History Is Nothing If Not Ironic: Second American Civil War & The Coming Coup Against President Ding-Dong

by Shelt Garner

History usually takes the most ironic path possible. As such, the moment any hot war erupts between Red and Blue States, guess who gets the boot — Donald Trump.

Sure, he might have some sort of symbolic role for Red States, but if there’s an actual shooting war between Blue and Red States, I don’t see President Ding-Dong having much of an actual leadership role. I mean, hell, Mike Pompeo thinks Trump is the anti-Christ who will bring back Jesus as part of the Tribulation, that particular coup writes itself.

There are a half a dozen other would-be fascist dictators lurking in and out of American government right now that could push Trump out once things grew existential.

Or, put another way, once the civil war starts, Trump will have served his historical purpose — destroy the United States.

After that, it’s every man for himself.

American Caligula’s Rudy

by Shelt Garner

Just as Rome’s Caligula famously named a horse Counsel, it’s possible that within two weeks our American Caligula is going to do something equally nuts: fire Bill Barr and name Rudy in his place.

Or, someone as bonkers as that.

You see, the clock is ticking. Electors, as I understand it, vote on Dec. 15th. After they vote, then things grow far, far more difficult for Trump — even though they’re pretty difficult right now on a political level.

But it’s easy to imagine a situation where in desperation Trump names Rudy (or someone) to Justice in an effort to frogwalk Biden before the Electors vote. Or, if nothing else, just to appease the seditionists like Mike Flynn and Lou Dobbs.

The reasoning behind this would be to put Trump in a position where he could not only maybe peel off enough “legal votes” in the Electoral College to win, he could also, if that fails, have a quid quo pro with Federal and State prosecutors: I drop the charges on Biden if you don’t prosecute me.

This is an extremely high risk strategy that Trump is too stupid to pull off. But, stranger things have happened. So, we’ll see. We still have two very tense, very strange weeks ahead of us.