Trump’s Dangerous Game of Political Expectations

by Shelt Garner

As I’ve said before, the United States is collectively boxing itself into a mental state where there HAS to be a civil war. It’s as if we’ve given up with politics at last. MAGA wants to kill liberals and liberals have resigned themselves to significant political violence.

Right now, Trump is doing everything in his power to make his true believers think he can still win. And, in a sense, he can — all he needs is one of his various asymmetrical attacks to work and he “doesn’t lose.”

But Trump being Trump, there’s zero strategic thought involved. He just doesn’t want to lose. If he was some sort of brilliant pol, he would take the L and wait until 2024 to make his comeback.

Yet Trump is a vicious ding-dong and so here we are.

The question is — what happens once it becomes clear that Trump isn’t going to win? Will MAGA simply freak out and start blowing shit up and murdering people? That’s kind of the question of the day right now. And if, say, the Texaas case at SCOTUS now goes Trump’s way, then it will be the other side that starts blowing shit up. I’ll be amazed if a honest-to-God civil war doesn’t erupt in the United States between now and Jan. 20th.

Trump is actively trying to destroy the United States because he wants to stay in power forever. So, the conditions are there now for that to happen.

If the United States descends into civil war / revolution then WW3 happens pretty quickly afterwards and millions die.

So, yeah, is America great again?

‘Cancel Culture,’ Incels & A Second American Civil War

by Shelt Garner

It boggles my mind that anyone would actually want a civil war in the United States. In fact, if a civil war as bad as I fear might happen, happened here in the United States, it would be compared to the French Revolution in regards to a mysterious tragedy.

Using almost every metric but one, the United States is a rock solid country that from the outside you would never think was beginning to implode. But, here we are. The problem with the United States right now is almost entirety political. It seems to me that if you talk to your average conservative-but-not-MAGA person, if a civil war did happen it would be in large part to how conservatives perceive cancel culture.

Conservatives are enraged by cancel culture because of their abstract fear that simply by being conservative, they risking having their life ruined. That cancel culture doesn’t even really exist outside of some #MeToo monsters who definitely deserved it, is lost on them.

But your typical conservative can, off the top of their head, give you a half a dozen “examples” of people they believe were just minding their own business being conservative and then had everything taken from them for just being political “unwoke.” That they think this is pretty much the engine of fear and rage that has gotten us to this point.

The other big problem that has eaten away at America’s foundations is white, blue collar men without a college education can’t get laid anymore. They can’t afford to get married and start a family. For them, the American Dream is long dead.

So, we got MAGA.

Now, there’s a third aspect to our impending doom — Donald J. Fucking Trump.

He’s America’s anti-Gorbachev, but with similar results in that he’s going to probably destroy the country he was elected to lead.

Through a combination of being a criminal ding-dong and a regular old traitor, Trump is apparently hell bent on forcing us into political violence. There’s no ready answer.

Just be ready for anything, I guess. If I’m forced to leave my home because of my politics, I’m heading north to NYC. That seems my best bet to make a difference if it comes to that.

America Is Boxing Itself Into A Civil War

by Shelt Garner

I’ve seen enough — we’ve lurched perilously close to an actual civil war, not just a cold civil war like we have now. The United States is one unexpected event away from imploding, taking the entire world order with it.

It could be anything at this point — a SCOTUS decision, an assassination, an Oklahoma City-type bombing (or two) or some combination of all those things. Or, put another way, our chances of civil war / revolution have grown significantly worse in just the last few days.

It’s like we’re boxing ourselves into a situation where one has to happen one way or another. On a psychological basis, at least, we’ve cross the Rubicon on this issue.

Americans are going to start killing each other for political reasons. To the point that WMD might be used and / or the U.S. Military implodes as individual members go Blue or Red.

Let me note two things — I don’t want this. And two, I’m wrong all the time.

So, it could be we escape and punt the consequences of the collapse of our political system down the road one more presidential cycle — or we don’t.

There Will Be Blood Because Trump Is Not A Political Genius

by Shelt Garner

As I have often mentioned, Romans hated kings. They REALLY hated kings. So, they never had a monarch. They had plenty of Emperors, but no Kings after the first few mythical ones.

So, for 240 odd years, Americans have had a lot of pride in living in a free country with the peaceful transfer of power via a Constitution. And, now, because of a very lazy ding-dong, we’re careening towards American self-perception being rattled in a very brazen, very disturbing fashion.

Republicans are so caught up in their personality death cult, that they are completely oblivious to strategic implications of Trump’s coup. If it’s successful there will be blood, as they say.

And I say this as a man of peace and ideas.

I hate violence of any sort. I hate guns. I hate conflict. I just want to live in a liberal democracy.

Anyway, the point is — if Trump was some sort of fucking political genius like The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman would have us believe, then he would have struck before the press called the election.

Now, if he somehow magically wins at SCOTUS — or scares the shit out of Electors so they vote for him — there will be blood. Real people with real lives, families and careers are going to get hurt.

So, in a sense, it’s because of Trump being a huge old ding-dong that we’re in this situation to begin with. If Trump really was playing 8-dimensional chess he would be smooth enough to do all of this without the risk of, well, the entire nation convulsing and descending into anarchy with a lot of guns and potentially WMD.

But what do I know. Maggie Haberman is the star reporter, not me.

Coup State Of Play — Rudy Strikes Back

by Shelt Garner

I hate being right. Especially about shit like this. But Rudy has struck again with his Stormy Daniels Disinformation Playbook. While Twitter liberals were gloating about his farting and melting, Rudy has keep this bullshit in the public eye.

So, here we are.

Rudy has pretty much boxed SCOTUS into just the corner he wanted to.

But, not quite. He’s boxed SCOTUS into a corner in the eyes of 48% of the population. Not so much for 52%. And now Trump is putting all his chips on SCOTUS for them to overturn the election in his favor.

This is exactly — EXACTLY — what I’ve been ranting about for months and months now. All the conditions are there for Trump, Rudy and his merry band of idiots to “catch the car.” ‘

It would be the biggest event in American history since 9/11. It would be, as I have often called it, a “political 9/11.”

We would all walk around in a daze for a few hours at the implications that an actual fucking coup took place in the United States. The reason why it seems clear that a revolution / civil war would happen at that point is the States is so divided that while half the electorate was spooging its pants at the news, the other half would start protesting, rioting and saying, “THIS WILL NOT STAND.”

Shit would get lit pretty quick.

The Storming of Trump Tower, Winter 2020.

And once Trump had his thin veneer of legality to hide behind, he would use the Insurrection Act to stay in power as long as he liked. Or, put another way, he would strangle the Constitution right in front of us all with even realizing what he had done.

As I have written repeatedly, what would probably happen is initially is there would be rolling political violence such that Blue people in Red States and Red people in Blue States would flee, making the difference in the two sides more clear. This would lead to radicalization.

It’s even possible that both the Far Right and the Far Left would size power here and there on a state and local level and form Revolutionary governments. I could see this happening in, say, New York City. And definitely in some parts of my state of Virginia.

It’s even possible that the U.S. Military itself could implode as things progressed. Then you have the potential for Balkanization in among the States and pretty much World War 3 happening around the world as suddenly the United States isn’t there to stop Iran from bombing Israel or the DPRK from bombing South Korea.

And don’t get me started about the DPRK deciding to strike the US homeland itself just out of spite.

Anyway, we have to take this seriously. We’ve entered the valley of the shadow of death.

What happens next is anyone’s guess.

This Could Be It — This Could Be The Coup We’ve Feared

by Shelt Garner

Everything says Trump is going to go down to defeat at SCOTUS with his “big one” case that he says he’s going to “intervene” in. We still don’t know what that means.

But reading the ding-bat tealeaves suggests Trump thinks SCOTUS will rule in his favor, no matter what and, as such, throw the election to him. So, we have to take his belief seriously until proven otherwise.

Remember, all Trump needs is one successful asymmetrical attack, like this case, and Moscow Mitch will say that “legal votes” as determined by SCOTUS are for Trump, no matter what else we might want. That will be Republicans’ defense, “any violence that happens because of ruling has to be put down using the Insurrection Act because the legal votes are for Trump.”

That’s been their plan all along.

This could still be a dud and I’ll be happy. But we have to prepare ourselves for Turmp to successfully steal the election at SCOTUS and what that would mean for the future of the country.

I fear there would be a civil war / revolution that would cause WW3. (Jesus, alas, isn’t going to come back, though.)

It’s possible this asymmetrical attack will work, Trump stays in office and we have a civil war / revolution, or at least our very own “troubles” that linger because Trump uses the Insurrection Act, does a MAGA Reconstruction of Blue States and simply hunkers down to be an autocrat for the rest of his life.

But, this is Trump we’re talking about.

So, he could actually pull this coup off then self-own in such a massive way that he loses it all. But is of note that he has the entire Republican Party and about half the electorate at his disposal.

So….don’t think he can’t pull this off.

A Very American Coup: Schrodinger’s Ding Bat

by Shelt Garner

We’re now in a very dangerous moment in our nation’s history because half the country is looking forward to the incoming Biden Administration, while about 50% of the population is thinking up new and creative ways to stage a coup.

Or, if all else fails, do some sort of surprise-attack that gives Trump the cover needed to invoke the Insurrection Act and pretty much become a dictator.

That doesn’t even begin to address the issue of a possible unexpected war with the DPRK — or more likely — Iran.

Be prepared for a “political 9/11” to happen very, very soon, if it’s going to happen in regards to Trump.

Any moment now.

If that such a coup happens, that’s it. American falls and we have a civil war, revolution or a full blown autocracy.

I have no what the outcome will be.

Red Alert: Autocrats Never Lose — SCOTUS & The Coup May Happen Just Yet

by Shelt Garner

On a political level, we’ve moved on to the Biden Era. So, if Trump somehow gets his hearing at SCOTUS and WINS, then we’re going to have a civil war / revolution.

It will be the end of the United States.

Now, as I understand it, Pennsylvania has 20 Electoral vote. But we have to assume that he’s going to win because SCOTUS is 6-3 MAGA. So, Trump could lose 1 person and still win. There are a number of “political 9/11” events I could see happening ASAP.

Everything from the entire election being thrown to Trump immediately, to it being thrown to Congress where Trump wins. To Trump just winning Pennsylvania’s 20 votes and then winning the remining votes by doxing Electors or whatever. Or there’s major violence and Trump invokes the Insurrection Act.

Or there’s a suddenly war with the DPRK or Iran.

Nothing is off the table because autocrats never lose.

We’re entering the political phase of this crisis where Trump, even though he’s a lazy moron — could potentially browbeat people into allowing him to steal the election.

Then the country buckles and potentially all of humanity ends. Good times!

What Is Trump Up To At The Pentagon?

by Shelt Garner

Something weird is going on at the Pentagon. Trump keeps firing people and filling seemingly obscure posts with his toadies. The most innocent explanation is he’s doing it all out of spite. He’s trying to establish some sort of Trump Deep State that will cause headaches for the incoming Biden Administration and that’s it.

The more ominous explanation is he’s keeping his options open.

In other words, Trump is thinking there might be some way for him to stage a real, honest-to-God-coup and he wants as many of his toadies at the Pentagon to see that it’s successful.

But, still, something pretty big would have to happen for him to feel he could actually pull that off. He’d have to get a war with Iran or the DPRK — or an American Reichstag fire — for him to have to cover necessary to fuck with the Constitution at this point.

It has to be noted that Trump obviously has autocratic inclinations but, to date, he simply either hasn’t had the guts or the focus to do what is necessary to turn himself into an American Putin, even though everything is there for him to pull it off but for one thing — himself.

Trump — to date — simply is too big a ding-dong to ram through the autocratic acts necessary to establish House Trump. It’s all very weird and surreal given how obvious it is what Trump would have to do — and could do — to facilitate just that.

A Few Ways Exist To Look At The Trump Era

by Shelt Garner

1. Precursor To Civil War
This is the theory that the late 2010s will be seen as the same way as the late 1850s and we’re not about to have a cold civil war but a REAL civil war. It just hasn’t happened yet. And if it doesn’t happen it won’t happen for the specific reason that Trump, while a would be autocrat, simply doesn’t have the skillset necessary to force the issue and bring down the First Republic.

2. It WAS The Civil War (Cold)
Under this theory, the Trump Era WAS the civil war, it just was just a cold one. Once the Biden Era starts officially, we’ll snap back to about the 2000 era (with a huge amount of lingering resentment) and that’s it. We’re going to have a Roaring Twenties Redux and probably the rise of Neo-Luddites later in the decade as Elon Musk burns the trucking industry — with 3 million high paying blue collar jobs — to the ground.

3. Value Free
In this view, the Trump Era was completely value free. It doesn’t mean anything. In fact, the only thing that matters — to conservatives — are those sweet, sweet tax cuts and young hack MAGA judges. Nothing has changed from 2016 and Trump could very well come back in 2024 tan, ready and rested to do it all over again like zombie U.S. Grant and the Stalwarts.

4. A Fluke
With this one, Trump was simply the right guy at the right time and, in a sense, is a failed Hitler. He COULD have become an American Hitler but he was such a fucking empty suit that he couldn’t pull it off. (I really don’t ascribe to this one — yet.)

5. Fuck You, Lib
Lulz, nothing matters.