As any student of history will tell you — the writer’s have a wicked sense of humor. In fact, I would say whomever is writing human history definitely likes irony. Before I go any further, let me stress that while I hate MAGA’s idology with a white hot fucking rage, I have nothing personal against any of them. I don’t want any physical harm to come to any of them, though I would squeal with glee if Trump spent the rest of his life in prison.
So, imagine how my eyebrows rose when I heard that the Dear Leader’s favorite cock holster Matt Schlapp not only hung out with some dude who went to CPAC with COVID19, he shook POTUS’ hand at some point later. I would go so far that if we could somehow prove that any potential COVID19 infection of POTUS came from that contact that we might have a new verb in the English language: “to schlapp.”
When you schlapp, you harm the thing you love the most.
I really don’t want any physical harm to come to Trump, or Schlapp, for that matter. Trump is doing his best to destroy himself all on his own without me hoping for any physical harm against him. Live long and prosper, Trump…in prison.
But, as I have said repeatedly, nothing as of right now gives me any indication that after all is said and done, Trump will still in be in power being a tyrant. And even if he somehow does leave office, his replacement will be someone equal (Pence) or worse (Rep. Steve King.)
Though, if really wanted to get surreal and dark, you might say if we start to have any continuation of government issues — which I definitely don’t want — that we may endup with a President Ivanka.
Matt Schlapp — he’s never going to get woke, even if we all die from Trump going insane.Shelton Bumgarner
by Shelt Garner @sheltgarner
Given what China was able to do, I’m beginning to think that maybe there’s some hope. Maybe. Maybe Trump’s hope that COVID19 will just vanish in a few weeks will come true and he can go back to plotting his consolation of power to found the Fourth Reich.
Is it possible that we may have a big spike in infections for about two weeks then it will subside like in China? I don’t know. I’m not an expert. The issue is, of course Trump. In fact, I would go so far as to say Trump’s mental state is probably the most mediated crisis we face with what happens with COVID19
Even if we have a best case scenario and after a significant spike in cases over the course of the next fortnight the cases drop, Trump could very well snap mentally in the meanwhile. When it becomes apparent to him that the previously absolute personal fidelity he enjoys with the MAGA base might not be as absolute as it has been, he might just snap. Either he’s going to implode or explode. I honestly don’t know which one.
If he implodes, then we’ll have something of a Pence Regency where we see Pence all the time and Trump just tweets really weird things — like usual. The only tip off we might have is he simply stops doing public appearances or any of his Nuremberg rallies. If he explodes, meanwhile, that will make an already bad situation far, far worse. He will begin to tweet really passive-aggressive things. He will abuse the “Presidential Alert System” in some astonishing ways. It will be a gross, historic national embarrassment for the ages. Trump will at last be seen by all for what he really is — an American Caligula.
But, again, it may be that we have a really, really wild two weeks or so (maybe until the end of April) and then things settle down. I just don’t know exactly the dynamic of what happened in Wuhan. Or, put another way, since this is a process, not an event, events are moving so fast and I don’t have a frame of reference to know what’s important and what’s not.
One thing I will say — things may get so bad so fast that even if they subside equally as dramatically in early April, Trump is not going to walk away from this unscathed politically. The economy is probably going to lock up in the near term under the best of circumstances. The fundamentals are sound, so I guess it’s possible Trump’s vision of losing the popular vote and winning the Electoral College will, again, happen and, well, lulz!
Or, to put it another way — nothing has happened yet to indicate Trump will suffer any long term political confluences even if some of the more dire things I’m worried about — The Gray Plague, the Wuflop — happen. As always, there’s only one person Trump has to worry about in real terms — himself.
If he snaps and finally does something so astonishing insane that even, say, Matt Schlapp has to admit, at last, that maybe we’ve enjoyed the tax cuts enough and Pence can give him just as many young hack MAGA judges as Trump.
Oh, who am I kidding, Trump is the anti-Christ and that’s why MAGA supports him. Even if Trump turns the earth into a post-nuclear hellscape, MAGA will just say everyone who was vaporized really went to heaven as part of the Rapture.
I’m always wrong. Always. I come up with these scenarios — usually the worst case — and I’m wrong. This happens all the time. But when it comes to my rather dire warnings about The Gray Plague striking the nation’s 1.4 million seniors in the 15,600 rest homes across the country, I struggle understand what I’m missing.
All the conditions are there for a horrific event in our nation’s history, and, yet no one is listening to me and I get the sense that no one else thinks this is a big enough risk to do what should be done — locking down all such facilities until further notice.
This must be one of those things where Maggie Haberman can just talk to Dr. Trump and he’ll tell her some reveled truth. I’m just a hayseed rube in a remote portion of a fly over state, what do I know? But here are the datapoints that are alarming me right now.
15,600 nursing homes in the United States 1.4 million patients.
The elderly 65+ are most at risk of succumbing to COVID19.
People in close proximity to each other (like a cruise ship or…a rest home) can be all infected quite quickly. (A mental institution in South Korea saw something like 90% infection rate).
We’re totally luzling this in the United States.
About 47 million Americans are 65+.
A rest home isn’t like a prison. You actually want to go there. People from all over the country visit them to see older relatives. It makes sense that, as such, we could see rather abrupt spike in infections across the country as the contagion uses each of the rest homes as an “signal amplifier.” The contagion will be far, far stronger than it might be otherwise because people will unknowingly visit these facilities during the incubation period, get infected and spread it even farther into the general population.
And, yet, I must be missing something. I’m always wrong. Something about the Kirkland County facility must be unique, the conditions different than everywhere else the nation.
Ok, real talk. I am well aware that in the early days of AIDS, it was often referred to as “The Gay Plague.” I have thought a lot about my use of the phrase, “The Gray Plague” in that historical context and I feel comfortable using it going forward.
The reason is, while “The Gay Plague” was proscription, “The Gray Plague” is descriptive. AIDS is actually pretty hard to get and a lot of people who weren’t gay got it in the early years because of tainted blood transfusions. And calling AIDS “The Gay Plague” was often used to harm the gay community and make people even more homophobic than they already were in the 80s.
Meanwhile, it’s not like people are going to avoid old people because of The Gray Plague. Going forward, the vast majority of people who die from COVID19, are going to be, well, old. So, yes, I guess is sounds rather tabloid to call it The Gray Plague, it is also a reasonably accurate description of what’s going on. It really is a potential massive culling of older people along the lines of the Black Plague.
The other term is “Wuflop.” Now, there’s a medical term for this that I can’t find. But I’m growing leery of using WuFlop because, well, MAGA are a bunch of fucking racist who will likely hop on the term to do God-only-knows what to Asian people of all stripes. So, I will continue to use the term in a sort of gallows’ humor fashion until I find out what the actual scientific term for the event is.
Whatever its scientific term, the WuFlop is eerie as hell and Americans simply aren’t prepared to see it happen here.
I have completely stopped using WuFlu outside of some things I step early on in the pandemic on this Website.I started using it at first because I thought it was an amusing reference to Wu-tang Clan. MAGA shitheads are trying to brand it the Wuhan Flu so they can blame the Chinese government and continue to suck Trump’s political cock.
I look forward to spitting in the eye of the Fourth Reich ICE agent who arrests me for these posts before he puts a bullet in the back of my head. Good times!
At a minimum, within one (1) year, I believe about 1 million elderly people in the United States will have died preventable deaths. Or, put another way, at a minimum, whenever the COVID19 vaccine is approved and is being used that’s how many elderly people would otherwise be alive if, say, Trump was an actual traditional president.
Here’s where I get that figure.
If 1.4 million high-risk elderly people are in 15,600 homes across the country, then that’s probably (maybe) 600,000 people who may die rather abruptly and in a very alarming manner over the course of a few (early) months. That 1.4 million people are sitting ducks to die from COVID19 as things stand. As COVID19 bounces around the general population, a lot of people with COVID19 will visit their elderly relatives while unknowningly sick with COVID19.
But that’s just the beginning. There are 47 million Americans 65+. Roll that around in your head for a moment and it’s not too far fetched to assume at least an additional 400,000 elderly people will die who might not otherwise have died with an abundance of precaution.
Now, if you really wanted to get dark, you would say that rest homes are really just a means to an end. Each one of those 15,600 nursing homes will be strategic superspreaders. Before we even realize what’s going on, not only will a horrific number of at-risk elderly people die, but the general contagion will be signficiantly amplfied across the country from people who have gone in and out of one of those facilities before we even know what’s going on.
But, before a Twitter Liberal tweets this to prove how I’m a “dangerous charlatan” spreading bad information as a part of “fear porn” — please don’t listen to anything I have to say. I just like running scenarios and writing. Hence, this post.
I’m probably wrong. I’m always wrong. But the above is my general sense, as of right now, as to how potentially bad things might get. It could be less severe, it could be worst. Who knows. I can’t predict the future.
I feel I’m about two weeks ahead of everyone else psychologically when it comes to this pandemic. As such, I’m feeling rather calm. I’ve reached acceptance.
How Twitter Liberals view me.
The key thing is I accept that absolutely no one is going to give me any credit for, in a sense, calling some major elements of this crisis. I’m just a no body. I am an aspiring novelist and the I’m very pleased with what I’ve managed to develop so far. I am rather worried that its context will be dramatically different, however. Though given how overtly political and anti-MAGA it is (in a very diffused, non-preachy manner), I guess if we manage to make it through alive, there might be an audience for a rumination on the Trump Era hiding under the guise of a thriller.
I’m going to assume that’s the case gong forward, anyway.
We do have some significant milestones ahead of us. Trump hasn’t gone bonkers yet. We haven’t had The Event that will “re-calibrate” our perception of the world for years, maybe decades, to come. That Event will either be the first conspicuous culling of the elderly associated with The Gray Plague and / or recorded instance of the WuFlop somewhere in the United States. Given how fucking racist MAGA is, I probably need to stop calling it “the Wuflop.” It has an actual scientific term, but I don’t know how to spell it — yet.
Anyway. The issue at this point is how bad, exactly, is it all going to get? I could get a lot worst than we imagine right now given the cold hard fact that there are about 15,000 rest homes in the United States with a total of 1.4 million residents. Each one of those rest homes not only could potentially be felled by COVID19, but also serve as something of a “signal amplification” site for the virus because it’s not like prison where not that many people go in and out. People go in and out of rest homes all the time — often from outside the community — and, as such, well, yikes!
It may get very dark within the next two weeks until our minds acclimate to what’s going on around us. We haven’t even gotten to the part where global bad actors decide to strike while the going’s good.
And still Trump won’t be held politically accountable.
15,600 nursing homes in the United States 1.4 million patients.
The elderly 65+ are most at risk of succumbing to COVID19.
People in close proximity to each other (like a cruise ship or…a rest home) can be all infected quite quickly. (A mental institution in South Korea saw something like 90% infection rate).
We’re totally luzling this in the United States.
About 47 million Americans are 65+.
Those datapoints, to me at least, seem to point to a historic, preventable catastrophe in the making.
I guess we’re still in the “denial” phase of MAGA’s potential death rattle. Or, maybe, the phase before the Fourth Reich consolidates power and the American Killing Fields open in an ICE Camp near you. Lulz?
The reason why I say that is Hugh Hewitt is living in la-la land when it comes to the Trump Administration’s reaction to COVID19. What is also interesting is it seems as though MAGA “thought leaders” are prepping the ground for some regular old racism — people like Hugh Hewitt keep conspicuously calling it “Wuhan Flu” as if to dog whistle some anti-Chinese racism in the near, near future. (Please note, I still call COVID19, “Wuflu” because that’s what I first heard it called and it’s a sly reference to Wu-tang.
And, all things being equal, they’re likely to succeed. COVID19 is moving rather slow right now and they have plenty of time to lay the ground work for blaming Asians, or liberals or God himself, if need be, for any political damaged going forward. In the end, I think we all know what may happen — the Dear Leader will simply order the faithful to vote for him, no matter what, as a sign of their personal fidelity to him. He’s already pretty much close to this when he called farmers “patriotic.” He’s trying to get them to tow the line long-term so the evil brown people and the evil feminists won’t snatch their children in the middle of a cold Iowa night.
So, in a sense, MAGA is no longer just a cult, or a personality cult, it’s a DEATH CULT. They would rather we all die than Trump face any political consequences. So, even if Trump somehow magically is force out of office peacefully, House Trump will bounce back extremely quick by telling the faithful that they only lose because of the media’s “hoax” coverage of COVID19 that tanked the economy. This, even if, like, 11 million people die. They just don’t care. They really hate women and brown / black people that much.
I have say, I’m rather impressed with Hugh Hewitt and his fellow MAGA thought leaders for their commitment to the grift. I love you Hugh Hewitt, I really do. You’re the bestest guy in the WHOLE WORLD.
Oh boy. The existing datapoints are flashing red on this one.
The elderly 65+ are most at risk of succumbing to COVID19. People in close proximity to each other (like a cruise ship or…a rest home) can be all infected quite quickly. (A mental institution in South Korea saw something like 90% infection rate). We’re totally luzling this in the United States. About 47 million Americans are 65+.
We already have a case of ONE rest home in Washington State being, essentially, a strategic super-spreader of COVID19.
So, logically, if we’re not taking this seriously and “jungle rules” are applying right now to the spread of COVID19, then, well, it’s looking pretty grim.
The thing I didn’t realize is one reason why The Gray Plague may be far, far more deadly than I initally realized is where the most at-risk elderly people in any one community are: all together in one spot.
A rest home.
So, if we had any leadership, we would lock down all rest homes immediately and require very strict metrics for outsiders to visit them.
As we doing this?
Little Big Man Mick Mulvany told me this is “isn’t SARS, this isn’t Ebola.” Just sit back, think of Trump, tax cuts, young hack MAGA judges and getting fucked on a historic scale.
It has taken me a little while, but I’ve figured out why so many MAGA people are interested in COVID19. It’s not that they’re oblivious to the fact that Trump is completely fucking up the handling of this pandemic. They just don’t care. That’s a lulz.
What they’re more interested in is the idea that a pandemic will be the end of the global liberal order that has kept the peace for about 75 years. They’re looking forward to, what? I don’t know. A lot of elderly people dying unnecessarily? I thought angry old Baby Boomers were the core of MAGA. But, lulz. I guess the younger, more ignorant MAGA shitheads think that when the global order collapses and the poors are desperately searching for food while Peter Thiel snorts coke off a twink’s asshole that, what, their jobs will come back? That women will go back to being living gestation pods?
Some of it is that, by nature, many MAGA shithead fuckers are preppers who have been looking forward to the end of the world for some time — why else would they vote for the anti-Christ, I mean Donald Trump. They have been preparing for a post-apocalyptic hellscape for decades, so if Trump makes it closer to being a reality, all the better. All the more reason to support him, right, you fucking shithead KAG and MAGA fucks?
House Trump is going to lie and cheat as necessary in its craven need to consolidate power going forward. The Fourth Right is here. I just have to be sure not to die in an ICE Camp.
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