Fuck MAGA. And fuck you if you support the movement. Having gotten that out of my system, it seems as though the American slide into fascist autocracy was inevitable. Someone *like* Trump was going to rise and the country’s ties to traditional democracy were just too weak.
So, here we are — just about to become a white Christian ethnostate.
I don’t know where that leaves me — probably with an ICE bullet to the back of the head, but lulz, there doesn’t seem to be anything I can do to prevent that. I suppose I can try to flee the country at some point.
Who knows. All I know is I just don’t see us having a free and fair election during my lifetime.
While I do enjoy Bluesky, it seems stuck in 2012. Or, more specifically, it seems like what The WELL would look like had it survived to 2012. My feed on Bluesky is made up — at the moment — of a lot of very droll observations by smug wealthy liberals.
It’s a testament to how Trump has simply worn everyone out that there really isn’t that much “Resistance Bluesky” to be seen. It’s there, but the rage that was seen on Resistance Twitter in 2017 just doesn’t seem around. Which makes you wonder if maybe ultimately we really have just given up when it comes to Trump.
And it seems as though the “protect Trans kids” faction of the Blues is very, very potent on Bluesky. I support the Trans movement, but as the 2024 election showed — oh boy.
But, who knows. Like I said, I do, in general, enjoy Bluesky. I guess I wish it wasn’t quite so inward looking — whatever that means.
The print world of magazines and newspapers continues to retract and it seems as though the final blow will come when AI Agents make the Web moot. Or it could be that I’m not giving Vogue Magazine or The New York Times not enough credit — maybe they will figure out a way to thrive in a world where every Website and App has been replaced by an AI Agent.
It definitely will be interesting to see what happens.
They say you go bankrupt gradually, then all at once and it seems as though when everything is mediated through AI Agents, there may not be an room on the media landscape for print at all.
I hope I’m wrong. I really do. I love newspapers and magazines with all my heart and if I wasn’t such a fucking kook I probably would be an assistant editor at The Richmond Times-Dispatch right now with a wife and 2.5 kids.
I’ve written about this before, but it every day it seems more and more clear that the Web is going to be consumed by AI Agents. And that doesn’t even begin to address how the app economy will implode, too.
It seems at least possible that everyone will have a personal AI Agent that is their sole interlocutor with the outside world. Your Agent will talk to all the other Agents that will now serve once were once the purposes of Websites and Apps.
Take, for instance, Twitter — it seems like a big gimmie that one day Twitter will be replaced by an AI agent that talks to YOUR AI Agent and you will just tell your AI agent what you want to post to whatever comes after Twitter.
Or maybe I’m thinking too small.
Maybe the entire Web and App economy will be consumed by the AI Agent Singularity to the point that something I can’t even imagine will take its place. That definitely seems like a possibility.
It seems as though at some point in the near, near future, AI and robotics developments will synch. Right now, robotics and AI being developed separately as if one is hardware and the other software.
But within a few years, everything will be focused on shoving as much AI into the noggins of androids. Once that link up is established, then, THEN some pretty wild things are going to happen.
That will be the moment when the Holy Grail of AI Robotics will be creating something akin to the “more human than human” Replicants of Blade Runner. That, I think, is going to be the gold standard, the thing we all hear way too much about — “Who is going to come out with the first AGI Replicant?”
Given how fast things are going, I suspect it may be around 2030 when real-life androids look and act like the Replicants of Blade Runner. That is going to bring up a whole host of problems — chief amongst them being: when are we going to start to take android emancipation seriously?
Sometimes, living in oblivion is pretty cool because I can say anything I like an absolutely no one — outside of some stalkers or haters (wink) — give a shit. So, with that in mind, hopefully I can talk about my former celebrity crush Alexa Chung without being pounced on.
A very long time ago now, I was a *little* obsessed with Ms. Chung. But that was a long time ago and I only bring her up because I keep getting pushed her Instagram Reels. This has brought her to the forefront of my mind again.
She definitely my type, even if she’s a bit vacuous. She’s got a really sharp wit, which is very intellectually stimulating. But of late, her “glow” as an “It Girl” seems to have faded significantly with the likes of Emma Chamberlain taking her place.
Anyway. As I mentioned, absolutely no one — outside of the usual suspects — give a shit about me or what I have to say.
So. I’ve moped around long enough. Time to throw myself back into writing. I continue to have a certain level of unease about what is going to happen once Trump crashes into the presidency again, but, lulz, there’s not much I can do about it.
I’m just going to have to accept that his policies might, in some way, directly change my life in a rather dramatic fashion! And no one will give a shit. And I’m just going to have to suffer.
But at least I’m not staring out into space for hours at end like I was for much of the latter half of 2024. I’ve finally begun to roust myself out of my stupor to the point that I’m ready to rock again when it comes to writing.
I hope to do some structural rewrites of the novel I’ve completed by significantly increasing the stakes with an eye towards what the novel’s world might be later on in the series.
Meanwhile, I am also going to work on some scifi novels I have rolling around in my mind. I may — MAY — have found an “editor” — or at least “reader” — to help me out with my writing, which might really help things going forward.
But that is very much up in the air.
I do, however, believe that not-so-gradually, I should — should — start to ramp up my production of copy in the coming days. I hope to get back into my old routine of writing a lot during the course of the day.
I just hope I don’t get so wrapped up with getting published as soon as possible that Bad Things happen…again.
Just like the Reagan Revolution shifted the political center of the United States Right, so, too, has the MAGA Revolution. The United States is far more conservative than it used to be and it probably will only grow more so going forward — probably to a scary degree.
There are a lot of unknowns, however.
The key one being is how successful Trump is going to be in his efforts to consolidate power. My only worry is he is so stupid and lazy that he will try to push the country into autocratic fascism so quickly that people finally — finally — get woke and there is some sort of General Strike or something.
I have my doubts that anything like that is possible.
Americans are just — for better or worse — too complacent. Things would have to get REALLY BAD before the average person would summon up the courage to take the streets or not go into work or whatever. People in the States are just too blasé, which has really helped keep the country stable over the years.
There is a chance, however, that things could get kind of bumpy in 2025 if Trump makes good on some of his more radical policy proposals. And, yet, it could be, lulz, absolutely nothing happens and we slouch into fascism with our eyes wide open.
But let me be clear — I think for marginalized people like the Trans, things are going to get really bad really quick. It doesn’t take too much imagination to see a scenario whereby somehow the Trans get stuck in all these huge camps that Trump is proposing to stick undocumented immigrants into.
I still believe that because of the disruptive nature of Trump’s fascist regime that he will ultimately be responsible for more deaths than the Nazis in WW2 — if you factor in all the simmering hot spots that might go nuclear because he decides to turn away from the outside world.
It seems possible that within a few years AI Agents will reach a point where they know everything about you and they are your main digital interlocutor to the outside world.
This could be interesting should we find ourselves with “Her”-like relationships with AI Agents. Even now, I’ve found LLMs to sometimes be something of a struggle to use because of their quirks.
But imagine if an AI Agent totally consumes your digital interactions to the point that they have control over your algorithms, or whatever. Then, it might be a struggle to get your Agent to, say, let you look at porn or anything else that it deems problematic or toxic.
Who knows. It will be interesting to see how things develop.
It definitely seems as though the US is going to transition into some sort of white Christian ethnostate — one of blood and soil — in just a few days. If we’re lucky, we’ll endup somewhere between Hungary and Turkey politically.
If we’re not lucky, we’ll endup — in a few decades — somewhere around Russia.
Then we’ll have to wait decades for the Singularity to happen so AI Androids and the underclass can make common cause against our fascist autocrat overlords.
But I continue to worry that Trump is so lazy and stupid that he will try to consolidate power in one fell swoop and, as such, there will be an extreme reaction from Blue states. Then Trump uses Red National Guard units against Blue state protests and, ta-da, we’re going to the show.
And if Trump was somehow deposed, or whatever, THAT would cause a civil war because Red States would leave the Union in protest.
I do not think anything so drastic is going to happen, but I do worry about it. Probably what will happen is Trump will either be secure enough that he won’t try to turn us into Russia overnight or it will all happen in fits and starts to the point that lulz, it won’t matter.
We’ll just wake up in 20 years and wonder why Eric Trump is serving his third term.
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