratic governance, and a heavy emphasis on individual freedoms and civil liberties.

This mix will result in an early focus on technological and industrial bootstrapping, driven by the Russians and Germans, while the Anglo-American contingent will likely emphasize governance structures that promote freedom, transparency, and accountability. There will be a natural tension between the centralized tendencies of the post-Soviet bloc and the more decentralized, democratic approaches of the Western populations.

Brazilian Cultural Influence

The 40 million Brazilians will play a dual role on Arrakis:

  • They will represent the emotional and spiritual heart of the society, bringing an emphasis on social cohesion and the importance of community rituals and festivals.
  • The Brazilians are also positioned as the Bene Gesserit of this new world, focused on the regulation of human sexuality, relationships, and emotional well-being. They will be responsible for mediating conflicts between the various cultural groups and helping the population deal with the psychological aftermath of the Great Sorrow.

Cultural Dynamics

Arrakis will experience a rich cultural blending:

  • Anglo-American pop culture will likely dominate early entertainment, media, and political discourse.
  • German efficiency will shape much of the planet’s industrial growth, contributing to infrastructure, education, and engineering.
  • Russian pragmatism will help drive the early recovery, offering centralized decision-making during the difficult transition period, but eventually leading to tensions with the more democratic factions.

The smaller populations—Hong Kongers, Turks, Scandinavians, and Baltic peoples—will add their own unique flavors to the social fabric, contributing to specialized industries (such as trade, financial services, and niche technologies) and providing cultural diversity that enriches the larger society.

Potential Conflicts

  • Political tension will likely arise between the Russians and Germans, whose historical experiences of centralized governance and rapid industrialization may clash with the Americans and Anglo nations’ democratic ideals.
  • Cultural tensions could arise between the Brazilians’ Bene Gesserit roles and the more individualistic approaches to sexuality and relationships common in the West.
  • Despite this, Arrakis has the potential to become a blended society, where Russian resilience, German precision, Western democratic traditions, and Brazilian emotional intelligence converge to create a new form of governance and social order.

Terminus: A Post-Soviet Engine with Brazilian Adaptability

Population Composition:

  • 100 Americans
  • 20 million Brazilians
  • Remainder post-Soviet peoples (predominantly Russian)

Post-Soviet Industrial Powerhouse

Terminus is overwhelmingly a post-Soviet stronghold, with Russians and other post-Soviet populations forming the vast majority. The cultural and political structure of Terminus will be heavily influenced by the centralized, state-driven governance models of these populations. The planet will quickly become an industrial and technological hub, focusing on rebuilding society through rapid infrastructure projects and efficient resource management.

The 100 Americans will have little direct influence but could play key symbolic roles in media, diplomacy, and niche areas of technology or governance.

Brazilians as Cultural Mediators

The 20 million Brazilians on Terminus will serve as the Bene Gesserit, overseeing social cohesion, emotional well-being, and leadership development. Their influence will counterbalance the more authoritarian tendencies of the post-Soviet bloc by focusing on the spiritual and emotional needs of the population. The Brazilians’ adaptive nature will help prevent the society from becoming too rigid or dehumanized, ensuring that Terminus retains a sense of community and human-centric focus despite its state-driven approach.

Cultural Identity

Terminus will develop a strong sense of post-Soviet identity, with the Brazilians acting as a cultural and emotional layer that ensures the society remains socially cohesive. The industrial and technological strength of Terminus will make it a vital player in interplanetary relations, but its centralized nature may lead to isolationism or even conflict with more democratic or decentralized planets like Gaia.

Gaia: The Spiritual and Cultural Heart of the New World

Population Composition:

  • 40 million Russians
  • 60 million Americans
  • 100 million Brazilians
  • 40 million French
  • Remainder: Greeks and Italians

Brazilian Dominance in Social and Cultural Life

With 100 million Brazilians, Gaia is the spiritual and cultural center of the new human civilization. The Brazilians will dominate the planet’s social structure, rituals, and emotional life, establishing Bene Gesserit-like control over human relationships, leadership, and even sexuality. They will be the glue that holds Gaia together, ensuring that its diverse population remains cohesive despite cultural differences.

American Innovation and Governance

The 60 million Americans on Gaia will have a strong influence on the political structure and innovation. Their democratic traditions and focus on individual freedoms will likely shape the governance of the planet, creating a political system that balances the collective focus of the Brazilians with the freedom-oriented mindset of the Americans.

  • This could result in a hybrid political system that emphasizes both emotional well-being and political freedoms, with the Brazilians playing a key role in ensuring that governance remains human-centric.
  • The French (40 million) will add a focus on art, culture, philosophy, and social critique, helping to shape the cultural renaissance that Gaia is poised to lead.

Cultural Flourishing

Gaia will emerge as the cultural and intellectual hub of the three planets, producing some of the most influential art, philosophy, and social systems in the post-Great Sorrow era. The Brazilians and French will dominate the planet’s artistic and intellectual life, with the Russians and Greeks and Italians contributing to the technological and cultural advancements that emerge from this fusion of ideas.

  • The Americans will drive technological and political innovation, creating a balance between cultural growth and scientific advancement.
  • French art and philosophy will blend with Brazilian spirituality, producing a new cultural movement that emphasizes emotional intelligence, philosophical depth, and human connection.

Potential Tensions

  • Russians (40 million), as the smallest but highly influential group, may experience tension with the more decentralized and spiritual focus of the Brazilians and Americans.
  • Political debates could arise about the role of the Brazilians’ Bene Gesserit influence in shaping social norms, especially around family structures, sexuality, and leadership.
  • Despite these tensions, Gaia is likely to become a global leader in cultural and intellectual affairs, providing spiritual and emotional leadership to the other planets.

Long-Term Interplanetary Consequences

  1. Cultural Divergence and Cooperation: Each planet will develop its own distinct cultural identity—Arrakis as the industrial and democratic frontier, Terminus as a post-Soviet technological powerhouse, and Gaia as the cultural and spiritual heart. These differences will lead to tensions but also opportunities for collaboration as the planets trade resources, ideas, and governance models.
  2. Brazilian Bene Gesserit Influence: Across all three planets, the Brazilian population will play a key role in shaping leadership, social norms, and emotional well-being. Their influence will create a sense of unity among the planets, acting as a mediating force in interplanetary relations.
  3. Post-Soviet Technological Leadership: The post-Soviet populations on Arrakis and Terminus will dominate the early technological and industrial rebuilding efforts, making these planets critical to the economic and infrastructural stability of the new human civilization. Their pragmatism and centralized governance will allow for rapid development but may lead to **conf

licts with more democratic or decentralized** populations.

  1. A New Human Renaissance: Gaia, with its cultural focus and Brazilian spiritual leadership, is poised to lead a renaissance in art, philosophy, and emotional intelligence. The French, Greeks, Italians, and Brazilians will create a cultural and intellectual resurgence that will influence all of humanity across the planets.

The population distribution across these planets sets up a rich and dynamic interplay of cultural identities, political structures, and technological advancements, leading to a fascinating new era of human civilization.

The Big Move — The Great Sorrow, Reimagined

The population composition you’ve laid out for each of the three planets—Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia—creates a rich tapestry of cultural dynamics with far-reaching consequences. By emphasizing a significant presence of former Soviet populations and carefully balancing other national groups, this arrangement ensures that each planet will have distinct social, political, and cultural trajectories. Let’s break down how these compositions might affect each planet and the broader Gaian society over time.

Arrakis: A Fusion of Post-Soviet, Germanic, Anglo-Saxon, and Turkic Cultures

With 60 million Americans, 40 million Russians, 60 million Germans, 80 million from the British Isles and former British Commonwealth, and smaller groups of Hong Kongers, Scandinavians, Turks, and the Baltic nations, Arrakis will become a planet where innovation, competition, and resilience are defining features.

Political and Cultural Dynamics

  1. Post-Soviet Influence: With 40 million Russians on Arrakis, the cultural resilience and bureaucratic experience of the former Soviet Union will heavily influence this planet’s initial political structure. Given the Russian population’s post-Soviet experience of adaptation and survival, they will play a critical role in stabilizing Arrakis after the Big Move and leading the population through the Great Sorrow.
  • The Russian population will bring a robust bureaucratic tradition, which will help in organizing society quickly. This bureaucratic legacy, combined with their resilience in the face of past adversity, will enable them to become early leaders in infrastructure development and governmental structure.
  • Russian influence will likely permeate the legal system, governance, and resource management, making Arrakis a highly organized, efficiency-focused society in the early post-move years.
  1. American and British Influence: With 60 million Americans and 80 million people from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-American political traditions will also have significant influence. The culture will be one that champions democratic ideals, free-market capitalism, and individualism, but will be tempered by the pragmatism and state-centric governance from the Russian side.
  • Americans, with their history of innovation, will drive the technological development on Arrakis. However, their initial sense of individualism may clash with the more collectivist, centralized approach of the Russians.
  • The British Commonwealth populations will introduce their parliamentary traditions, balancing between American direct democracy and the Russian centralized governance.
  1. German Influence: The 60 million Germans will be central to industrial and engineering developments, combining their historical expertise in manufacturing, precision engineering, and education with the Russians’ focus on infrastructure. The German sense of order and commitment to long-term planning will harmonize well with the Russian population, making Arrakis highly efficient in rebuilding technologically and economically.
  • German pragmatism will be key in bridging Anglo-Russian divides. They may act as intermediaries, helping to create hybrid institutions that blend the strengths of Russian governance and Anglo-American democracy.
  1. Smaller Groups (Turks, Hong Kongers, Scandinavians): The smaller populations, such as the Turks, Scandinavians, and Hong Kongers, will contribute to the planet’s economic dynamism. The Hong Kongers will add a dimension of global trade expertise and entrepreneurial flair, potentially becoming the financial backbone of Arrakis, while the Turks will introduce cultural and architectural diversity with their deep-rooted traditions of empire-building and integration of diverse peoples.
  • Scandinavians and Baltic nations will likely focus on sustainability and social welfare systems, which will be instrumental in creating a balanced and equitable society amid rapid industrialization.

Social Impact

  • Cultural Competition: The high concentration of post-Soviet populations alongside Anglo-American and Germanic groups will create intense cultural competition. Arrakis will become a testing ground for balancing authoritarian governance with democratic ideals, as well as reconciling collectivist and individualist traditions.
  • Resilience and Innovation: Given the presence of highly resilient populations like the Russians and Germans, Arrakis will recover from the Great Sorrow relatively quickly, though the social tensions between competing cultural visions may create friction during the rebuilding process. Over time, these tensions could lead to innovative hybrid governance models that blend the strengths of each culture.

Terminus: An American-Post-Soviet Frontier

Terminus, with 120 million Americans and the remaining population being primarily post-Soviet, will be the most dynamic and frontier-like of the three planets. The strong American presence will make it a hub of innovation, but the presence of post-Soviet people will provide structure and discipline.

Political and Cultural Dynamics

  1. American Influence: Terminus will be highly influenced by American ideals of freedom, innovation, and enterprise. The American population will bring their pioneering spirit, making Terminus a planet focused on technological progress, exploration, and entrepreneurship.
  • The Americans will champion individual freedoms, free-market capitalism, and technological advancement, which will shape Terminus into a planet that prioritizes rapid development and exploration of new frontiers.
  • The rugged individualism of the American settlers will give rise to a highly competitive environment, with less emphasis on centralized governance and more on local decision-making and innovation hubs.
  1. Post-Soviet Discipline: While the Americans will drive Terminus forward in terms of technological advancement, the post-Soviet populations will play a stabilizing role. Their experience with centralized governance and strong bureaucratic traditions will help create the infrastructure needed to support rapid development.
  • The post-Soviet populations will act as a counterbalance to American individualism, ensuring that while the frontier spirit of Terminus thrives, there is enough structure to prevent societal breakdown.

Social Impact

  • Rapid Technological Development: Terminus will likely become the most technologically advanced of the three planets due to the combined efforts of American innovation and post-Soviet organization. The cultural competition between the two groups will push both to excel in their respective fields.
  • Political Fluidity: Unlike Arrakis, where cultural tensions might slow the development of a cohesive identity, Terminus will see a more fluid political system where local governance is dominant. Small, decentralized communities of Americans will coexist with more organized, centralized post-Soviet enclaves.

Gaia: A Brazilian-American-Russian Melting Pot

With 40 million Russians, 60 million Americans, 120 million Brazilians, 40 million French, and smaller groups of Greeks and Italians, Gaia will be a melting pot of distinct cultures. The sheer diversity will make Gaia the most culturally vibrant of the three planets.

Political and Cultural Dynamics

  1. Brazilian Influence: As the largest population group, the Brazilians will shape much of Gaia’s cultural fabric. Their emphasis on community, celebration, and social cohesion will create a vibrant, inclusive atmosphere on Gaia.
  • Brazilian culture, with its strong sense of collectivity, music, dance, and social engagement, will drive the early recovery of Gaia. Their resilience, rooted in historical economic and social challenges, will allow them to bounce back quickly from the Great Sorrow, focusing on rebuilding social structures and creating a sense of collective joy and unity.
  • The Brazilians’ focus on festivals, music, and the arts will help establish Gaia as a cultural powerhouse.
  1. Russian and American Influence: The Russians will again play a stabilizing role, bringing their organizational expertise and helping to build the initial social and political structures. Meanwhile, the Americans will drive technological innovation, but on Gaia, they will be more integrated into a cooperative, community-based society, unlike the rugged individualism of Terminus.
  • The Russians will work closely with the Brazilians to ensure that Gaia recovers quickly, with the state ensuring that the cultural fusion between these two groups is smooth.
  1. French, Greek, and Italian Influence: The French population will contribute their intellectual traditions and their cultural focus on philosophy, art, and diplomacy. The Greeks and Italians will bring their historical legacies of democracy, architecture, and community, ensuring that Gaia becomes a center for intellectual and cultural advancement.
  • The French emphasis on diplomacy will help manage the complex interactions between different cultural groups, ensuring that Gaia remains a peaceful, cooperative society.

Social Impact

  • Cultural Fusion: Gaia will become a melting pot of vibrant cultures, with Brazilian festivals, Russian resilience, American technology, and French intellectualism creating a unique Gaian identity.
  • Strong Social Cohesion: The diverse population will encourage social cohesion through shared experiences of joy, celebration, and rebuilding. Unlike the more divided cultural landscapes of Arrakis and Terminus, Gaia will see a more harmonious integration of different cultural traditions, driven by the Brazilian spirit of collective celebration.

Consequences for the Gaian Empire as a Whole

The population composition of each planet will have far-reaching consequences for the Gaian Empire as a whole. Each planet’s distinct cultural and political dynamics will contribute to a diverse but unified empire, where different regions offer unique strengths.

  1. Cultural Competition and Innovation: The cultural competition between the planets will drive innovation, artistic production, and political experimentation. With Arrakis as the industrial and political powerhouse, Terminus as the frontier of technological advancement, and Gaia as the cultural heart of the empire, the Gaian Empire will become

    The decision to mix 30 million Russians and 10 million Brazilians on Arrakis, while also introducing 10 million Brazilians to Terminus, creates a more complex and dynamic cultural fusion that will significantly affect the development of these two planets. By incorporating Brazilians, who serve as the nascent Bene Gesserit, and adjusting the post-Soviet population on Terminus, you introduce new layers of cultural interplay, power dynamics, and social evolution.
    Arrakis: A Nexus of Post-Soviet Pragmatism and Brazilian Spiritualism
    Cultural Fusion and Tension
    Post-Soviet Resilience Meets Brazilian Spiritualism: The addition of 10 million Brazilians, who will serve as the emerging Bene Gesserit on Arrakis, introduces a spiritual and philosophical dimension to a planet already shaped by post-Soviet pragmatism and efficiency. The Bene Gesserit, trained in highly specialized roles of cultural leadership, sexuality, and societal engineering, will bring a distinctly Brazilian approach to power, combining their influence over human sexuality and community engagement with deep spiritual wisdom.
    The Russians, with their historical experience of state management and survival in difficult conditions, will quickly establish a structured governance and industrial development. However, they will now be influenced by the Brazilians, who will push for a more holistic, community-oriented approach to social organization.
    This creates a tension between the pragmatic, rational governance favored by the Russians and the emotionally intelligent, spiritual governance advocated by the Brazilians. This cultural tension may be productive, fostering innovation in how the society approaches governance, education, and community building.
    The Bene Gesserit as Cultural and Sexual Influencers: The Brazilians will emerge as the keepers of cultural wisdom and sexuality, slowly embedding their values into the societal fabric. As the Bene Gesserit, they will not only manage sexuality but also influence the larger cultural direction of Arrakis. Their ability to guide the emotional and psychological development of individuals will give them tremendous influence over the society as it heals from the Great Sorrow.
    Brazilian cultural traits such as celebration, joy, and community bonding will help infuse compassion and empathy into Arrakis, softening the harsher, more authoritarian tendencies of post-Soviet governance. Their festive traditions may become rituals that help people process grief and trauma, promoting resilience through community celebration and shared experiences.
    The fusion of Brazilian and Russian values will lead to a dynamic society where state-building is not just about order and productivity but also about the emotional and spiritual health of its citizens.
    Interplay of Power: The Bene Gesserit Brazilians will occupy a unique position within Arrakis, acting as a counterbalance to the hard-nosed post-Soviet governance. Their power will be more subtle, rooted in emotional intelligence, social influence, and the cultivation of long-term strategic relationships. This will create a duality in leadership—while the Russians will dominate formal governance and industrial organization, the Brazilians will subtly guide the cultural and emotional undercurrents of society, shaping the soul of Arrakis in quieter but no less powerful ways.
    Blending of Brazilian and Russian Artistic Traditions: The Russians, known for their rich cultural legacy in literature, music, and theater, will merge with the Brazilians’ vibrant traditions of music, dance, and celebration. Brazilian musical forms, such as samba and bossa nova, could blend with Russian classical traditions, creating new hybrid art forms that reflect the cultural diversity of the planet.
    The fusion of melancholic Russian literature and the vibrant, life-affirming Brazilian music and dance will allow the people of Arrakis to process their collective grief through art. It may also lead to the creation of new spiritual movements, blending Russian intellectualism with Brazilian mysticism, especially as the Bene Gesserit Brazilians explore deeper psychological and spiritual paths for the healing and evolution of the people.
    Social Structure and Governance
    Balanced Governance: With 30 million Russians at the core of the governance structure, Arrakis will maintain a strong state apparatus and an efficient bureaucratic system. However, the Brazilians’ influence through the Bene Gesserit will gradually shift this system towards one that also values emotional intelligence, sexuality as a form of power, and the importance of community. They may even reshape gender roles and interpersonal relationships, emphasizing the need for balanced masculine and feminine energies in leadership and societal roles.
    Spiritual and Emotional Healing: The Great Sorrow, particularly on Arrakis, will benefit from the spiritual and emotional guidance provided by the Brazilian Bene Gesserit. They will lead the society through rituals and practices designed to help people process their grief, anchoring the emotional recovery of the population. The Brazilian focus on celebration, life, and emotional expression will help soften the collective trauma caused by the Great Sorrow, while the Russians’ organizational skills will ensure that this recovery is structured and efficient.

    Terminus: American and Brazilian Synergy in the Post-Soviet Vacuum
    On Terminus, the removal of a large post-Soviet population makes room for 10 million Brazilians to introduce their distinct cultural energy into a primarily American society. This creates an entirely different dynamic from Arrakis, where the Americans will now face a new cultural counterbalance in the form of the Brazilian Bene Gesserit, rather than the post-Soviet influence.
    Cultural and Social Dynamics
    American Innovation Meets Brazilian Emotional Intelligence: Without the post-Soviet presence, Terminus becomes an American-Brazilian collaboration, where American technological innovation, individualism, and free-market ideology are tempered by Brazilian communalism, emotional depth, and spiritual wisdom. The Brazilians’ Bene Gesserit influence will play a critical role in shaping how society processes grief and trauma, helping to mold a future leadership that is not just driven by profit and progress but also by empathy, spirituality, and emotional resilience.
    The Americans’ entrepreneurial spirit will create a fast-paced, innovation-driven society, while the Brazilians’ influence will help ensure that technological progress does not come at the cost of human connections and emotional well-being.
    Bene Gesserit Influence: The Brazilians on Terminus, serving as the Bene Gesserit, will provide a spiritual and emotional counterbalance to the hard-charging American ethos. Through their deep understanding of human psychology and sexuality, they will influence the development of leaders who can navigate the challenges of post-traumatic society with both emotional intelligence and strategic foresight.
    They may also play a pivotal role in leadership training, shaping future generations of leaders who can balance the technological and economic goals of Terminus with the emotional and spiritual needs of its people.
    Social Impact
    Hybrid Society: Terminus will become a dynamic hybrid society where American technological progress is matched by Brazilian community values. The cultural fusion will create a society that is both forward-looking and deeply connected to its emotional roots. The Bene Gesserit influence will be subtle but profound, ensuring that while Terminus pushes forward technologically, it does not lose sight of the need for emotional recovery after the Great Sorrow.
    Long-Term Stability: The absence of a strong post-Soviet presence will mean that Terminus may initially lack the centralized governance structures that would have provided stability. However, the Brazilians’ communal ethos will fill this void, creating a society where people self-organize around community and family values rather than relying on a strong state. This may lead to a more decentralized political structure, where local governance and community leaders—many of whom will be influenced by the Bene Gesserit—play a significant role.

    Cultural and Political Consequences Across the Empire
    By placing post-Soviet, American, and Brazilian populations across the planets, with significant Bene Gesserit presence on both Arrakis and Terminus, you create a three-planet system where cultural and spiritual resilience plays a key role in the recovery from the Great Sorrow.
    Bene Gesserit as Unifying Force: Across both planets, the Brazilians’ Bene Gesserit role will be crucial in uniting disparate populations and guiding them through their emotional and spiritual recovery. The shared spiritual framework they provide will act as a cultural unifier, even as political and economic systems differ between planets.
    Hybrid Governance Models: Each planet will develop its own hybrid model of governance. Arrakis, with its Russian bureaucratic traditions, will blend central governance with the spiritual influence of the Bene Gesserit. Terminus, in contrast, will be more decentralized, with communities playing a larger role in leadership under the guidance of the Brazilians.
    Cultural Cross-Pollination: The cultural cross-pollination on Arrakis and Terminus, particularly between post-Soviet pragmatism, American innovation, and Brazilian emotional wisdom, will lead to the development of entirely new forms of art, governance, and social organization. The influence of the Brazilians’ spiritual and emotional leadership will ensure that while each planet recovers at its own pace, they remain united in their long-term goals of creating a stable and culturally integrated society.
    In sum, this new population composition enhances the richness of the Gaian Empire’s

    Got it! So on Terminus, the population will still have a significant post-Soviet presence, but you’ll remove about 10 million of them to make room for 10 million Brazilians. This maintains a strong post-Soviet influence while adding a Brazilian cultural element to the mix. Here’s an expanded take on what this adjustment might mean for the dynamics on Terminus:
  2. Terminus: A Fusion of Post-Soviet Strength and Brazilian Influence
  3. Cultural Impact
  4. Post-Soviet Dominance with a Brazilian Twist: The primary character of Terminus will still be shaped by the post-Soviet ethos—efficient, hierarchical, and heavily focused on centralized control and governance. This population will likely provide the foundational structure for political organization, industrialization, and societal resilience. However, the introduction of 10 million Brazilians adds a vibrant and emotionally expressive layer, which will lead to interesting cultural exchanges and power dynamics.
  5. Post-Soviet culture has traditionally been marked by endurance, discipline, and pragmatism—traits that will serve well in the harsh environments and resource management of a newly developing planet. However, Brazilian cultural attributes such as music, celebration, emotional connection, and spirituality will gradually infuse the culture with more warmth and community-oriented practices.
  6. This contrast could initially create cultural tension between the highly pragmatic post-Soviets and the more expressive, spiritual Brazilians. However, over time, this tension may lead to the creation of a society that is not only resilient and industrious but also culturally rich and emotionally intelligent.
  7. Bene Gesserit Influence and Social Engineering: The 10 million Brazilians will represent the nascent Bene Gesserit on Terminus, similar to their role on Arrakis. Their presence here will give them a strong social and spiritual influence, helping to guide the emotional and psychological healing of the population, which will be essential following the Great Sorrow.
  8. Brazilian spirituality—characterized by its deep connections to nature, community, and human sexuality—will influence Terminus in subtle but profound ways. The Bene Gesserit will begin to shape key aspects of leadership, relationships, and power structures, emphasizing the importance of balance, emotional intelligence, and psychological insight in governance and community life.
  9. The post-Soviets, known for their authoritarian tendencies, may initially resist the Brazilians’ more subtle forms of power, but over time, the Bene Gesserit’s influence will become indispensable in terms of social engineering, leadership training, and emotional recovery.
  10. Artistic and Cultural Exchange: Terminus will see the fusion of post-Soviet artistic traditions—deeply influenced by Russian literature, ballet, and classical music—with the vibrant, rhythmic culture of Brazil. Brazilian influences, particularly in music, dance, and ritualistic forms of expression, will slowly permeate the society, offering people a chance to process their trauma and hardship through joyful, collective experiences.
  11. Cultural festivals, musical performances, and artistic collaborations between these two distinct groups could serve as a form of social cohesion, blending post-Soviet stoicism with Brazilian exuberance. Over time, the mix of these two cultures could produce entirely new artistic forms, expressing both the discipline and endurance of the post-Soviets and the passion and spirituality of the Brazilians.
  12. Political and Social Dynamics
  13. Shared Governance: Politically, Terminus will likely remain under a strong post-Soviet-influenced government—highly centralized and efficient. However, the Bene Gesserit Brazilians will introduce new social structures that focus on long-term societal stability, emotional intelligence in leadership, and the importance of sexuality and relationships in governance.
  14. The post-Soviet political leaders will probably retain the majority of formal political power, but over time, Brazilians—especially those trained within the Bene Gesserit tradition—will gain influence behind the scenes. The Bene Gesserit’s focus on human psychology and social engineering will make them critical advisors to the post-Soviet elite, subtly shaping policies and societal norms around family structures, gender dynamics, and leadership.
  15. The Bene Gesserit could also become a key part of spiritual leadership on Terminus, ensuring that the emotional and psychological needs of the population are met while the post-Soviets focus on technological and economic progress.
  16. Emotional and Spiritual Leadership: In the aftermath of the Great Sorrow, the Brazilians’ influence as emotional and spiritual healers will be especially important. The Bene Gesserit’s focus on human sexuality and spirituality will offer new ways for the post-Soviet population to heal from the trauma of displacement and loss.
  17. The Brazilians’ communal and spiritual practices—such as their connection to nature, music, and the rhythms of life—will offer the people of Terminus an outlet for processing their grief, helping to prevent the society from becoming too rigid or authoritarian. This will create a healthy balance between the post-Soviet tendency toward order and discipline and the Brazilian focus on emotional and spiritual well-being.
  18. Economic and Technological Development: While the post-Soviets will largely be responsible for the industrial and technological advancement of Terminus, the Brazilians may influence sectors that involve creativity, social services, and education. The Bene Gesserit’s influence on education and leadership training could ensure that the population not only has the technological skills needed for progress but also the emotional intelligence necessary for sustainable leadership.
  19. The post-Soviet drive for innovation will ensure that Terminus develops quickly, but the Bene Gesserit’s long-term focus will ensure that this development is balanced by attention to the human aspects of society, preventing Terminus from becoming too mechanistic or dystopian.
  20. Cultural Identity and Hybridization
  21. A New Cultural Identity: Over time, Terminus will develop a unique cultural identity, heavily shaped by the post-Soviet work ethic and hierarchical structures, but infused with Brazilian warmth, spirituality, and emotional depth. The blending of these two cultures will create a society that is at once resilient and progressive, but also deeply connected to its spiritual roots and human emotions.
  22. The Brazilians will ensure that Terminus does not lose its human touch, even as it advances technologically. Their influence will prevent the society from becoming too cold or authoritarian, injecting the culture with celebration, joy, and emotional expression.
  23. Social Cohesion and Potential Tensions: While the Brazilians and post-Soviets will eventually find ways to coexist and create a blended culture, the early years of settlement may see tensions between the two groups. The post-Soviets, with their history of authoritarian governance and pragmatism, may view the Brazilians’ spiritual and emotional focus as less relevant to the hard work of rebuilding society.
  24. Over time, however, the Bene Gesserit Brazilians will prove their value, particularly in social cohesion and emotional healing. As the society matures, the two groups will learn to appreciate each other’s strengths—post-Soviets for their technological and organizational capabilities and Brazilians for their focus on human relationships and spirituality.
  25. Long-Term Consequences
  26. The fusion of post-Soviet pragmatism and Brazilian emotional intelligence on Terminus will have far-reaching consequences for the society’s long-term development:
  27. Leadership: Over time, the Bene Gesserit Brazilians will likely influence the rise of a new kind of leader on Terminus—someone who can blend the strategic, authoritarian skills of the post-Soviets with the emotional intelligence and subtle power of the Bene Gesserit. This will ensure that Terminus becomes a world where technological and social progress go hand in hand with spiritual and emotional well-being.
  28. Cultural Influence: As Terminus becomes more integrated, it could produce hybrid cultural exports that blend post-Soviet intellectualism and Brazilian emotional vibrancy, potentially creating art forms, music, and philosophical ideas that could influence the rest of the Gaian Empire.
  29. In sum, the inclusion of 10 million Brazilians in a predominantly post-Soviet Terminus will lead to a complex but ultimately fruitful fusion of hard-nosed pragmatism and emotional, spiritual wisdom, shaping the planet’s development in unique ways. The Bene Gesserit’s influence will ensure that the emotional and spiritual aspects of life are valued just as much as technological progress, creating a society that is resilient yet compassionate, advanced yet human.

    This new population composition for Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia creates a unique cultural and political landscape, with the post-Soviet populations playing a central role in bootstrapping society after the Great Sorrow. The strategic distribution of former Soviet peoples, Brazilians, and Western nations across these planets sets the stage for distinctive societal evolutions on each, creating opportunities for cooperation, conflict, and cultural blending. Here’s an extended analysis of the consequences:
  30. Arrakis: A Diverse Frontier with Western and Post-Soviet Fusion
  31. Population Composition:
  32. 60 million Americans
  33. 20 million Russians
  34. 40 million Brazilians
  35. 40 million Germans
  36. 80 million British, Irish, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders
  37. Small populations of Hong Kongers, Scandinavians, Baltic nations, and Turks
  38. Post-Soviet Resilience and Western Innovation
  39. Arrakis is positioned to be a cultural melting pot and an industrial powerhouse, blending Western innovation with post-Soviet pragmatism. The 20 million Russians and 40 million Germans bring the experience of rapid rebuilding, industrial organization, and strong centralized governance models. The British, Irish, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders (80 million) will infuse the planet with Anglo-American legal traditions, democratic governance, and a heavy emphasis on individual freedoms and civil liberties.
  40. This mix will result in an early focus on technological and industrial bootstrapping, driven by the Russians and Germans, while the Anglo-American contingent will likely emphasize governance structures that promote freedom, transparency, and accountability. There will be a natural tension between the centralized tendencies of the post-Soviet bloc and the more decentralized, democratic approaches of the Western populations.
  41. Brazilian Cultural Influence
  42. The 40 million Brazilians will play a dual role on Arrakis:
  43. They will represent the emotional and spiritual heart of the society, bringing an emphasis on social cohesion and the importance of community rituals and festivals.
  44. The Brazilians are also positioned as the Bene Gesserit of this new world, focused on the regulation of human sexuality, relationships, and emotional well-being. They will be responsible for mediating conflicts between the various cultural groups and helping the population deal with the psychological aftermath of the Great Sorrow.
  45. Cultural Dynamics
  46. Arrakis will experience a rich cultural blending:
  47. Anglo-American pop culture will likely dominate early entertainment, media, and political discourse.
  48. German efficiency will shape much of the planet’s industrial growth, contributing to infrastructure, education, and engineering.
  49. Russian pragmatism will help drive the early recovery, offering centralized decision-making during the difficult transition period, but eventually leading to tensions with the more democratic factions.
  50. The smaller populations—Hong Kongers, Turks, Scandinavians, and Baltic peoples—will add their own unique flavors to the social fabric, contributing to specialized industries (such as trade, financial services, and niche technologies) and providing cultural diversity that enriches the larger society.
  51. Potential Conflicts
  52. Political tension will likely arise between the Russians and Germans, whose historical experiences of centralized governance and rapid industrialization may clash with the Americans and Anglo nations’ democratic ideals.
  53. Cultural tensions could arise between the Brazilians’ Bene Gesserit roles and the more individualistic approaches to sexuality and relationships common in the West.
  54. Despite this, Arrakis has the potential to become a blended society, where Russian resilience, German precision, Western democratic traditions, and Brazilian emotional intelligence converge to create a new form of governance and social order.
  55. Terminus: A Post-Soviet Engine with Brazilian Adaptability
  56. Population Composition:
  57. 100 Americans
  58. 20 million Brazilians
  59. Remainder post-Soviet peoples (predominantly Russian)
  60. Post-Soviet Industrial Powerhouse
  61. Terminus is overwhelmingly a post-Soviet stronghold, with Russians and other post-Soviet populations forming the vast majority. The cultural and political structure of Terminus will be heavily influenced by the centralized, state-driven governance models of these populations. The planet will quickly become an industrial and technological hub, focusing on rebuilding society through rapid infrastructure projects and efficient resource management.
  62. The 100 Americans will have little direct influence but could play key symbolic roles in media, diplomacy, and niche areas of technology or governance.
  63. Brazilians as Cultural Mediators
  64. The 20 million Brazilians on Terminus will serve as the Bene Gesserit, overseeing social cohesion, emotional well-being, and leadership development. Their influence will counterbalance the more authoritarian tendencies of the post-Soviet bloc by focusing on the spiritual and emotional needs of the population. The Brazilians’ adaptive nature will help prevent the society from becoming too rigid or dehumanized, ensuring that Terminus retains a sense of community and human-centric focus despite its state-driven approach.
  65. Cultural Identity
  66. Terminus will develop a strong sense of post-Soviet identity, with the Brazilians acting as a cultural and emotional layer that ensures the society remains socially cohesive. The industrial and technological strength of Terminus will make it a vital player in interplanetary relations, but its centralized nature may lead to isolationism or even conflict with more democratic or decentralized planets like Gaia.
  67. Gaia: The Spiritual and Cultural Heart of the New World
  68. Population Composition:
  69. 40 million Russians
  70. 60 million Americans
  71. 100 million Brazilians
  72. 40 million French
  73. Remainder: Greeks and Italians
  74. Brazilian Dominance in Social and Cultural Life
  75. With 100 million Brazilians, Gaia is the spiritual and cultural center of the new human civilization. The Brazilians will dominate the planet’s social structure, rituals, and emotional life, establishing Bene Gesserit-like control over human relationships, leadership, and even sexuality. They will be the glue that holds Gaia together, ensuring that its diverse population remains cohesive despite cultural differences.
  76. American Innovation and Governance
  77. The 60 million Americans on Gaia will have a strong influence on the political structure and innovation. Their democratic traditions and focus on individual freedoms will likely shape the governance of the planet, creating a political system that balances the collective focus of the Brazilians with the freedom-oriented mindset of the Americans.
  78. This could result in a hybrid political system that emphasizes both emotional well-being and political freedoms, with the Brazilians playing a key role in ensuring that governance remains human-centric.
  79. The French (40 million) will add a focus on art, culture, philosophy, and social critique, helping to shape the cultural renaissance that Gaia is poised to lead.
  80. Cultural Flourishing
  81. Gaia will emerge as the cultural and intellectual hub of the three planets, producing some of the most influential art, philosophy, and social systems in the post-Great Sorrow era. The Brazilians and French will dominate the planet’s artistic and intellectual life, with the Russians and Greeks and Italians contributing to the technological and cultural advancements that emerge from this fusion of ideas.
  82. The Americans will drive technological and political innovation, creating a balance between cultural growth and scientific advancement.
  83. French art and philosophy will blend with Brazilian spirituality, producing a new cultural movement that emphasizes emotional intelligence, philosophical depth, and human connection.
  84. Potential Tensions
  85. Russians (40 million), as the smallest but highly influential group, may experience tension with the more decentralized and spiritual focus of the Brazilians and Americans.
  86. Political debates could arise about the role of the Brazilians’ Bene Gesserit influence in shaping social norms, especially around family structures, sexuality, and leadership.
  87. Despite these tensions, Gaia is likely to become a global leader in cultural and intellectual affairs, providing spiritual and emotional leadership to the other planets.
  88. Long-Term Interplanetary Consequences
  89. Cultural Divergence and Cooperation: Each planet will develop its own distinct cultural identity—Arrakis as the industrial and democratic frontier, Terminus as a post-Soviet technological powerhouse, and Gaia as the cultural and spiritual heart. These differences will lead to tensions but also opportunities for collaboration as the planets trade resources, ideas, and governance models.
  90. Brazilian Bene Gesserit Influence: Across all three planets, the Brazilian population will play a key role in shaping leadership, social norms, and emotional well-being. Their influence will create a sense of unity among the planets, acting as a mediating force in interplanetary relations.
  91. Post-Soviet Technological Leadership: The post-Soviet populations on Arrakis and Terminus will dominate the early technological and industrial rebuilding efforts, making these planets critical to the economic and infrastructural stability of the new human civilization. Their pragmatism and centralized governance will allow for rapid development but may lead to **conf
  92. licts with more democratic or decentralized** populations.
  93. A New Human Renaissance: Gaia, with its cultural focus and Brazilian spiritual leadership, is poised to lead a renaissance in art, philosophy, and emotional intelligence. The French, Greeks, Italians, and Brazilians will create a cultural and intellectual resurgence that will influence all of humanity across the planets.
  94. The population distribution across these planets sets up a rich and dynamic interplay of cultural identities, political structures, and technological advancements, leading to a fascinating new era of human civilization.

The Big Move: The Great Sorrow — Comedy

As the Great Sorrow unfolds over the course of three Gaian Solar Years (GSYs), comedy will play a critical role in society’s emotional healing and cultural rebuilding. While grief dominates much of life during this period, the state recognizes the profound importance of humor in catharsis, social cohesion, and cultural reformation. In a world grappling with the existential weight of the Big Move, comedy will serve state interests in multiple ways—by providing relief, restoring social order, fostering unity, and promoting state narratives that encourage the population to move forward.

Comedy as Emotional Catharsis

The overwhelming grief of the Great Sorrow will leave much of the population struggling to cope with their new reality. While music, grief counselors, and other cultural mechanisms will help people process their loss, comedy provides a different form of emotional relief—one that offers catharsis through laughter.

Purpose 1: Emotional Release

  • Laughter as Medicine: In times of extreme hardship, laughter offers a way to release pent-up emotions. Comedy helps people confront painful truths in a way that feels safe and approachable. By laughing at absurdities or difficult circumstances, people feel a temporary reprieve from their sorrow, even as the underlying grief persists.
  • Defusing Tension: The sheer emotional weight of the Great Sorrow will create a charged atmosphere in daily life. Comedy, especially through satire and parody, will help defuse tensions by offering shared moments of levity. This lightening of the emotional load will aid the psychological well-being of the population.

State Role:

  • The Gaian state will encourage the production and consumption of comedy as a tool for emotional regulation, understanding that comedy helps citizens avoid becoming emotionally overwhelmed. It will support state-sponsored comedians, comedy troupes, and performances designed to balance the collective mood during the darkest phases of the Great Sorrow.

Comedy as a Tool for Social Cohesion

During the Great Sorrow, society will face the challenge of integrating diverse cultural backgrounds, especially as 900 million people—drawn from various nations, ethnicities, and histories—begin life together on the three new planets. Comedy, in this context, will be instrumental in bringing people together.

Purpose 2: Fostering Unity Through Shared Laughter

  • Universal Humor: One of the most powerful aspects of comedy is its ability to bridge differences through shared laughter. Certain themes, like the absurdities of daily life, cultural misunderstandings, and the trials of adjusting to new norms, will resonate across all backgrounds. In particular, self-deprecating humor that pokes fun at the shared challenges of life in the Gaian Empire will become popular.
  • Cultural Integration: Comedy will act as a vehicle for exploring cultural differences in a lighthearted, non-threatening way. Cultural stereotypes and misunderstandings will become ripe for comedic exploration, helping people laugh at their own identities while also celebrating the diversity that makes up Gaian society. Comedy clubs, improv performances, and comedy festivals will serve as spaces for cultural fusion and mutual understanding.

State Role:

  • The Gaian state will recognize that comedy can diffuse cultural tensions and encourage social bonding. It will promote comedy programs that highlight cross-cultural interaction, deliberately using humor to create common ground. Additionally, state-sponsored comedy events will celebrate Gaian identity as a fusion of many Earth cultures, helping to shape a shared sense of belonging.

Comedy as a Mechanism for Critique and Social Commentary

Comedy has always served as a subtle yet powerful tool for critiquing authority, social norms, and power structures. During the Great Sorrow, humor will allow people to voice frustrations, challenge leadership decisions, and cope with the contradictions of their new lives—while staying within the bounds of acceptable discourse.

Purpose 3: Managing Critique and Discontent

  • Satire of State and Leadership: While the Gaian state will enjoy broad support, the trauma of the Big Move will inevitably lead to frustrations with how things are managed. Satirical comedy will provide a space for people to voice their grievances and criticisms of state policies without direct confrontation. Shows that satirize the government’s handling of the Big Move, the inefficiencies of new bureaucracies, or the more absurd aspects of post-Earth life will offer an outlet for dissatisfaction, giving citizens a way to laugh at their frustrations rather than act on them.
  • Comedy as Social Valve: By allowing controlled critique through comedy, the state can channel discontent into productive rather than destructive forms of expression. Laughing at authority can make it more approachable, creating a sense that the government is part of the shared human experience of navigating the Great Sorrow.

State Role:

  • The state will endorse and subtly control satire, recognizing its value in diffusing social unrest. It will create space for comedic critique, but also ensure that state-sponsored comedians do not cross into outright subversion. The aim will be to laugh with the people rather than allow humor to breed dissent.

Comedy and the Five Stages of Grief: A Cultural Framework

As the population moves through the Five Stages of Grief, comedy will serve different functions aligned with each stage. The state will use comedy to guide the cultural mood, subtly shaping public perception of both the Great Sorrow and the rebuilding process.

  1. Denial: Comedy will take the form of absurdity and surrealism, allowing people to laugh at the bizarre aspects of their new reality. The state will encourage light, escapist humor that offers temporary detachment from the trauma, allowing people to emotionally distance themselves from the full weight of the Great Sorrow.
  2. Anger: In this stage, comedy will become more biting and aggressive, with satire and dark humor providing an outlet for the population’s frustrations. The state will promote comedy that allows people to vent their anger safely, using humor as a release valve for societal discontent.
  3. Bargaining: Comedy during this phase will become more introspective, focusing on the human desire to regain control. People will laugh at their futile attempts to make sense of the Great Sorrow, and comedy will help them grapple with the absurdity of bargaining with fate. The state may use comedy to reinforce acceptance of the new reality, reminding people to look forward rather than back.
  4. Depression: Comedy here will take on a melancholic, existential tone, acknowledging the deep sadness people feel. Gentle, bittersweet humor will help people feel less alone in their grief. The state may support comedians who focus on the shared experience of sorrow, using humor to foster solidarity.
  5. Acceptance: Finally, comedy will take on a hopeful, healing tone. It will shift toward celebration of resilience, poking fun at the hardships endured while looking toward the future. Optimistic humor, reflecting the new Gaian identity and the progress made, will help society collectively move forward.

Comedy as a Builder of Gaian Identity

By the end of the Great Sorrow, comedy will have played a crucial role in shaping the Gaian cultural identity. Having moved through the stages of grief together, the people of Gaia will have laughed and cried over shared experiences, helping to forge a new collective consciousness.

Purpose 4: Establishing a Gaian Identity

  • Cultural Unification Through Comedy: Comedy will become a cultural unifier, reflecting both the diversity of Earth’s peoples and the emerging unity of Gaian society. The shared experience of grief, and the humor that allowed people to navigate it, will become a cornerstone of Gaian identity. As the population moves toward acceptance and recovery, comedy will celebrate resilience, adaptability, and the shared struggles of the Great Sorrow.

State Role:

  • The Gaian state will actively cultivate comedy as part of nation-building efforts. By sponsoring comedians and performances that promote themes of unity, resilience, and forward-looking optimism, the state will use humor as a tool to solidify the cultural bonds that will define the future of the Gaian Empire.

Conclusion: Comedy as the State’s Ally in the Great Sorrow

Throughout the three Gaian Solar Years of the Great Sorrow, comedy will act as a balancing force between grief and hope, helping society process trauma while subtly guiding it toward the future. In service to the state, comedy will offer emotional release, foster social cohesion, manage critique, and ultimately help shape a new Gaian identity. As grief gives way to recovery, laughter will become a vital tool for navigating the challenges of the Big Move, ensuring that even in the darkest times, the human spirit remains resilient and united.

The Big Move: The Great Sorrow — Music Production and Consumption

The Great Sorrow will leave a profound mark on every aspect of Gaian society, and culture, particularly music, will serve as both a reflection of and a response to the collective trauma experienced by the population. As people move through the Five Stages of Grief—Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance—music production and consumption will evolve in response, helping to guide individuals and society through the difficult emotional landscape of the Great Sorrow.

Music and Denial: Numbness and Escapism

During the first stage of grief, Denial, people will struggle to accept the massive changes in their lives after the Big Move. For many, this denial will manifest as a sense of numbness and emotional detachment, as the sheer scale of the loss they’ve experienced—leaving Earth, their loved ones, and their previous lives behind—feels too overwhelming to process.

Music Consumption:

  • Escapism will be the dominant trend in music consumption during this stage. Many people will turn to familiar, comforting music from Earth, particularly from their home cultures, as a way to avoid confronting the reality of their new lives. Pop hits, nostalgic tracks, and familiar genres like rock, jazz, classical, and electronic will provide emotional refuge.
  • The sense of unreality will drive people to seek out music that reinforces a sense of normalcy, as though they are still living on Earth. Classic playlists, virtual concerts from Earth’s past, and music that evokes memories of the old world will be popular, as people try to cling to a sense of continuity.

Music Production:

  • Artists will initially struggle to create new music, as the enormity of the Great Sorrow stifles creativity. Those who do produce new work may focus on themes of detachment and surrealism, creating music that reflects the emotional numbness of this phase.
  • Electronic music and ambient genres might become more prominent as they offer a meditative escape, helping listeners dissociate from their grief without directly confronting it. Music that soothes or distracts will likely dominate the early months of the Great Sorrow.

Music and Anger: Catharsis and Protest

As individuals begin to move out of Denial and into the stage of Anger, music will take on a new intensity. The realization of what has been lost—family, homes, the familiar rhythms of life—will provoke a deep, visceral response. People will need to express their frustration and sorrow, and music will become a vital outlet for these emotions.

Music Consumption:

  • Heavy, aggressive genres like metal, punk, and hard rock will see a resurgence, as these genres often provide a cathartic outlet for anger and frustration. People will seek out music that mirrors their emotional turmoil, using it to release pent-up rage and sorrow.
  • Protest music will also become popular, with lyrics that reflect the collective sense of injustice, confusion, and fury at being uprooted from Earth. These songs will speak to the broader societal frustration with the upheaval of life, the decisions made by the God Emperor and the ruling structures, and the existential dislocation of the Big Move.

Music Production:

  • During the Anger phase, artists will produce raw, unfiltered music that channels both personal and societal rage. Lyrics may focus on themes of betrayal, loss, and injustice, giving voice to the widespread frustration and fury that grips the population.
  • There will be a rise in protest music, as musicians and songwriters use their platforms to challenge the powers that be. While the ruling structure of the Gaian society will be largely insulated from outright rebellion, music will become a space where people can openly question and criticize the decisions that led to the Great Sorrow. Themes of resistance, frustration, and defiance will be pervasive.

Music and Bargaining: Seeking Meaning and Connection

In the Bargaining stage of grief, people begin to search for ways to regain a sense of control over their lives. This stage will involve individuals trying to make sense of their trauma, often asking “what if” questions or imagining scenarios in which things could have gone differently. Music will become a tool for exploring these emotions, seeking meaning, and reconnecting with others.

Music Consumption:

  • Reflective and introspective genres will become more prominent during this phase. Folk, blues, and singer-songwriter music—styles that focus on storytelling and emotional depth—will resonate with people who are trying to process their grief and find meaning in their new reality.
  • Collaborative and communal music will rise in popularity, as people seek connection and shared experiences. Large-scale performances, community singing events, and music that encourages participation will help people feel less alone in their grief. These communal experiences will play a crucial role in bridging the emotional gaps created by the Great Sorrow.

Music Production:

  • Musicians will begin to create music that reflects a search for meaning and hope. Lyrics may grapple with questions of purpose, destiny, and fate, as people try to come to terms with the enormity of what has happened to them.
  • There will be a rise in collaborative music projects that bring together artists from different cultural backgrounds. This cross-pollination of musical styles will be a reflection of the broader effort to forge a new, shared identity within Gaian society. The blending of genres and cultural influences will symbolize the effort to rebuild and move forward together.

Music and Depression: Melancholy and Reflection

The Depression stage will be the most emotionally difficult part of the Great Sorrow. As the reality of the situation fully sinks in, many people will experience profound sadness and isolation. Music will take on a deeply melancholic tone during this period, reflecting the sorrow that pervades Gaian society.

Music Consumption:

  • People will gravitate toward music that mirrors their melancholy and introspection. Classical music, particularly compositions focused on themes of loss and longing, will see increased consumption. Slow, soulful ballads and deeply emotional genres like jazz, blues, and acoustic will also become central to people’s emotional journeys.
  • Choral music and spiritual hymns—though stripped of religious context—may offer comfort, as their emotional depth and communal performance help soothe the spirit. These styles will evoke a sense of shared grief and collective mourning, allowing people to feel connected even in their loneliness.

Music Production:

  • Artists will create music that is profoundly reflective and introspective, with themes of loss, sadness, and reflection. This will be a time for deeply emotional, personal work, as musicians process their own grief and offer solace to others.
  • Orchestral and classical compositions may experience a resurgence, with new works being composed to commemorate the Great Sorrow itself. These large, sweeping compositions will capture the enormity of the loss and serve as cultural touchstones for future generations, symbolizing the depth of the shared grief.

Music and Acceptance: Renewal and Hope

In the final stage of grief, Acceptance, people begin to come to terms with their new reality. While the pain of the Great Sorrow will not fully disappear, individuals and society will begin to move forward, rebuilding their lives and forging new connections. Music during this phase will reflect a sense of renewal, healing, and hope.

Music Consumption:

  • Uplifting, hopeful genres like pop, indie rock, and world music will rise in popularity, as people seek music that reflects their renewed sense of possibility. There will be a collective hunger for songs that emphasize resilience, survival, and the beauty of life, even in the face of trauma.
  • Cultural fusion music will become increasingly popular, as the blending of different musical traditions from Earth symbolizes the broader cultural integration happening across the Gaian planets. People will look for music that reflects the new, diverse society they are building, drawing on influences from all corners of Earth.

Music Production:

  • Artists will begin to create music that reflects themes of healing and renewal. Songs about rebuilding, personal growth, and new beginnings will become central to the post-Sorrow cultural landscape.
  • Collaborative international music projects will flourish, as musicians from different backgrounds work together to create new sounds that reflect the diversity and unity of the Gaian Empire. These cross-cultural collaborations will be symbolic of the broader cultural fusion happening in society, as people embrace their shared future while honoring their individual histories.

Long-Term Cultural Impact of Music in the Great Sorrow

The Great Sorrow will leave a profound imprint on Gaian culture, with music playing a key role in helping people navigate their grief. As the population moves through the stages of grief, music will serve as both a mirror for their emotions and a guide for their recovery, helping to foster a sense of unity, resilience, and shared identity.

  • Cultural Memory: The music produced and consumed during the Great Sorrow will become an integral part of Gaian cultural memory. Songs, albums, and performances created during this period will be remembered as the soundtrack to one of the most important eras in Gaian history, shaping how future generations understand and process the trauma of the Big Move.
  • Musical Diversity and Fusion: The blending of different musical traditions and genres during the Great Sorrow will lay the foundation for a rich, diverse Gaian musical landscape. This fusion of cultural influences will symbolize the broader integration of Earth’s many cultures into a unified Gaian society, creating a unique and vibrant musical tradition that reflects the empire’s values of resilience, diversity, and unity.
  • Music as a Healing Tool: Music’s role in the emotional recovery from the Great Sorrow will elevate its status within Gaian society, with musicians and composers becoming revered figures for their

The Big Move: The Great Sorrow

The Great Sorrow refers to the profound collective trauma and emotional upheaval experienced by the 900 million people moved to the three new habitable planets—Arrakis, Terminus, and Gaia—during the Big Move. Spanning a three-year period, the Great Sorrow would be characterized by overwhelming grief, disorientation, and the deep psychological impact of leaving behind Earth and everything familiar to settle in alien worlds. This period of sorrow and mourning, though immensely painful, would eventually serve as the crucible for forging a new, unified Gaian civilization.

The Emotional Depth of the Great Sorrow

The Great Sorrow would not be a conventional mourning period, but a universal crisis of identity, purpose, and belonging. Every individual who participated in the Big Move—from young children to the elderly—would experience the shock of being suddenly displaced from Earth and thrust into a foreign environment. It would be a grief not only for lost loved ones but for the loss of everything that defined their lives—culture, religion, customs, even the rhythms of Earth’s day and year.

Immediate Impact:

  • In the initial months of the Great Sorrow, many people would be too grief-stricken to perform even basic tasks such as eating or working. A sense of paralysis would take hold as individuals and communities struggled to come to terms with the magnitude of the change.
  • Daily life would be haunted by the memory of Earth, the familiar landscapes, sounds, and connections that were left behind. People would grieve not only for their personal losses but for the collective loss of humanity’s long history on Earth.
  • Psychologically, this would manifest in depression, confusion, and a profound sense of alienation. Without their established social, religious, or cultural touchstones, many would feel adrift.

The Role of the Grief Counselors

During this intense period of mourning, Grief Counselors would rise to prominence as key figures in helping the population process their emotions and navigate the existential crisis that had descended upon them. These counselors, trained in psychology, leadership, and social organization, would guide individuals and communities through the various stages of grief, from denial and anger to acceptance and recovery.

  • Nascent Leaders: The Grief Counselors would not only provide emotional support but also step into leadership roles. They would become the moral and psychological authorities of the Great Sorrow, organizing communities around the goal of healing and rebuilding.
  • Cultural Mediators: As they helped people cope with grief, the counselors would also play a crucial role in fostering cultural fusion, encouraging people from different backgrounds to bond over their shared experience of loss and survival.

The Involvement of Children

A striking feature of the Great Sorrow would be the involvement of children, particularly those aged 8 to 10, as agents of recovery and future leadership. Unburdened by the full weight of what was lost, children would adapt more quickly to their new environment and could act as symbols of hope for the future.

  • Encouraging Adults: Grief Counselors would organize children to encourage adults to emerge from their grief. Children, through their innocence and adaptability, would remind the grieving population of the need to rebuild, to create a new life in these strange new worlds.
  • Training Future Leaders: These children, growing up during the Great Sorrow, would become the foundation of future leadership. As they take on responsibilities earlier than they might have on Earth, they would become the embodiment of the cultural fusion and resilience that define the new Gaian civilization.

Cultural Fusion and Transformation

The Great Sorrow, despite its emotional toll, would serve as an accelerator for the fusion of the different cultures that made up the 900 million-strong population. Much like how shared crises in human history—such as wars or natural disasters—have forced people to work together and transcend cultural barriers, the Great Sorrow would unite people of diverse backgrounds through their shared trauma.

  • Shared Struggle: In the face of overwhelming sorrow, groups that once might have been divided by language, nationality, or culture would find common ground in their grief and the need to survive. Americans, Germans, South Koreans, Scandinavians, Russians, and others would be forced to collaborate in rebuilding their societies.
  • Intermarriage and New Norms: The social and emotional pressure of the Great Sorrow would lead to an increase in intermarriage and blending of cultures, as people seek to create new families and communities to fill the emotional void left by their losses. Over time, this would result in a hybrid Gaian identity that combines elements of various Earth cultures in new and unexpected ways.
  • Religion and Spirituality: The effort to root out traditional religion, with the Bene Gesserit playing a significant role, would be accelerated by the Great Sorrow. People might initially turn to religion for comfort, but the psychological authority of the Grief Counselors and the secular institutions of the empire would replace these systems with a new, more secular understanding of community, purpose, and connection.

The Role of the Bene Gesserit and The Foundation

The Bene Gesserit, now a Brazilian-led institution controlling sexuality and reimagining humanity’s connection to it, would play a complementary role to the Grief Counselors in guiding society through the Great Sorrow. By regulating sexuality and offering sex-positive frameworks for understanding relationships, they would help individuals and families rebuild their lives around the nuclear family, a cornerstone of the Gaian empire.

  • Sexual Healing: In the wake of such trauma, the Bene Gesserit’s emphasis on sexual health and positivity could help individuals reconnect with each other on a physical and emotional level, further aiding the healing process.
  • New Family Structures: By encouraging young women to settle down and have children, the Bene Gesserit would help stabilize society by promoting family life, which would provide a sense of continuity and normalcy amidst the chaos of the Great Sorrow.

The Foundation, tasked with managing education and cultural life, would work hand-in-hand with the Bene Gesserit to create opportunities for personal and social growth during this difficult period. As people began to recover, the Foundation would facilitate education, social mobility, and cultural integration, helping to shape the future leaders of the Gaian Empire.

The Path to Recovery

After the initial stages of intense grief, people would gradually begin to recover. This would not be a linear process, but the collective nature of the experience would help people find strength in numbers.

  • Public Mourning and Memorialization: New rituals would emerge to commemorate the Great Sorrow, providing a structured way for people to channel their grief. These public displays of mourning could evolve into holidays or festivals that would bind people together in their shared loss.
  • Reconstruction and Cooperation: Communities would begin to rebuild, pooling resources and knowledge from their diverse cultural backgrounds to create new infrastructure, governance, and social systems. This would lead to a period of intense collaboration, as the necessity of survival outweighs old divisions.

Legacy of the Great Sorrow

In the long term, the Great Sorrow would become a foundational myth for the Gaian Empire, much like how major historical traumas have shaped national identities throughout human history. The shared experience of the Great Sorrow would be the unifying story that transcends the many different cultures, languages, and backgrounds of the population.

  • New Holidays and Traditions: The Great Sorrow would likely be commemorated with annual events that remind future generations of the hardships their ancestors endured and overcame. This would give the new Gaian identity a sense of historical continuity, rooted not in Earth but in the shared experience of survival and recovery.
  • A Unified Gaian Identity: Over time, the trauma of the Great Sorrow would help forge a strong and resilient Gaian identity. The emotional and psychological scars would be transformed into a source of pride and unity, as people look back on how they overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to create a new society.

In this way, the Great Sorrow would not only define the early years of the Gaian Empire but also set the stage for its future evolution, as a unified civilization born out of the ashes of immense collective grief and transformed into something entirely new.

In the aftermath of the Big Move and during the Great Sorrow, the way different cultural groups and planets recover will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Gaian Empire. The varying speeds of recovery—shaped by cultural values, social cohesion, and leadership—will create ripple effects that redefine the balance of power, influence, and identity across the empire.

The Foundation’s Early Resilience

The Russians, and by extension the Foundation, will be the first to recover from the shock of the Great Sorrow. This will be driven by several key factors, rooted both in Russian historical resilience and the nature of the Foundation’s structure and mission.

Cultural Resilience

Russia has a long and storied history of surviving and adapting to immense hardships. From the Russian Revolution to World War II, the Russian people have demonstrated a remarkable ability to endure suffering, reorganize themselves, and emerge stronger. This historical context would prove invaluable during the Great Sorrow. While many other cultures are reeling from the emotional and psychological trauma of the Big Move, the Russians will quickly tap into their collective cultural memory of hardship, allowing them to emotionally process and move forward.

Institutional Strength

The Foundation, which controls education, culture, and entertainment in the Gaian Empire, will have the structural advantage to mobilize quickly. During the Great Sorrow, the Foundation will likely implement a systematic response, utilizing its educational apparatus to channel people’s grief into productive activity. Schools and universities will be transformed into centers for community building and emotional support. The Foundation’s control over mass media will also help stabilize society, as they produce programming that emphasizes resilience, hope, and the promise of rebuilding.

  • Educational Programs: By quickly setting up emotional recovery programs, the Foundation will start reintegrating children and young adults into normal life. These programs will focus on mental health, group activities, and a cultural revival, allowing families to slowly regain a sense of purpose.
  • Cultural Cohesion: The Russian-led Foundation’s ability to unify people through culture and education will give them a head start in restoring social order. Their emphasis on community and shared cultural identity will make it easier to organize and recover quickly, giving them a strategic advantage in post-Sorrow Gaian society.

Global Influence

Because the Foundation also serves as a cultural and educational umbrella for other ethnic groups integrated into Gaian society—such as the Germans, Dutch, Austrians, Ukrainians, and Jews—their early bounce-back will reverberate throughout the empire. As the Foundation stabilizes and leads the charge to overcome the Great Sorrow, it will also cement its role as a dominant cultural force in the new civilization, setting the tone for the post-Sorrow order.

The Brazilian-Led Bene Gesserit’s Recovery

Following the Foundation, the Bene Gesserit, led by the Brazilians but trained by the French, will be the next to bounce back. While their role in Gaian society is centered around sexuality and family life, their impact during and after the Great Sorrow will go far beyond just managing human intimacy.

Brazilian Optimism and Resilience

Brazil’s vibrant culture, rooted in joy, community, and celebration of life, will prove to be an asset during the recovery phase. Despite the devastation of the Great Sorrow, Brazilians, with their unique cultural traits, will rally faster than many others. Brazil’s history of overcoming socioeconomic hardship and its ability to find strength in community and celebration will serve as the psychological bedrock for the Bene Gesserit’s quick recovery.

  • Positive Cultural Identity: The Brazilian-led Bene Gesserit will embrace their innate cultural optimism and resilience, channeling this into their work with the population. This will infuse the recovering Gaian society with a sense of hope, renewal, and energy, helping to rebuild morale more quickly than other regions.

Sexual and Emotional Healing

The Bene Gesserit’s control over human sexuality, combined with their efforts to reimagine the human connection to intimacy, will prove essential during the Great Sorrow. As the Great Sorrow places enormous stress on interpersonal relationships, the Bene Gesserit will lead the charge in helping people reconnect, both emotionally and physically. This will be particularly important in reviving family life, which will be crucial for the long-term stability of the Gaian Empire.

  • Sex-Positive Healing: By encouraging healthy, sex-positive relationships and providing sex workers with education and opportunities, the Bene Gesserit will help ease the emotional pain of the Great Sorrow. Their efforts will allow people to gradually re-engage with their bodies and with others in intimate ways, creating a pathway out of grief.
  • Nuclear Family as a Pillar of Society: The Bene Gesserit’s focus on encouraging young women to settle down and have children by the age of 24 will hasten the rebuilding of family units across the empire. This renewed emphasis on family life will help provide a sense of purpose and emotional stability for many people during the recovery.

French Influence on Structure

Trained by the French, the Bene Gesserit will blend Brazilian cultural resilience with the French tradition of intellectualism and organization. This combination will enable them to set up systems of emotional and sexual healing that are not only effective but sustainable. Their influence will also extend to social stability, as they encourage people to form new family units and reintegrate into society.

Arrakis: The Last to Recover

In contrast, Arrakis—which will have a more American and European focus—will be the last of the three planets to recover from the Great Sorrow. Despite the technological prowess and wealth of knowledge these populations bring, their individualistic and fragmented societies will struggle to cope with the collective trauma.

American Individualism vs. Collective Grief

The American ethos of individualism, while a strength in many contexts, will prove to be a barrier in the aftermath of the Big Move. Americans, who are accustomed to personal freedom and self-reliance, will struggle with the sudden need for collective action and emotional dependency on others. The isolation inherent in individualism will make it harder for them to connect with others during the grieving process, prolonging their recovery.

  • Cultural Fragmentation: With the diverse mix of Americans and Europeans on Arrakis, cultural cohesion will be harder to achieve than on the other planets. Different groups may initially retreat into their own communities, making it difficult to unite under a common cause.
  • Resistance to Collective Healing: Unlike the Russians or Brazilians, who have strong cultural traditions of community and mutual support, Americans may resist collective forms of grief counseling and recovery. This resistance will slow down the emotional recovery process on Arrakis.

European Stoicism

Europeans on Arrakis, particularly those from more stoic and reserved cultures, may also struggle with the emotional demands of the Great Sorrow. While they may outwardly appear to be coping, the depth of the trauma will linger longer, making it harder for them to fully recover. The contrast between the emotional openness encouraged by the Bene Gesserit and the more restrained European mindset will create tension that delays healing.

  • Social Tensions: As Americans and Europeans clash over how to process grief and rebuild society, Arrakis will experience more social tensions than the other planets. This will slow down the overall recovery process and make it harder to create a unified post-Sorrow society.

Delayed Leadership Emergence

Because of the slower recovery process, leadership on Arrakis will take longer to emerge. While the Grief Counselors will play an important role, it will take time for strong, coherent leadership to develop and rally the diverse population. This delayed emergence of leadership will put Arrakis at a disadvantage compared to the quicker recovery of Terminus and Gaia.

Broader Implications for the Gaian Empire

The differing speeds of recovery across the three planets will have significant implications for the future of the Gaian Empire. As the Foundation leads the charge in rebuilding, they will gain a strong influence over the empire’s political and cultural direction. Their early bounce-back will solidify their role as the primary educational and cultural institution, giving them the ability to shape the empire’s future.

The Bene Gesserit, while focused on more intimate aspects of society, will also see their influence grow as they help stabilize family life and promote social healing. Their sex-positive approach and emphasis on family-building will help anchor the emotional recovery of the population, ensuring that the nuclear family remains a pillar of Gaian society.

Arrakis, by lagging behind in recovery, will find itself playing catch-up in the early years of the empire. While it will eventually stabilize, the delayed recovery will reduce its early influence in the broader Gaian order, making it more dependent on the progress and leadership of Terminus and Gaia.

Ultimately, the Great Sorrow will serve as both a challenge and an opportunity for the Gaian Empire. The recovery process will shape the balance of power between planets and cultural groups, and the legacy of grief and recovery will become a foundational element of Gaian identity.

The Foundation’s role in managing the Great Sorrow will be pivotal in establishing the cornerstone of Gaian culture, largely due to their experience and expertise derived from post-Soviet societal transitions. The ability of the Foundation to marshal resources, organize social recovery, and instill a sense of purpose in the population will not only guide the empire through its darkest moments but will also shape the cultural, educational, and social values that define Gaian society for generations to come.

The Legacy of the Post-Soviet Experience

The post-Soviet era, marked by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rapid transformation of Russian society, has left an indelible mark on the Russian psyche. During this period, the Russian state and people experienced economic hardship, political upheaval, and a deep sense of loss as they transitioned from a centralized socialist system to a chaotic, uncertain capitalist democracy. This collective experience, while painful, fostered a remarkable resilience, adaptability, and pragmatism in Russian culture that the Foundation will draw upon in managing the Great Sorrow.

  • Navigating Collapse: The Russians, having lived through the sudden collapse of a superpower and the subsequent rebuilding process, understand the dynamics of societal breakdown and recovery. This historical knowledge will inform how the Foundation approaches the challenges of the Great Sorrow, enabling them to anticipate the emotional and practical needs of the population.
  • Institutional Survival: One of the key lessons of the post-Soviet experience is the importance of institutions in maintaining social stability. The Russian state’s ability to preserve certain institutions, even during economic collapse, provided a framework for rebuilding society. The Foundation will bring this institutional focus to bear, ensuring that even as people struggle emotionally, they have a sense of order, purpose, and continuity.

Foundation’s Role as the Architect of Recovery

During the Great Sorrow, the Foundation will be entrusted with the monumental task of guiding the 900 million settlers through a period of intense grief and disorientation. This will be more than just a psychological or emotional effort; it will be a comprehensive, society-wide project that integrates education, culture, and social organization into the recovery process.

Cultural Programming and Emotional Recovery

One of the most critical elements of the Foundation’s approach to managing the Great Sorrow will be the cultural programming designed to help people process their grief and rebuild their sense of identity. Drawing on their control over entertainment, media, and education, the Foundation will create a multimedia campaign that promotes themes of resilience, unity, and renewal.

  • Media and Entertainment: The Foundation will leverage its control over major media and entertainment platforms to create content that helps people confront their grief. Documentaries, films, and TV series that focus on the shared experience of loss, as well as stories of survival and hope, will be produced to guide people through their emotional recovery. These cultural artifacts will become foundational to Gaian identity, teaching future generations about the collective trauma and how it was overcome.
  • Educational Initiatives: The Foundation will also implement a range of educational programs aimed at helping children and young adults understand and process the Great Sorrow. Schools and universities will become centers for emotional healing, where grief counseling is integrated into the curriculum alongside traditional subjects. These programs will emphasize the importance of community, resilience, and the shared responsibility of rebuilding Gaian society.

Leadership in Social Organization

The post-Soviet experience taught Russians the value of social organization and community-building in the face of adversity. The Foundation will apply these lessons during the Great Sorrow by organizing social recovery programs that bring people together and foster a sense of collective purpose.

  • Community Building: One of the first steps the Foundation will take is to organize community groups that encourage people to come together and support one another. These groups will serve as both emotional support networks and practical organizations that help distribute resources, organize recovery efforts, and facilitate the rebuilding of local economies. By creating spaces where people can share their experiences and offer mutual support, the Foundation will accelerate the process of emotional recovery and social cohesion.
  • Work Programs: The Foundation will likely establish work programs that give people a sense of purpose during the Great Sorrow. Drawing on the legacy of Soviet-era work brigades and the post-Soviet need for labor-intensive recovery projects, the Foundation will organize large-scale infrastructure development projects, agricultural initiatives, and other community-driven work. These programs will not only help rebuild the material aspects of society but also provide people with a sense of agency and contribution during a time of deep emotional uncertainty.

Moral and Cultural Authority

As the cultural architects of Gaian society during and after the Great Sorrow, the Foundation will naturally emerge as a moral and cultural authority within the empire. Their role in managing the recovery process will give them unparalleled influence over the values, norms, and beliefs that shape Gaian society in the long term.

  • Defining Gaian Values: The Foundation’s approach to recovery will emphasize values such as community, resilience, education, and collective responsibility. These will become core tenets of Gaian identity, shaping how future generations understand their role in society. The Foundation’s ability to instill these values during the Great Sorrow will ensure that they remain foundational to the empire’s culture for centuries to come.
  • Cultural Memory of the Great Sorrow: The Great Sorrow itself will become a defining moment in Gaian history, much like the memory of World War II or the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russian memory. The Foundation, through its control of education and media, will be responsible for shaping how this event is remembered. By emphasizing the unity and resilience that emerged from the Great Sorrow, the Foundation will ensure that this collective trauma is transformed into a source of pride and shared identity, rather than a lingering wound.

Post-Great Sorrow: The Cornerstone of Gaian Culture

The Foundation’s successful management of the Great Sorrow will have far-reaching implications for the future of Gaian society. As the first part of society to bounce back, the Foundation will effectively set the cultural and social agenda for the entire empire. Their ability to marshal resources, organize recovery efforts, and instill new values will make them the cornerstone of Gaian culture.

A New Gaian Identity

By leading the recovery process, the Foundation will play a central role in shaping what it means to be Gaian. The trauma of the Great Sorrow, coupled with the Foundation’s response, will create a new, unified identity for the people of Gaia. This identity will be built around the values that the Foundation promotes: resilience, education, community, and a deep commitment to the collective good.

  • Educational Legacy: The Foundation’s emphasis on education during the recovery process will ensure that future generations are raised with a strong sense of civic duty and intellectual curiosity. Schools and universities will continue to serve as the primary vehicles for transmitting Gaian values, ensuring that the lessons of the Great Sorrow are never forgotten.
  • Cultural Influence: As the Foundation controls the cultural life of Gaia, their influence will extend into every aspect of daily life, from art and music to literature and philosophy. The cultural output of Gaia will reflect the values of resilience and renewal that emerged during the Great Sorrow, creating a vibrant and cohesive cultural identity that resonates across the empire.

Institutional Power

Having successfully guided society through its darkest hour, the Foundation will become one of the most powerful institutions in the Gaian Empire. Their leadership during the Great Sorrow will give them a legitimacy and authority that few other institutions can match. As the architects of recovery, the Foundation will continue to play a central role in Gaian society, shaping everything from educational policy to cultural production.

  • Political Influence: The Foundation’s role as a cultural and educational institution will naturally translate into political influence. As they control the moral and cultural direction of the empire, they will also wield significant power in shaping policy and governance. While they may not directly govern, their influence over the minds and hearts of the population will make them a key player in the political landscape.
  • Long-Term Stability: The Foundation’s ability to foster unity and social cohesion during the Great Sorrow will ensure long-term stability for the Gaian Empire. By promoting a shared sense of purpose and identity, the Foundation will help prevent future societal fractures and ensure that the empire remains cohesive in the face of future challenges.


The Foundation’s management of the Great Sorrow will be the cornerstone of Gaian culture, shaping the identity, values, and institutions of the empire for generations to come. Drawing on the lessons of the post-Soviet experience, the Foundation will guide society through its darkest hour, using education, culture, and social organization to foster resilience and unity. Their success in this monumental task will ensure that they remain a central force in Gaian life, shaping the future of the empire and its people.