The SNL 50th Anniversary Show Was Bad

by Shelt Garner

I did not like the SNL 50th Anniversary Show. It felt really long and slow and didn’t give the show’s 50 years on TV the justice it deserved. I would have either broken the 3 hours into eras or just live streamed a five hour extravaganza that gave each era a full hour to be contemplated.

I suppose they did the best with what they had. But they’ve been planning this thing for years and to give the audience such a limp-wristed show celebrating half a century of entertainment is just….wait, what?

What’s worse, the show ended with a Paul McCarney performance that was really bad because there was something wrong with his voice. I had hoped that maybe Ring might pop out…but, no.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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