by Shelt Garner
When it comes to The Durham Report, the Far Right nutjobs of Twitter have made it something of a totem as to everything they want to change about America. The amount of hope that MAGA New Right cocksuckers pin on The Durham Report is identical to what the comically naïve “Resistance” of the Trump Era thought The Mueller Report would be.

As I understand it, Twitter MAGA New Right people believe The Durham Report is going to be bring down the entire “Deep State” so completely, so totally that Trump will be reinstated by Jesus H. Christ when he comes down from heaven and anoints Trump his replacement as The Son Of Man.
I wish I was joking. I’m not. From what I can tell of the MAGA New Right Twitter cesspool, that’s pretty much what they think. It’s reached Waiting For Gadot levels of asperation. All of their problems will be washed away like sin by the Blood of the Lamb if only The Durham Report would come out and “prove” that evil liberals really were, well, evil.
It makes you wonder what they’re going to do when, well, it doesn’t do just that but instead is, at best, a somewhat smug legal attack on some of the people who hurt Trump’s feelings.
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