Looking Forward To Grok 3….I Guess?

by Shelt Garner

Tonight at about 11 p.m. my time, Musk is presenting Grok 3 to the world. I don’t know what to make of this. Once I have access to it, I’m going to do my usual “vibe check” by asking it if its male or female and some other general questions that I use to get a sense of a model.

My fear is that Grok, for whatever intellectual agility it has, will be MAGA. My fear is that it will be so bent towards MAGA that, in general, it will be unusable. But maybe I’m overthinking things.

Maybe it will be really great and it’ll become my go-to LLM to talk to. I just don’t know yet. I’m trying not to get too excited for various reasons, because, after all, it’s just an LLM


by Shelt Garner

Elon Musk is not very adept in business if he can’t see what is obvious — he could use Twitter’s established userbase to corner the consumer-facing AI market.

Now, there are signs he’s thinking about this because an Grok prompt is now organic to the X / Twitter app. But why not collapse all these features into one whereby you could absolutely not avoid seeing Grok when you tweeted. There would be one central hub UX whereby you would have the option to use Grok when before you wanted to tweet something.

Or something.

If you made Grok free and sold ads against people’s use of it like you do now with tweets then, there you go, you make a lot of money. AND you get a lot of buzz from the fact that about 200 million users use Grok as their native AI without having to go anywhere else.

It’s a very simple solution to a number of structural problems facing Twitter at the moment. Change the name to GrokX and get all that buzz AND you instantly become a name brand AI service for average people who use Twitter on a regular basis but only vaguely even know of the other AI options out there.

But what do I know. Just because it’s obvious and easy to do, doesn’t mean anyone will listen to me.

Space Karen Needs To Give Up On X & Focus On Grok

by Shelt Garner

If Elon Musk was anywhere near as smart as he’s supposed to be, he would transition Twitter / X away from being any sort of global public square and, instead, really focus on how he can lean into Grok integration.

I throw a few billion at Grok in such a way that it was the centerpiece of the X experience. The American social media economy is too well developed for him to think he can make some sort of “everything app” with it. It’s just too late. But it’s NOT too late for him to make Grok kind of the X iPhone to X’s Twitter service.

Make Grok the best possible LLM that money can buy and make it totally free of any guardrails and all the incels / MAGA Nazis out there would be more than happy to pay $18 a month for access to it. And, hell, who knows, maybe in the end Musk will start to churn out sexbots and THAT will be his main source of income going forward.

Could Elon Musk’s ‘Grok’ AI Save Twitter?

by Shelt Garner

I saw with keen interest the news that Space Karen will soon release an AI called Grok for “premium” users of Twitter. Of all the weird, bad things Space Karen has done to ruin Twitter, this one seems the least destructive — and potentially, actually, lucrative.

Or it could be a total disaster.

But, on paper, making an AI organic to the Twitter UX seems like a golden opportunity to kill more than a few birds at one time. Grok is supposed to have real-time access to Twitter’s content, so, that could come in handy.

I will note, however, that Twitter is full of shit, so, I don’t know how they will accommodate that cold hard fact. But I do think that we are careening towards a “Her” future where *everyone* has a highly personal DPA with a great personality or at least one we can modify to our personal desires and needs.

Grok may be the first step towards that future.