Dream Big Or Go Home: My ‘Big Chill’ Homage & Erykah Badu, Janelle Monae

by Shelton Bumgarner

I’m a dreamer. I daydream and I very much into a dream big or go home kind of guy. I’m developing a screenplay about a bunch of Gen. X people who spend the weekend to celebrate someone’s 50th birthday and I one of the roles would be perfect for either Erykah Badu or Janelle Monae. Monae is obviously the younger of the two, but she could probably play older.

I really like Ms. Badu and she’s perfect for the character I’m writing. I haven’t written the script yet, but I have written the scene summary. But I’m well aware that I have to put the work in and actually produce something. But I enjoy daydreaming so much that it’s difficult for me not to talk about any creative project I’m working on as I’m doing it.

What makes this screenplay different from all my other harebrained concepts is I feel good about it’s prospects to actually be finished. It’s a really strong concept and I am enjoying the process of writing it. I’m willing to put the scene summary online for either Ms. Badu or Ms. Monae to look at, but I know that’s kind of bonkers and totally how things are not suppose to be done.

But it’s my birthday (almost). Let a man enjoy a little winter daydream.

V-Log: Mulling #Writing A Gen. X Homage To The Big Chill #screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

I have talked enough. It’s time to put up or shut up. I am going to try to sketch out some scenes tonight of a Gen. X homage to The Big Chill. I have vowed to myself that I’m not going to buy Final Draft until I have finished a novella — or something — that proves to me that I am serious about all of this.

But only time will tell. Talking and not doing is so much fun that I worry that I’ll just bounce to another concept or project and never get this one finished. But I really hope that isn’t the case.

Some Mulling Of A ‘Big Chill’ Screenplay For Gen X #screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

I am saving up money to buy a high end digital camera, but in the meantime, I’m interested in writing a screenplay. I’ve vowed to myself I’m not going to buy Final Draft until I’ve sketched out a novella. The screenplay concept I’ve come up with is pretty strong.

It’s meant to be a “Big Chill” type movie for Gen X people. That’s the vision, at least. And it would have a lot of Trump talk in it as well. I guess I what I really want is someone to talk about it with for a little while to figure out in my head if the concept is as strong as I think it is.

But no one seems willing to do so.

The key thing is, I have to produce the copy. I have to actually put in the hard work. That’s the tough part. But it’s not impossible.

Some Idle Mulling Of #Screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

I only find myself thinking of screenwriting as opposed to writing a novel because, well, it’s much easier to write a screenplay than a novel. A screenplay has a very specific formula as to how to do it, while a novel is significantly more difficult to pull off for various reasons. I like the idea of my job being to simply write dialog and provide a vision for the director and producer.

Something about that is really appealing.

Now, of course, I’m probably going to write a short story or novella before I write the screenplay in an effort to flesh out the story some. That’s the only way I can think of to be ready to write a screenplay when the time comes. I have vowed to myself I’m not going to buy Final Draft until I’ve at least finished a short story to base the screenplay on.

That seems only reasonable, given that that would prove, to some extent, that I’m serious, for once, about writing a screenplay. I have a novel concept I interested in writing as well, but I’ve put that on the back burner for the time being for no other reason than the screenplay concept seems to be flowing a lot easier right this second. The key thing is, I have to put in the work. I have to stop just daydreaming about a concept and start to put in the elbow grease needed to get the job done.

Because I don’t have a muse to tell me to shut up and write, I find myself bouncing around a lot from concept to concept. I talk a lot about what I’m going to do, but too often when I actually sit down to write things out, I choke. But right now because my mind is on something else — getting a professional digital camera — it seems as though at least for the moment things are flowing a bit better than usually creatively.

I’m, by nature, a daydreamer, so I know that if I don’t do something sooner rather than later a few more years could go by and I will not have actually written anything. I’m hoping this is different, for once. I’m hoping that I’m going to actually get something done for once.

It’s difficult, though. It’s difficult for lots of reasons. But, I have to say, as I’ve said before, I really enjoy the culture of screenwriting a lot. It’s a lot of fun. I really enjoy how social it is, how communal it is. It’s a lot of fun to know that should I actually get anything done that there is a vibrant screenwriting community that might, just might welcome me into the fold.

But I have to get the work done. I have to actually do something. I can’t just daydream and then expect other people to do the work for me. I am such a daydreamer — and need a muse so bad — that it’s difficult for me to find anyone one thing to obsess about. I bounce around a lot creatively. So much so that no one takes me serious. Yet I’d like to think maybe I might be able to change that sooner rather than later. I hope, at least. That’s the goal.

Concept Man Dwells Upon Visiting #LA Looking For Plot Guy #Screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

This v-log is meandering and random. I start off talking about ROKon Magazine, the magazine I started in Seoul about 10 years ago and veer off into a discussion of heading to Hollywood for a few days to find someone to write screenplays with. But it’s kind of pointless unless I actually put in the work. No one will take me seriously if I just talk about all these great concepts I have in my head. I actually have to put in the work and be prepared to show it to someone.


V-log: Of #Hollywood, #Screenwriting & #Storytelling

by Shelton Bumgarner

In these two videos, I go into great length about my personal views on Hollywood, screenwriting and storytelling. These videos are meandering and rambling, but pretty good, all things considered. It’s too bad that people aren’t willing to watch videos.

But, in short, I talk a lot about how Hollywood establishes traditional gender rolls and then plays with them for dramatic effect. I also talk about my movie concept that would be a homage to The Big Chill. Like I said, these two videos are really interesting if you’re into storytelling.

What We Need Is A ‘Big Chill’ For The Trump Era #Screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

I’m distracted from my distraction and so I am mulling writing a Big Chill type movie for my generation. But I have to put the work in. I can’t just daydream. I have to actually have some skin in the game.

Mulling Writing The #Screenplay Of A ‘Big Chill’ For My Generation

by Shelton Bumgarner

I have several different things coming together at the same time for a screenplay that would be a homage to The Big Chill. I have all kinds of different things I want to talk about in the context of this potential screenplay, it’s just a matter of taking the time to actually do it. Writing interlocking story lines like there are in The Big Chill could be tough for a novice screenwriter.

But whatever. It’s fun to at least try. It gives me something to distract myself with while I wait for the digital camera I want to buy. But we’ll see. Putting in the effort is crucial. Otherwise, all of this is a waste of time.

Mulling Yet Another Movie Concept #Screenwriting

by Shelton Bumgarner

There’s no Big Chill movie for my generation, so I find myself mulling how, exactly to go about telling that story. I have one plot and one plot only, that of the rise and fall and rise of ROKon Magazine and so the more I think about it, the more I may have, just maybe, found a way to talk about that story in a way that, like, someone might care to actually hear about. But as I keep saying, this is more of a distraction from my distraction. I’m supposed to be waiting to buy a high end professional digital camera and while I wait, I have another screenplay concept I’m interested in writing. But this new concept is flowing quickly out of my head, so I might as well look into it while it lasts.

V-Log: Mulling Seoul & The Asian Market While Writing A #Screenplay

by Shelton Bumgarner

I lived in South Korea a few years, so I’ve decided to draw upon that as part of telling the story I want to tell with the screenplay I’m writing. I figure if I’m going to write a deep, yet “big tent” kind of movie, I might as well throw everything but the kitchen sink at the issue. I see this screenplay as similar to Blade Runner 2049 in some respects. A big budget movie that makes you think. That’s the goal, at least. But, whatever. I’m just one dude having some fun.

This is just a bucket list thing and it’s fun to see how far I get before I get fed up and move on to the next half-baked concept.