Of Seeing ‘Zombieland: Double Tap’ & Improving The Novel

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

I went to see the newest Zombieland today and was pleased. It was worth the price of admission. Definitely got the impression Emma Stone HATES Jesse Eisenberg. She’s a good actor, but she’s not that good.

Not really related, but has an update on the state of the novel.

Going through the process of seeing the movie that I came up with some really great scenes in the latter pages of the first half of the novel. These scenes are so good, in fact, that I had a momentary bout of existential creative angst. I started to think maybe it should be TWO books with the first book ending on a cliffhanger. But since then, I’ve thought better of it. I really like the idea of just writing one novel that’s really accessible and fun but actually has something of a deeper, darker meaning.

One issue I keep toying with is how much to ground the story in a specific year and how much I should just make it “now” and have it run as a scenario. I’ve long called the novel a political fairytale for woke Park Slope moms and there is something to be said for making it a gauzy story that is simply set in the modern era. I worry it will come off as dated if I make it specific to an exact time.

And, yet, given that it’s meant to be my own person indictment of the clusterfuck that is the Trump Era, there’s something to be said for setting in in a specific year of that clusterfuck. If people go into it knowing that it’s set in a specific year, then it won’t feel dated (I hope.) It will simply feel like a way to have catharsis about about the Trump Era which, hopefully, will have come crashing down by the time this novel is set for me to pitch it to an imprint. If it HASN’T come to and end by about August 2020 then, well, I’ll just roll with the punches. The moment it sank in that wasn’t going to be able to finish the novel in time for it come out in summer 2020 when people would be thinking about the presidential election, I became a lot less concerned about being rushed.

I’m well on track to finish this novel by August 2020, but it’s my impression there is a good six months of post-production after you actually sell a complete manuscript. Of course, it would be like winning the lottery if I actually was able to sell the damn thing at all. I’m not the greatest writer in the world, but I am a decent story teller.

One thing I’m a little uneasy about is how cinematic some of the cooler scenes are. I mean, does that mean I should just write a screenplay? I quickly push such thoughts aside, however. All of Michael Crichton’s books pretty much read like a movie treatment as it is. I think I can forgive myself if I come up with a scene or two that depends on you knowing a song well enough to have it playing in my mind as the scene unfolds.

Anyway, I continue to worry that Phoebe Waller-Bridge is going to steal a creative march on me. But that’s just being really paranoid. My story is uniquely American. It wallows in its Americanism. Though I definitely admire and gain inspiration from Waller-Bridge because of her creative courage. I’ve made some creative decisions on this novel which are potentially fucking huge risks for any number of reasons.

But watching Zombieland today, I took note of how the were able to give what an mainstream audience wants. It’s because of how entertaining and, well, good, Zombieland was that I am reminded of how much I fucking hated Booksmart. That movie insulted me with its contempt for middle-American values and its absolute need to cram it’s desire to be comfort food to a 17-year-old bi-curious girl who goes to like, fucking Hollywood High down my throat. Sometimes, you want shit to blow up, people fall in love in a traditional manner and to hate on hippies like was found in Zombieland.

I am quick to note, however, that I was definitely not the audience of Booksmart, so go see it! I guess if I was in the mood to see a movie like Booksmart, I would just watch Heathers again. Now THAT was a good movie. Also, I like political subtext. In these divided times, it’s nice to put your politics in your work on the sly as a treat to people who agree with you. That way people who don’t agree with you politically, who don’t have the same cultural touchstones, still get to have a good time.

Everybody having a good time reading my novel is a big deal for me. That’s why, yes, there are plot points that are pretty conspicuous, there’s at least a small chance a MAGA person will at least enjoy themselves should they hate read it because Don. Jr. won’t shut up about it.

I am going to stay humble. There’s just too much that can go wrong. But I refuse to make decisions on what I don’t know. I’ve gotten this far and the story continues to entertain me, the writer, so I keep going. I’m well on my way to wrapping up the first half of the novel pretty soonish. I just keep making the specifics of the novel better and better, often because I distract myself for a few hours by watching a movie.

We’ll see. It will be interesting to see if I manage to pull this off or if I wake up one day and see someone has completely stolen a creative march on me. But, again, make decisions on what you know — not what you don’t know.

V-Log: A Gentle Creative Suggestion For Phoebe Waller-Bridge

by Shelton Bumgarner

This is just a stray observation.

Creative Destruction: Hollywood Must Buy Up Empty Malls For The Coming Immersive Media Era

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

You’re supposed to put your stick where the puck is going to be, not where it is, then I have a suggestion for Hollywood — buy up empty shopping malls now.

I say this because despite what is proposed in Ready Player: One, young human people still need the entertainment industry to facilitate dating rituals. So, even if we all have an economic VR – treadmill setup in our homes, 13 year old boys will still need to go through the rite of passage of asking his cute crush in homeroom out on a date.

Right now, “Netflix and chill” is not very practical for that kid. But going to a movie is definitely doable. As such, even in the age of “immersive media” little boys are still going to need an excuse to leave the house and hang out with their crush (reasonably) unsupervised for a few hours. So, it would make a lot of sense for them to not use a home VR – treadmill setup, but instead go to a revamped mall where there’s a massive immersive movie being played.

No one listens to me, but lulz. I had to get that off my chest.

Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Life Is About To Change Dramatically

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

The thing about Phoebe Waller-Bridge is how down to earth and honest she is. One thing I’ve noticed about her, however, is she doesn’t have the UCB chops that a lot of American TV stars have. She’s more of a writer and traditional actor.

Hey babe.

You notice it the most when she’s on a show like Late Night and Seth Meyers obviously really wants to do a form of improv with her and she can seem a bit slow on the take. She’s naturally funny, of course, but it comes out more naturally for her in the context of sitting in front of a laptop and thinking about it.

Having said all that, I have a hunch that she’s going to get sucked into the Hollywood community in a pretty big way. She’s recently divorced and there are plenty of single — and powerful — Hollywood leading men who love to have her by their side as they walked down the red carpet. The one guy who might find her a catch would be Bill Murray. He’s a bit old for her, but they would be an instant Hollywood power couple. (I’m too lazy to look at Wikipedia to see if he’s single.) I mean, the one guy I could see falling hard for Ms. Waller-Bridge is Jon Hamm. Hamm is a very funny guy and it seems like he would enjoy having Ms. Waller-Bridge a comic foil in both public and private endeavors.

I could see Hollywood producers have a bit of a struggle figuring out what to do with her because she’s not a traditional Hollywood beauty, but I can think of plenty of roles she would be perfect for. She’s got a unique comic voice that will serve her — and the audience — well for potentially decades to come.

One other thing is now that she’s hosted SNL, she’s a part of the SNL hivemind and there’s a good chance she might linger in its orbit as events warrant. She’s probably met a lot of the big wigs of SNL during the course of preparing for the show and those contacts will be beneficial to everyone involved going forward.

Anyway, what do I know. No one listens to me.

My Phoebe Waller-Bridge Dream Movie Vehicle

by Shelton Bumgarner

I haven’t seen the most recent movies in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, so I don’t know what’s canon. But this a rough sketch out of a movie I think would be great for Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s career.

Capt. Jane Sparrow

Act I

We open to a young Luke Skywalker-type kid, only in Colonial America. The shot heard ’round the world has just happened. Revolution is in the air. He lives a boring, hum-drum life, but dreams of sailing the seas fighting pirates. He lives near the capital of Virginia, Williamsburg.

Maybe establish he has some sort of young lady in his life. (Eva Victor?)

Inciting Incident

Things change when he finds himself running into what appears to be a man who wants to rob him. The movie’s story begins when we learn it’s not a man, but a woman — Capt. Jane Sparrow.

Capt. Jane Sparrow quickly realizes she’s getting sucked into the revolution in a way that might not be very profitable. But at the end of the first act, she makes her decision — she’s going to save the young man and let the chips fall where they may.

Act 2

We have our adventure. Major figures of the American Revolution breeze through the story and meet Capt. Jane Sparrow. She finally agrees to be a “privateer” for the nascent American nation.

Midpoint — it appears as though Capt. Jane Sparrow has abandoned the cause and our Hero is forced to race around without her help. At about this point Capt. Jane Sparrow bangs our hero, rocking his world and setting up a love triangle between she and the Hero’s girl.

At the end of the second act, it looks as though he’s headed for the gallows. At the last moment, Capt. Jane Sparrow pops up and saves the day.

Act 3

This is where we really lean into the audience’s natural support for not only Capt. Jane Sparrow but the Revolutionary War. All kinds of swashbuckling happens.

Capt. Jane Sparrow kisses our hero after a final victory and hops on her ship, never to be seen again?

The End

Potential Vehicles For Phoebe Waller-Bridge

Shelton Bumgarner

By Shelton Bumgarner

We see you babe.

Here are some movie ideas for Phoebe Waller-Bridge going forward.

-Time Bandits reboot
-Pirates of the Caribbean: Anchor a movie as Capt. Jack Sparrow’s daughter.
-“Manic Pixie Dream Girl” — Waller-Bridge skewers this reliable Hollywood trope
-Waller-Bridge and Bill Hader romcom
-An “Annie Hall” type movie shown from the female perspective
-“Yes, Mrs. President” — plays the first female president of the Republic of England
-“Special Relationship” American guy falls for British girl, hilarity ensues.
-Police Woman reboot

Susan Calvin — plays robot psychologist based on Isaac Asimov books
Cannonball Run reboot
Road To…. series reboot with Ilana Glazer
Jabber Jaw reboot

#Novel Notes For Sept. 22, 2019: Idle Rambling About Hollywood #AmWriting #WritingLife

Shelton Bumgarner

Some thoughts.

I Have High Hopes For Eva Victor

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

Editor’s Note: I’m drunk. In fact, if I wasn’t drunk I wouldn’t be writing this. Ms. Victor isn’t famous enough yet and is very young as such it’s easy for people to think I’m some sort of crazed middle-aged loser. While I may be a loser, I’m not crazed. Just think Ms. Victor is someone to keep an eye on.

It’s rare that you notice a star about to be born. Eva Victor is an example of this however. She has the skill set necessary to join the pantheon of superstars, given the right conditions. She definitely seems to been in tune with Millennials, and perhaps even Gen-Z.

Occasionally, there’s a changing of the guard in Hollywood. It doesn’t happen very often. Maybe once a generation. Sensibilities change and a new guard has to fill the gap. There are a handful of new stars who are in the wings to do just that — Ilana Glazer, Eva Victor and Phoebe Waller-Bridge among them.

One interesting thing about Ms. Victor is she’s very into oversharing. No aspect of her life is off limits. For an old guy like me, this can lead to the occasional eye-popping event on her social media feed. But Ms. Victor has “it.” She’s a star, it’s just a matter of the universe catching up. She already has a cult following on Twitter.

Regardless, I wish her well. I just hope she’s able to exploit her coming opportunities to the fullest extent possible.

Review: Ad Astra

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner


Ad Astra is a good movie, not a great movie. The closest movie I can compare it to in spirit is Ex Machina. Both movies linger in the mind after you watch them. But Ex Machina is a far better movie.

I get the vision of the movie intended by this Brad Pitt vanity project. It’s supposed to be a melancholy rumination on the human condition and a man’s relationship with his distant father. Ok, I get it. And I get why they kept talking about aliens only for there to be no aliens.

And, yet, the movie is a little too subtle for its own good. It might benefit from the very thing didn’t want to have — aliens. I say this because the movie is obviously inspired by 2001: A Space Odyssey. Though the more astute of you will notice an homage to the campy space classic Dark Star. (In Dark Star an astronaut rides a piece of his ship into a planet’s atmosphere like a surfboard. Pitt does something a little similar at one point.)

In a sense, I think the lack of aliens is kind of a cop-out. Much of the rest of the movie was serviceable adult-oriented entertainment. It wasn’t hackish at all. It’s just the whole thing could have been a whole lot more…profound. The whole thing was so slight, so subtle that it felt lacking.

I have to be a nerd and point out the producers of the movie apparently are completely oblivious to the difference in the gravity on the moon and Mars compared to earth. But you can’t have everything, I guess.

But I did honestly like the movie. It’s going to be a great on-air entertainment for people flying to Walla Walla.

About The SciFi Scene Summary I Posted — Then Deleted

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

My first attempt to write a novel was a bust. Or, more accurately, my first serious attempt to write a novel was a bust. I tried to write a novel about my time in Seoul about a decade ago, but that was more of an angry rant than a novel.

Anyway, about a year ago, I was working on a scifi novel and stopped. I stopped because it was all conceit. I struggled to figure out any type of character-driven plot arc. It was all premise. It’s taken me some time to think about it and I realize the entire idea was simply misguided. I was trying to tell a very personal story that was so contrived as to be unusable.

I struggled with the novel’s development for maybe three or four months before I gave up for the novel I’m working on now. Things are going much, much, much better this novel. I’m quite pleased with it, in fact.

Before I stopped working on the scifi novel, I posted the first act scene summary. When it began to get an alarming number of hits, I deleted it out of an abundance of caution. It seemed as though I may have given away the secret sauce and I did not want to give hacks any more help than I might otherwise do.

Strangely enough, people keep looking for the page with that scene summary. I honestly don’t understand what’s going on. I thought maybe a link to it was posted on a Google+ screenwriting group, but Google+ doesn’t even exist anymore and people still keep looking for it. The way they come to it seems to indicate it was via email or maybe a website.

All I know is given what I know about storytelling now after working on this latest novel, I honestly don’t know what anyone could get from the scene summary. It’s an interesting conceit, but doesn’t go anywhere. I guess if you are completely devoid of any actual creativity if you see something produced by someone who does who see it as an opportunity to produce hack work. Even if what the creative person produced isn’t even fully developed.

I fucking hate hacks. Especially parasite hacks who aren’t creative enough to think up their own universe. I guess I have to be prepared for someone to successful write a screenplay based on what I posted. In a way it would be both flattering and frustrating. It would be flattering because someone with the resources believed in the project after I stopped working on it. It would be frustrating because I’m unlikely to get any credit for it if it does happen.

Generally everyone is hateful in my experience, especially in showbiz.

I guess the best I can hope for is someone might notice the the similarities between my post and whatever Hollywood blockbuster it inspires.