‘Oh, Paula’ #Lyrics To A Pop Song About Paulina Porizkov

Just being silly. Paulina Porizkova’s talk about not being able to get laid because she hasn’t had any work done is the hook for this one. I just like writing poems that are intended to be sung.

Oh, Paula
Lyrics by Shelt Garner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Oh, Paula hear me well
You’re still a babe and swell
Don’t let the boys give you grief
Your body still leaves me weak
I break my back when I see you
Knowing you’re without a man

Oh, Paula
You don’t have to roam
Oh, Paula it’s a shame
That you think you’re lame
Oh, Paula
Oh, Paula
Oh, Paula

Wanna wake up with you
Watch the sun rise
Knowing the love that we have
We’ll be lovers it’s true
The kind that will make history
You’ll be my muse
And I’ll be your man

Oh, Paula
You don’t have to roam
Oh, Paula it’s a shame
That you think you’re lame
Oh, Paula
Oh, Paula
Oh, Paula

Why are we both
Separate and alone
When we could be together
With a kiss and a moan
You’re a woman and I’m a man
We can fill out the plan

Oh, Paula
You don’t have to roam
Oh, Paula it’s a shame
That you think you’re lame
Oh, Paula
Oh, Paula
Oh, Paula