by Shelt Garner
Here we go again, but worse. We live in an even more extreme version of Vichy American than we did during the first Trump Administration. The forces of fascism are currently doing a shock and awe campaign against American institutions with a great deal of success. Trump continues to use all the slack in the system allotted him to get away with some pretty brazen fucking things.
All I got is something is going to happen to Social Security. If Trump manages — with the help of Elon Musk — to fuck that up, people will sit up and take notice. But, for the time being, Trump still has plenty, PLENTY of wiggle room.
He’s going to destroy as many guard rails and institutions as he can for as long as he can until, I don’t know….people get woke en masse. The only thing I can think of is a General Strike — probably in Blue States. If THAT happened, there is a small chance that we could maybe, just maybe drive Trump out of Washington D.C. in some way.
I’m NOT advocating anything. Just making an observation.
All I personally can and will do is…gloat. If Trump gets as bad as I think he will, I can gloat, gloat, gloat. Of course, if the country collapses into chaos because of Trump, I may be on the lam from ICE death squads. I will note again that we only avoided a civil war because Trump won, now we have to worry about revolution….then civil war.