By Shelt Garner
I just don’t see any endgame in the severe crisis we’re in where things go “back to normal.” Either we become a plutocratic autocracy or we collapse and are reborn as a Third Republic in some way. That’s all I got.

The thing about Elon Musk is he’s doing all this shit that Trump is too lazy, stupid and unfocused to pull off. What gets me is all these fascist tech bros who are coming out of the woodwork in ardent support of Emperor Musk. It’s all very surreal.
I suppose it’s within the realm of possibility that Musk will do something so dumb and dramatic that even Reds will get upset. But we have a ways — a long ways — ahead of us before that happens. The end of February is going to be a big deal because that’s when Social Security checks go out.

If they, for some reason, fail to materialize, a lot of people — even Reds — will be upset and start to appoint blame. It’s possible that that will be the moment when Trump cuts Musk loose, but it will be way too late.
I can just see it now — we learn that whatever Musk’s tykes did to prevent Social Security checks from being cut will take months to fix and the thinking is that by time everyone will stop being angry and figured out how to live without that regular source of income.
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