Talk To Me Internet: Of Online Privacy, Reddit & Martin Shkreli

In this one we talk about how much you should divulge online in #livestreaming as well as a little bit about Martin Shkreli. We also talk about #Reddit. We talk about the state of #Periscope. We go into some detail about why services like Periscope and #Blab seem to eventually be taken over by trolls and be unusable. Be sure to like the Talk To Me Internet page, follow it and share this video if you like it.

Talk To Me Internet: A Discussion About The ‘Hot Chick Effect’ In #Livestreaming

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is a really good conversation about livestreaming and how women have to deal with a lot of problems despite their high engagement because of their beauty.

Talk To Me Internet: A Meandering Monologue About #Writing

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is just my usual self-indulgent meandering monlogue. This time, it’s mostly about writing.

Talk To Me Internet: The Curious Case Of Hope Hicks #Trump

by Shelton Bumgarner

There’s something weird going on with Hope Hicks and Trump.

Talk To Me Internet: Talking about 9/11 And It The Movie #Podcast

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is the first official episode of Talk To Me Internet where I have a co-host. We talk about #Trump, 9/11, Irma and It the movie. Enjoy.

Talk To Me Internet: Worried About #Ukraine, #Russia, #DPRK & #WWIII

By Shelton Bumgarner

With this one I talk about #Ukraine, #Russia, #NorthKorea, #DPRK and the possibility of #WWIII. I also talk about #writing my #novel, and my up coming trip to #NYC’s #WHotel. I also talk about #SingSingAveA and some of my time in #Seoul. Though, if you want those stories, you’re going to have to buy me dinner and get me drunk.

Talk To Me Internet: Some ‘Deep Thoughts’

by Shelton Bumgarner

Here is about an hour of me talking about any number of different interesting things. Enjoy

#Cigar Talk To Me Internet

by Shelton Bumgarner

Talked about a wide-range of things while smoking a cigar.

Talk To Me Internet: A Great Conversation

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is a great conversation with AlyceIsCurious about everything and nothing. You should check it out. You get to see the two of us in action talking. It’s pretty funny at times. I keep telling her we should do a regular “show” but for some reason she’s reluctant.

Here’s a bonus Talk to Me Internet as well.

Talk To Me Internet: A Regular Blab.Im Reunion.

by Shelton Bumgarner

Here are some videos of me having interesting conversations with some old Blab regulars. Enjoy.