Tik-Tok Is Extremely Brazen About Reading My Mind Using Digital Telepathy

by Shelt Garner

Tik-Tok is going to get Big Tech in trouble. Let me give you an example.

Recently, I came out of the shower and looked on the floor. I saw how wet the floor was and thought about how I didn’t want to get my feet wet.

I did not tell anyone this. I didn’t write a blog post, text any one, nothing. The concept’s sole existence was in my mind.

Within moments, I looked at my Tik-Tok For You Page and, surprise, what video do I see, but one about to keep your bathroom floor from getting wet when you take a shower.

This type of thing happens so often with Tik-Tok that they have to be reading my — and millions of other people’s — mind.

If Tik-Tok has this technology, then Facebook and Google do, too. (Facebook has a patent on such technology, by the way.) And it’s possible that was why Tik-Tok was so bent out of shape about giving its algorithm to any new American owner — they were worried their extremely good, extremely intrusive Digital Telepathy technology would fall into the hands of the Americans.

So, I suspect China’s government is using Tik-Tok to read American minds.

Political Grift Opportunity: Neuluds

by Shelt Garner

I went to a MAGA rally in DC recently — which was not only a case of zemblanity, but may have given me COVID19 — and my big take away was what a fucking grift the whole thing is.

The entire rally was based on a racist, misogynistic lie. The lie that at some magical, mystical moment in the past America was “greater” than it is now. We all know what that’s code for — whatever moment in the past when white men without a college education could get laid. So, it’s a time before #MeToo and #BLM. Or something.

Anyway, I have long thought that I missed a golden opportunity to make a lot of hard cash by faking to be MAGA and working my way up the MAGA delusion to the very top. I could have been a regular MAGA Chauncy Gardner before it was over with. I could have been standing next to Trump in the Oval Office if I had just given things some thought in, say, 2015.

So, if you want to know what I think the next big political grift is going to be, it’s Neo-Luddism. If you wanted to rebrand it something like NeuLudism, you could, I guess.

But we’re one Elon Musk announcement away from about 3 million hard working truckers losing their jobs virtually overnight. All those people might be receptive to a political message that wanted to destroy technology. Don’t quite know how you would convey that idea without…technology, but who would have thought that deranged ding-dong Donald Trump would get as far as he did?

But the Neulud grift isn’t going to be as easy as the MAGA grift. You’re going to have to work harder for no other reason than Neulud requires leadership to gently move MAGA people (who love Facebook, Twitter and now Parler) towards the idea of hating all technology that kills jobs.

So, in a sense, if, say, Tom Cotton adopted this political gambit, you would see a total realignment of American politics for no other reason than wealthy MAGA has gotten their plutocrat tax cut and they like Elon Musk too much to go along with such an idea.

If such an idea got any traction, you might everything thrown up in the air politically in the United States for a few years as things sorted themselves out. You might see a huge portion of the Republican Party fuse with a huge portion of the Democrat Party, while some Far Left and Far Right elements of both parties fused into an anti-technology party.

The only reason why I even suggest this is possible is Elon Musk and how overdue we are for a major lurch forward in technology. We’re about 10 years away from the last big burst of technology that changed the lives of every day people.

When it happens again, it might be so dramatic (in a way) as to be something of a “Soft Singularity.”

Anyway. No one listens to me.

Elon Musk — There’s No Need Risking Giving People Lobotomies: Contactless Telepathy Tech Is Obviously Ubiquitous

by Shelt Garner

Get this. There’s a late woman named Annie Shapiro who really changed my life while I was in Seoul. I noticed a woman recommend to me on my “For You” page on Tik-Tok and struggled to figure out what was unusual about her.

Then it hit me: she was a ringer for the late Annie Shapiro.

The two women could be at least sisters.

Now, I know correlation is not causation, but I’m beginning to think the telepathic technology of big tech like Google and Facebook that I suspect exists apparently is all over the place — even Tik-Tok.

It blows my mind that Elon Musk would want to risk giving people lobotomies with his Neural Link technology, when he could just adapt the obvious non-intrusive technology that already exists to do the same Goddamn thing.

I guess that would require spooking consumers by admitting that for some time now, Google, Facebook and now Tik-Tok can read our minds. They don’t have context — not yet — but they can definitely read our minds. I’m beginning to think Tik-Tok is the most intrusive of these telepathic technologies.

If I’m right — and I’m often wrong — but if I’m right, then it’s almost inevitable that somehow, someway consumers are going to get woke to this and feel a sense of mind rape.

Who knows. No one listens to me.