‘May You Live In Interesting Times’

by Shelt Garner

But for the fact that we will never have another free-and-fair Federal election in my lifetime, I would say that Trump’s clusterfuck the last few weeks might mean something.

But, fun fact, nope.

Trump is going to run for — and win — a third term and we’ll all be sitting around wondering who will be his successor. The chief reason for all of this is the Republican Party, on an existential basis, is corrupt, autocratic and craven to the point that only burning it to the ground would change anything.

And that, my friends, is just not going to happen.

So, we’re stuck with one of our two major parties not believing in any form of democracy that doesn’t help them. As such, while there may be the occasional flair up, in general we’re heading into a New Age where the US is probably going to align with Russia and other autocratic states just as the social safety net is gutted for huge tax breaks for plutocrats.

Lulz, nothing matters.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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