by Shelton Bumgarner
Tom Clancy was rather prescient when it came to 9/11. Though what happened in his book Debt Of Honor was a Japanese guy crashed a plane into the Capitol during the State of The Union address. Anyway, one of my favorite books growing up with Red Storm Rising. The inciting incident of that book is WWIII starts because a major oil refinery in the Soviet Union is blown up and the Russians — desperate for oil — invade the Middle East.
Anyhoo — the recent attack on the Saudi oil refining is pretty much the same thing. Or, put another way, you could definitely start a WWIII novel with it. It’s sort of the stuff of fiction. Or nightmares.
The whole situation right now is a clusterfuck. Trump needs a war to shore up his re-election chances. But Iran is not Iraq. It’s got a bigger population and military and it hates Israel so much that it’s not above using its connection to Hamas to inflict as much damage there as possible. Israel, meanwhile, is a no-so-DL nuclear power and if they felt an existential threat they would nuke the hell out of Iran without blinking an eye. Add to this that Iran is something of a Russian client state and you have the makings of some very unsettling developments.
Also, Trump is completely insane. Trump as a War President would likely be a sight to behold. Nothing is off the table. Trump is so deranged, he would likely figure out some way to finally weaponize ICE. It might not be just brown people and homeless people who find themselves in camps.
But what do I know. Just thought I’d make the observation.
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