I Have Some Questions About That ‘ET’ In Miami

by Shelt Garner

Something curious happened in Miami the other day and it leaves me with a lot of questions. So, here’s what we know — a HUGE number of Miami police officers rushed to the scene around one of the malls in Miami. They apparently went to the scene because a bunch of teens were causing trouble and shooting off fireworks.

Ok, here’s where things get weird.

There is footage — in the dark, natch — of some sort of “creature” walking around the scene as well.

But here’s the catch — that’s all we got. There’s no up close, clear footage of such a huge creature walking around the middle of a major American city. You’d think SOMEONE would have a cellphone with a camera and have recorded the incident in a far less ambiguous manner.

And if there was some sort of space alien involved, where was there ship? And what happened later that night? Was the creature taken into custody by the police? And you mean to tell me that the single biggest event in Human History — Hard First Contact — just happened and everyone lulzed it? No leaks? No people screaming at the top of their lungs that aliens have landed?

It’s all very curious. It does give us a sense of what might happen if Hard First Contact did actually happen. I think you’d be surprised by how blasé people would be once it was clear that the ETs came in peace. I think (most) people would just shrug and move on to the next thing.

Some Idle Thoughts About Space Aliens

by Shelt Garner

I’m growing more and more sure in my belief that the universe is teaming with life, much of it intelligent and for some reason we just haven’t encountered it yet.

The reason why I believe this is earth has so much life — that started as soon as it could — that I find it difficult to believe that life didn’t pop up in the universe the moment it cooled down enough for it to happen.

This leads to the age old question — where is everybody?

There are a huge number of potential solutions. One solution is that we’re in some sort of Matrix situation and we’re all living in a vat and the universe we’re seeing isn’t the real one. Why this might be the case is best left to science fiction.

Another possible solution is there’s a very well established galactic order of some sort that that simply isn’t all that interested in us right now. They know about us, probably are monitoring closely but are waiting for us to meet some metric before introducing themselves.