‘Harvey’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock-Rap Song

I am writing this really fast and don’t have any beats, but this is supposed to be a homage to the lyrics of The Beastie Boys. It would be all but screamed, especially the chorus. This whole Harvey Weinstein thing makes me angry and so you get me writing verse in an effort to vent.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

he can’t keep his hands to himself
grabs ’em by the pussy
like the president
thinks he can get away with it
and he did until just late
but don’t call me an ingrate
to suggest he’s finally getting bested
wrestled to the floor until he can take no more
thinks you’re a hussy if you don’t give to him
then calls you a whore after he’s done
who is this you may ask
glad you did
his name is in your head
let me spell it out for you my friend


he’s looking for his latest thrill
if you give him head
he’ll give you a three picture deal
don’t worry they’re be no scares
at least none you can see
they won’t heal in your mind
but he thinks you won’t mind
’cause he’s got the power
to do as he pleases
he thinks it makes it better
as he eases in for sin
only we can make it better
by screaming as loud as we can


now watch and see
how his supporters flee
as the accusations flow down on his head
rain to allow him wallow in the pain
but we’re only getting started


‘Duck & Cover’ — #Lyrics To An Old School Hip-Hop Song About Trump & WWIII

This is my really quick attempt to write something like you might hear from Public Enemy. I have no beat, so you might have to change it some to fit a beat you might stumble across to use.

Duck & Cover
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

duck and cover is what I hear in the news
it gives me the blues how many of us snooze
we’ve got a fucking moron as president
he wants to start wars because he’s a punk as bore
the rubber is going to burn when the mushroom cloud is seen
I resent the facts presented to me
but no one seems to want to fight the power
like they did in ’89
they would rather stare into a screen
makes me want to scream, scream, scream
what is going to happen when we hear on the TV set

duck and cover
duck and cover
duck and cover
duck and cover

it didn’t have to be this way I’m afraid
if only the Russian bots had not crushed our hopes
maybe peace would still be in the land
but there’s seemingly nothing we hear
other than duck and cover, duck and cover, duck and cover
when will we learn, when will we listen
maybe I’m just too naive
we all have red blood and that’s a fact
when Trump pushes the button and ends us all
we’ll all be black from our burns

duck and cover
duck and cover
duck and cover
duck and cover

what can we do you may ask
fight the power in the streets
stop being a keyboard fighter
tie up your shoes and do your thing
to march in the streets
demand that we keep life on this planet
Trump is a fucking moron it’s obvious to see
it’s our task to get him out of the White House
if we don’t I’m afraid we’re all going to scream

duck and cover
duck and cover
duck and cover
duck and cover

‘Moron’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Pop-Rock-Rap Song

This one is about how Sec. of State Rex Tillerson called Trump a “fucking moron.” I’m not as good a writer as Kanye West, but my goal is something like “Power.” As always, I’m just screwing around.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or preform

the president’s a fucking moron
threatening WWIII
at least that’s what I believe
the rockets are on the pad
that’s not boring let me say
we’re all going to pay
when the end comes did you get laid
will we do our best when the day ends
or will we all act like lads

the president’s a fucking moron
the president’s a fucking moron
he’s going to end us all

but we have the gaul to end him politically
the Vichy Republicans are too callow
they’re going to allow it all
we’re just going to have to duck and cover
when the sirens ring through the air
there’s nothing we can do I’m afraid
you don’t have to tickle me
to make me laugh
at the asshat we have the president
right now

the president’s a fucking moron
the president’s a fucking moron
he’s going to end us all

what is going to happen
the end is neigh
so let me touch your thigh
so let me touch your thigh
no need to make a baby
they won’t grow up anyway

the president’s a fucking moron
the president’s a fucking moron
he’s going to end us all

‘But Her E-mails’ — Lyrics To An Old School Hip-Hop Anti-Trump Protest Song

I really like old school hip-hop and I know I’m probably doing this backwards ’cause the music probably usually comes first in such songs. But, I like how you can tell stories with old school hip-hop songs, so you get this. This song is meant to be kind of a quick run down of the disaster that Trumplandia has been in as soft and dance friendly a way as possible.

But Her E-mails
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

stay woke

now the time has come and we’re ready to dance
but before you shoot a glace at that hottie
let me break it down for you
we’re in a lot of trouble bro
we’ve got a loon for a president
who makes things tough for me and you
this didn’t have to happen
there was another choice that we had
but what did we do we voted for the fool
I want to shout this to the sky
but when I do all I get is sighs
the people who voted for 45
tell me again and again

but her e-mails
that’s what people say
but her e-mails
that’s what people say

45 has alienated our allies in ways big and small
makes you wonder who you’re going to call
who are we going to call when it all falls
45 doesn’t seem ready to lead
he’s a joke for people who are woke
some people complain about our lot
tell me they don’t like it one bit
but what can I say
all I can do is note in vain
there was another way
we could have avoided this pain
yet we all know that wasn’t our fate
thanks Anthony Weiner

but her e-mails
that’s what people say
but her e-mails
that’s what people say

now the president wants to cut the safety net
maybe drive your grandma to an early death
but don’t you fret you still can rock the free world
you’ve still got the right to vote
don’t be afraid to voice your opinion
though some people will get upset
just be sure to laugh and laugh
when someone wants to exclaim

but her e-mails
but her e-mails
but her e-mails

‘Eyes Wide Cuck’ — Lyrics To A Public Enemy-Like Old School Hip-Hop Song

The thing about Public Enemy is they were really directly political in their lyrics and so this would be a homage to their type songs. Again, I just write lyrics like these because it’s relaxing. I know it’s unlikely they will ever be produced for various reasons. This is pretty much a first draft.

Eyes Wide Cuck
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

a demagogue from the Big Apple
has control of the land of the dapper and the sad
Trumplandia is here to say I’m afraid
say it loud but not proud
America is on her knees and
Trump wants her to slop his knob
wants her to kiss his ring, if you know what I mean
we all saw this coming
we were warned, I’m afraid
Trump says he’ll make traffic move
that the buses will run on time
some people believe him so what are we to do
Congress won’t do its job
it’s controlled by Vichy Republican slobs
I look around with my eyes closed and say

eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck

America is going to have to fight
fight for her freedom from these chains
what are we going to do I say and say
some people like living eyes wide cuck
they want their freedoms taken away
I say this with much dismay
but with any luck things will change
no longer will we live in Trumplandia
we’ll find some freedom again
people won’t feel the need to flee
the land of the free
but for the time being it seems
we’ll get no relief from these things
Mr. Bannon has the keys to the car
he’s hitting us really hard
it’s going to leave a bruise and a scar

eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck
eyes wide cuck

‘Lordy’ — Lyrics To An Anti-Trump Rap Protest Song

These lyrics aim to be something akin to Kanye West’s “Monster.” I am not suggesting that I am nearly as good a writer as the people who produced that song, but I do enjoy telling stories in verse and so this is me trying my hand with rap lyrics. The usual issues of this being written really fast and the fact that the system is built on preventing people people like me from breaking into the industry. Though this is supposed to be a homage to Kanye West, the structure is probably a little closer to an old school hip-hop song.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

Comey came to the Capitol
not looking to pay
he came to slay
he came to say
the president is a lair
it’s obvious for the blind to see
he may be nascent to the scene
but he’s the worst leader to be seen
we all know there are no tapes
the only tapes that exist
are the ones with hookers pissing on sheets
my life won’t be complete until I see those tapes
cause the FBI got its eyes on this Trump guy
we all know the hooker tapes exist

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

so we’re stuck with the insane
this is the new normal I’m afraid
the president and FBI have come to blows
come to rhetorical blows
when two tribes fight
only our enemies find delight
we seem to be out of luck
but we have control of our fate
we could have elected Hillary
yet what do we have now
but a liar and traitor
pushing liberty aside
for whatever reason, you decide

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes

so when Judgment Day comes
and the Vichy Republicans get a backbone
maybe we’ll find out one way or another
if there are tapes or not
but until that day let’s rage against the night
’cause Trumplandia has conquered America
there’s no fighting back these days
I still have hope though
that one day we’ll get the truth
one day we’ll see the tapes
the tapes of Russian hookers pissing in place

(James Comedy at his hearing)
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes
Lordy, I hope there are tapes