Why I’ve Chosen Photography, Rather Than Screenwriting, As My Creative ‘Second Track’

by Shelt Garner

The Good Old Days in Asia.

Being a kook without any friends, you pay a social tax of sorts. People like me thrash around far, far longer than need be because we simply don’t have anyone to give us any advice. And, yet, there is a specific instance where this is helpful: when you decide to randomly do something because you feel its the best for you.

But given how messy the process of getting to the point where you know what you want to do is, people who are “normal” think you’re an idiot at best and a crank at worst. They just don’t take you seriously because you don’t meet the metrics of the “normal” world.

Or, to put another way, “It’s a creative thing, you wouldn’t understand.”

Great subject from my Seoul days.

Anyway, for some time now, I’ve been very publicly and very conspicuously been thrashing around, looking for a second creative “track” to supplement my main track of writing a four novel series. A normal person, say, one with a significant other, would have probably either kept quiet about all this or have far less lofty goals.

But I’m old enough to know who I am. I’m 100% extroverted and I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing with my life. I can’t just “follow the rules” because I have no fucking clue with the fucking rules are. And, gentle reader, the concept of “personal responsibility” to me is bullshit. In general, the phrase in my experience is a code word for being racist. The absolute need for people to take “personal responsibility” doesn’t account for what do you do when there are things out of your control? That aren’t your responsibility? Then what? What are the fucking rules for that?

The net result of all of this is actual, normal adults think I’m a fool. They grow tired of my dreams because it seems like I do a lot of talking and not a lot of hard work. So, when things suddenly change, they are shocked that I actually had it in me.

But back to (fashion) photography.

At the height of my glory in Seoul.

Photography, along with being a pop-rock DJ, is organic to my personality. The thing that has stopped me from doing anything with my photographic ability has been a lack of, well, equipment. I’ve been so wrapped up in buying books for the novels I’m working on that I’ve not thought much about anything else.

But, recently, as I’ve grown frustrated with the slow pace of the novels, I decided I wanted a second track. I first thought it was going to be screenwriting. And, yet, there’s a problem.

First, the learning curve for screenwriting is so severe that I would have to draw a lot — maybe all — of my energy away from my main track of working on the novels. That’s just not something I’m prepared to do.

Such a great subject.

So, after a lot of conspicuous thrashing about with different options, I’ve finally settled on photography as my second track because I have an organic ability and I’m using a totally different part of my mind to tell stories in a different way. What’s more I have a real passion for photography.

The only thing standing in my way at the moment is I’m very fucking stubborn and want to buy the best possible camera I can. I don’t really have anything to take pictures of — there’s no rush — so I’m content to bide my time while I save up the money necessary to get the camera I think would be best for me for the type of photography I want to engage in.

But, as I mentioned, the process of getting to this point has left anyone paying attention thinking I’m a (drunk) (bonkers) fool who is all talk and can be safely ignored.

And, yet, as I like to say, I’ll put a move on you.

A Disturbance In The Force

by Shelt Garner

Hmm. The last few weeks, I’ve felt something shift in the cosmos. It’s as if I feel a ping from Something Big that is going to happen in a few months. I generally don’t believe in such bullshit — I’ve had such feelings before, only for them to pass — but, I dunno.

One thing it could be is I’ve finally figured out what my second creative “track” is going to be — photography — and I’m generally stoked about all the potential things that might flow from it. It’s going to be as late as around my birthday in February for me to get all the equipment I want, but I’m still feeling very pleased.

I finally — finally — know what the other thing I want to do with my life is. Also around my birthday, I’m determined to have four first drafts done of the novels series I’ve been working on. I’m a person who likes a deadline and so I’m determined to give myself a crazy short deadline in hopes of forcing the issue so I finally produce something, anything before I croke.

I remember what happened in Seoul in the late 2006 – early 2007 timeframe and I feel I can do it again: be famous for at least two major creative endeavors. For a long time, I thought it was going to be four novels and and writing screenplays…but now, it may be four novels and some sort of career in (fashion) photography.

But, lulz, I know, I know, I’m too old and I’m probably too big of a kook for anyone to take me seriously, even if I can consistently produce excellent photos. And, yet, this is my dream and I’m wasting my time with it, so leave me alone, ok?

It will be interesting to see if I can pull this rabbit out of a hat or if a year from now I’m essentially in exactly the same place, saying exactly the same things. That’s my fear, at least.

A Future In Fashion Photography

by Shelt Garner

One of my better shots from Seoul. Such a beautiful subject.

Oh, Jesus am I old to be thinking about trying to break into fashion photography. I’m too old. I live in the middle of nowhere. And don’t really have a background in anything that might give me an “in” to the business. In other words, I’m being pretty delusional to even contemplate it.

But what I do have is talent. A lot of it. And a love of fashion as an art form. As I’ve grown older, I’ve grown a lot more jaded about thinking I’ll be accepted by any of the characters in the industry — without a huge, massive amount of hard work, natch –but I’m notorious for taking a tiny opportunity and running with it to such an extent that I shock the “haters and losers” who think I’m better simply to not talk at all.

An early attempt at fashion photography in Seoul.

One reason why I love fashion photography is the female form is, by definition, art and there’s a lot you can do with it because a woman catches the eye of sexes. It’s interesting, on a creative basis, to toy with expectations and interests that people have about what people wear and the beauty of the female form.

Or, you could say the above is pretentious bullshit and I know I have an organic talent for photography and I like taking pictures of hot chicks in beautiful clothes. All I can say is, welp, you caught me. My entire life, I’ve had an eye for beauty. In the past, I’ve latched on to a subject an event to the point that husbands have gotten annoyed, to put it lightly.

What a great subject. Another shot from the Seoul era.

The key thing is to remember is no one ever got anything from playing it safe. Also, as I approach a milestone birthday, I’m growing very, very nervous that I’m going to shuffle off this mortal coil having not really accomplished anything. And I like idea of having a lot on my creative plate.

Yes, I have four novels I’m working on, but why not throw myself into attempting to break into fashion photography as well? I like a challenge and I like proving people who think I’m just an Internet crank wrong. So, here I am, patiently waiting to save up enough money to buy a Nikon 780 so I can begin to try to establish myself as a fashion photographer.

We’ll see, I guess.

The Quickening: Let’s Talk My Life In Seoul & My Desire To Be A Fashion Photographer

“You’re a delusional jerk with a good heart,” the late Annie Shapiro about me, circa 2007.

Annie Shapiro and I in happier days.

by Shelt Garner

Oh, Jesus. One thing that really annoys me is when people won’t give me the benefit of the doubt and assume the absolute worst about me and my intentions. I’m WELL AWARE that I can across as an Internet crank to people who are paying attention. The worst thing ever said about me (above), however, was by the late Annie Shapiro while we were emotionally at war over the late, great ROKon Magazine in Seoul.

Annie called me, essentially, an asshole, when I was extremely unhappy with her for bringing back the magazine we started behind my back. It was probably one of the worst experiences in my life, seeing my “baby” back in print without me being involved. I was, on an emotional level, so kneecapped that I didn’t really have any motivation to do anything for ten years.

This is the Annie Shapiro I remember. Photographer unknown.

But, just in the last few weeks, something has changed. I feel the pressure of a milestone birthday looming on the horizon and I want to do something interesting with my life again. This are finally going well with these four novels I’m working on and I feel as though finally, after much trial and error I’ve figured out what my second tract will be — fashion photography.

I’ve always been a late bloomer, why change now?

I totally understand if you’re someone who’s been paying attention to my ranting online over the years and you think I’m nothing more than yet another deranged Internet crank. First, I think you’re full of shit and second you’re totally oblivious to what happened in Seoul.

In fact, I would go so far as to say now that I have both motivation and ambition, there’s a pretty good chance that I may re-create the situation I had in Seoul at my height where I “famous” for more than one thing. In that case, I was an expat pop-rock DJ AND the publisher of the monthly English magazine in the city. So, lulz and fuck you. (Wink.)

Back when I was famous in Seoul for being a DJ and publishing ROKon Magazine.

It’d kind of wild it’s taken me THIS long to make fashion photography my second creative “track.” I thought it was going to be screenwriting — I went so far as to buy Final Draft — but something weird began to happen recently. For some reason, I was really hyper-sensitive to any reference to professional photography that happened around me.

Things came to a tipping point where I realized that like being a pop-rock DJ, I am a good enough photographer on an organic basis that I probably could do it professionally with the right equipment and some study. So, here we are.

Now, I’m just waiting to save up the funds to buy a REALLY GOOD Nikon camera so I can begin to work my way towards breaking into the fashion photography business. I’m being rather — even extremely — delusional to think I can pull such a think off, but it’s better than just lying in bed and staring into space.

Hope is what keeps us alive.


As I grow older, I really appricate that life is precious. We’re given a limited amount of time on earth and it’s our responsibility to use what native talents we have to the absolute best of our ability.

Destination NYFW: 2022 (23?)

by Shelt Garner

I’m a big believer in the idea that we make our own reality through the choices we make on a daily basis. I’m really good with “The Vision Thing” and as of the moment, I’m mulling how I might be able to, in a way, cover New York Fashion Week next year.

Back to the future.

Once I secure the Nikon camera I want (need?) then I can begin to plot out how I’m gong to get to NYC during fashion week so I can take street fashion photos. Every problem is an opportunity in disguise, so it will be fun think up how I might make such a thing a reality.

I would just want take photos during NYFW for, say, 24 hours. But a lot would rest on some issues that I don’t really have much control over. And, yet, maybe I can figure something out. It would be a dream come true to do something l like that successfully.

The point would be to use such photos to build up my portfolio.

There is so much to think about, now that I’ve picked “professional photographer” as the thing I want to do at some point down the road. Or, more specifically, my ultimate dream is to be a fashion photographer. That — along with being a pop-rock DJ — is kind of the sweetspot when it comes to things I can do well and maybe — just maybe — get paid to do it.

But we’ll see, I guess.

I still don’t have the camera I need — or at least want. Then there are all kinds of other things I need to do as part of this particular vision of my future. AND, while I’m doing that, I have four novels to finish as quickly as possible.

I’m Always Underestimated — Always

by Shelt Garner

Normal people have responsibilities, and most of all things that are important to them they can lose. Usually, the most powerful of these things are abstract — things like “respect” and “credibility” being among them.

I learned a lot about the “normal” world many, many moons ago when I worked in a corporate environment. One thing I learned is “normal” people either find me interesting and charismatic or they think very little of me, if they think of me at all.

For the last decade or so, I’ve lived a life in neutral because I had a lot of ambition but absolutely zero motivation. I’ve been all talk, in other words. And if you throw in how I can come off as something of a deranged bonkers person — a crank — many, many people who may have been paying attention to me have every reason to think once a loser, always a loser.

And yet…

It’s still very possible that this assessment of me will turn out to be true. But I do know that things have changed a great deal in my life. AND as I approach a milestone birthday, I find myself very, very focused on proving the “haters and losers” wrong.

As such, my eccentricities that are either very appealing or a huge turn off to “normal” people may be my secret weapon. I have a natural talent as a photographer and I can feel myself getting ready to, at last, come out of my shell.

I keep saying, of course, that a lot –and I mean A LOT could still go wrong. But I’m hopeful. The conditions are there for something pretty extraordinary to happen — historic, even. But for some time to come it will all be very touch and go. It could go either way.

But once I have the photographic equipment I want, all I’m going to need is the opportunity and I come take a picture or two that could in, an instant, burnish my reputation. Zero to hero, as they say.

And, yet, that’s pretty much just my usual frothy bullshit at this point. I’ve lost a decade to indecision, I’m damned if I’m going to lose another.


Why I Want A Nikon 780

by Shelt Garner

I’m in a unique position in my life where my obvious eccentricities work in my favor. At the moment, I kind of live in the middle of nowhere and all I have to do with my time — thankfully — is write the four novels I’m working on.

And, yet, I’m not getting any younger. I really need to squeeze out every interesting experience I can possibly squeeze out while I still have air in my lungs. If you don’t understand my logic so far, or you’re hate reading this — please fuck off. Why are you reading my blog to begin with?

Anyway, I find myself harkening back to something that is the OTHER part of my identity besides being a writer: being a photographer.

I have an innate, organic photographic ability and I’ve taken some damn good shots over the years. Some examples are below.

Photo Credit: Shelt Garner

Photo Credit: Shelt Garner

It’s been years since I owned a great digital camera that I wasn’t gifted. (I got a really good camera from someone, but it didn’t quite fit my needs so I haven’t really used it that much, sadly.)

But I remember the pride I felt with a real, honest-to-God camera in my hands — not just a cellphone with a camera in it. That’s the thing that people don’t appreciate — being a photographer is just as much an identity with meta needs as anything else. If you’re a photographer, you need a camera, not just a cellphone with a camera.

Since I don’t live in a city — not even close — and I’m going to have to go out of my way to think up something to take a picture of, I’m leaning into this fact. Instead of rushing into things, why not take my time and save the sizeable chunk of money necessary to buy such a great camera as the Nikon 780? I want a camera that is so good that not only can I grow into it but in a crisis moment it will allow me to take The Picture that is so good it might become historic or something. I have such a picture in me, I just need the proper equipment and the proper moment in time.

Things could still go wrong. And if something happens, I’m very open to buying a camera that’s not such a budget buster. But there are some very specific conditions that allow me to pursue this dream.

Once I get everything I need with the camera, I’m going to start looking for public events to take pictures of so I can practice my abilities. And I’m probably going to have to teach myself some of the actual nuts-and-bolts of photography.

As it stands, I just have an organic instinct as to how to take a great picture.

Me, before I got fat and old.

‘Truth North’ & Towards A Second Creative ‘Track:’ Fashion Photography

by Shelt Garner

We all have a precious few years on this planet. I’m old enough to know there are a few things I’m good at organically. I can tell a good story. I’m a damn good pop rock DJ under the right circumstances and….I am, organically, a great photographer.

Me, when I was still young and cute.

I’ve been struggling with what my second creative “track” would be and I’ve finally figured out what it will be: photography.

But let me put this in context.

I’m about 20 years too old to be traditionally successful. I live in the wrong place. I have the wrong background. And while I love fashion as an art form, I have the personal fashion sense of an ameba.

And, really, all of this is just another attempt to give my life some structure. I’m kind of adrift at the moment outside of the four novels I’m developing and writing and it would be nice to have a second “track” that I could turn to when I need to think about something else.

So, as far as I can tell, photography is it. My long term goal would be, like, to do something cool like do some wildcat street photography around NY Fashion Week. That would be a dream come true.

In Busan a long time ago.

But, given the things I can’t control I mentioned above, in a sense any interest in fashion photography on my part would be obviously delusional and nothing more than being creative for being creative’s sake.

My soul is that of a photographer, more than even a writer, and since I’m not going to live forever, I need to get to it and start the process of learning how to use a nice prosumer Nikon. I’m going to save up for a few months to get the camera I’m interested in (which is just the frame) then save up more to buy a nice standard lens and some sort of flash.

Then, I’m going to think about different places in my area where I can take photos to learn how to use the camera. I’m already preparing myself for the camera in question to have an unusually steep learning curve. But I really believe in photography, so it will be worth it. (At least to me.)

I surprised the haters when I DJed in Seoul and I can do it again with photography. A lot can go wrong — I’ve had this urge before, after all and that went bust — but it gives me something to think about, some direction in my life.

I have an eye for beauty, if nothing else and it’s nice to finally figure out what my second “track” will be.

Now, to be patient.

Such a great photo.

My Second Creative Track Will Be Photography

by Shelt Garner

It has occurred to me that it sure would be nice to know how to use a prosumer Nikon camera. So, as such, that’s my goal. I’m going to save up for a while I then buy a really nice Nikon camera — probably something like a Nikon 750 — and then throw myself into learning how to use it properly.

I do this for a number of reasons.

One, I honestly don’t have anything to take pictures of at the moment, so there’s no rush to buy just A Camera. So, I can take my time and save up the money necessary to buy A Great Camera.

Also, photography is something I’m natively good at. The main issue is buying and learning the equipment. With writing, I love doing it, yes, (Sorry Fran Lebowitz) but I’m more of a storyteller than writer. I love how a great photo is self-evidently great.

And, in a sense, it’s a lot easier to have photography as a second creative track because it’s a different skill and it’s easier to use a different part of my mind than it is it to, say, using writing in two different ways. (Though, I still have an acute interest in in screenwriting.)

But all of this is long term. Something could easily happen to cause it to all fall a part. If you don’t like me doing this with my life, you can fuck off — you have no vision and why are you reading my blog in the first place?