‘Profit’ — #Lyrics To A Folk Rock Song

This is just me screwing around. I feel like writing lyrics, so I’m trying to tell a story in verse. This is supposed to be about Trump making money off of being president.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

well the Constitution tells us what to do
but these days it seems we’ve gone stray
people are making profit off of their position

profit from position
profit from position
profit from position
is what you’re doing

the liar in chief wants me to believe
the deep state is out to get him
that they’re making a profit off their clearence

yet we all know he’s full of it
he’s making a killing off his position
all he does is lie, lie, lie

profit from position
profit from position
profit from position
is what you’re doing

we’re all going to be broke
once this is over that’s the truth
but we still have a chance
just fight

when will we get the truth I wanna know
is it so hard to side with the facts
or is everything just a gass

‘Cages’ — #Lyrics To A Folk Rock Song

Just screwing around. Enjoy.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

babies in cages
what are we going to do
babies in cages
won’t quit till their free

think we’ve forgotten
forgotten so quick
but let me tell you
that’s not going to stick

babies in cages
babies in cages
babies in cages

Uncle Sam’s putting babies in cages
we gotta set’em free
that’s all I know
that’s all I know

don’t talk to me about Obama
that’s not the issue
we’ve got children in cages
gotta free’em soon

babies in cages
what are we going to do
babies in cages
won’t quit till their free

babies in cages
babies in cages
babies in cages

‘In The Year 2020’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Folk Song

I’m bored and unhappy, so I’m venting with song lyrics that will never be performed.

In The Year 2020
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

in the year 2020
if we survive this shit
we’re all going to be looking for a hit
chomping at the bit at our fate
will the orange find a rhyme
or are we all going to die

in the year 2020
in the year 2020
what will be our fate
will even get to live to see it
our are we doomed

I can’t predict what will be
when 2020 arrives
all I can do is sing of our sin
our lives seem to flee in a click
nothing will be as it was before
if orange doesn’t get retired

but I can’t explain my pain
things could be better then
our maybe we’re all doomed
to an orange sky of lies

in the year 2020
in the year 2020
what will be our fate
will even get to live to see it
our are we doomed

I hope we don’t look back
in the year 2020
with regret that our hidsight
wasn’t what we prayed it would be

so the last question of the moment is
will 2020 be our 30/30 and the end
or will it be the beginning
will the darkness fall
or will everything be orange

in the year 2020
in the year 2020
in the year 2020
in the year 2020

‘Facts’ — Lyrics To A Woke Folk-Rock Song

These lyrics would be for a song like “Ohio.” I’m just writing these lyrics because doing so is relaxing. That’s all.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Rudy is on the job
telling us what he knows
when will the truth come out
does anybody know
anybody know
so we watch the president say
later in the week

he’ll get his facts straight
he’ll get his facts straight
he’ll get his facts straight

what does the president
have up his sleave
when will he just get up and leave
we’re going to have to deal with him
until the very end I’m afraid
he’s not going anywhere and neither are his lies
but we’re going to hear him say about Rudy

he’ll get his facts straight
he’ll get his facts straight
he’ll get his facts straight

nothing is going to change
I long for the truth to come back
but it’s gone for good
as long as Trump’s in charge

I just want things to go back
back to what they once were
when I could trust the president
not to lie, lie, lie

he’ll get his facts straight
he’ll get his facts straight
he’ll get his facts straight

‘The Ballad Of Donald & Stormy’ — #Lyrics To A Woke #Folk #Pop Song

This is just an off-the-cuff attempt to tell a story.

The Ballad Of Donald & Stormy
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

well, these two love birds met up
for a low rent rendezvous
he said hi and she said yes
and before you know their clothes were off
soon enough she was spanking him with his Fortune
while he thought of Ivanka and prayed to God

before you could blink
he was running for president
desperate as can be he gave her his all
at least $130,000 of it
the funny thing about it all is
the men of God meant to protect us
didn’t give a shit
so here we are with Donald as prez
oh dear God

we’re dealing with a disaster
with every single day
so the fact that the president laid a porn star
gets lost in the commotion
but how is it possible that people don’t care
that Donald banged Stormy and he paid her
paid her to stay quiet
what has this world come to
that’s what I want to know

now the only thing I can say
is if we want change
we’re going to have to vote
make the blue wave real
but even then are we all doomed
are we all going to get screwd
just like Stormy got screwed by Donald
I’d like to hope think not
like to think we got more gumption than that
and that’s a fact

‘A Blue Wave Is Comin” — #Lyrics To A Pop-Rock-Folk Song

I enjoy writing lyrics because it’s relaxing. No one cares about anything I write one way or another, so this is just me mentally masturbating. I just like to try to tell stories in verse, so you get this. This is about my hopes for the 2018 mid-terms.

A Blue Wave Is Comin’
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

things are looking dire
seems like all we can do is aspire
to a blue wave this year
something to bring back sanity
but who knows what will happen
all we can do is vote, vote, vote

a blue wave is comin’
a blue wave is comin’
that’s right
a blue wave is on its way
gunna blow Trump away

nothing seems to change
I watch events as they unfold on TV
when will my government return to normality
will I ever get to see anything change
or will the fascist when in the end
all I can say is believe
believe in the truth

a blue wave is comin’
a blue wave is comin’
that’s right
a blue wave is on its way
gunna blow Trump away

how they can keep a straight face
up on capitol hill while they lie
for a cheap thrill
I just don’t know

in the end
we’ll win my friend
that you can trust me about
we’ve got history on our side
let’s ride!

a blue wave is comin’
a blue wave is comin’
a blue wave is comin’
a blue wave is comin’

‘Standing On Principle’ — #Lyrics To A Woke Folk-Country-Pop Song

The music to these lyrics would be something slow and folk-country like a Charlie Daniels’ song. I got the chorus from Twitter.

Standing On Principle
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you perform or produce

the man on TV tells me the crazy shit going on
my friends support Trump but I don’t that for sure
they explain that he’s making America great again
but I won’t deny what I can hear and see
no matter what happens
I’m standing on principle
the one I was raised with that ain’t going no where
no matter what Trump may do or say

Trump’s a weak man’s ideal of a strong man
a dumb man’s ideal of a smart man
a failure’s ideal of a success
because of that I’m standing on principle
standing on principle
standing on principle

all I can say is if you love this country
you need to get to work
you need to engage your brothers and sister
we got to join forces to make a difference
we got to stand on principle
we got to stand on principle

I remember back in the day
when people were honest and true
when a politician told me something
I knew it was at least half true
but now, it’s all bullshit
what are we to do, what are we to do
we got to stand on principle
we got to stand on principle

Trump’s a weak man’s ideal of a strong man
a dumb man’s ideal of a smart man
a failure’s ideal of a success
because of that I’m standing on principle
standing on principle
standing on principle

things are bad it obvious to see
but maybe with a little luck
things will get better you see
you’ve got to have hope

I don’t know what will happen next
but the future looks pretty bleak
unless we stand on principle
if we don’t stand on principle
we got nothing left to fight for
don’t let them get you down
be sure to stand on principle
stand on principle
stand on principle

‘The Ballad Of Old Man Cotton’ — #Lyrics To An Angry Pop-Rock-Folk Song

Sen. Tom Cotton has proven himself to be a liar and I can’t stand it. It’s outrageous that he is willing to sell his soul and honor to protect our piece of shit president. Hence, this song.

The Ballad Of Old Man Cotton
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

old man Cotton
you are a national shame
we will vote you out
given a chance

old man Cotton

I see you on TV
you lie so fast
you are not a man of honor
you should just shut up
we know what happened
when will you tell the truth, truth, truth

old man Cotton
you are a national shame
we will vote you out
given a chance

old man Cotton

you don’t know the truth
even if it was a stick to the head
you’re going to feel the power of fact
one day, one day, one day
the voting booth still exists

old man Cotton
you are a national shame
we will vote you out
given a chance

old man Cotton

‘The Ballad Of Jeff Sessions’ — #Lyrics To A #Folk #Rock Song

This would be an angry folk rock song like Neil Young’s Southern Man. At least, that’s my imagination on the subject. Again, I only write song lyrics because it’s relaxing, not because I expect them to be produced.

The Ballad Of Jeff Sessions
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

Jeff Sessions you want to crack down on us all
think you can have the gaul to chain us to the wall
but I got something to tell you
you’re nothing but a fool
a racist old fool and we’ll soon be done with you

he’s coming for us all in the end
wants to take away our dank
throw us in the tank
Jeff Sessions is nothing but an evil old elf

he’s racist as they come
he leaves no white hood behind
wants to break the back of black folks
throw them back to the past

Jeff Sessions can’t handle a joke
doesn’t laugh
not one bit
he tongue is split like a snake
a Russian snake he can’t remember
not even one he spoke to over dinner

but we know the truth
the facts speak for themselves
in the end we shall over run his hate
bring peace back to the land
our need for justice will be slaked

‘Thoughts And Prayers’ — #Lyrics To An Angry Woke Folk-Pop-Rock Song

The music to this would be angry and folk pop rock like Neil Young’s Southern Man.

Thoughts And Prayers
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform

another day another mass death
it’s all too much I fret
how many is it today I wonder
how many young children torn from their mothers
but the NRA and Donald Trump
look at the color of the shooter and decide
if they take away rights for all or say

thoughts and prayers
is all they can give
thoughts and prayers
to say such a thing
in my view
is a sin

thoughts and prayers
are what they want us to say
they’re so afraid of the NRA
and the score they’ll get
they don’t care how many more die
they don’t care about it at all

when are we going to resist
when are going to stop to think
that this can’t go on forever
it all makes me want to drink
but until we address the problem
it’s all going to stink

thoughts and prayers
is all they can give
thoughts and prayers
to say such a thing
in my view
is a sin

I can see a future
one without guns
one where we love one another
it’s shouldn’t be that big a problem
where’s the rub?

I worry that we’re all doomed
doomed to die
at the hand of a gun
because we refuse to do anything
but I’ve got to have hope

thoughts and prayers
is all they can give
thoughts and prayers
to say such a thing
in my view
is a sin

thoughts and prayers
thoughts and prayers
thoughts and prayers