Now that the United States has finally decided that it’s a fascist state, I’m going to recuse myself and simply work on my novel(s.) I’m feeling very rattled and down to the point that I fear I may actually be “depressed.”
I don’t know how long this will last. Probably I’ll snap out of it no later than at some point in 2025 when the FBI or ICE or whatever knock on my door and drag me away to be “vanished.”
I might as well just throw myself back into my novels and see what happens. There’s not much else I can do at this point.
The last time Trump won, I just shut down and stopped watching the news or engaging in social media. I’ve decided to do the same again this go around. It’s just not good for my emotional system to watch MAGA fuckers gloat.
But I don’t know how long I can go.
I think it’s one of those “one day at a time” type situations. The issue is, I need some time to process the fall of the American Republic and the last thing I need is the jarring images of the final decent into fascism.
With all that in mind, I’m determined to get back to work on my novel(s.) That is something productive and constructive I can do instead of stewing in my juices about how ICE might read this blog and decide to push me out a window at some point in the near future.
But dems the breaks, as they say. I have accept that there is a greater-than-zero chance that the Trump regime is going to come after me and murder me in cold blood for simply refusing to tow its fascist line.
All I know is, things are going to get really, really dark. We’re going to leave NATO in 2025. The late night TV shows will be purged to the point that SNL will probably barely be allowed to have its 50th anniversary special before it’s shut down for good.
And, given that Trump won fair and square, there probably won’t be any anger about such moves on his part. But, of course, there is always the chance that a lot of people, upon Trump actually doing all these autocratic, fascist things he keeps ranting about might grow upset.
This is just me spit balling things, but it seems as though Trump won because of white identity politics combined with a big dose of misogyny. Or, to put another way, the strong desire for an autocracy that existed in 2016 still exists.
Which makes you wonder what happened in 2020.
Trump’s defeat in 2020 probably came about in no small part because of the pandemic. Or something like that. Maybe the pandemic jiggled our politics a bit more than any of realized at the moment.
I say this in the context of how bad a candidate Trump is and always has been. Something pretty profound is going on when someone like Trump can become POTUS in the first place.
He taps into some dark part of the American psych that I’d rather not have to think about so much –but here we are.
My biggest concern at the moment is Trump’s counter-revolution will be so sharp and abrupt that it won’t be Reds we have to worry about, but Blues. This would only happen if Trump really leaned into all the rabid fascist bullshit that he has been talking about.
I don’t want this — I’m just talking about it in the abstract — but if Trump goes full tyrant on us the moment he gets into office, well, some pretty dark things could happen. I’m thinking specifically of the possibility that he might be deposed in some way.
That is a very, very dark scenario because he is obviously so popular with Reds that if that happened, there would be a good chance of a civil war because Red States would leave the Union in anger.
I don’t want any of that.
I don’t know what I’m going to do going forward other than work on my novels. It seems inevitable that I’ll run afoul of the weaponized ICE at some point and, lulz, will either be pushed out a window by one or, if I’m lucky, be allowed to leave the country in some way.
If I had the means, I would leave the United States by the end of the week and never look back. But there’s one problem — I don’t have any money. I live in a state of perpetual poverty.
So. That’s a big problem.
But I do think that if — and this is a big if — Trump goes “full tyrant” on the citizens of the United States that some pretty big choices might be made for me — and millions of others. I might, in some way, become a political refugee simply because I simply refuse to shut the fuck up about how much I fucking hate MAGA.
I’m reading a book called “Death of Democracy” that talks about the end of the Weimar Republic and…well…it definitely reads like what’s going on right now. I will note that, as I keep saying, Trump is not Hitler in the sense that Hitler really was a “great man.”
Trump not a great man, but rather a vessel, an avatar for some structural problems with the American political system.
But, back to me.
As I keep saying, I’m going to throw myself back into working on a novel now. I’m not going to use social media that much for the time being. I just need to process what’s just happened in my own way.
But I have to accept that my life could very well be thrown up in the air if Trump goes nuts and goes full tyrant on us.
I am still processing the fact that a malignant ding-dong like Trump won. Regardless of what the nattering nabobs of negativism may say, Kamala Harris ran a good campaign.
The issue is that the United States is a lot further down the road towards autocracy than any of us knew. So, there you go.
To me, the biggest issue at the moment going forward is what will be the reaction of Blues should Trump go “full tyrant.” If he would just ease us into being an autocratic state more like Hungary than Russia, then I think things would be fine.
But my fear is that Trump is so dumb and lazy that he will try to go from zero to 100 on the autocratic scale overnight and, well, that’s when there might be some problems. If Trump attempts to simply rule by decree the moment he becomes POTUS again, then there’s a real chance the country will buckle in some way and we’re going to have some sort of civil war.
I don’t want that, but it is something we have to contemplate going forward. But I am known to overthink things a great deal. As such, I think because of the collective temperament of Blues if nothing else, that lulz, Trump is going to turn us into something closer to Russia than Hungary.
But, remember, the counter-revolution that Trump is about to begin will be like all the others before it — it’s going to eat its young. Probably, specifically, the Jewish and gay members of its leadership.
I won’t happen immediately, but it will happen.
As for me, I’m just going to hunker down and work on my novels, etc.
Well, America 2024 is the Weimer Republic 1933. Who knew? Anyway, this election could very well dramatically change my life because I’m not fucking shutting up, no matter what.
So, there you go — even if ICE is weaponized and it used to come after people like me, well, I guess I got a problem.
If Trump wins tonight, I’m going to do what I did in late 2016 — just tune out. I’m not going to watch or listen to any media for a few months. I probably will focus all my attention on the novel(s) I have to work on.
Because I like to make my abstract fears concrete, I have a number of dark scenarios rolling around in my head, even if Trump loses. I fear that the next few months could be quite turbulent, no matter who wins.
But if Trump wins, oh boy. We really have a problem on our hands. Because Trump is so dumb and lazy, he could go “full tyrant” on us and the next thing you know, the country buckles and I become a domestic political refugee.
Hopefully, that won’t happen. Hopefully.
But if Trump wins, things are going to get pretty nuts, no matter what. For some reason, I have a hunch that if Trump wins, my life is going to change in a big way. I have no idea what that means, but it’s just a hunch.
I live in a really Red part of my state and so, lulz….maybe I’ll be forced out of my home as the country buckles into absolute Blue and absolute Red.
This is an experiment. It’s and effort to distance myself from what might happen today by seeing it as a story to cover, rather than a life or death situation as it might be. (Ugh.) So, I can’t promise you that I will do a very good job, but I am going to do my best until I get distracted.
(I realize this makes more sense if I post things the opposite way I have been posting them.)
8:43 p.m. Things are beginning to not look so great for Harris. So, I think I will end this liveblog for the night and just post individual posts instead. Even if he doesn’t win, this election is far closer than I could have possibly have imagine.
3:10 p.m. Apparently, Steve Bannon has told Trump to just declare victory early in the night. If that happens, my fear is, of course, that MAGA will rush polling stations to stop the vote and then…oh boy.
10:40 a.m. The quiet before the storm. I’ve been keeping an eye on Twitter the last few hours and nothing much is going on. In fact, the thing I have noticed is how little is going on with Twitter. We’re all just treading water at the moment it seems. Though I must note that Steve fucking Bannon apparently — according to Twitter — has setup a new “War Room” in an undemocratic effort to overturn the election…again.
11:07 a.m.
11:19 a.m. Jonah Goldberg’s punt:
11:29 a.m. There seems to be some debate as to how many people have voted in the NOVA region of Virginia. MAGA is claiming no one is showing up, not taking into account how many liberals probably already voted early.
11:48 a.m
I have no idea what is going on. I am beginning to believe this election is going to be a lot closer than we might otherwise think. To the point that SCOTUS might get involved and, by definition, Trump wins. And I had such hope. Ugh.
12:14 Well, this is not cool. I continue to worry that election day is just the beginning of long, drawn out process between now and January 20th. Today could be just the beginning, rather than the end of how we figure out who the next POTUS is going to be.
It’s pretty bad when you can’t even reference things in the news because you’re afraid an app’s algorithm will freak out. But, here we are, one day before election day with that very problem.
Anyway, I can’t wait for all of this to be over. I don’t know if I’ll do much of anything on Election Day itself other than stew in my juices and worry.
Well, the inevitable happened — the FBI looked at this website. Now, a lot goes on with this site that I can’t see in my Webstats, but this time I definitely saw a ping from the FBI.
The ping was someone looking at my old scenario whereby it was Blues, not Reds who tried to leave the Union. I no longer think there would be a secession by Blues, it would be more of a “recognition” crisis than a “secession” crisis. It would be a lot murkier problem because the war aims wouldn’t be the clear cut of: we’re leaving the Union.
It would be more like, “We don’t recognize Trump as POTUS.”
Meanwhile, I continue to believe that Red States are one “truth” on the part of Trump away from taking serious steps to secede. Or not. What do I know. But I am really, really anxious about the next few months, no matter who wins.
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