Even though she’s significantly younger than I am, I am very fond of Emma Chamberlain. She’s kind of my downlow celebrity crush. She’s kind of the modern American version of Alexa Chung.
But I have to admit I really don’t know anything about the woman. I just like her vibe. She’s quite attractive and personable. It’s interesting that she’s just a glorified influencer at this point, not even really an It Girl.
I’m drunk. In fact, I’m so drunk that I’m going to troll the FBI field agent in DC that apparently monitors this blog for any mention of Alexa Chung. Ha! Anyway, it’s interesting to me that Ms. Chung has kind of vanished into the aether.
She was an It Girl for a little while there….and now….what?
It definitely seems as thought there is a very brief shelf life to being an It Girl. Emma Chamberlain is now the fashion world’s It Girl. She’s just 21 and so she probably has a solid three or four years of “It Girl” status on her before someone younger and cuter replaces her.
I have to admit that Chamberlain’s style at last year’s Met Gala was iconic. I wasn’t so thrilled with this year’s though.
Anyway. Back to Ms. Chung.
She’s getting old enough that she faces a fork in the road — either pop out a few kids or grow into being “cool aunt” that lets you smoke weed at family gatherings.
I think I’ve finally crossed into Being Old. While I find YouTube star Emma Chamberlain a delight, I just don’t “get” why she’s such a superstar with the Youngs.
Emma Chamberlain
I think some of it has to do with there’s a lot — and I mean A LOT — going on with YouTube that I don’t know anything about. Being a young YouTube star is like the textbook definition of something that I, as an Old, am completely clueless about.
Though, I have to wonder what her actual, real-life relationship is with that aging It Girl, Alexa Chung. Do they hate each other because they represent two slightly overlapping fashion eras? Or do they simply know that Ms. Chamberlain is the future and Ms. Chung is the past and they don’t let it get in the way of their frienship?
There are a lot, and I mean, A LOT of problems with any suggestion that there might be anything like the old Gawker. Now, when I say “the old Gawker,” I mean the Gawker of around 2003-2004 that was very similar to the even older idea of Spy Magazine. The later Gawker was shit and the new, Undead Gawker is just…undead.
But it’s a nice summer evening and I think I’ll give you my vision for how I would bootstrap a new Spy Magazine-Gawker type publication.
I think if you were serious about doing it, you start the process by starting not a blog, but a podcast. You get someone like Emma “It Girl” Chamberlain (or even SNL cast member Sarah Squirm) to talk about pop culture in a way that The Youngs like. You might, in real terms, build the product from the ground up around her personality. Or something. Maybe find someone else who is cheaper.
But the point is — find a really interesting person to host a near-daily podcast about celebrities and pop culture. Then once that’s gotten some traction, you establish a blog that you point people to from the podcast. That’s how you would build traffic to the site.
Now, from my obsession with Webstats, I can tell you that there is an insatiable interest in celebrities and pop culture. Some of the most traffic that comes to this blog — that almost no one reads — comes from people interested in a stray post about this or that celebrity.
I would suggest you obsess about Julia Fox’s every twitch. She’s such an interesting person that it’s a shame that there’s not one specific publication that simply details what she’s been up to. And then, once you get enough traffic to the blog, you start to cover politics. And then you maybe build out a podcasting network.
I am so old, and Emma Chamberlain is so young that it’s somewhat unseemly for me to even mention her. And, yet, I am very drunk right now and lulz, I don’t care.
Anyway, there’s something going on with Ms. Chamberlain that I, as an Old, don’t understand. She’s quite personable and interesting but I struggle to understand the white hot appeal she has to Zoomers.
What the what?
But, I’m Old. What do I know?
She’s an attractive, confident, interesting woman. And she seems to be an It Girl for the 2020s. Who am I say anything against that? She’s probably going to be in a movie or Netflix limited series soon enough. I have no right to complain.
I’m so old, and Emma Chamberlain is so young that I’ve been actively avoiding writing about her. But I’m drunk at the moment and so, as such, I’ve decided to YOLO it and write about the amusing moment when Alexa Chung met Ms. Chamberlain at this year’s Met Gala.
What’s so amusing to me is there was definitely some awkward hostility between the two It Girls. It was like the passing of the torch from one It Girl Era to another It Girl Era.
Both women are gorgeous and witty, but as an Old, I have to give Ms. Chung credit for being the wittier of the two. It will be interesting to see what happens to her if the head of British Vogue, Edward Enninful, somehow manages to out American Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.
Anyway, both women are lovely. I just thought it was amusing that they were forced to meet each other like American It Girl anti-matter to British It Girl matter.
It used to be, some time ago, that if I even thought about Fashion It Girl Alexa Chung, I got the feeling the FBI was looking at my blog. This happened because I got trolled and catfished by someone and hilarity ensued.
Before it was over, an intern who was part of the greater Alexa Chung media empire was looking at my LinkedIn and I keep getting hits from someone in D.C. who I feared was an FBI agent.
Alexa Chung
Anyway, the point is — it was all a big misunderstanding and I am totally, completely harmless. The only evidence that any of it happened is I plan on loosely basing a romantic interest in the last two books of this five novel project on Ms. Chung.
Otherwise, the whole incident was very dumb and ultimately value free. But I did learn a lesson — if you write a lot about a celebrity in even the most obscure part of the Internet there’s a good chance that someone, somewhere is going to notice for better or for worse.
The reason why I bring this up is I was watching “Internet celebrity” Emma Chamberlain talk to Alexa Chung at the Met Gala and Ms. Chamberlain caught my eye in the process.
Emma Chamberlin
I was all ready to make Ms. Chamberlain my new DL celebrity crush when I discovered she’s but the tender age of 20. Yikes. Talk about I need to step away from the keyboard after learning that piece of information.
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