Well, The Summer Webstat Kookiness Is Out In Force

by Shelt Garner

Corrie Yee

So far, about three weird things have happened in my Webstats this summer. One was when someone from Harrisburg, PA popped up just a few minutes after the Graze.

The Graze

Then, someone was interested in my writing about how Corrie Yee has the “phenotype” of the heroine of one of the novels I’m writing. Now, today, someone is interested in my writing about “hot lesbian” Shannon Beveridge.

Fletcher and Shannon Beveridge

That last one makes me just shrug and say, “Meh.” I don’t care about hot lesbian. So what. I like to joke around. You do you, ladies. I only even mentioned she was a hot lesbian because I would probably foolishly fall in love with her AND on a macro basis it’s interesting that so many hot chicks are obviously and definitely not interested in men whatsoever.

Anyway. I just hope I don’t somehow get “canceled” for any of this. Leave me alone.

‘Hot Lesbians’

by Shelt Garner

I am nothing more than a simple, smelly CIS white male. So, excuse me if I am taken aback by the rise of hot lesbians. These are women who are drop dead gorgeous and yet have zero interest in men.

Hot lesbians Fletcher and her ex-girlfriend Shannon Beveridge.

I only bring this up because I keep getting pushed awkward Tik-Tok videos of lesbian icon singer Fletcher talking to her smoke show of an ex-girlfriend. It seem as though Flecher’s ex, whose name I do not know (Update — it’s Shannon Beveridge), has a podcast and for some reason Fletcher — who has written a lot of really good lyrics about her ex — decide to go on said podcast.

Now, while I find the idea of hot chicks being lesbians generally a lulz on a personal basis, on a macro cultural basis it is…intriguing. Fletcher’s ex, in particular has the phenotype of a woman I would fall hard for. That is a reason why her status as a lesbian sort of rattles my cage — on a macro basis.

It makes you wonder what the fuck is going on in Western culture that women who could clearly find a man simply aren’t interested. It seems as though some New Yorker writer — who could articulate this situation far better than me — could spend 10,000 words looking into this situation without being “canceled.”

It’s a very intriguing and curious situation.