by Shelt Garner
It is clear that soon the United States really will be a dictatorship in the traditional sense — Trump (with his proxy Musk) will rule by decree or just ignore the rule of law while the Legislative and Judicial branches cool their heels in obscurity.

That seems to be our immediate future.
And, what’s more trillions of wealth will probably be transferred from the very poor to the very wealthy in a few months once some legislation is passed.
All of this doesn’t vie well for the future of the United State’s stability. And, yet, I also think Americans are, in general, just too complacent to do anything like a General Strike.
I think this is it. We will no longer have free and fair elections and we will be an actual traditional dictatorship — probably by the end of the year, if not sooner. So, lulz, I suppose my fears of dying at the hands of an ICE agent aren’t too far off.
I will just remain a Man In A High Castle until that happens.