The United States is in the middle of something of a rolling coup. This is happening in the context of the courts being moot as well as Congress. The system is so locked up at the moment that Musk and his little tykes have free reign to do whatever the fuck they want.
The only thing I got is if Trump and Musk break the social safety net so badly that it simply no longer functions (in the name of “saving money”) that maybe the populace might do something, finally.
But I have my doubts. The United States is 330 million people and it’s tough to get us all on the same page. So, by the time everyone gets upset enough to collectively do anything about what’s going on, it will be far, far too late.
The Final Question in the Trump era is — if Trump somehow fucks with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid so they don’t work properly as people have always assumed, will there be any substantive consequences?
If Social Security checks aren’t cut, will people just shrug and let Trump get away with it, or will there be things like a General Strike or massive protests or whatnot. I honestly don’t know.
Americans are so fucking complacent and just want to make money that it could be that Trump will touch the third rail of politics, Social Security, and nothing of note will happen. If Trump really does get away with doing such a thing, then he will have passed through his last barrier to being a true dictator.
Fucking with Social Security is the only thing I can think of that might, just might cause Trump to finally either be deposed or at least, in some way behave. But there is just as much a chance that he will double down and use any protests as an excuse to declare martial law and that will be that — the United States will finally be a fascist military dictatorship.
I honestly don’t know what will happen if Trump moots Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It’s very much up in the air because I suspect that MAGA, so busy sucking on the teet of racism, will figure out a way to even rationalize something as profound as the end of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
They just might really be willing to let Trump pull it off.
It is clear that soon the United States really will be a dictatorship in the traditional sense — Trump (with his proxy Musk) will rule by decree or just ignore the rule of law while the Legislative and Judicial branches cool their heels in obscurity.
That seems to be our immediate future.
And, what’s more trillions of wealth will probably be transferred from the very poor to the very wealthy in a few months once some legislation is passed.
All of this doesn’t vie well for the future of the United State’s stability. And, yet, I also think Americans are, in general, just too complacent to do anything like a General Strike.
I think this is it. We will no longer have free and fair elections and we will be an actual traditional dictatorship — probably by the end of the year, if not sooner. So, lulz, I suppose my fears of dying at the hands of an ICE agent aren’t too far off.
I will just remain a Man In A High Castle until that happens.
One of the big ways that Hitler was able to seize control of Germany in early 1933 was there was a fire at the Reichstag. It is speculated that the Nazis started the fire, but there’s no proof.
Anyway, I’m waiting for something like that to happen with Trump. If there was a 911 type terrorist attack soon, that would allow Trump to consolidate power even faster than he already is.
But maybe I’m being paranoid for no reason. Maybe Trump will just keep on consolidating power and nothing like that will happen. I sure don’t *want* something like that to happen, but things are pretty dark right now and I fear they will only get darker.
What do the following people have in common — Elon Musk, David Sacks and Peter Thiel.
Answer: They all are Afrikaners from South Africa.
They know each other as part of the “Paypal Mafia,” yes, but really, they are exemplars of the far Right of South Africa. It’s interesting that in this dire moment of crisis, no one else has noticed this particular situation.
But, maybe they will (eventually.)
Whatever. We’re fucking doomed. We just don’t have it in us to do anything about this particular problem until it’s way, way, too late.
I’ve written numerous times over the years about the possibility that Trump is so stupid and lazy that he could finally push the public to the point that the U.S. Military would feel it needs to step in to overthrow him. (This, of course, would cause a civil war because Red States would leave the Union.)
So, I don’t really want a military coup, but it is enticing. It has a certain allure to it, as if we could square the circle of MAGA turning us into a fucking MAGA Nazi state by just starting all over.
We have a military junta run the country while we hold a Constitutional Convention that would have sweeping powers to reform things so we can bounce back. But, like I said, about 48% of the population LOVES what Trump is doing, so, lulz. It’s all very frustrating.
There just doesn’t seem to be anything we can do to fix this particular situation. At least in the near term. Either we slide into autocracy with our eyes wide open or Trump and Musk finally do something so outrageous that there’s, like, a General Strike and the U.S. Military is forced to step in.
As Trump and Musk’s putsch continues to rampage through the U.S. Government and society, it seems that inevitably they will turn their attention to late night TV. As I understand it, Putin purged Russia’s late night TV as he consolidated power in the early years of his regime.
I don’t know exactly how it will happen, but it seems clear that something we take for granted — a free and open society, is about to implode into tyranny. And, as such, I think in a few months all the late night TV shows — including Saturday Night Live — will either be canceled or neutered in some way.
This is inevitable. It seems like a political force of nature at the moment. There’s just nothing we can do. We’re going to wake up and America won’t be free any more. And I suspect it’s going to happen a lot sooner than you might think.
It could be days or weeks, not months.
But, so many people are just happy to see “scary brown people” in camps that they’re willing to put up with just about anything, I suppose.
Trump really does have it out of Trans people and drag queens. It makes you think that maybe his internal polling shows that he won in large part because of how alienated middle America felt over all the “woke cancel culture mob” “gay stuff.”
This is of note especially when it comes to how Trump is probably going to ruin The Kennedy Centre by turning into a MAGA Grand Olde Opry. You know that Kid Rock and Ted Nugent are going to play there soon enough. Some really strange things are going to go down at that once prestigious place.
And, yet, one of the reasons that Trump gave for his decision to destroy The Kennedy Centre was they had some sort of big drag queen festival there. So, I guess he’s just going to lean into the MAGA equivalent of that. Ugh.
Trump is going to ruin and destroy everything of value in the United States to the point that, as I’ve said before — we’re going to be in a new age, no matter what. Either we turn into a version of Russia or we collapse and come back stronger than ever in some form of a Third Republic.
I think I’m just going to throw myself back into writing. I have a number of really good novel concepts rolling around in my mind and, for the time being, I’m going to just focus on those as the country swerves into MAGA Nazism.
Now, of course, I know that I’m setting myself up — it’s inevitable that I’m going to get sucked into the shitshow developing in the United States in some way. But, I really just want to write for right now. I just want to let myself daydream as I write a few novels.
I’m using AI to develop several novels — AI is turning me into a “10X writer” if you will. I’m really old to be a first time novelist, but maybe with the advent of the hard Singularity I will get 500 more years of writing.
Or not. Who knows.
All I know is I’m going to try to enjoy this twilight moment in my life before I get arrested and put into a camp. There’s nothing I can do, personally, to stop that since I won’t shut the fuck up so…lulz?
I only feel comfortable writing any of this because absolutely no one listens to me. If I felt anyone would actually listen to me on this subject, I would keep my thoughts to myself. So, in a sense, this is just mental masturbation to make myself feel better.
Having said all that, I suspect it’s at least possible that at some point after Social Security checks fail to be issued (probably at the end of this month) there might be some momentum towards real collective direct action in the guise of something pretty huge like a Blue General Strike.
I say this because neither Trump, nor Musk is going anywhere and the only way to get rid of one or both of them is to do something really fucking drastic, like crash the national (global?) economy by having a General Strike.
Of course, there is a risk that doing such a thing would play into Trump’s hands by giving him the right to declare martial law. I suspect he’s bound to do this anyway, so, lulz, bring it on.
And, yet, I think there is also a chance that Blue’s just don’t have it in them collectively to do something so dramatic and drastic. So, Trump and Musk will consolidate power and I will live in a MAGA dystopian hellscape for the rest of my life.
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