And, Then, Suddenly….

by Shelt Garner

Of all the differences between living in South Korea and the United States, there is one that sticks out — how fast things change. In the United States, things stay the same for a long, long time, then BAM, everything lurches forward into the future.

Meanwhile, in South Korea, every day — at least for an expat — is an adventure. Everything changes really, really fast seemingly in minutes. That is one of the many things that can cause severe reverse culture shock when you return home to the States after living in Asia for a long time.

I only bring this up because my life has been the same for a few years now and I’m growing worried that something unexpected — or expected — will happen to throw my life up in the air and I’m going to be pushed into a new era of my life.

It’s probably going to suck, but, lulz, they never promised us a rose garden.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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