by Shelt Garner
Both options when it comes to the recent sightings of UFOs by the USAF come with some serious problems. Let’s look at the two options and struggle with their individual problems.
If the UFOs are of alien origin, then their appetence is somewhat underwhelming. That they would do something so prosaic as simply hang out off the American eastern seaboard to monitor a U.S. Navy base is…kinda of meh. If you have the ability to travel the light years necessary to get to earth, why do something as dull as that? Also, why haven’t other nations come forth to say they’ve seen similar things? Why would the U.S. Government be the only one in the world to show such footage? Lastly, I struggle to believe that if aliens had the ability to get to earth that they wouldn’t also have the technology necessary to make themselves invisible. I know that’s jumping to conclusions, but it’s a reasonable assumption to make.
If you were a foreign government that had developed technology far, far more advanced than the US Government, why would you blow your secret on something as dumb hovering conspicuously off the coast of the United States? It definitely seems as though whomever designed these craft (drones?) wanted us to know they existed.
Bonus Issue:
Why has the U.S. Government changed its tune on UFOs so abruptly? I know there’s some sort of report that’s supposed to come out soon that Congress will be given…but that seems like just a fig leaf for a bigger reason. What that “bigger reason” my be, I have no idea. It’s all very curious.
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