The SNL 50th Anniversary Show Was Bad

by Shelt Garner

I did not like the SNL 50th Anniversary Show. It felt really long and slow and didn’t give the show’s 50 years on TV the justice it deserved. I would have either broken the 3 hours into eras or just live streamed a five hour extravaganza that gave each era a full hour to be contemplated.

I suppose they did the best with what they had. But they’ve been planning this thing for years and to give the audience such a limp-wristed show celebrating half a century of entertainment is just….wait, what?

What’s worse, the show ended with a Paul McCarney performance that was really bad because there was something wrong with his voice. I had hoped that maybe Ring might pop out…but, no.

A Lazy, Spoiler Free Review of ‘Saturday Night.’

by Shelt Garner

I’m too lazy to give you much detail about the new movie “Saturday Night,” but I can give you a general sense of my views on the movie. I thought it was really good, all things considered. The third act felt like a TV-movie in some respects, but the overall movie is definitely a “crowd pleaser.”

I really enjoyed the movie as a life-long fan of SNL. I remember watching SNL live as a little tyke. The show had such buzz that i stayed up in the late 70s, even though I was under ten at the time. So it was nice to see some of the lore of the series on the big screen.

But I do have a few quibbles. I don’t get why one actor played two different rolls. And there were elements of the third act that were rather cringe worthy. I think if the movie was a bit more droll in its delivery — or even just more consistent in tone — it would be, in general, better.

I also quibble with its portrayal of John Belushi. There was so much to work with and they went with that? I will note, in passing, that Kaia Gerber did a surprisingly good job in a small roll.

Overall, I really enjoyed the movie and recommend it — not that anyone listens to me. I will note the future of SNL is still up in the air. I wrote some about this in the past, when I was under dumb assumption that last year’s season was its 50th — it’s a testament to how much I live in oblivion that no one noticed I got the year wrong for that particular situation.

Anyway, in general, I really liked the movie.

Saturday Night Dead — Is SNL…Bad?

by Shelt Garner

I know we’re in one of those periods in Saturday Night Live’s existence when it’s kind of at a low point because while I look forward to it when a new episode is scheduled, I don’t actually watch any of it. That this lull happens just as we’re all holding our breath to see if it continues past its 50th season is…not good.

Sydney Sweeney was on SNL recently.

When the buzz around the show is so potent that I actually watch it, then I will know it’s “back.” The show has been on for so long that there is a well known ebb-and-flow to its quality. Just about when everyone thinks its down for the count, some amazing new cast member swoops in and saves it from itself.

The thing about SNL is it serves a very, very important meta cultural function — it introduces young comics to older, more established entertainers for a week. That generates professional relationships that can last a lifetime.

But all good things must come to an end, the show has been on for a long time and Lorne Michaels is getting old…so lulz? It could be that SNL will end after its 50th season and that will be that. Something new will take its place and we will all move forward.

I just don’t know. Just as we find ourselves facing autocracy or civil war / revolution a political basis, and the AI transformation on the technological side, it could be that traditional entertainment is about to go through a rough patch, too. The end of SNL would be a part of that.

And all of this is happening in the context of even human being torn asunder by our partisan divide. SNL has always been the Bob Hope of comedy and I just don’t know if that play-it-down-the-middle style can survive while the country is not-so-slowly tearing itself apart.

It will be interesting to see how things work out, I will say that.

Too Many Center-Left People These Days Miss The Cultural Point Of SNL

by Shelt Garner

In yet ANOTHER sign that the country is tearing itself apart, the fact that Saturday Night Live is trying its usual thing of trying to threat the political needle is causing people on the center-Left to pitch a fit.

The thing about SNL — which is the Bob Hope of TV entertainment shows — is while it definitely leans Left, it has a long, long history of pretty much just picking on whomever happens to be in power. It’s just that Trump stirred the pot to such an extent that the two sides have really, really hardened their views.

As such, people who are too young to remember how things used to be, think it’s the end of the world if SNL features Nikki Haley or brings back the very, very popular Right wing comic they fired even before the season began a few years ago.

It definitely seems as though all of this is yet more sign that the greatest nation in the world is tearing itself apart over “vibes.”

What The Fuck Is Going To Happen To SNL?

by Shelt Garner

I’m no expert when it comes to SNL — I once totally screwed up when the 50th year of the show is — but I still am concerned about its fate. Saturday Night Live serves an important cultural purpose and it has so much love built in that I suspect that it will survive, even after Lorne Michaels retires.

I have heard a rumor that Netflix is interested in starting it’s own live sketch show. It could be that the stars might align in such a way that just as SNL is about to change in a big way that Netflix swoops in an buys the expensive franchise off of NBC.

Stranger things have happened.

I do think that next year is going to be very turbulent in more ways than one. It could be that we’re too busy dodging bullets to have a SNL 50th anniversary. Or maybe Tyrant Trump will arrest everyone at SNL before the 50th. Who the fuck knows.

But I do think it’s possible that there might be something of a panic in Hollywood if it seems as though when Michaels leaves that NBC will pull the plug on SNL. That could be the fixation of most of the pop entertainment news media for a few months while everything is unknown.

I honestly have no idea. I will note that maybe we’re in something of a vibe shift and, as such, it could be that the era of SNL is just about to end and Something New is about to take its place. It could be that some combination of immersive media, AI and the Apple Vision Pro will revolutionize media to the point all of this is very moot.

Of Course

by Shelt Garner

Now, let me be clear — I’m notorious for taking a little bit of information and running with it. But there is, at least, a scenario whereby Saturday Night Live uses the “hook” of how fucking cold it was in Iowa for the caucuses to have a sketch with Unfrozen Caveman Governor Ron DeSantis.

Makes sense to me, at least. I don’t quite know what I would do if something I predicted actually happened for once. I might faint from excitement and joy.

But I’m really, really grasping at straws on this one. I’m know to make shit up. I suppose only time will tell, huh.

I would get a woman cast member to play “Tiny-D” in caveman make up, given how short he is, relative to how tall he should be to run for POTUS.

My Pitch For An Unfrozen Caveman Governor Sketch

by Shelt Garner

This is just me being silly. But, in general, I would replace the court room of the Phil Hartman Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer sketches with an Iowa / New Hampshire Town Hall.

Ron DeSantis

Then, the joke of the SNL sketch would be that Ron DeSantis’ actual policy agenda is so dumb and conservative that it’s what you might think of someone frozen during an Ice Age.

I, for one, think that’s hilarious.

Well, That’s Curious

by Shelt Garner

I’m obsessed with my Webstats. And today was curious because one specific blog post on this blog about Ron DeSantis got a huge amount of hits — like 10 or so. Given that, like, this blog on any given day gets about 20 or 30 hits a day that’s a big deal.

Given the subject matter, there are a few possibilities.

It’s at least possible that my link between Ron DeSantis and SNL’s Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer and this weekend they’re going to do a sketch about him that involves Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.
He’s About To Drop Out
This could mean that his staff knows he’s going to drop out and they read the blog post about how much he sucks. Or something.

I Wonder What Fred Armisen Would Think of ‘So Good’

by Shelt Garner

As I understand it, SNL alum Fred Armisen is into punk bigtime — so much so that he was the drummer in a punk band for a long time — so when I heard So Good today, I instantly thought of him.

The only thing about So Good is the one song I really like “I Hate It Here” is so on-the-nose that it sounds like a song from the fictional punk rocker he created who was the only punk who liked Margaret Thatcher.

But, the I Hate It Here track has a very punk edge to it and it has a beat and you can dance to it. And, yet, it definitely seems I’m the only person in the world who loves it.

It’s a great song!

Why Do People Pick On SNL So Much?

by Shelt Garner

For a show that’s been extremely influential in American comedy for about 50 years now, people love, love, LOVE to bitch and moan about how bad Saturday Night Live is.

Lorne Michaels

I honestly just don’t get it.

The show is extremely inconsistent, yes, but it’s still, to varying degrees, really, really funny. And it definitely gives us rubes out in the hinterlands a sense of what New Yorkers are talking about.

Anyway. I think some of it may be there are a lot of young journalists who think they’re good enough to be an SNL cast member, so they take it out on the show. And, also, whenever thinking about SNL, you have to remember that the show is popular for the very reason why the nattering nabobs of negativism hate it so much — it’s Bob Hope humor.

It doesn’t really make you burst out laughing all the time, but it is humorous and you chuckle now and again. And its broader cultural significance picks up whatever slack there may be in its actual humor.