Texas, California & A Second American Civil War

by Shelt Garner

Holy shit.

I saw this on Twitter and had to comment. Sometimes, I feel like I’m just talking into the aether when it comes to my fears that at some point between now and January 2025 the United States is going to face the existential choice of civil war or autocracy.

So, when I read the above imagine on Twitter I almost gasped — this is just the type of talk that one would expect from a modern antebellum America. On a basic level, I just don’t know what exactly California is doing to Texas that is so bad to warrant bloodshed on a mass scale.

All things being equal, the United States — Texas and California included — is a stable and prosperous nation. There’s no need for the individual states of the United States to be at each other’s throats. Also, as I have mentioned repeatedly on this blog, there’s a big difference between being in peace afforded the luxury of being a latte sipping soyboy and having to put your blood on the line to defend your personal freedom.

As such, at the moment, it’s easy to see why a ding-bat Texas nationalist might think California would collapse like a “rotten door” as Hitler might say. I would suggest that if the United States actually buckled AND California felt it was in its self-interest to fight the good fight against seditionist Red States that we would all be very impressed with how well they will fight.

A lot of what the MAGA New Right thinks about places like California is complete self-serving bullshit that once put to a test is going to come back bite them. In other words — California has a huge population and economy that could easily be converted to a deadly weapon of war should it be put on a (civil) war footing.

And, yet I doubt anything can stop the momentum, the dead hand of history, that is hurdling us towards civil war or autocracy.

America’s Path To Autocracy Goes Through Texas

by Shelt Garner

If you want to understand the political, historical and demographic forces at work in the United States right look no further than Texas. The Lone Star State is the place where we see America’s overall decent into autocracy in the micro. For a generation, people have been talking about how Texas is “shifting Blue” and there will, at some point, come a moment when it’s no longer reliably Red. Such an event would be huge — Democrats with the failsafe of Texas on the electoral board would be in a very good position going forward.

There’s a huge problem with this, however — Texas Republicans know this, too.

As such, Texas is thus one of a number of states around the Union where the Republican Party has grown hysterical and autocratic. They will do anything to keep power, to the point where they don’t blink an eye at running roughshod over democratic norms.

So, when you talk about the political future of the United States, you have to take into account that the Republican Party is, well, fascist. They are laying the groundwork for forcing the issue: we will either become an autocratic managed democracy or we’re going to have a civil war.

And Texas is a prime example of how the Republican Party, on a systemic level, would rather destroy democracy than do any soul searching so they could continue to win elections fair and square. They would rather destroy the whole system than risk such forced existential introspection. We have get woke to the very real possibility that at some point between now and January 2025, the United States will become, on a political level, Texas.

The anti-democratic moves that the Texas Republican Party is doing on a systemic level will be applied to the United States by the national Republican Party for the very same reasons — Republicans know they have unpopular policies and the only way they can stay in power is to cheat via turning the country into an fascist autocracy.

There are no easy answers. Either the autocratic forces at work within the Texas Republican Party — and beyond — win the day, or we have a civil war. That’s it. That is our choice.

Fucking With Texas: Leaving The Union Would Not End Well For You

by Shelt Garner

Texas is an interesting state because it has the same political dynamic as the United States as a whole — white Republicans are hysterical about demographic trends and given a choice between revamping their political views or turning into an autocratic American National Socialists party, they are rushing headlong into the latter option.

But, just like other states controlled on a political level by MAGA, the moment we’re no longer talking about politics but the existential threat of organized political violence…oh boy. It’s easy to imagine MAGA Republicans joining the states who want to leave the Union either now (when Cyber Ninjas “prove” Trump “won” in Arizona) or later (Speaker of the House Trump impeaches Biden/Harris and incites national violence to get a convention in the Senate or because of some sort of Congressional nullification crisis in January 2025).

As such, while the fucking MAGA cocksuckers would get to yet again live in the Lone Star Republic…their joy would likely be extremely short lived. The very demographic trends that are making white conservatives in Texas hysterical are also an existential problem for them when all hell breaks loose.

I’m not from Texas and I’m not an expert on their internal state politics, but just a back of the envelope scenario would suggest the moment Texas joins Trumplandia, the whole state will implode to the point that it gets knocked out of the broader political birthing process of Trumplandia.

But the MAGA far right is SOOOOO FUCKING EXCITED at the prospect of either some sort of Glorious MAGA Revolution or a civil war to found Trumplandia that they are totally, completely ignoring the cold, hard facts on the ground. The very people that white MAGA Republican conservatives in Texas are moving mountains to disenfranchise — brown, black and progressive people — would be the very ones who would have a vested interest in making their lives hell should an actual fighting war start.

The point of this is, I wish there was some way to get the far Right in Texas to just fucking shut up about secession. It’s in everyone’s vested interest for cooler heads to prevail and we figure out some way, anyway, to live peacefully in this great, colorful Union of ours.