by Shelt Garner
I have a very, very, VERY active imagination. As such, I often spin tales using very little information that often, or should I say, almost always, turn out to be total bullshit.
But I will note something interesting.
Last night, I talked to someone on the phone about the novels I’m working on. What’s of note about this is we went back and forth between me talking to her about the novels and my lingering existential dread about the United States having a civil war or slipping peacefully into autocracy at some point between now at 2025.
I looked at my Webstats this morning and…someone from D.C. seemed to have searched for something to do with my novel? I don’t know what they were searching for, but they landed on a specific link on this site where I talked at length about my vision for the novels I’m working on.
At first, I didn’t think much about it. But, gradually, over the course of the day, I began to imagine a scenario where, I don’t know, the fucking NSA or something, noticed my use of certain watchlist keywords and they started to listen directly to the conversation.
Then…they found what I was saying about the novels interesting enough that they — or someone they talked to — later decided to check me out on their home PC.
Like I said, I have a very active imagination. But it is an interesting little fairy tale.
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