‘Stop Being Poor’ — MAGA’s Views On Poverty Are Bonkers

by Shelt Garner

It’s becoming clear to me that the political divisions in the United States are hardening. I say this because those times I’ve spoken to MAGA people of late, I realize I’m wasting my energy. They have their orthodoxly, and I have mine.

But, sometimes, I have to vent. Sometimes, their augments are so batshit bonkers that I have to write about them.

Recently, I saw a middle class MAGA person give the spicy hot take that said, essentially, that poor people in the United States are ungrateful mooches. They should be grateful that the meager life they live as a poor person in a First World nation is better than a rich person in a Third World country. Or, actually, if I recall correctly, the actual argument was poor people in the United States are making more than a lot of rich people in Third World countries.

The stupid, it burns.

This type of thinking is so goddamn stupid that I can only guess that it comes from when MAGA only talk to people who agree with them. This line of reasoning conflates things so badly and is so poorly thought out that it really fucking grates on my nerves.

You see, there’s this thing called the cost of living. And just because you are making a certain amount of money on government assistance in the United States and that that would be some sort of extravagant life elsewhere, that doesn’t mean that it’s any easer to feed yourself where the fuck you are.


And, yet, trying to point any of this out to MAGA people is a waste of time. Most of MAGA’s political arguments are little more than grunts mixed with a shit tone of self-serving rationalization.

Pondering The MAGA Desire To ‘Just Be Left Alone’

by Shelt Garner

A recurring theme whenever I talk to MAGA people is their desire to “just be left alone.” Given how willing they are otherwise to embrace autocracy — which will definitely not just leave them alone, I struggle to understand what they’re really talking about. What, exactly, do they mean by the idea of “just being left alone.”

Under our current liberal democracy, who is not leaving them alone?

It’s this type of abstract fear on the part of MAGA that eats away at me. One reason this is so is FOX News and Trump really lean into this fear. They promise MAGA people that if only they support The Dear Leader, that they will stop the evil liberal-progressive forces that will mess with them.

I guess if I wrote for Vox, I would be smart enough to figure this out. I know this sentiment is some sort of MAGA code for a specific situation, but I still can’t figure out what they really mean. Maybe what they’re talking about is how they have a different interpretation of the social contract than non-MAGA people. Maybe they see “just being left alone” to mean the right to be openly racist, bigoted and misogynistic?

But I fear that doesn’t really even properly express what’s going on. We all want to just be left alone, regardless of political leanings, and yet I see that freedom as something we already have and MAGA sees it so currently imperiled that they would burn the country to the ground and install an autocrat to defend it.

Why The Cyber Ninjas Arizona Audit Could Be A Royal Clusterfuck

by Shelt Garner

Let me begin by saying I’m almost always wrong. I kind of got COVID19 right, but I wildly over estimated how deadly it would be. This happen, in large part, because I misjudged things from how hysterical the Chinese government was at the time it first popped out.

Anyway, having said that, the conditions are there, at least, for the Cyber Ninjas recount of Arizona votes to set off a cascading series of events that may lead to a severe political crisis in the United States by, say, August. (Or whenever they get done.)

I say this because Trump is setting expectations among the MAGA faithful in a very dangerous, corrosive manner. While Trump’s popularity has faded significantly with the general public, he still has absolute power over the Republican Party. As such, it’s easy to imagine a situation where Cyber Ninjas “proves” that he “won” Arizona and Trump takes this one fake victory in one state and begins to rant hysterically about how this “proves” that he has to be reinstated in the August-September timeframe.

I only pick August-September because August is a shitty month and also we’re coming up on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Anyhoo, this is where I just don’t know what is going to happen. It could really go either way. This “victory” could become nothing more than just another overheated FOX News talking point — or it could be the stepping off point to something far more ominous. As I keep writing, I could imagine Trump’s nuts rhetoric being taken both seriously and literally by MAGA state legisatures and they convene conventions to study the “nullificaton” of the Biden Adminstration.

These conventions turn into secessionist conventions….and away we go. But I don’t know. I just don’t know. It all could be just a bid dud and we get to enjoy hot girl summer. That is, of course, until next year when Republicans will do everything in their power to make it impossible for Democrats to keep control of Congress.

A Theory About Why Democrats Are So Bad At Defending The Republic

by Shelt Garner

The Republican Party is now a “violent cult,” and, as such, they’re hell bent on an existential level, on forcing us to the breaking point. The Republican Party is involved in an extended, existential power grab. A lot of people like me are looking at the actions of the Democratic Party and struggle to understand why they’re so limp wristed.

A lot is going on as to why this is the case. One is, as the Republican Party grows more deranged and alienates people, the people the Democrats represent are large and diverse. This makes it more difficult for Democrats to have a cohesive, potent counter-message to Republicans who have an entire propaganda infrastructure designed to tell their faithful what to think at any particular moment.

But, I also think on a systemic level that Democrats know that if they play dirty like the Republicans that such behavior will only accelerate our current drift towards the existential choice of civil war or autocracy. Democratic leaders would rather delay the inevitable by playing dead than risk forcing the issue sooner than it would happen anyway. So, I guess, in a sense, Democrats are engaging in a form of political appeasement.

I don’t have a ready answer for that. The reason — I hate violence and it’s not like I want a civil war, either. And, yet, there’s a part of me that would rather we at least put up a fight against the autocratic leanings of Republicans. But I’m gradually coming to believe that the center-Left just doesn’t have it in them to do what is necessary to stop the United States from slipping into autocratic managed democracy.

In the end, MAGA Republicans are going to be just too much for people who believe in “the American way’ of liberal democracy. ICE will be weaponized and I’m going to get pushed out a window.

But no fate but what we make, as they say, so, lulz, who knows?

Sydney Powell, Cyber Ninjas’ Arizona Recount & The Prospect Of Second Civil War Caused By A Nullification Crisis

by Shelt Garner

The bolts continue to grow loose on the United States’ government. We have professional crazy personal Sydney Powell ranting about how Trump should be “reinstated” at the same time that Cyber Ninjas continue to work towards what seems to be their obvious goal of “proving” Trump won Arizona.

Now, as I keep saying, what makes all of this unnerving is, at this point, it could go either way. It could be that I’m really stretching to believe that should Cyber Ninjas “prove” Trump won Arizona that that might be enough to get a number of MAGA state legislatures to convene conventions to weigh the practicality of “nullifying” the Biden Administration. These conventions could, in turn, become secession conventions once it becomes clear that ding-dong Trump’s ideas about nullification are, well, just stupid.

It could be all that happens is the Cyber Ninja results becoming nothing more than a talking point for MAGA thought leaders, but otherwise won’t mean anything at all. Republicans could just keep recounting various states over and over again and it won’t be until January 2025 that we have to worry about the real nullification crisis — this time sparked by a MAGA controlled Congress being unwilling to certify Biden’s win.

The only reason why I’m uneasy is it’s very easy to imagine the same dynamic that happened on January 6th happening again — only this time on a national level. Trump and other dipshit Republicans will rant about the need to nullify the Biden Administration — and then won’t know what to do when MAGA state legislatures take them both seriously and literally.

But, again, I could be really miscalculating things. It could be, thankfully, a big old dud. I honestly can’t tell what is going to happen right now.

The Twitter ‘Resistance’ Movement Needs To Grow The Fuck Up

by Shelt Garner

One of the most fucking annoying things on Twitter, other than people begging for followers and asking stupid questions, has got to be when well meaning busybodies talk about all their “resistance” friends.

Fuck that.

The thing I’ve learned since 2017 is Twitter “resistance” to MAGA is completely value free. It just doesn’t mean anything. I’ve grown to believe that at some point between now and January 2025, MAGA is going to make a serious power grab to the point that we either become a white Christian ethno state like Russia, or there’s a civil war.

If the former happens, all you have to do is take one look at the state of the “resistance” in Putin’s Russia to know people having fits on Twitter won’t mean squat. All a President Pompeo or Cotton, or Hawley has to do is flip a switch and the ICE infrastructure is weaponized…and people like me start getting pushed out of windows.

You come preen all the like on Twitter about how some interview “devastated” this or that well known MAGA dipshit, but when the autocracy comes…you had better put your big boy pants on. At some point after the MAGA autocracy is established, you’re going to face real-life consequences for “resisting” the autocracy. And from what I can tell of the current Twitter “resistance” ranks, I don’t have a lot of faith that these self-avowed resisters will be up to the task. They have families, and careers and or whatever. Most of them come off as elderly liberal Boomers…and they’re not exactly what is needed as the core of a French Resistance-type group.

So, like, put up or shut up idiots. Be prepared to risk things in the real world that are important to you or shut the fuck up.

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love America’s Coming Existential Political Crisis

by Shelt Garner

I hate violence. I really, really hate guns and violence. And, yet, I’m not an idiot — it’s pretty obvious that Republicans have come a bloodthirsty cult, hell bent on turning the United States into an autocratic white Christian ethno state like Russia.

But I’m still not a violent person, so there must be something else one can do in preperation for the very real prospect of an existential political crisis likes of which we’ve not seen since the fall of 1860. For me, the simple answer is one of expectations. Do not rely upon the idea that something that should otherwise be a basic assumption — the person with the most votes, wins — is what is going to happen.

The problem with that assumption in modern America is manifold. First, Republicans are actively making it as difficult as possible to vote. Second, even if Democrats do manage to get the most votes, Republicans are have made it clear that they won’t believe it and will do everything in their power to nullify the results.

As such, those of us who still believe in liberal democracy face an issue of expectations. When the nullification crisis finally happens, that is going to be when we finally have the existential question before us that I keep talking about on this blog: autocracy or civil war.

The specifics of this clusterfuck are still too far off to be mapped out, but I do think if you have the means you need to two things: buy a passport and make sure you live in a state that jibes with your political views. The thing about an actual civil war is while they open up a lot of opportunities to fix systemic problems — they’re fucking scary as hell and there are no assurances that your side will win.

The original American Civil War was very much a touch-and-go event for the North until, say, Gettysburg. Even though the North had the population and economy, for years into the battle it lacked the political will to do what was necessary to win the war. So, too, the augment could be made that Blue States, despite having bigger economies, more cohesive polities and more concentrated populations may collectively shrug if MAGA sizes control via nullification and we become an autocratic managed democracy.

I feel very much as though I’m someone living in America about 1859 — everyone knows Something Bad is going to happen in a few years, but the details are still to be worked out. This is when I point out the old quip about how people go bankrupt, “gradually then all at once.”

That’s my fear with the United States. Things are going to obviously be unstable for years and then…whammo….we’re going to face the prospect of either civil war or autocracy. It’s going to happen very quickly and without any notice to such an extent that MAGA Republicans — who apparently constantly have political violence on the brain — will take advance of their ability to do some shock and awe against Blue States.

This all becomes very muddled very quickly because I have no idea of the specifics of this existential crisis — just that all signs point to it happening at some point between now and January 2025.

But the point is — be prepared for significant political turbulence in the United States in the coming years. The type where heroes will be made and cowards will be shamed. Good luck.

Norm Ornstein On Deep State Radio Is Right: The Republican Party Is A Violent Cult

by Shelt Garner

All the political metrics in the United States are pointing towards a very dark future between now and January 2025. In fact, it’s not so much a question of if, but when, we face a very stark choice: autocracy or civil war.

So when I heard Norm Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute lay out the same arguments that I have been ranting about on this blog for months now, it took me aback a little bit — I’m not the only one to thinks we better enjoy this quiet before the storm.

The only thing that continues to frustrate me is not enough Blue Check liberals on Twitter are taking these cold hard metrics and then asking what the implications of them are. I mean, what does it mean, as Ornstein says, that the Republican Party is now a “violent cult.” How do we prepare for that going forward.

Rather than just noting this ominous development in the public Twitter lyceum why don’t the nattering nabobs of negativism start to figure out what we are supposed to do about it.

This is when I wish I was smart enough to write for VOX, or New York Magazine or even The New Yorker. It would be nice if liberal-progressive thought leaders could come up with some sort of plan of action like they did before the 2020 election. The 2024 election has the potential to be far worse than the 2020 election because the likelihood of violence is significantly greater.

Tragically, just thinking off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of as to how to respond to the Republican “violent cult” is to be prepared to fight dirty just like they do. Or, put another way, we have to recalibrate our views of the Republican Party. They are no longer one of the two major parties in the United States, they are a violent cult hellbent on destroying our liberal democracy one way or another. We have to be prepared to call their bluff in a way we haven’t since 1861.

I hate even having to entertain such a drastic idea, but the only reason I am is, well, the Republican Party is a violent cult. We can’t pretend that they’re a normal political organization anymore. They’re equal to American Slave Power of the 19th Century.

God help us all.

The Curious Political State Of Trump

by Shelt Garner

The interesting thing about Trump is on one hand his power has receded among the general populace, while within the Republican Party is personality cult is only getting stronger. As such, a lot of Twitter liberals see this and scoff at the notion that Trump might be able to win the presidency again.

And here’s the rub: he doesn’t have to — all MAGA has to do is nullify the election of Biden in 2024 and throw the election to their ding-dong Dear Leader, no matter what the actual vote count may be.

Or, put another way, we continue to careen towards the stark choice of either autocracy or civil war. If we do go the autocratic route, the big question for me is does our new autocrat at least attempt to work within Americans’ self-perception of us being the “land of the free” or does he say fuck it and bring the whole thing down, damn the consequences?

I was way too quick to assume Trump would do the latter when it turned out he was such a lazy idiot he couldn’t pull it off — in short, he was just a lot of talk. But, then again, if our autocrat was someone younger and more focused then it’s very easy to imagine a situation where people like me really do begin to get pushed out of windows by ICE.

But history has surprised me before. It could be we just muddle through this like we have in the past and while we’ll inevitably get a MAGA autocrat they won’t be nearly as bad as I fear. Though, as I keep saying, form follows function, so it seems pretty easy to imagine a scenario where things get pretty dark in the United States pretty quick.

I hope I’m wrong, I really do.

America’s Liberal Democracy Is In A Tailspin

by Shelt Garner

American liberal democracy is dead, but for one thing — our national self-perception. It was only because of a very specific set of events that Trump did not win a second term and have four years to demand a Constitutional Convention that would turn the United States, at last, into nothing more than Trumplandia.

But the anti-democratic problems in American politics that brought us Trump continue to push us towards an autocratic managed democracy future. And this is when I find myself struggling to figure out what happens next. History would suggest that we’re going to quietly slip into autocracy and that will be that. It will just be conventional wisdom that for a Democrat to become president, Democrats will also have to control Congress. This won’t happen very often because of voter suppression and gerrymandering.

That will be it.

We will turn into an Americanized version of Putin’s Russia. And, honestly, it’s easy to imagine that as long as MAGA autocrats don’t go after freedom of speech head-on that there will be something of a truce in our politics — MAGA autocrats will weld hard power for generations to come while liberals will vent on TV and Twitter, accomplishing nothing.

And, yet, form follows function. It’s very easy to imagine President Pompeo, or President Cotton or President Hawley (the list goes on) growing greedy and demanding a Constitutional Convention that would do away with some pretty basic freedoms that Americans simply assume will always be there. And that’s when — if we haven’t had one already — we may very well have something akin to a civil war.

This is not to say that we might not have a civil war as part of MAGA’s bungling of our transition from liberal democracy to autocracy. That’s a very real possibility between now and January 2025.

But I don’t know. I just don’t know. All I do know is everyone is going to have to pick a side soon enough. It will be existential and unavoidable.