The MAGA New Right Catastrophe of 2022 – 2025 (& Beyond)

by Shelt Garner

I hate to talk about the pseudoscience of The Fourth Turning, but it’s an handy way to talk about what I fear will happen between now and January 2025. All systems are go for a significant change in the lives of everyday Americans, we just don’t know if it will be a final descent into autocracy or if it will be something akin to a civil war / WW3.

The chief reason why I believe this to be the case is the absolute fidelity that dingus Trump continues to have over the MAGA base. No good can come of this situation. I say this because it seems as though a lot Twitter liberals, who should know better, continue to assume that just because they “hope” that Something Will Change in regards to Trump should he be indicted, doesn’t mean it will.

Or, put another way, a lot of brand name people on both the Right and the Left seem to think there is some limit whereby Trump will get the hint and step aside for the good of the nation, or, for the good of Ron DeSantis and the Republican Party, if nothing else.

And, welp, I just don’t think that’s the case.

I think Trump, in his own very stupid way, is prepared to literally destroy the United States rather than personally either have to move aside for DeSantis or to go to jail. Have we learned nothing from what happened around January 6th? As such, we are primed and ready as a nation for a historic catastrophe. The likes we haven’t seen domestically since the First American Civil War and internationally since WW2.

There is a real greater-than-zero-sum chance that there really will be a Great Reset. That, in a sense, we’re going to have an End of, maybe not The World, but A World. The World we’ve all assumed we would live in after WW2 ended in 1945. And it could all begin to unravel at pretty much any moment now. All we don’t know is the specifics.

Are we going to peacefully slip into autocracy after the 2024 election and turn into a MAGA-themed Fortress America, or are we going to enter a period of rapid, violent change that will stun us all. And, would you believe, at this point, it all really depends on what ding-dong Trump does?

I continue to struggle with the implications of Trump simply refusing to get out of the way. Everyone really, really wants Trump to get out of the way for Ron DeSantis so he can become America’s Putin. And, yet, Trump is more likely to bolt the Republican Party with his MAGA base than he is to give up on his quest to become POTUS in 2024.

One other thing — the conditions for grave instability in the United States starting at (check’s watch) any fucking moment are right there in front of us. Biden is very old and Harris is young and untested. If something, God forbid, happens to Biden, then we could have a situation where there was no veep and Trump could suddenly find every reason to demand to be named Speaker of the House should Republicans take the House this year.

I just want you, gentle reader, to realize the gravity of the situation we face between now and January 2025. We’re one heartbeat away from a Great Reset. I mean, if Trump goes the Scalia route and simply peacefully shuffles off this mortal coil in his sleep — America’s cities would be burned to the ground by very paranoid, very angry MAGA New Right people.

Trump isn’t going anywhere, though, most likely and we’re all going to have to deal with the consequences of that. It’s going to get very, very messy, very, very quickly. Millions — even billions — of people could die, depending on the specifics of any supposed “Great Reset” or “Fourth Turning.”

2022 – 2025: The End of Pax Americana

by Shelt Garner

We live in very dumb times. When the word “liberal” is now so toxic that you can’t even use the very true phrase “liberal world order” without crazy, frothy nutjobs on the Far Right growing very upset and paranoid, you live in very dumb times.

But the point is — since 1945, humanity has lived with unpreceded peace and prosperity because of, well, the “liberal world order” associated with Pax Americana. And since the fall of Communism, things have only gotten better for everyone involved.

And then MAGA slithered out of its black lagoon.

The thing about the decline of the American Empire is it’s happening in real time before our very eyes and, yet, we can’t process it. The average person is too busy raising their kids and paying their taxes to give the very abstract concepts that are happening all around us much thought.

But there is a very real chance that no matter which direction the United States goes — autocracy or civil war — we will see the end of Pax America and, as such, WW3 will happen. Remember, all that has to happen for WW3 to be declared is more than one major regional war break out at the same time. So, as such, even if what happens is dingus Trump in his second term pulls out of NATO and pulls troops out of ROK, then, there you go, WW3 on a plate. Because what would happen is the US leaving NATO would be a crushing blow to the post-WW2 liberal order.

As Trump “brought the troops home,” China would fill the massive geopolitical vacuum and invade Taiwan just because of, well, YOLO. At the same time, the DPRK would attack the newly undefended ROK. Then maybe Iran attacks Israel. Then maybe India and Pakistan have at it –with nukes!

The point is — we’re past the Event Horizon now. We’re in the danger zone. Something big, really big is probably going to either happen at any moment or no later than January 2025 around certification day. The bolts are popping off the United States at an alarming rate and there’s a good chance that if we don’t become an autocracy, we have a very nasty civil war with WMD used by both sides.

Regardless, not matter if we become an autocracy or have a civil war, there is going to be a Great Reset or Fourth Turning (or whatever the fuck you want to call it) and many, many people are going to die for a very dumb reason. This is it, we’re at the end of the beginning of Pax America.

I fear I, personally, will have to flee my home for political reasons when everything begins to collapse. My politics don’t fit my location. At least I havea passport.

Good luck.

Are We About To Witness The Birth Of The Patriot Party?

by Shelt Garner

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more bonkers, Trump may be facing something of a Far Right Rebellion. Maybe. But two notable crazed Far Right MAGA nutjobs — Laura Ingram and Alex Jones — have either suggested it’s time for Trump to leave the political arena or stopped supporting him altogether.

Will trump leave the Republican Party for the Patriot Party?

What the what?

This is, obviously, great news for Unfrozen Caveman Autocrat Ron DeSantis. And, yet, there’s a real chance that we’re careening towards an unprecedented clusterfuck. And that would be a sizable portion of the Republican Party all agree that they want to move on from Trump and Trump simply will not do that.

I have no idea how this would play out, but, jokes on Ingram and Jones — for the time being, Trump continues to have an absolute lock on the base of the Republican Party. As such, if DeSantis was somehow magical secure the nomination, Trump could very well do a wildcat bid via something called, I don’t know, the Patriot Party. That would be a huge chunk of the Republican Party that would no longer be around to influence things.

The moment something like that happened, then we’re entering — gulp — Election of 1860 type clusterfuck where the would be mass political chaos because the usual two party system would begin to break down just as the country itself was tearing itself apart because of macro problems.

Or, put another way, Jesus Christ is the United States — the most power, wealthiest nation on earth — far, far more unstable than we’re willing to admit. And, remember, to some extent, we’ve been living with Pax Americana for the last 70 odd years. If the United States buckles, WW3 will promptly happen.

But if Trump bolts the Republican Party for a new Patriot Party….get ready, things are going to get very, very bumpy.

I Fear A Trump-Induced ‘Great Reset’

by Shelt Garner

These days, I find myself thinking of how there was once a point, I think during the 2016 campaign, when a rumor began to circulate that there was evidence of Trump using the “N-Word.” There was even a panicked meeting about within the Trump campaign in which one of his African American supporters asked, “Well, how many times did he say it?”

With that in mind, it’s clear that not only is Trump above the law in general, but for some weird reason his followers don’t have any red line at all. He could start to demand the right to sleep with women on their wedding night and his followers would, after about 24 hours of silence, have a ready set of talking points explaining why Trump, as a former president, has that right and why won’t the woke cancel culture mob let him do something so heterosexual? Trump is, in short, something akin to a God to MAGA, leaving us all to wonder if push came to shove and there was some sort of military action between Reds and Blues if we would find ourselves in a German 1945 “Gotterdammerung” type situation where every man, woman and child was willing to fight to the death for their big orange doofus.

All of this leads me to believe that, in the end, the real battle is who will be Trump’s successor. Whomever Trump picks to be 2024 veep is going to be in a prime position to be something akin to America’s Putin. And, given how bonkers Trump is at the moment, he could pretty much pick literally anyone, ranging from Gen. Mike Flynn to Steve Bannon. Anyone! It could get really dark, in fact.

We may all be Antifa in the end.

As an side, to think, at some point in the next 20 to 30 years, some very serious scholar is going to spend a lot of time writing a very serious, weighty tome about dingus Trump that takes him seriously, at last. It may not be an American who writes it because we’ll be an autocracy, but it’s going to happen somewhere. Unless, of course, WW3 happens it’s all moot.

Or, put another way, my prediction that there’s a real possibility that in the end MAGA will cause the death of more people than the Nazis did. If you factor in that a Second American Civil War would cause WW3, then that’s at least 1 to 2 billion dead right there. And I could see between 10 and 20 million American dead if Blue and Red started to lob WMD at each other in the context of a MAGA “revolution” or 2ACW.

Talk about a Great Reset or Fourth Turning!

Anyway, the point is, we live in the lead up to Something Big historically. I just don’t know if it’s autocracy, civil war, revolution, WW3 or some combination of all of those things. A lot of people are going to die because of a fucking dingus moron racist who is nothing more than a vessel, an avatar for white Christian rage.

And there doesn’t seem to be anything we can do about it.

‘When Will The MAGA Revolution Begin In 2022?’ Trump, Once Again, Has America’s Fate In His Tiny, Tiny Hands

by Shelt Garner

America, the most powerful and ostensibly stable nation in the world finds itself in a somewhat surreal situation at the moment. It seems — if my Webstats are any indication — that a pretty big subset of the electorate believes that something akin to a “MAGA Revolution” is all but inevitable in the immediate future.

Something about the FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago made concrete the lingering, paranoid fears of the MAGA New Right about why they feel they need to take up arms against the Federal government. Now, obviously, this is bonkers logic for more than one reason — chief amongst them being that the Right is extremely ascendant in the United States and is getting everything it wants peacefully via politics and the courts.

But, as we all know, history loves to be ironic so, if Trump went transactional in a bid to prevent himself from going to jail, yes, the “MAGA Revolution” that so many fucking cocksucker MAGA people seem to believe is going to happen, will, in fact, happen. Yet, as I’ve written before, this is a very complex situation whereby a number of macro trends are all converging at the same time. You can call it The Fourth Turning or the Great Reset.

Whatever you call it, not only have we passed the Even Horizon for the existential choice of autocracy or civil war in 2024 – 2025, we’re also in the danger zone for something that would be marketed as a “MAGA Revolution.” Here’s how it would happen — America is awash in AR-15s. And, as we all tragically know at this point, AR-15s are specifically designed to murder as many people as possible at one time.

So, if Trump went transactional on Truth Social and told his followers to, say, start to kill FBI agents, then, yes, there is a good chance that they would pick up their AR-15s en mass and begin to do just that. But it might not be FBI agents — it could be pretty much anyone that the MAGA New Right perceives as part of the “woke cancel culture mob”….including people like ME.

And, of course, there is the chance that things could spiral out of control at this point without the help of Trump. It could be that a few lone wolves shooting up a lot of liberals somewhere might be enough to start a violent forest fire across the country that the press would call a “MAGA Revolution.” I suppose the whole point is that MAGA really, really wants the laws of war, rather of the criminal justice system to apply when they start murdering people like me for political reasons.

I guess that’s what they mean when they search for “civil war” or “revolution” and come to this site to look at my dystopian hellscape scenarios. They don’t really know what they want in any concrete manner, but in a gauzy, abstract grunt that is there political views they want to know, “When will I get to murder liberals without having to go to jail?”

But let me be clear — MAGA getting what they want when it comes to a “civil war” or “revolution” in 2022 would be so very, very dumb, not to mention very tragic for everyone involved. If they are just patient, they can get everything they want without firing a shot and it would be in the Blues’ court to start a civil war in 2024 – 2025 because either the 2024 election was brazenly stolen or Trump’s incoming second administration’s policies were just so radical that Blue states will decide to bounce.

The point of all of this is while it may seem inevitable to fucking cocksucker MAGA New Right types that we’re going to have a civil war or revolution at any moment….I still have my doubts. I just don’t see it happening unless Trump specifically demands it and even then, the idea that we’ve crossed that particular Rubicon is dubious.

Only time will tell, I suppose.

My Bad — We May Be About To Have A MAGA ‘Popular Revolt’

by Shelt Garner

Things are beginning to move fast now. So fast, in fact, that I’m beginning to worry that my otherwise well thought out and logical belief that if we have a Second American Civil War that it will happen in 2024 -2025 when Blue States leave the Union after the theft of the 2024 presidential election.

And, yet, here we are in 2022 and the specter of Reds starting a civil war (or “popular” revolt?) is growing more and more real.

I’m just about to believe I was wrong. But something happened that I could never have predicted — the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. If there is the kind of right-wing “Troubles” type civil war that people like Barbara F. Walter have written about it will happen because Trump, feeling trapped, goes transactional and demands his followers begin to blow shit up.

Then there could be a significant rise in political violence in the United States, especially stochastic terrorism. There would be a reason for all that violence that didn’t exist before, when I thought it wouldn’t happen — an concerted effort to intemidate the Federal government in an effort to protect Trump from criminal accountability.

That’s what I couldn’t predict when I came up with all my 2024, 2025 Blue States start a civil war predictions — Trump, on a personal basis, would finally be held accountable and that would give the very well armed MAGA New Right an excuse to initiate significant political violence well ahead of the 2024 election cycle.

But it hasn’t happened yet. And it may never.

And, yet, all that would have to happen is Trump feel so cornered that he went transactional. He’s already done it one, to some extent with January 6th and we’re already beginning to see signs that we’re lurching in that direction now. But it hasn’t happened yet.

And hopefully, it won’t.