by Shelt Garner
I’ve already written some about this some time ago, but the lingering possibility that it happened puts such a smile on my middle-aged face that I have to write about it again. And, I just have to laugh, and laugh and laugh that this thing has happened. It’s one of those value-free fun-interesting things that I always look for.
First, some context.
In the fashion world — and among the wealthy elites in general– same-sex relationships (especially between women) are so commonplace and treated with such indifference that one can come across as something of a hayseed rube for even pointing them out.
Meanwhile, Cara Delevingne seems to have something of a reputation as a lesbian lothario.
Now, let’s look at this picture:

Looking for that picture, I found a surprising number of OTHER pictures online that pretty much prove these lovely ladies are, in fact, dating. It blows my mind. I mean, Cindy Crawford is an icon for the ages. And it breaks my poor old middle-aged brain to think her daughter is dating Cara Delevingne.
I guess the real interesting thing about them dating is not so much that they’re dating as is how it isn’t a bigger deal. Pictures like this are presented without a cocked eye or comment. I guess what rubs me the wrong way is the media is being a bit disingenuous by not shipping these two in a more overt manner. Wouldn’t it help the cause of gay rights if they did? I guess celebrity news editors assume we’re all idiots and can’t handle something so surreal, even if it’s pretty self-evident that it’s happening.
I haven’t really kept up with the couple, so they may have broken up by now. And throw in how Margaret Qualley of all people was seen hanging out with couple and the plot thickens. That REALLY blows my mind at the “mathematical possibilities” as they say in Annie Hall. But that may be me just being a dirty old man. But there is the Delevingne factor in that particular potential flesh sandwich.
I’m wrong all the time, so take that into consideration.
But I wish the couple well.
Kaia Gerber is only 19 and she’s probably sowing her wild oats, which is her right. She dated Pete Davidson — as did Margaret Qualley! — so maybe she’s just bouncing around available hot people for fun.
Have fun, Ms. Gerber. You’re only young once.
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