Focusing On The First Chapter Of The Thriller At The Moment

by Shelt Garner

I’m finally throwing myself back into the novel, the first of what is hoped to be a six novel project. I keep expecting to read in the trades that someone has stolen a creative march on me, because I’m taking so long with this novel but…lulz…this novel is so personal that maybe I’m in luck.

I’m really leaning into AI to help with development of this draft of the novel. I’m trying to use as little AI generated copy as possible — I’m only using AI for development.

But I’ve got to hurry up. I can’t just spin my wheels forever on this project, I have to produce something, anything sooner rather than later. Yet, I back to believing in this project with all my heart, which is what I need to actually get it done before I drop dead.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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