by Shelt Garner
Enjoy this bit of quiet we have in America right now. All signs point towards “the fourth turning” happening “no later than 2025.” That’s what I think and that’s what the 90s book, “The Fourth Turning” suggests as well.
I bought the book because Business Insider said it was Steve Bannon’s favorite (or some such) and I was curious to see what that greasy motherfucker would like it so much.
Having read the book, my chief take away is they padded a third of it by doing a “We Didn’t Start The Fire” listing of every major historical event of each “turning.” I suppose they think that was suppose to support their thesis, but I just found it boring and gratuitous. I knew everything they listed and did not need a refresher on them. Instead of going through every major historical event of the last 80s years they could have give me more analysis about their over arching conceit.
The other take away I got was the book reads way too much like the other “male astrology” of evolutionary psychology. It seemed a little too spot on at times and there was one event that they couldn’t fit into their “reveled truth” of “turnings” — the civil war.
But I will give them this — they definitely are on track to predicting the 2024 catastrophe that I have come to believe is now inevitable. So, to that extent, the book is kind of spooky. That a book written in the late 90s could get a disaster in 2024 so right is pretty good. And they said 2005 would be a big year. What they didn’t know what it wasn’t 2005 it was 2008 and the election of Obama that would set things off.
So, again, that’s pretty good.
One thing I want to make clear — history has already decided that we can no longer keep punting the political crisis the United States is in right now down the road forever. We just got VERY LUCKY in 2020 for a number of historical reasons that no one could have predicted.
We won’t be as lucky again.
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