‘Awkward’ — #Lyrics To Pop Song About Taylor Swift

No one will ever produce any of these lyrics I write, but it is relaxing. I do enjoy at least attempting to tell a story in verse. This is just a pointless, useless hobby. This would have a pretty standard pop beat to it.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

famous as can be
she seems like she always about to flee
tall and lean she’s like no one else
and boy can she dance
but no matter what you can tell
that she’s not quite right


her eyes glow like the summer sun
but she seems about to run
lies are all about her
but there’s no doubt about her
she loves her fan
at least that’s her plan

when will we believe
her musical story of lies
maybe we if we quit staring at her thighs
nothing from her but sighs
leave her alone
let her live with her moans
’cause she’s


what more do you want
a piece of her soul
if you do
you’re on a roll

nothing to see her
just another boy by her side
one she’s going to take for ride
maybe write a curse in verse
once he says goodbye

The Dog That Didn’t Bark: Where Are All The Protest Songs?

by Shelton Bumgarner

It is interesting that in the shock and awe that the birth of Trumplandia has brought, one aspect of civil society that has not really responded much, if at all, is pop music.

While The New York Times and The Washington Post are having a newspaper war to see who can bring the Trump White House down, and the late night talk shows have joke after joke about the surreal nature of Trumplandia, the music business has been rather mum about all of this.

The closest we’ve got to what I suggest we need is “woke pop” as championed by Katy Perry. But where are our protest anthems to chant during massive protests? It is odd that for the most part pop music is rather aggressively apolitical. It’s all very puzzling.

Maybe I’m just being to impatient. Maybe there are marketing reasons for this. Much of the entertainment business is in shock over the triumphant of Trumplandia and so maybe the creative braintrust responsible for pop hits are taking a wait-and-see approach to all of this. I have heard of the occasional protest song being written here and there by some major names, but none of them have punctured my little media bubble.

So, what is likely going to happen is at some point in the near future, a well written and produced protest song will come out of left field and surprise us all. What it will take for this to happen eludes me. Music is a crucial aspect of American political life and it could be that the very forces that have drained all quality out of pop music are the very ones that are preventing us to go from “woke” pop to “protest pop.”

I mean, imagine the cultural consequence of Taylor Swift going rock and performing a cover of “Fortune Son” or something. Something of that magnitude would fundamentally change the music business and potentially force us into an era of good music not seen since the late 60s or early 70s.

But maybe I am being delusional. Maybe the Kraken of pop music jumping into the political fray is something happens only in extreme times when the youth of the nation feel as though they have a vested interest in politics. As you may recall, once the draft was ended by Nixon, much of the wind left the anti-Vietnam War protest movement.

Or maybe I’m being too cynical. Maybe it just is going to take some time. Maybe this time next year, we’ll be in a regular pop music Renaissance. But I am not expecting much. Surprise me, Ms. Perry. Excite me, Ms. Swift.