by Shelt Garner

My hot take — barring Haley being in serious contention to be Trump’s veep….this is a meh. But I can’t predict the future so, who knows.
Be The Power
by Shelt Garner
My hot take — barring Haley being in serious contention to be Trump’s veep….this is a meh. But I can’t predict the future so, who knows.
by Shelt Garner
That this is such a big issue in modern day America says a lot about how fucked up everything is. The Civil War was about slavery. And, yet, here we are — fighting over it and relitigating it because, I dunno, modern Republicans are cowards who want to pretend the Civil War was about anything but slavery?
The question is, will this really matter? I have my doubts. When the Republican front runner is a fascist, it’s possible that this gaff on Haley’s part won’t really mean anything. And she did escape giving the type of answer that would hurt her in the Republican primaries.
Only time will tell, I suppose.
by Shelt Garner
I only write any of this because, well, no one can predict the future. But it is at least within the realm of possibility that Trump’s moment has come and gone and, as such, he won’t even be the Republican nominee.
Now, absolutely nothing points to this at the moment other than Nikki Haley surging in the polls. And, really, it definitely seems as though no matter what, because of the cult-like obsession with Trump on the part of MAGA that even if she over performs in Iowa and New Hampshire, she would crash and burn once we reach Southern states.
And this doesn’t even begin to address how Trump will probably run as a third party candidate if somehow, miraculously, Haley manages to be a political giant slayer.
But, as I have said — I can’t predict the future. And while Haley is Not Great relative to my political POV, she at least seems like someone who will stay within democratic norms.
Only time will tell, I suppose.
For the time being, it definitely seems as though it will be Biden versus Trump again and, well, Godspeed.
by Shelt Garner
As we enter the primaries, we find ourselves in something of a quandary. Trump continues to support extremely unpopular things — like getting rid of Obamacare — and we all just shrug as if he’s some sort of unstoppable political force.
But what if he’s not?
At the moment, this is crazy to even suggest, but what if the polls are wrong and Nikki Haley manages to become a viable contender to Trump? The best case scenario for her, as of late 2023, is she shocks everyone in the early states, gets to be a media darling until Super Tuesday…and then it’s over.
There will be talk of her being Trump’s veep, but, ultimately, he picks some crazed MAGA half-wit who will be just as bad, if not worse, than he is should they ever become POTUS.
But this does raise the issue of what happens if Trump either isn’t the nominee or he loses in the fall. If he’s not the nominee, then think he runs third party and tries to win in the House when no one reaches 270. If he doesn’t win as the Republican nominee…oh boy. I still worry that he’ll scream bloody murder about the need for a National Divorce and, as such, a civil war.
by Shelton Bumgarner
I tried to watch some of Nikki Haley’s opinion on the Paris Accord on Face The Nation and I got too angry. Instead of being the leader of the free world, the Trump Administration more concerned about a few thousand coal jobs in West Virginia.
So, as the world grows hotter and hotter and the weather more fucked up, Trump and his evil cohort Steve Bannon try to figure out how squeeze as many votes out of coal minders in 2020. It’s all very sad. When the history of this era is written, it would be sad if historians mark the Trump Administration as when we were all fucked beyond hope.
It wouldn’t be such a big deal if there were some sane center-Right people willing stand up to Trump. But no one will. They’re all so co-opted, all so Vichy and complicit, that there’s simply no one to turn to. And it’s not going to change anytime soon.
Trump isn’t going anywhere. He could literally kill someone on FOX News in a ritual sacrifice the talking heads of FOX News would say the victim had it coming.
So, we need to start being realistic. There will be no “Blue Wave” in 2018. The entire system is so corrupt and works against change that the only hope we have is 2024 and that’s just because they’re an open seat. But, really, there’s nothing we can do. Nothing at all. We just have to engage. We have to figure out on an individual level how to keep the American spirit alive.
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