A Long Time Ago
lyrics by @sheltgarner
please give credit if you produce or perform
it was a long time ago and
no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore.
I can’t help but think
think about what could have been
if I had take the right advice
believed in myself a little bit
instead of wading into the shit
but here I am
head in hand
thinking of it all
it was a long time ago and
no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore.
people look at me and smirk
telling me that I look like dirt
weep all you like they think
but you’re a freak to believe
anyone at all cares about those lost songs
people tell me to cheer up and grin
but all I do is wade in my past sin
it was a long time ago and
no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore.
thinking of the present
moving forward is the only way
I know the best is yet to come
and that to think otherwise is dumb
but here I am with myself
reaizing nothing will change
despite the change in age
it was a long time ago and
no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore.
it was a long time ago and
no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore
it was a long time ago
and no one cares anymore.